Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Noose tightens on former Coahuila Governor Humberto Moreira

by Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

Moreira responds to accusations; “Fabrications! Prisoners will say anything in order to gain freedom or benefit his sentence.  The United States has never had an indictment against me for any crime”

What a difference 4 years makes.  When Humberto Moreira resigned from his position of governor of
the Mexican state of Coahuila, he was the shinning and rising star of the PRI party, and on track to become the president of Mexico.

The governor whose motto was "The Government of the People" enjoyed great popularity among his constituents when he resigned office to make a run for the National President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party.  On March 2011, he took over the PRI presidency.  This was to be the stepping stone to the presidency of Mexico. 

In June, 2011 controversy exploded around Moreira as inquiry surfaced regarding previously whispered innuendo, “How did this humble teacher, gain such vast wealth?”

In August, of the same year, was confirmed that apocryphal documentation was issued to get the loans and that he was aware and actively participating when credits were granted to the State using fake documentation (which is a crime in Mexico).

For the PRI party the controversy could not have happened at a more inconvenient time.  The presidential election was in the 2012 crosshairs.  It was little surprise when Moreira stepped down from his position of National PRI President, many suspected a deal was cut with PRI and Moreira to resign the position in exchange for protection against prosecution. 
Lalo's funeral:Lalo's wife, father Humberto, sister, and stepmom Vanessa
Moreira, a man known for his boisterous, egocentric personality, it is doubtful that he did not insist on something sweeter than a bypass of prosecution.  It is not out of the realm of possibility that he was promised at some point to have his reputation restored, so that he may one day reenter politics.  And according to Mexican press there was no evidence linking Moreira in collusion of improprieties.

But, then again with the brother of Moreira, Ruben Moreira being the current governor of Coahuila
what is the likelihood of an investigation?  There was a severe fracture between the once close brothers, in 2012, which rendered the relationship incommunicado.

Even when Humberto’s son, Eduardo “Lalo” Moreira, was murdered by the Zetas Cartel in Acuña in October 2012, Governor Ruben Moreira did not attend the funeral, nor any of his family.  Humberto blamed his brother for the death of his son, pointing out that Ruben had removed Lalo’s bodyguard weeks prior and his armored vehicle.  Ruben left municipal police in charge of protecting his nephew, and it was the municipal police who aided Zetas in the murder.

However, push comes to shove it is almost impossible to think of a situation that Ruben would assist in any investigation against his brother.  And that can be attributed to Evangelina Valdés de Moreira, (left) mother of the Moreira brothers.  The former professor was always at the helm of  family dynamics and would command that her son be protected at all costs.  

And make no mistake, Humberto is her golden child.  She was front and center during his time of governorship, becoming involved in the day to day events, PR and discussing issues with her son.  It is doubtful if Ruben would ever betray his brother by breaking a promise to his mother.

Humberto, his wife Vanessa and their daughters spent time in exile in Spain hoping for the controversy to simmer down.  They leased an ultra luxury  hone in Barcelona, as Humberto earned an economics degree.

After Barcelona the family moved to the up-scale city of Cuernavaca, in the state of Morelos,   reportedly living in a home of friends.  Vanessa gave birth this past year to a son.
WHen Humberto was king, at left brother Ruben, at far right Javier Villarreal

The United States vs Humberto Moreira

What Moreira did not count on, was the long arm of the United States, and their ability to take down his closest colleagues who in turn began providing information in exchange for lighter sentencing.

Among those targeted by the U.S. is former computer salesman turned Coahuila finance chief, Javier Villarreal Hernandez, who after dodging the U.S. government, plead guilty to money laundering charges on Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014. Villarreal (much thinner at left) was accused of using fraudulent information in securing millions of dollars of state credit and offering inflated contracts for kickbacks, and ultimately laundering the money in San Antonio.  San Antonio has been used as a haven for the ultra-rich and shady persons of Coahuila.

