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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Autodefensa Leader Semeí Verdía Indicted for First Degree Murder

On Wednesday morning, the judge of the first criminal court of Morelia, Arnulfo Torres Delgado, issued a formal indictment against the former leader of the autodefensas of Aquila, Michoacán, Semeí Verdía Zepeda, in regards to his charges of the crime of first degree murder.

After the end of the duplicity of the constitutional deadline requested by the defense, the judge stated that there is sufficient evidence to continue the process at every stage to allegedly prove that the crime of first degree murder actually occurred.

Although he said that he has not yet been notified, the autodefensa leader of Santa María de Ostula spoke exclusively with W Radio:

“Just to tell you that this is all political, they already announced this to me, they had already told me that this would happen and I was already ready for this; and well the truth is that it is unfortunate how the courts work and yes, there is a direct line from the high command of the government,” he explained.

He also questioned that in recent days, he has been persuaded by high level officials from the Government of Michoacán and this is what he said:

“People from the government have been talking to me, they have been coming closer and saying that they want to talk and what not and then to negotiate, but I don’t know what they will negotiate me with, I don’t have anything to sell.  Look, I’m withholding today but in three or four days, I will make it known, but yes, they are high level government officials,” Semeí said.

Semeí also reiterated that once he is out of prison, he will release the videos in which high level officials from the federal forces are shown to be in collusion with the criminal group, Los Caballeros Templarios.

Despite everything that he has faced, Verdía emphatically said that all is not lost.

It is clear that as the new government enters, we will start working differently; it’s going to take a while, I’m not saying that one of these days I’ll get out but I can almost assure you that once we enter into October, we will be leaving here.”

According to the ruling, once the legal situation is resolved, the inquiry will be returned to the lower court for further proceedings.  Since the crime is considered serious by law, Semeí Verdía cannot face a release process.

Source: W Radio


  1. Semei is so right on. He: We have visión; are not going to give in to despair.

    Take the long view. Why get caught up?
    Yeah, they got the laws, but we've got a good heart!

  2. What crime is considered "serious", whatever trumped up charges the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia invents?
    --Semei Verdia must be trying to steal Simon Bolivar's horse too like Dr Mireles...

  3. Revolting bullshit to the extreme. Even for Michoacán

  4. De que se asustan?? Ya sabian a lo que Le tiraban con el gobierno en Michoacan, una de dos o te corumpes, o vas al bote....

  5. Wow thats some bs tht the mexican govt. can unleash, seems that these guys just dont have a limit of stooping low..seriously injustice personified

    1. OMG he announced he will release the videos of the high level involvement with criminals.Why would he announce that?Now he will never get out or get knifed in prison but maybe that's what the negiociation is about,return of that video.

    2. I thought the same thing, and then I thought of his family also. They are in even greater danger than ever. And those "high level" officials are all needing new chonies.

      I hope it is it the Malevolent One....Castillo

    3. For him to make a public statement this damning, at this time, would mean there is a chance that he might actually be full of it.

      Why wouldn't he release this footage before?

      If it was in fear of his life, and that of his family, wouldn't he be in even more danger now?

      Why not just have the family release the footage WITHOUT the preemptive warning?

      Remember folks; question everything, especially if it is justified.

    4. Es que los michoacanos asi son de mierdas y traidores pues,nomas toy diciendo la neta,mis respetos pa toda la raza que no rs asi como estos ojetes :)

  6. Mayito got sent to the states

  7. After saying he is going to release those videos when he gets out he's either going to be killed in prison or rot in there because there not going to let him out if they think he will release them I think he should of kept that to himself until he got out.

  8. Those pesky community organizers and revolutionary students will be killed or imprisoned!

  9. The PRI will will be sorry some day

  10. Saying these words: "Semeí also reiterated that once he is out of prison, he will release the videos in which high level officials from the federal forces are shown to be in collusion with the criminal group, Los Caballeros Templarios."

    - is a death wish

    1. I agree totally. he will never get that chance again. The same with the LFM leader, and his videos...that he released. Some ppl went to jail, but...what changed? If he had a video, of Castillo, naked doing meth,and killing cats...with a chicken around his neck...Who in the hell, could replace him, that isn't corrupt also? These videos are useless. Even when we can see, what they are actually up to, in these videos...exposing the corruption, has done no good. We don't have to see it, to know it's happening. I careless about the exposure and more about exposing change. Until these videos, exposing them...can have something like a 'Snowden' affect, they are no good.They are actually, more dangerous, for those trying to use them, than to anyone else.

