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Monday, August 3, 2015

Another narco tunnel found in Tijuana

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

UPDATED 8/2/15 With information from Zetatijuana

[ Subject Matter: Narco Tunnels, Tijuana, Baja California
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Elements of the Secretary for National Defence discovered a narco tunnel in immediate vicinity of Garita Comercial de Otay.

Reporter: Bernardo Cisneros

Elements of the Secretary for National Defence discovered a narco tunnel that connect Mexico to the United States, there were alerted to its presence by an anonymous complaint that informed them that in the interior of the building was a subterranean passage.

The Winery containing the tunnel is in Calle Fray Jose Manuel Salvatierra, in the Nueva Tijuana Colonia, in the Otay Centenario delegation. The Military elements confirmed that the anonymous complaint they received about the narco tunnel was verified as true, said the competent Authorities

They solicited a Judge of the District for a search warrant for the Winery, with the intent to make the necessary investigations to establish who ordered the construction, and up till now they don't know if it was constructed by engineers that work for Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loera.

The primary investigation have established that the narco tunnel discovered was used to introduce drugs into the United States.

The Winery, allegedly dedicated to the exporting and importing of diverse illegal goods, with the company name "Hega", remained guarded by soldiers of the Mexican army, on the same street other Wineries are located.

It should be noted that this the the third narco tunnel discovered in the City of Tijuana, Baja California, so far in 2015.

Original article in Spanish at Milenio 

It appears that the tunnel itself had not been completed, with an entrance on the American side.

Zeta Tijuana have a video and more pictures , please see below

Thanks to Soliado from the BB forum for the update on the tunnel information.

Original articles in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. 3 down a shitload more to go

  2. Everybody knows that the majority of wineries in Valle De Gaudelupe, near Ensenada is backed by drug money. One can tell just by the amount of money put into the area, versus actual winery sales/business. And Honestly, this is one of the better ways the Narcos invest their money. Sorry, I am just trying to give an unbiased opinion.

    1. bad translation. these were bodegas - warehouses - not wineries. in spain the common use of the word bodega is a place you buy wine. so put aside wine and think warehouse or storage.




  6. With all these tunnels if there's a large earthquake, I could only imagine Tijuana the next Grand Canyon. .

    1. Sink holes without an earthquake?

  7. Mexico's very own Bin Ladens.

  8. Making a lot of money without any visible business that produces it is a sign, of course...
    --england, is a very rich country, and has made lot of bunches and bunches of trillions and trillions worth of money, colonies or no colonies, because of drug trafficking, according to books like The Opium Wars, and DOPE INC... also the US, and the Global Vulture Capitalists, now trying to pass their TPP treaties in Congress without "allowing" the lawmakers one day at least to read the "treaties", because they have bought the lawmakers, just like the moreiras, but on the US?
    --If they keep closing the tunnels, the drug trafficking will have to re-open Air America and move it in on aigroplanos again, and lose the mask of pious decent anti-narcotics mofos...

  9. Otis, according to a report on AOL, this particular drug tunnel was not yet finished and had not made its way into the U.S. I don't know if your source states something different but here is the website address for the video where I obtained the information that it was not yet completed.
    I apologize that I cannot actually post a direct link for you to the story.

  10. 6 of one, half dozen of another--the going rate on Mexican narco tunnels is 3 cents apiece...Thanks for the good translation, but this article reads like the work of embedded journalists--all show and no substance! Peace out...

    1. 6:40 Like "they" gonna dig three hundred feet, metros, yardas, and lose the property just to make a make believe report... 'brase visto mas pendejo...

    2. @12:26. Like, yeah! Lo mas pendejo que voz has visto? Hay una manada de pendejadas mas pendejos out there when it comes to speculating on the subject of Chapo's exit from Altiplano. The tunnel theory is the least likely method, despite media spin to the contrary.

  11. Can anyone give an update on CNGJ? Chivis, how big of a cartel are they? And are they associated with the Sinaloa or any other Capos?