Another significant capture by the U.S. was that of Rolando González Treviño, who  was arrested on Oct. 31, 2014, in Las Vegas.   He is the brother of a media mgnate from Coahuila and was facing charges in a wide-ranging probe into money allegedly embezzled from the state later laundered in South Texas especially San Antonio.

On May 27, 2015, González 57-year-old Rolando Gonzalez-Trevino, entered into a plea agreement and plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to transmit stolen monies in interstate and foreign commerce.
Rolando Gonzalez
Appearing before United States Magistrate Judge Henry J. Bemporad, Gonzalez-Trevino admitted he, in concert with others, caused stolen funds to be transmitted to the United States through electronic bank transfers.  Gonzalez-Trevino admitted that these funds were stolen from the State of Coahuila, Mexico. As part of Gonzalez-Trevino’s plea agreement, seized funds in the amount of the transfers and interest will be forfeited to the United States.

The offense to which Gonzalez-Trevino plead guilty carries punishment up to 5 years in federal prison.  

Sentencing is scheduled for 9:30am on September 3, 2015, before United States District Judge Orlando L. Garcia in San Antonio.

Based on events evolving in the case, it would appear that Humberto Moreira, the man Forbes named as one of Mexico’s top 10 most corrupt, is next on the U.S. hit list in the Coahuila money laundering case.

Power attorney, Kent Schaffer, represents Moreira.  The attorney specializing in white collar crime and narcotics crimes, also represents Edgar “La Barbie” Valdez Villarreal.

Humberto's son also named Ruben, posted on his face book account a response from Humberto with respect to growing allegations and Gonzalez' plea deal.
“prisoners will say anything in order to obtain their freedom or a benefit a sentence. There has never existed an indictment of the Government of the United States" against me for any crime. 
After years of persecution, and after winning every battle, the media is still slandering the facts.”

Plea Agreement:

Note: “CC1” in the plea agreement is reported as being Humberto Moreira. Reading the plea agreement with that in mind, makes it much more interesting.

Indictment below

The video  below was sent to BB in early 2011.  Chivis translated the narrative.

 Humberto and Ruben Moreira: The hidden face of corruption

English translation of video:
(0:05 -0:08)
In the State of Coahuila, behind the face of what is supposed to be a social government that helps people 
(0:09 – 0:17)
is a well-armed criminal net of corruption, shadowy businesses and influence peddling; by Humberto and Ruben Moreira, their relatives and unconditional friends.
(0:18 – 0:28)
Thanks to a very serious investigational work, secretly obtained several months ago, it has been discovered the tentacles that form the corruption net, that is headed by Humberto and Ruben Moreira,   through front men - ( Prestanombres 0:30)  that cover and hide sources of illicit enrichment
(0:34 -0:38)
It is  a casualty that the government of Coahuila is in debt for around 20 thousand million pesos.
(0:39 – 0:43)
Much of this money was derived from the honest effort of the people of Coahuila.

(0:44 – 0.55)
The reality is that it has been blatantly destined to enlarge the personal fortune of the Moreira Family and their unconditional friends. These are some of the unconditional friends and partners of the brothers Humberto and Ruben Moreira:
(0.56 – 1:06)
Javier Villarreal Hernandez: Former secretary of finances and actual head of the SATEC (Tributary Administrative System of the State of Coahuila) He is an employee of the Moreira’s.
(1:07 – 1:15)
From his strategic position inside the government of Coahuila, he has become the head of the financial operations of the Moreira net.
(1:16 – 1:18)
Javier Villarreal Hernandez has been very careful that his name doesn’t appear in these transactions.
(1:19 - 1:28)
He does everything in the name of Francisco Javier Flores Valdes, supposedly the nephew of the Moreira brothers and husband of his subordinate Anabell Torres Leza
(1:29 -1:32)
Lorenzo Schuessler Reyes, his wife’s brother in law; Aurora Villarreal Hernandez,
(1:33 – 1:37)
his sister and his father, Hector Javier Villarreal Garcia    (continues next page)

