Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 6, 2015

CNN Reports That a Journalist Obtained Documents That Show Mx. Government Omitted a Few Very Pertinent Facts in its Account of Chapos Escape

Borderland Beat posted by DD Republished from CNN

 Journalist Anabel Hernandez says the Mexican government could have prevented escape


Clues that Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was plotting a prison break were seemingly all around, but Mexican officials chose not to act, according to a leading investigative reporter.

Documents from the investigative files obtained by journalist Anabel Hernandez suggest that contrary to the government's claims, the drug lord's escape shouldn't have been a surprise.

Guzman's July 11 breakout from a maximum-security prison rekindled the drug lord's reputation as the most powerful of the bad guys.

A tunnel with lights and ventilation that led to his cell, a modified motorcycle and, according to authorities, no forewarning of the plot left many incredulous.

Now, Hernandez, a reporter for the newsweekly Proceso, says that the disbelief is not about a brazen escape, but of incompetence or collusion by prison guards. 

In an interview Tuesday on CNN en Español's "Conclusiones," Hernandez accused the Mexican government of omitting key pieces of information to the public in the aftermath of the escape. 

 Hernandez obtained documents from the ongoing investigation that suggest there were warning signs aplenty of a pending escape attempt.

The government allegedly had information as far back as March that Guzman's people were looking for blueprints of the prison, Hernandez said the documents show. Prisoners told investigators that they complained to prison officials about "excessive noise" that sounded like construction two weeks before the escape, Hernandez said.

And a clip of surveillance video released by the government to show the moment Guzman walked into the shower in his cell and never reappeared isn't the full story, the investigative report said.
According to the documents, the surveillance video had audio where the banging of metal against concrete can be heard, Hernandez said. 

"Instead of doing something about it and prevent the escape, the government just let him go," Hernandez said.

Mexican federal officials confirmed to CNN en Español that the information contained in the documents matches official prosecutor investigative files.

The sources cautioned, however, that the documents are simply a collection of the interrogations and that prosecutors and eventually, a judge, will have to draw conclusions from the testimonies. 

Hernandez shared seven pages with CNN en Español  (click link to read the documents in Spanish)  out of the dozens of documents she obtained.

She described the documents as interviews between investigators and prison inmates, guards and other witnesses.

Mexico's federal attorney general's office declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

 In a news conference following Guzman's escape, the head of Mexico's National Security Commission released the surveillance video of inside the drug lord's cell and said that without audio there was nothing to tip off guards to the escape.

"Now these documents show that that wasn't true, that the government hid the audio of that video because, of course, the audio of that video proves that the government has enough information minutes before the escape and didn't want to stop El Chapo," Hernandez said.

A Mexican federal official with knowledge of the investigation told CNN en Español that cameras such as the ones monitoring Guzman's cell are equipped with microphones, and that additional microphones are added with a prisoner of his stature.
The presence of audio raises questions about why an alarm was not sounded earlier, Hernandez said. The alert of Guzman's escape was not initiated until 43 minutes after there were no signs of movement in his cell.
It's unclear whether any surveillance system captured the noise the prisoners said they heard.

 It's likely the Sinaloa cartel had spent years infiltrating the country's prison system, a Mexican official told CNN. Whoever helped in the plot likely had the architectural plans for the prison that pointed them toward the shower area, the official said.

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  1. This goes to show one thing. IT"S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!! Every single God damn thing we do about MONEY!! Nothing else matters but MONEY!!

    1. You know, that rings true for most places. USA enjoys it's own level of corruption, and wherever poverty and corruption are an issue, the less virtuous traits of human nature emerge. Until our countries have selfless leadership like that of President Mandela, our world will continue to struggle against the worst of human nature.

    2. In this life right now that is true..
      Money comes between families,friends,relations,the kind of money Guzman controls can buy anyone,absolutely anyone?

