Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, July 3, 2015

PGR withdraws case, Dr. Mireles may be free in 72 hours

by Lucio R. Borderland Beat

We Have Been down this path before, but as Reported by BB Previously it was highly doubtful Dr, Manuel Mireles would be released from prison any time before the elections.

The elections Have Concluded, and PGR called an emergency meeting today Moncado With Daniel, of the Citizens Movement of Michoacan, and Virgina Mireles, sister of Dr. Mireles, to advise them That They Have withdrawn the application for review of amparo.  

This clears the way for the release of Dr. Mireles, former Spokesman of the leader and council self-defense of Michoacan, WHO has-been imprisoned in the maximum security federal prison in Hermosillo Sonora since June 2014.

Arley Gomez, head of PGR, made the decision of withdrawal.

Now it is in the hands of federal judge the WHO issues the arrest warrant. The judge has 72 hours to reconfirm imprisonment or revoke that order and order the release of Dr, Mireles.

Virginia brothers Mireles has-been her greatest advocate in the fight for His freedom, in a case That was surrounded in controversy and Suspected of Being created on false charges, stemming from a personal vendetta by the then security chief Michoacan Alfredo Castillo.

Two months ago Castillo That made the preposterous allegation Dr Mireles' intent was to "Control Mexico and all of Latin America."

Virginia has reported almost of Dr. Mireles declining health, saying I is now confined to a wheelchair, to RESULTING from  a  spinal  injury sustained in prison That Has not Been medically addressed.

It Should be NOTED That Nestora Salgado, another person Considered a  political  prisoner,  was to be released in September Also from prison Which ended  badly , With Being imposed new charges against her for murder

        PGR's Arely Gomez at left, Virginia "Vicky" Mireles right

In a telephone interview With Quadratin, Hipolito Mora, founder of the Autodefensas Michoacan Stated; "Finally justice is served, for a man always innocent and Who Was That They (government) Were Never Able to Establish the crimes Accused Of which I was."

Mora commented after the Attorney General's Office called for the release of Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles.

"I have always maintained Dr. Mireles That was a stone in the shoe of Alfredo Castillo, Because He did not submit to His actions," I Said.

That is not exactly how esta reporter recalls history, but it Appears Once Again Mora is now supportive of Doc Mireles.

With Vicky Mireles Hipolito Mora

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  1. waiting to exhale!

  2. So they say. They said this shit before and kept the Doc locked up.

  3. Mireles y sus 3 escoltas serán puestos en libertad!

  4. If they set him free I think it would be a bad idea going back to michoacan

    1. Why? You gonna wait for him and cause problems? He can handle himself quite well if you have not noticed, he has no fear.

    2. I'm sure he meant bad considering so many haters are against him. The good old Dr. makes them feel ashamed because of their ignorant actions. May god always bless el señore Mireles

  5. Hey BB you beat most of the media on this story!
    lets hope his health can be restored.

  6. Excelente noticias al fin en libertad , Sr Mireles que por luchar por

  7. ... Maybe It Was Best For Him To Have Been Locked Up On Prison As He Is Alive ... Not In Good Health, But Alive ... If He Would Have Run For A Government Position, He Would Have Been Killed Like The Other Politicians Who Have Recently Been Killed ...

  8. I love this part: Virginia said in an interview that A.G. Gómez made the decision after visiting Michoacán and seeing how bad Virrey Castillo left things there.

    1. AG Arely Gomez can't do much shit, she hangs on peña nieto's coat tails, she is the same as el Castillo de cagada, just playing good cop now to massage the michuacas sore arses...
      --it is like saying thankiu to your rapist just because he is done, while he plans to come back...

  9. He is a broken man. ("confined to a wheelchair, resulting from a a spinal injury sustained in prison")

    Why such things don't happen to cartel bosses in jail ?
    All they complain is their diet.

    1. Wait what spinal injury tell us more

    2. What his sister said was that he suffered a fall and no one came to assist him for almost 2 days. He is need of surgeries to stabilize the spine.

    3. He slipped walking down some stairs in the prison. He fell on his back on the stairs. That can really mess up your back.

  10. No punishment for imprisonment under false pretenses, on fabricated charges or for torturing.
    I find it offensive that the doctor's sister is so happy in the foot with arely gomez of the pgr...
    --other news is about "peña nieto tiene cancer" y se le esta pudriendo el yoyo...
    --los Reyes de España visitan zacatecas, con peña nieto y la guilota, gobernador MAR desesperadamente trato de salir en las fotos hasta que les llegó por atras a sus excellencias magnificentes que posaron para la foto, pero de pura caridad...
    -- mientras la gente revoltosa que protestaba en la puta Calle fue reprimida por el ejercito, la marina, Guardias presidenciales, policia federal, estatal y municipal y mando unico no helicopteros, por razors de fuerzas mayor'n

  11. You guys should put the article about the narco tombstones in culiacan with air condition wifi

    1. Beto Quintanilla, el mero lion del corrido wanted to be planted in his final resting place "con su troca... nomas pa' que van que la tierra no se trago cualquier cosa"
      --If someone gets estereos, sound and their whole residence on top of their tomb so what? They are not harming anyone, except for some stingy asses full of envy that can't mind their own business...
      --if you mind so much, leave the dead alone and take on the biggest of the living criminals, and take all they own...

  12. About efing time hope he get well best wishes to the doc

  13. because they tortured him

  14. A true polirical prisoner!! I swear Michoacanos are extreamly brave, seen it in cali and in phoenix! El plebe

  15. Free Dr. Mireles and in his place put that lying, thieving, murdering, hijo de puta Alfredo Castillo!!! That man did as much damage to the people of Michoacan as the Templarios, el Profe and the governors. Better yet, after Dr. Mireles is freed and he is home, bring Castillo back to Michoacan, hang him up like a pinata and let the people celebrate the good Dr's release by whacking a no good maricon.