(1:38 – 1:42)
Who have under their names, ownership of  gas stations, car washes and expensive real estate.
(1:43 – 1:50)
Vicente Chairez Yañez: Former Secretary of administration of the State and current Finance Secretary of the Directive Committee of CEN of PRI.
(1:51 – 1:55)
He is the main operator and protector of Humberto and Ruben Moreira’s interests, as well as for their family.
(1:56 – 2:06)
Vicente Chairez Yañez
is a dangerous man that enjoys of the trust, Humberto Moreira, has granted him. He is his lieutenant in dirty businesses and operations with abusing authority and police force use in Coahuila.
(2:07 – 2:10)
Vicente Chairez Yañez is the direct link of all the corruption net
(2:11 – 2:20)
With Ruben Flores, a questionable  attorney of San Antonio, Texas, that according to the proof obtained, he is who is in charge to legitimize and sanitize the operations of the Moreira net in the foreign country. (US)
(2:21 – 2:24)
He is also the personal front man of Humberto Moreira in construction enterprises
(2:25 – 2:28)
and real estate in the city of San Antonio, Texas, such as 
(2:29 – 2:31)
Transnational Construction and Real Estate Co, LLC,
(2:32 – 2:33)
Procon Marketing, LLC and
(2:34 – 2:36)
VICAP Global Investments LLC, among others.
(2:37 – 2:40)
Among the properties, and enterprises that appear under the name Vicente Chairez Yañez
(2:41 – 248)
include a mansion in Bexar County in San Antonio, Texas with a contractual value of more than 700 thousand dollars,
equivalent to approximately 10 million pesos.
(2:50 – 2:55)
attention is drawn to the fact that Vicente Chairez and Roberto Casimiro Gonzalez,
(2:56 – 3:02)
owner of the powerful communication media group RCG of Coahuila and one of the principal
(3:03 – 3:06)
partners and benefactor of the Moreira’s , creating operations out of the country
(3:07 – 3:12)
as front men of Humberto Moreira , Vicente’s wife’s brother in law is  Arnoldo Rivas Duron.
(3:13 – 3:18)
On September 16th, 2009, Vicente Chairez suspiciously, through a questionable transaction became the owner of channel 22 of Piedras Negras,
(3:19 – 3:21)
previously it was  as part of the RCG group and owned by Roberto Gonzalez another front man for Moreira,
(3:22 – 3:31)
furthermore as the enterprise Radio Communication of Saltillo S.A de C.V., that was obtained through Super Medios of Coahuila S.A de C.V. in October of 2009.
(3:32 – 3:35)
Oscar Moreira Flores, uncle of Humberto and Ruben Moreira is the brother of their father:
(3:36 – 3:39)
In 2009, the newspapers El Norte and El Siglo de Torreon
(3:40 – 3 44)
exposed his dirty businesses with a value of over 50 million pesos.
(3:45 – 3:50)
Francisco Xavier Flores Valdes: the nephew of the Moreira brothers and husband of Anabell Torres Leza,
(3:51 – 3:54)
former secretary of Programming and Budget of the State of Coahuila.
(3:55 – 4:01)
Francisco Xavier Flores Valdes amassed an unimaginable fortune for his 26 years of age,
(4:02 – 4:04)
thanks to his unconditional relationship to the Moreira Family.
(4:05 – 4:21)
Numerous signs and evidence place him as one of the principal front men inside the corruption net of the Moreira’s. He is owner, majority shareholder or stockholder of the enterprises and properties that the net possesses in Saltillo. It is estimated that altogether,
These businesses have a value that exceed
(4:23 – 4:24)
1000 million pesos.
(4:25 – 4:39)
His enterprises are favored directly through his wife, Anabell Torres Leza, former secretary of Planning and Budget of the Government of Coahuila or through third parties with acquisitions and millionaire contracts by the State of Coahuila in an illegal covert method.
(4:40 – 4:44)