  2. Really?????? Mexico is the most corrupt country in the world. What did you expect?

    1. Most corrupt country is the USA! They just know how to hide it better

    2. Then why doesn't Mexico hide it better then?

    3. Nope, Mexico owns this one. If rhemUS were worse, immigrants would go South toward Argentina.

      Criminals in the US go to jail ... and they stay there, including politicians. In Mexico, everyone is for sale and absolutely no one can be trusted.

    4. You hit the nail on the head


    5. America may be corrupt, but there's no way it holds a candle to Mexico's corruption.

      In America, the crooked politicians walk free, while the violent criminals go to jail.

      In Mexico, the crooked politicians walk free, AND the violent criminals walk free!!

    6. The USA is much worse and responsible for so many more death than any of these goverment officials that simply look away. It's unconparable. Mexico's corruption is really bad and out in the open. Had a journalist exposed the government like this in the US, you would get a bradley/chelsea manning that not a form of corruption?

    7. 4;01;Bravo very well put.

    8. I beg to differ 11:37. Mexico's display of corruption in the media is like watching the Three Stooges on TV. You have Larry, Moe and Curly slapping each other and poking each other's eyes while the whole world laughs. Hell Mexico might actually be better off with Chapo being elected president. At least he knows how to make money for the country and you know exactly what you will get with him. I am ready to puke at the mere thought of it though. Honestly who really cares which country or government is the most corrupt. What does matter to me is that I live in a country where I have more rights and opportunities than 99% of the rest of the world. Can the citizens of Mexico say the same? Haters gonna hater it's human nature. As Chris Browb once said "I don't see how you can hate outside of the club, you can't even get in".

    9. You are wrong Anonymous @11:37....Yes, the US has plenty of corruption, but murders and crime don't go unpunished like in Mexico. That is the difference. Over 90% of crimes in Mexico are never prosecuted. Political favors, white collar crime, etc is rampant in the U.S. But violent crime??? No!..... IMPUNITY.....please learn that word....

    10. Wow! Lots of folks in here suffering from 'anti-America derangement syndrome'. The U.S. more corrupt than MX? Yeah right! Here's a question for you: If the U.S. is more corrupt, how come no one has escaped yet from Florence ADX prison? Lots of drug lords sitting in there for life. If Chapo had been extradited to the U.S. he would be sitting in Florence ADX right now, and no amount of money would have caused those guards to turn a blind eye to a tunnel being dug beneath their feet.

    11. @4:01 thats what she said!

  3. The devils biggest accmploshment is to make you beleive he does not exist.

    1. That his biggest accomplishment? Well he is did a damn good job.

    2. That is if u are into religion and believe in heaven and hell. To those who don't, don't give a damn what they do. It's all about money and then you die, and then it's all over.

    3. The devil is fabrication, this shit is real, tell you what if you're religious get your ad or if here.

    4. Damn this seriously has to be the best comment I have seen on here. Not joking so well said n perfectly put. USA=DEVIL

    5. His first and biggest accomplishment was tempting Eve.

    6. 8:45 I think EVE TEMPTED THE DEVIL, women always have a plan or another, and no little devil will get on their way unless they say so...
      --also the devil always wants to have you think the devil is the other guy while the other guy thinks it is all good with the devil and there is no problem there there...

    7. Thats what she said and you del for it now your paying child support bye bye mercedees!

    8. I seen the promised land on BB it was the devil herself, they call her chivis...♡♡♡

    9. leave the lady alone little ferret!

  4. IMHO this article is S E N S A T I O N A L !!!

  5. Money talks, Chapo walks!... who understands mexicans? How better off would mexico have been if the Arellanos, Zetas, Juarez or templarios would've taken power? Keep in mind these are the people that raped, killed, kidnapped, extortioned and overall terrorized the streets of the plazas they held/hold. If you visit sinaloa, you can see the fruits of the narcos labor. Chapo and his people create jobs for everyone and reinvest the drug money back into their communities more then the mexican government and any of it's past governments have and ever will. That's why the majority of Sinaloans praise and protect him so much. Can you blame them?

