Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 3, 2015

Michoacán A.G. says "El Gallito" is now the leader of Caballeros Templarios

Lucio R. Borderland Beat

In March we posted a post titled “'El Gallito' likely the premier leader of Caballeros Templarios”. Today the Attorney General of Michoacán reports that  Homero Gonzalez Silva, alias " El Gallito " is the likely the succeeding leader of the cartel. 

The previous premier leader of the Templarios,  "Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, " El Chayo " was the uncle of Gallito, (other reports say they are first cousins) who was killed by the Mexican Navy in a 20144 operation.

In a statement released to the press, the Apatzingán ambush of June 16th that caused the death of five civilians and two policemen, was at the hand of Templarios sicarios (hitmen).

In the succeeding investigation of the event, facts were developed indicating Gallitos leadership, and that “Templarios ranches” previously belonging to Chayo now belong to Gallito.  

Two of the properties were confiscated by the government this week in the towns of Los Laureles and El Paso Cucha. (below)

Criminal cells in 28 Michoacán communities, previously led by Chayo, now are identified as being led by “El Gallito”.

The image included in this post was sent to BB with a message that it is El Gallito.  

Since there are no known photos of him, there is no way to confirm it is him.  However, there is a distinct family resemblance.

Here is both men in the photo.  Perhaps someone can identify the man accompanying Gallito.

Ranch belonging to Gallito

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  1. Who sent it? El Americano?

  2. What happened with el pitufu does he still roll with the templarios.

    1. Pitufu is in a fosa along with el broly for sure thank god

  3. Los templarios ya no exsisten es cartel jalisco nueva generacio la cual operan con el nombre templarios para confundir a todos yo se porque soy de michocan

  4. El gallito made mantas saying el chayo was still alive and running the show and were ready to clean michoacan resently

    1. he made that up to take some heat off him

  5. That cup he is holding looks a lot like a urine sample. Lmao

  6. Yea they are going to clean michoacan..robadera, extorcion y que mas

  7. Little Miss tough guy! jejejeje someones bitch for real, what a loser.

  8. ... Lucio, I Have Seen That Foto Last Month Along With 2 Audio Clips Which Were Interesting ... Here Is The Link Below ...

    1. yup. I told chivis the watermark was not big enough but she did not want the foto to be ruined, she did not care if someone took the foto.

      she was sent the original in early March, and doing an "image search" the foto is attributed to BB. How you can tell if it is BBs, she cropped out the other guy in the original foto.

    2. hola.
      I am posting the foto of both gallito and other guy. maybe someone can identify the other person. the original foto has full length of both guys.the sender said gallito is the first cousin of chayo not nephew.

    3. That other guy you see in the pic is from houston, tx. Check his instagram JUNIOR_0106

    4. damn you are good! it is him, same tat ig says "houston-michoacan"
      and the foto as in the post says #youngjefe

    5. Yea i see him often at the clubs and bars out here in houston

    6. he erased his profile cuz its no longer there

    7. he must follow BB. Because I logged on to his IG at 10am after seeing this comments, and couple hrs later I tried to show someone and the ig account was deleted.

      the guy must be high up and he calls gallito in the photo above jefe and young jefe. junior has Rolexes, a new mansion in mich near huetamo he calls his ranch, looks Russian architecture. and he is American in Houston. his name maybe durate.

    8. that is gallito.

      btw the junior dude has photos of goldplated ar15s and super38. Ferrari, plane etc. his house in michoacan is insane.

      he erased all his social media or marked private

    9. Good job dudes

    10. does anyone know his name? Junior's? is the last name Duarte?

    11. i wish people would have screenshot dudes pictures so we could see what it looked like

  9. Remember La Tuta in his voice recording,he wasn't feelin this guy Gallito at all.He wanted other dudes to band up and take what Gallito had,, if remember it correctly?

  10. Shootem all let god sort them out

  11. I heard they are comin back with everything and are now in apatzingan that the viagras ran to uruapan CTGM

  12. Fucking sowing circle in this bitch

  13. If we analize the nick name "el gallito ". Is nothing compared to "El Senor de los Gallos" El Mencho

  14. Fuck mencho he is a fucking rat working for the dea

  15. Pussy toothpick, hasn't got any balls he is not even a man. Nothing but a worm, sissy coward weak yellow worm.

  16. It's gonna get crazier with this gallito trying to eliminate the viagras and cjng. Michiacan is nuts, you gave autodefenzas, cjng, ct, rurales, a bunch of federales and they are all straped to the teeth. If the goverment isn't on your side your going down for sure. Like broly who was spoted in a police car a few times getting a ride from the people who were supost to capture him (the police)

    1. Hollywood is doing a movie about broly..its going to be called " Mr Cool" or " the Cartel Casanova"

  17. I think this guy should be taken serious by cjng he can be a threat I mean his cousin ran ct very well the rancho reacently dismantled where the personal where ambushed and killed I knew it was gallitos people from the start letting government and contras know he still here and he has what it takes to take on a fight with cjng maybe they can use of cds to get plaza back who knows

  18. Wish the marines would hurry and kill all the cartels out . Maybe then some day Mexico could reach its potential as a great country .

  19. Ct seguimos activos apoyados por la perramolacha seguimos al tiro valisss

  20. The marines do it better, for the pay... but there are many more corrupt than honest military...
    --The narcs, like the other outlaws do it for their lives, and little else, guess who is going to win?
    --It is only a matter of time, the weapons the US has been sending to mexico will come to bite them on the ass...

  21. gallito? ni a gallina desplumada llega este corriente

  22. Dicen los del pueblo que el que esta con el mentado gallito es un MARIGUANAZO peso pesado,no le ven los ojos al guey? Pinches ojitos de lagartija,a de fumar pura Indica el perro ese :)

  23. Prefieren seguir jugandose la vida de malandros que trabajar honestamente en otras palabras prefieren morir que trabajar que tan guevon tienes que ser para preferir eso

  24. Soon he will be crying in custody because this is one big coward. Skinny scaredy cat.


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