Some of these enterprises are JP Incorporated S.A de C.V.,
(4:45 – 4:49)
Grupo Inmobiliario e Infraestructura Los Alpes S.A de C.V.  (real estate corporation),
(4:50 – 4:52)
Business Storage Corporation S.A de C.V.
(4:53 – 4:54)
 Servicio El Toreo S. A. de C.V.
(4:55 – 4:56)
and a ranch named Los Mimbres, near Parras, Coahuila.
(4:58 – 5:08)
One of the multiple procurements of Javier Villarreal Hernandez, and operated by Francisco Xavier Flores Valdes, was the acquisition by the State Government through the Secretariat of Finance,
 (5:09 – 5:13)
of the offices of the Governmental storage center in Arteaga Coahuila. This property was deviously purchased
(5:14 – 5:28)
 by the business Storage Corporation S.A de C.V., under the mane of Marco Antonio Martinez Saucedo and Francisco Xavier Flores Gonzalez, partner and father of Francisco Xavier Flores Valdez. The property was acquired with 
(5:29 – 5:40)
15 million 500 thousand pesos, to be sold just 23 days after the purchase in 68 million 400 thousand pesos, 4 times more than the original price.
(5:41 – 5:49)
Lorenzo Schuessler Reyes: Javier Villarreal wife’s brother in law and front man. He is the head of the Tributary Administrative System of the State of Coahuila (SATEC)
(5:50 – 5:58)
 and the principal operator and front  man of Javier Villarreal Hernandez in the purchase of properties and business openings in the state of Texas. The participation of Schuessler Reyes in the Moreira net
(5:59 – 6:05)
consists in acquisitions of properties in different cities of the state of Texas under the name of Schuessler enterprises.
(6:06 – 6:10)
Some of the enterprises under Lorenzo Schuessler Reyes’ name, within a very long list, include
(6:11 – 6:22)
MPV Family Partnership, LLC, Peninsula South Padre 1, LLC, Aero Premio, LLC, Alpes Group, LLC, Barcelona at Stone Oak, LLC, Villa Premio Gas, LLC and IXE Systems, LLC.
(6:28 – 6:38)
Additionally, several properties are registered in the Public Records of Texas, under the names of Lorenzo Schuessler Reyes, and/or his wife Itzel Rotelo of Schuessler, sister in law of Javier Villarreal Hernandez.
(6:39 – 6:51)
Ruben Flores Jr., lawyer of San Antonio, Texas: His law firm is in charge of giving legal representation for the multiple commercial, financial and property transactions that the Moreira net create in the foreign country.
(6:52 – 7:08)
The law firm, The Flores Group, specialized in International Corporative Rights, Tax and Migration Services operating for the Moreira net, and the transactions and operations in the foreign country. The address of The Flores group is 7272 Wurzbach Road Suite 901, San Antonio, Texas.
(7:09 - 7:13)
Rodolfo Camara Ahuja, representative of the Government of Coahuila in McAllen, Texas.
(7:14 – 7:17)
Multiple properties of the Moreira in the foreign country are registered under his name.
(7:18 – 7:33)
In addition to all this net of corruption, illicit businesses and influence peddling, through front  men of Humberto and Ruben Moreira, exists strong evidence that with no doubt show how members of Moreira Valdez Family have acquired
(7:34 – 7:42)
numerous properties and buildings in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila, so blatantly, that without shame they are acquired  under their names
(7:43 – 7:55)
as the compound  that Humberto Moreira possesses  in San Antonio, Texas under the name of his mother in law, Herminia Martinez de la Fuente, with swimming pool, spa and 5 spacious bedrooms with a value of more than 1 million dollars.
(7:56 – 8:11)
This is just a part of the criminal corruption net that head Humberto and Ruben Moreira, and is what they plan to continue doing in Coahuila with Ruben Moreira as Governor