    1. Lmao. Have you ever been to Sinaloa? There is no middle class. These "jobs" dont exist. And that's on purpose. Cartel de Sinaloa makes sure the poor stay poor. That's their recruitment and soldiers. Your either really rich or real poor. Quit nut hugging. Quit lying to yourself and refilling everyone's head with more bullshit.

    2. i live here and beleive me somehow money tends to flow more, if drugs go up north then money to mexico people spent money here in mexico, so it does brings money , what about money laundering?? people eat, travel and like to spend money, if none of this happens then theres less money, somehow when chapo capture i did felt less money flow and a few things that wasnt supposed to happen as there are rules wich no one can brake, if you do you going down.

    3. I have family there, there is a middle class. Jobs exist in the tourist industry in Mazatlan. Culiacan is different and much more influenced by Chapo, so Sinaloa is not on a whole as you describe. And yes, MOST love Chapo because he is the one who has kept the thieves and petty crime clearly you have no clue about Sinaloa at all.

  6. I'd be scared to speak out against the government being a reporter, if I found any info on this I'd just keep it to myself out of fear

    1. Hernandez has had a price on her head for years.....she can say whatever she wants

    2. many wich are lies , all or the reporters lie.

    3. Compare any lies and incorrect statements anabel hernandez has ever made, including smearing Dr Mireles, with the mess she did naming genaro garcia luna as the kidnapper for ransom, extortionist, murderer and protector of drug traffickers for all his motherfucking life, and then naming his accomplices, helpers, patrons, associates and enablers, and anabel wins on all fronts...
      --do not be for or against her, think and research for yerself, before you make up your mind, and then be ready to change it because, shit happens...

    4. If you lie as a reporter you get to live!if you say the truth ay pobresito its over!

  7. So they jack-hammered a large hole through a four-inch-thick concrete floor in a maximum security prison and no-one but the other prisoners heard anything? Get off it! We don't need Anabel Hernandez or CNN to know that's bullshit!

    1. They worked underground, not inside a steel tank or a brass bell al aire libre...
      --sound travels different underground, and they cut carefully to get the square of concrete thin and out in one piece, they did not dynamite or air hammered their way in, 'base visto mas pendejos valeee!!!

  8. Chapo did not perform magic. The government probably made this escape possible. I mean if you look at it 43 people have disappeared into thin air. A 7 million dollar mansion scandal disappeared as fast hit the papers. Not one magician in the world can compare with the magic the Mexican government can whip up.

  9. Inmates asking guards what is that noise?
    Guards respond our 401k retiement portfolio being built

  10. Only god is on top of el chapo guzman after that his el rey de la droga the king of the drugs how can a poor man whit no education become one of the most powerful man in earth and the most wanted ? The answer is sinaloa , mexico

    1. Straight stupid this one 👆. Your gonna compare a drug king pin with a group that has killed more people than American cops to god?

    2. El Gran Señor Don El Chapo does not steal from the real owners of the drug trade, not money and not merchandise, that is why he and el mayo stay in power on their empire, with help from el Azul and 5he favour.of God, nobody says god is second, but el chapo has jefes, and they know who steals from them...

  11. First, it's CNN. Secondly, this "bit" conviently complements the DEA Chief's statement earlier, today, that the US didn't have any accountable intelligence on Chapo's plans to escape, but he does believe Chapo left prison by tunnel. The official story from both sides of the border amounts to a "Who knew?" and "It's all the other guy's fault." Either, they're all just plain stupid or corrupt. My vote is it is all a cover up.

  12. Everyone says it's about the money, yes. But now the idiots who probably got paid and helped will replace him in a cell with no money. He is out hiding and spending money. Stupid folks.

  13. What does the world expect out of Mexico? Everyone in Mexico is afraid of Chapo. I'm not doing this to put Mexico down but to make people understand! In Mexico sicarios or hit men get paid maybe $2000 pesos a month, which is probably more than what people make working in factories. This means you could get killed in Mexico for snitching on Chapo for about that amount! Chapo is worth around 1 billion U.S. dollars. At the exchange rate of $1 U.S. dollar = 150 Mexican pesos how many sicarios is Chapo able to afford with this kind of money? Exactly! Mexican authorities themselves make about 4,000 pesos a month themselves if they are lucky though FYI. Why should Americans expect Mexicans to literally risk their lives given these odds so that Americans can stop every new drug that is invented??? Americans should really consider educating people more about drug usage instead of blaming its drug appetite on somebody else!