  16. This man could be more powerful than any leader Mexico has ever seen in history. If I were a Mexican official I would be scared...Very scared. Just imagine a man in Mexico wanting to lead the country with no monetary reward.

  17. How do the people of Mexico stand for such transparent corruption?

  18. ... meaning 'they' are going to solve the Dr. Mireles-problem by bumping him off.

  19. His freedom is still questionable in my eyes, even outside of prison. The Doctor is no longer able to help Michoacán, and Michoacán is in no way able to help itself.

    The degradation of this man was well planned and perfectly executed. If he does not pass via natural causes, I believe it will be by some meth addict "sicario".


  20. I was talking withe a group of older successful Mexican gentlemen yesterday. Some from other parts of Mexico, and all of them very intelligent and witty even with their feeble frames brought on by age. But still incredibly healthy and able to get around for men in their 80s. Amazingly all of them were paying extortion and some to two groups. I asked them if it was Narco groups that were extorting them and they said it was not, but rather criminal cells.

    Everyone of these men said there will be a revolution in the near future. They agreed it would put Mexicans in turmoil, hurt the USA financially and as well the people of Mexico for some time. They said you would see many Americans and people with money head North and across the border into the USA in the event there is a revolution.

    I am wondering if I will live long enough to see that happen, as I too am getting along in age. Something needs to be done. Because the status quo will not last forever and things will boil over at sometime. Maybe Dr. Mireles will lead a revolution or lead Mexico out of corruption. I still thing he has a chance to Make a difference and become a notable Mexican citizen that will be remembered like Pancho Villa.

  21. It may have been planed and executed, but not perfectly, everybody knows the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia and it's "authorities" are full of shit, and there are more cases where they have fucked up, AND ABOUT 500 MORE AUTODEFENSAS IN PRISON THAT HAVE NOT BEEN PROVEN GUILTY OF ANYTHING, PLUS THE THOUSANDS OF DISAPPEARED...

  22. ¿Porque el hijo de puta castllo is still breathing? El PRI tiene preocupues Mireles will gana eleciones. I do not have belief they will let him live. Vamos a ver.

    1. Dr Mireles said it loud and clear, he was not looking for political office, anywhere.
      --Why keep saying he would win and get elected?
      He said there would be more competent people to govern than him, he is just a doctor,
      --That may lead to some people voting for the Virgin of guadalupe...

  23. Hipólito today said he is seriously considering rejoining the autodefensas in Michoacán. He said he has no choice since nothing has changed from 2013 when he and Dr. Mireles first started the movement.

    1. Hipolito quieren que le pongan otra chinga...
      --If the american people knew what is going on, they would get their government to stop fucking around not just in mexico, but all over the world...
      --the only people who can help is al-Jazeera or Russia Today, because the rest of the TV and radio and print is on the take, even John Kerry (and obama) complains about those rogues making it difficult to carry on with amerikkka's exceptional bullshit...

  24. Hopefully he comes out before his movie premiers called "Cartel Land". I just seen the trailer and it tells the true story about Mexico cartel war. I guess this is the only way Americans will see the truth if it's made into a movie. Que ISIS y que la chingada the fucking war is across the border. I hope sorry ass Donald Trump watches this so he can see the good the Mexicans citizens are trying to do for there country. Ariba Dr. Mireles!!!

  25. Wtf! The PRI actually released a political prisoner. That is unheard of. This is the same government that released Rafa Caro Quintero. This is a step in the right direction for Mexico. Then again it might be easier to attempt on Dr. Mireles's life outside of prison, or perhaps not. What is clear is he has a better chance of getting proper medical care outside of prison than inside. You damn right he is a threat to both organized crime and corrupt authorities, and could possibly lead an AD uprising within all Mexico, and perhaps the rest of Latin America. He was cleaning-up Michoacan's Tierra Caliente. The release of Dr. Mireles will make things interesting in Mexico. Alias El Viejon ¡Animo!

  26. Mireles no es doctor es revolucionario chinge su madre el puto gobierno

  27. El Universal reported this today:

    The Former autodefensa group spokesman was one of the first to point out that the former acting governor of Michoacán, Jesus Reyna Garcia, was part of the caballeros Templarios and his wife was the sister of the wife of Servando Gomez La Tuta.

  28. And they wonder why people don't want to live in god forsaken Mexico.

  29. Any bets they find a gliche, n they keep locked up?? Who wants to bet?


  30. I see Mora has finally opened up and talking the truth of Castillo and accuses him of Being in collusion. Also I remember the Mora history Being Different With respect to Dr. Mireles I do not trust him

    1. --Hipolito Mora chose to believe one more time, he has paid with his son's life...
      --For his troubles, hipolito mora has to see the murderer of his son walk around free...
      --Dr Mireles respects hipolito, whose worst offense was to say "que me perdone el doctor mireles, pero yo no me pelo", nothing to get hang about...

  31. Wait, watch...and hope for the best.

  32. The lawyer is now saying released in 4 - 20 days?!

  33. ☆☆☆☆☆ GENERAL DE GENERALES☆☆☆☆☆


    Hopefully he come out of jail soon

  34. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

  35. Will they really ever release him ? With a little help from Hollywood he could be the next elected president of Mexico . It don't take a big imagination to see this and the powers that be know this

  36. Ummm...its been more than 72 hours....

  37. That's Alfredo Castillo? I saw his pussy face on Cartel Land. Tiene cara de mierda corrupto. We love Dr. Mireles! Hope he gets well soon!

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