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  1. An amazing amount of information, great work lucio

  2. 35 Billion up there with buffit and gates. Times are tough in Mexico, his family needs the Money. same thing happens in Tamps. Its normal

  3. super article
    very intersting

  4. I dont know what the big deal is here they all steal
    Its never going to stop. Now what would make news is that one of these guys not steal and did the right thing

    1. Your comment is one of the more ignorant ones I have seen on BB and that says much.

      they did not just steal money, they ruined the financial status of the once healthy state and it has not recovered. health, education, infrastructure, commerce etc...

    2. On paper everything sounds and looks good like its on the up and up but go ask the regular people who live in coahuila if there is anything to be recovered or what is the difference between this crook or the one behind him or in front nothing just a different face

    3. El pelon moreIra promptly made laws and got the guauhuila state legislature approve them, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COAHUILA OWNS MOREIRA'S DEBT AND WILL PAY FOR IT. BY LAW...

    4. The news is nobody has stolen that much money from STUPID LENDING INSTITUTIONS SO FAST, WITH FAKE DOCUMENTS...
      --Iceland, a country the size of a coahuila graveyard refused to save failing banks and put those responsible in prison, no bailouts, they are not managed by estupido politicos with amerikkkan weapons...

  5. It's dad when the U.S has to get involved to bring justice bcause the Mexican gov wont do nothing, but ofcourse U.S is getting millions of dollars for a lesser plea agreament

    1. WHY is a fraud, committed in mexico, by mexicans, any business of the US?
      --Did some american banks get defrauded?
      --Because american banks only get defrauded when their directors are in on the fraud, and in on the recovery for the banks, but they never get prosecuted...

  6. Excellent work, Lucio. There have been allegations in several journals that Moreira's stolen money was used to fund EPN's campaign, and that is why he was made national president of the PRI. Of the approximately $3.5 billion dollars that disappeared from Coahuila's treasury, the U.S. federal prosecutor has recovered (for the U.S. treasury, of course) "only" a few million dollars. I'm sure Humberto & Associates have a lot more stashed away in countries that are out of reach of U.S. authorities.

    In Mexico, Humberto remains untouchable. He is close friends with EPN while his brother guards his back at the state level. Allegedly, he came back to Mexico because he was subject to extradition from Spain, but he knows that the EPN government will not give him up to the U.S. once charges are filed.

    I bet that EPN and Moreira discussed making him a purinominal senator, just like they made Romero Deschamps a pluri senator to provide him with immunity from prosecution, but Moreira's vacation in Spain bit him in the ass. The Mexican constitution requires that a candidate must reside for 2 or 3 continuous years (I forget which) in the country to qualify for national office. I think this is the reason EPN did not make him a PRI pluri, because that would have given Humberto much better protection from U.S. prosecutors than he has as a private citizen.

    And, so far, not a peep from the Coahuila Attorney General.

  7. In what state has the worst government and why?

    1. the worst state is gaseous because liquids and solids are easier to hold

    2. The state of Estado de Mexico is the worst, they steal at a national level, there is nothing "local" there, their group atracomulco generates most of the biggest criminals from their puppets in the presidency, military and police are owned by them, and they also control all the criminal delegates to and from the states, with past and present governors as godfathers...

  8. Fukn rats man. Bunch of dirty scumbags who need to be thrown in jail with the zetas and antrax at the same time.

  9. Pigs, all of them. Doubtful that Mexico will grant an extradition.

  10. same attorney as la Barbie? how appropriate

  11. thats why people like donald trump should be rulers, they already rich and dont have to rob the people....that fucking iguala mayor was a broken huarache repairman before he was mayor and before he got rich

    1. Trump has robbed alot of people. He has put small contractors out of business by not paying them for money he owes for his developements.

    2. Donald trump robs everyday he has coin machines that is antimoral.

    3. Yeah, Rich assholes don't care about getting more and more money.


    4. why MEXICO does not have space shuttle? or big scientists? because they are good traders, while others study or get ingineering tittles Mexicans already have traded it. Look at this wonderful Mexicans, they own alot!!