    1. @12:01 so what are you saying todd!!that the dumber you are the more raise pay you should get?what is the education level of these authorities you are talking about?and for being iletterate and having no education is the fault of the citizens because the so called offended is the criminal now in your books and these criminals /cops have the right to charge/mordidas and engage with criminal activity because of your staggering numbers you came up with .way to go lumbnuts!please do not try to speak for mexico.nobody forces anybody to choose their lifestyle, dont try to compare honest working people with filth came up with nothing but excuses and zero solutions that sparked your intrest in what your trying to put it zippy!!

  14. And so what!
    Did the drugs stop flowing when he was inside!
    Chapo or no Chapo the drugs will keep flowing!
    It's a key piece of of this Capitalist society!

  15. The gringos got him out...they needed their dope prices to come down in the US. Without the demand in US.....Mexico would have never been in the mess they are in. Money is the greed of all evil.

    1. How can you tell the blind man to see when he doesn't even try to open his eyes?

    2. Yes, if the gringos were not the largest and most dedicated consumers of illegal drugs in the entire world there would be no Chapo. Simple as that. Supply and demand.
      As for corruption, do you think campaign donations from big shots are anything more than bribes? It's corruption with a nice label

    3. Mexico doesn't do drugs..its the gringos..its their fault..for a responsible Mexico! 2016

    4. 11:12 again, the US presidential pardons its biggest drug traffickers and money launderers, and they can and do run for congress, the senate, governorships, become president of the US, or just run for it, it is even old history, there is a world beyond your blinders, honey, without calzones, and it is not all rosy-pretty or pastel blue, honey...

  16. Ms. Hernandez is not telling us nothing new. Let me see,"hmmm, the goverment is telling me everything?" naw!! Moving along. Mexico has direct and indirect leaders. I see EPN as an appointed direct puppet and Chapo as an indirect leader. provide constructive posts..... money talks-bs........

    1. Yea atleast chapo is what he is.....he is about doing whats right with what u r given

  17. They need to stop focusing on capturing this capo. It didn't stop the flow of drugs nor will it ever. They need to reevaluate the "War On Drugs" because it's not working at all. I guess the only thing that it did do is put many people in jails and created employment for those that incarcerates them.

    1. And Mexico needs to incarcerate more ie;incarcarate and HOLD to fight the war on drugs.

    2. 1:01 compare fighting drug war against the narcos with throwing chump change into a piñata, the few cents will not solve the poverty of the piñata fans...
      --same way putting grameros in prison will solve nothin'
      -- it needs to be big fish in prison...

  18. Transparent my ass EPN. Next time give is the whole tape not just half. Pathetic government

  19. Por aqui en Chicago lo esperamos Senor Chapo tenemos unas trokas Raptors y un convoy de motocycletas y estas armados hasta los dientes pura Gente Nueva USA

  20. Ms Anabel is the most outspoken journalist when it comes to Chapo. I bet she felt a cold chill go down her spine when she found out Chapo escaped.

  21. Anabel Hernandez has repeatedly written articles exposing the corruption within various levels of the Mexican government. For this reason, a number of factions have threatened to kill her. With this latest article, I fear that she has brought further attention onto herself and upset even more members within the PRI who will stop at nothing to silence her voice permanently.

    I hope the people of Mexico realize how fortunate they are to have an investigative journalist like Anabel Hernandez. Someone who is willing to risk everything, including her life, to expose the truth behind the intentional cover-ups, outright fabrications and manipulation of the facts by government officials.

    She is a national treasure and should be afforded every protection to ensure that she can continue her work of illuminating the truth from the dark recesses where Mexican government officials attempt to conceal it from the people and the world.