    1. Cjng are allied with remnants of afo now ctng.Cjng left Cds


  12. Should be said for both.. Even american winaries are in the business as its a great way to Wash the dinero both Mexican and gringos. Know as a friend has bought thousands of acers due to the investment

  13. My idea of "better way" is winter clothing for ninos regionales. Prison Altiplano has a ground penetrating radar. But el EUA can not use another on tierra del norte to find these tuneles? This is crazy.

  14. @ 8:07 A.M.

    Absolutely, winery's have always been a way to launder money and/or evade taxes. Not just Mexico but in every part of the world.

  15. There has always been a saying; " If you want to make a $1,000,000 in the wine business start with $2,000,000."

  16. But winos are not allowed on many US cities, they keep getting arrested for being winos, on the street, maybe they are supposed to drink more at home, or the special forces are trying to steer the business to the grifa pushers, grifa needs no bottling or tax reporting...

  17. When does America dedicate a seal team to eliminating Mexican narco threats!?
    Of course they won't as drug trafficking creates jobs and keeps the underclass druged-out and fighting amongst themselves, rendering them politically neutered!
    33rd street hates 34th street and 35 th street hates 38th street....perfect!

    1. it's all about the money that gets handed to everyone, including the Government

  18. Looks like somebody failed to make their payment to EPN's people.

  19. Legalization is the game changer.. Go 4 It!

    1. Legalization is the pusher's pipe dream, they think it is their ticket to impunity and freedom to lotto...NOT!

    2. BS! Legalization is the pusherman's nightnare since it kills his cash-cow. Legal retailers and sales taxes could create value added revenue for public works i.e. infrastructure, (schools, healthcare, public transit, roads, etc.). Addiction isn't a law and order issue, it's a public health problem affecting individuals, towns and cities across the world. Throwing people in jail for a drug habit is both inhumane and stupid. Spread the wealth! Get smart--legalize...

  20. The post said that the tunnel is being guarded by soldiers on the mex side. Then further down it says it was incomplete with an entrance on the US side. Which one is it?

    1. does it matter? it got stopped.

  21. Legalize and Mexican dope will always be cheaper than legal dope. Absolutely zero gained and another 10,000 dead from traffic accidents. Not really too smart of a decision

  22. attn admin krgv reported first journalist killed in mexico city. ruben espinosa murdered.

    1. krgv may have reported ruben espinoza's murder first, but he is not the first reporter murdered in Mexico City, Mexico DF, Mexico state, or the Mexican Republic...
      Mexicans abusing their journalistic freedoms have always paid with their asses, from the Aquiles Serdan and the Flores Magon, murdered in US prisons for the mexican governing mierdocracias of their times to miutt to espinoza...

  23.'re an idiot. So if weed becomes legal do you think that these guys will get honest jobs and become upstanding citizens? Of course not, they'll simple switch to harder drugs, extortion, kidnapping and theft. Legalizing weed would be devastating for Mexican citizens b/c it would push traffickers into other criminal activity and have a much worse impact on everyday citizens. Legal weed requires taxes to be paid, therefore a black market will always exist.

  24. --Legalize the extermination of the pusher and the drug lord, that will make them run and hide...
    --Legalization will have them running after more Junior High customers, only legally, and nobody likes to persecute young dumb dopes, even if they are also murdering gangsters like those extorting society by pushing legalization from prison right now, and still pushing drugs from prison...

  25. I would be down with legalization BUT I bet kidnapping in mexishit would skyrocket as a way to make money.

  26. Hijacking elections, and making it legal, has mexicans battling the legalization of privatization of stolen and to be stolen state owned property, against the evil prophets and sold out judases the US elected for the mexicans...
    --even with voting ballots printed and filled in texas and supported with US weapons for the mexican US trained gorillas...
    -- it is not theirs to sell or there for them to steal...

  27. The US was founded as a smuggling nation. American ships in colonial times tried to run rum to the American colonies without paying British taxes. They funded much of what would represent the colonial navy. Times haven't changed much. Americans are all about protecting their wealth, and it makes me laugh that they want to spend millions of dollars on walls, fences, drones, Border Patrol. But, I haven't heard how they expect to build a wall underground.


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