    5. Big mouth is only a billionaire on paper, he owes it all, his creditors support him because if he falls they fall, kiss his ass if you need to, but make sure you get paid first...

    6. 6:13 trading where you make 1% of the deal against the other side's 99% sucks...
      The mexican governing narco-mierdocracia is full of malinchistas who still believe in the superiority of their foreign partners, since the time of la malinche and the spaniards until today, only CUITLAHUAC SAW THEM FOR THE HORSES ASSES THEY WERE, BUT TOO LATE, THE SMALLPOX THE SPANIARDS BROUGHT KILLED HIM REAL QUICK...

    7. obvioulsly you don,t lnow anything about Mexican traders, see Carlos slim, trading against trump, or see Mexican Goverment hiring services from nasa and Rusia, see this pigs from Cartels making deals from Colombia trhrogh Mexico pushing the dope to Usa. And i am not talking about chapo or zetas, I am talking to the ones who makes deal with your goverment and its agencies like dea or ice.

    8. "Donald Trump es un estupido" carlos slim helu, worth, 80 billion dollars...
      --Donald trump, worth 3 billion dollars, owes 7 billion dollars to creditors
      --Bill gates, worth 50/60 billion dollars plus 35 billions Warren buffet gave to the gates foundation to increase profit and tax evasion...
      --the big de Rothschild $500 000 000 000 000.00 (trillion) dollars worth, but he can't buy bubble gum, he'd rather buy the whole factory

  12. There is never enough money for greedy rich people. Scum like these should be punish as the people that sell secrets to other countries. In other words as traitors , for stealing money from the people and barcos should be bombed like the isis low lifes.

    1. According to Mike Levine's "the Big White Lie", you would have to take the bombing to the US government officials that owns drug, weapons, oil and human trafficking, and then to their gorillas, trained by the nazis in torture, money laundering and disappearances in their "schools of the americas" franchises, since the 50's...and before...

  13. For all the hatred and complaining about the US and people,where is Mexico in all this?
    Why is it the hated US who is investigating these people?Are they not Mexican citizens who have homes and live in Mexico?Or is the US doing it for conspiratorial reasons?
    What is Mexico doing about these people?

    1. The US will confiscate all their money they find, that is why the US get in on it...
      --miguel angel osorio chong, another zeta governor, now secretary of state may get to be president of mexico now that peña nieto is said to be dying of cancer in el yoyo, and he will surely get bertie boy moreira out of the way ASAP...
      --make way for the mexican fumanchu dynasty of Genghis Chong. ..

    2. 7:18 you know perfectly, given your illustrated pendejismo that the powers that be have the last word, and mexico has many corrupt lambehuevos who do as told as long as possible, with the powerful weaponry they get given, but the powerless can do nothing but escape or stay down...
      --I hope you like the answer as much as I enjoyed your question...

  14. I have a little question for you BB, was Humberto Moreira really a good friend of zetas cartel? if that is a yess, then what brought a rupture??.

    1. Osorio chong got z40's niece killed, and blamed the government's moreira, z3 got lalito moreira killed with police help, for z40, and the moreiros got gates and kicked out of osorio chong's way at the shade of peña nieto, presidente zeta until he went on to godfather of las Lomas Cartel...

    2. yes.
      he lost power

  15. Heart wrenching photo. Can't help but feel empathy.
    The daughter is looking up at him like in a 1500's painting. Sad photo.
    Stupid uncle. They look like a decent family. They are all stealing so why shouldn't he!

  16. Interesting is the understatement. CC1 being Moreira in the plea agreement

  17. The stolen $$$ will be forfeited to the US Gvt!

    1. Better the US gov. Takes all they can than the money forfeited gets laundered by blessings of the LDS cherch elders, they have laundered and offshored more than enough billions od dollars from dubious procedence, well, not so dubious...


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