  22. Let's be honest. The USA and Mexico are run by ultra capitalist. An elite few who's money makes the world go round. Chapo is but a speck in the grand skeem of things. MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND.

  23. Ottis stop misleading the readers !!!
    You perfectly know that money wasn't what motivated the person or persons or corporation that gave the order for his release. Yes his release . This man didn't escape and you know that . He was released

  24. It's the fault of the USA? Oh please. The USA isn't the one who let corruption reign and cartels operate with impunity for decades. Mexico is to blame for their own mess

    1. I love how when Mexico's corruption is the topic commenters start deflecting the attention to the US's corruption. Mexico is corrupt but the US is way worse and yada yada yada. These fools sound like some kids on the school yard talking about "my daddy can beat up your daddy". "Oh yeah well my daddy is stronger than your daddy". If Mexico doesn't want the attention then maybe it should conceal the corruption a little bit better. Too funny!!!

    2. 6:56 the shit flows down hill...
      --the meddlesomeness of the US has been proven many times, not for nothing the US is involved on all the current conflicts all over the world...from the intrigue state to the surrendering to the "enemy" after the war profiteers have made off with a few billions of dollars... that is the truth, the rest is all consequences...

    3. @7:16 and @6:56 no US President has given any mexican drug trafficker or money launderer the benefit of the doubt nor a presidential pardon, that should help you to STFU...

  25. This article is a waste of cyberspace. The government perhaps was involved?? Thanks for letting us know Einstein.

    1. lol... no shit sherlock. the article did provide some comic relief though. the inmates complaining about the construction noise. like they were the only ones who didnt know what was going on. im imagining the guards response. "shut the fuck up before i cave your head in" lol

  26. anabel hernandez is a fraud.
    only those outside mexico place stock on her reporting, she not only lived full time in the united states, she still lives there most the time, not in df as she claims. she says everyone is after her head, she needs to be scared mostly of readers tired of the bullshit, playing the hero as she dreams up fiction and stale news.

    1. 9:33 anabel hernandez has taken it to the biggest crooks in mexico, she has dragged their ass in the mud like very few people, effectively, and she makes money off it, so what is your problem?
      --my only problem is that she needs not mess with el chapo, but hunt for worse crooks before they escape or become "old news"...

  27. The US government sold over 1 billion dollars worth of weapons to Mexico last year go figure who's really making the fat cash off of the Mexican drug cartels

  28. Just a matter of time before we hear about American politicians having business ties to some of chapos companies and never knew it.
    No complaints as long as the dough keeps coming in.

  29. this story is bullshit

  30. Read this book: Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and their Godfathers.

  31. I had an interesting conversation with a higher, long up police official last night at a barbecue in my house last night. The guy is straight forward and honest as you can get. A real good and guy!!!

    I asked him if he felt the government helped to release Chapo. He just looked at me and said absolutely not. He said, if you were a worker at the prison and you were told by Chapo's people to look the other way while noises and other strange things were going on. What would you do if someone said they would kill your wife, children, mother and father, brothers and sister and everyone they could find that was in your family line. I just could not think of a good answer. Because you know Chapo would have it done. Best to arrest and ship straight to the USA next time. There are extreme times when you have to bend a rule, like things that played out in Colombia. If it is impossible to hold someone in a prison, and not create a lot of bloodshed of innocents while doing so, you have to do something different.

  32. Mexico let one of the most wanted men in the world escape a second time. Period. End of story.

    1. 6:59 yeah, like "all of mexico" was there opening the door with all their hands while you took it like a man, ( no soap) watching while your jaw dropped away from your mouth...

  33. I hear through my private military contracting circles that some very bad-ass mercs from russian specops ( like a shit load of them) we in san deigo to obtain weapons cache to hunt chapo for $$$$$

  34. 12:43 My friend is a cop in san deigo and he said the police stopped some russians with enough firepower for a small military and they all were cut loose at the scene due to some diplomatic immunity thing Maybe it's true.My friend said all the cops were scared shitless because of these guys.He said they all looked like heavy weight boxers and had eyes of killers


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