  11. Only an uprising can change the way this failed state works; and this will start in Michoacan or Guerrero state since these two states hold the number of people where people are abused in more serious ways than any other, plus, they have more ethnic people by area, with more to lose, than any other.
    They way to contain them is by terrorizing them, but doing this only increases the pressure, and shortens the time that leads to this uprising...mark my words.

  12. What became of all the high officials that Tuta had recorded? Nothing, they only harassed the female mayors...them videos aint doing nothing to nobody. We all know theres corruption.

    1. some released, remember Uriel Chávez, dictator of Apatzingan? El Chayo's nephew?

      he was released recently! many have been released, given short sentences and at least one lady mayor died in prison. They did not harrass the "lady mayors" those are no ladies. they a bitches who ordered killings of innocents especially in huetamo. know your facts.

    2. @9:58 Yeah know your facts. Can't you see they quoted "lady mayors" as in referencing that thats what you posted instead of what they truly are "bitches". Even though you posted "female mayors" to state their gender not their moral character. But still know you facts. /S

    3. I understand completely what you are stating and you do know your facts. Where are all the corrupt male politicians? Only one was mentioned as answering to his crimes, but there are many more. I believe you were stating only female politicians were targeted, not so much harassed. That is a fact and should be looked at. Especially since women play a somewhat smaller role in the political gane at this point. Why the need to be so harsh for someone stating the obvious? There are many videos that were obviously buried with the crimes of the person in its content. Good point.

  13. Meanwhile, outside prison:

    "El grupo de "el americano" mejor conocido como H3 esta siendo utilizado como brazo armado por parte del gobierno estatal para matar a los lideres de la FR sean ex templarios o genuinos, es decir , los H3 están haciendo y seguirán haciendo las encomiendas "sucias" que el gobierno les ordene , todo esto para que FF no se "manchen" la mano , así que sera imposible ver a los H3 desarticulados a corto plazo , ya que están siendo protegidos y utilizados por el gobierno."

    1. H3 y sus matones son paras cómo los PEPES, pues.

    2. Real AutoDefensas are not paramilitary shock forces paid for and covered up by the state or federal government...

  14. 40 years from now mexico is gona be the same just like in Colombia everything is they same theres still drugs around there still narcos and theres still corruption mexico will be free of narcos in 100 years

  15. Culeros Tampones al 100 con los vergasos!

    Pena Nieto ya gano milliones de dollares ya le vale verga la cuididania. No mas con que no se venga al aire que tiene tratos illegales y esta feliz ese culo.

  16. Man yeah Michoacan is not easy to live in but to say it's a failed state is a lie only a 1/4 of the state is a mess. And the reason is other cartels are trying to get in . Yes the templarios extort the people but in most part only people who are rich or have enough around 10 hectarias or more. You also have to remember that in michoacan their are many groups rangeing in power from 50 to 1000s of people . In my opinion the people riseing up made most of these groups realize that this is not the way to do things. I also have noticed that currently the police are only hireing ex military and getting rid of corrupt police chiefs and trying to get people more involved in reporting extortion robberys and all those things and trust me it is getting takein care of either by the law or the other way. The strongest of these groups has bien active for many years. Since 2014 it's changed for the best their cleaning house. It's going back to how it was leave the Narcos work and they stay away from the people Calderon screwed the system up it may not be perfect but it worked a lot better than how it is today.

  17. It's a game of chess and checkers with the government..they play chess with the criminals but with the common do gooders they do simple checker plays that shows their corrupted intentions

  18. 9.58
    Has a point,many officials were filmed,some said under duress,some said false pretence,but they were filmed relaxed and talkative with Tuta...
    What has become of them all?
    Semei Verdia would have opportunities to obtain footage,but openly saying he is going to release it?Hope he knows what he's doing,could be a dangerous tactic,but with the danger he is forever in,and the malevolence of his foe,he has to try ?

    1. Nothing ever happens, that should happen, anytime...with anything. What is a video, a telephone conversation that is taped, or any other means of exposing corruption, ever stop it. I don't have to see a video of El Chapo bagging and packaging huge quantities of dope, and sending it all over the world, like postal know, he's the biggest dope trafficker, dealer in the world.Don't miss the big picture, looking for the smaller might miss it all, and not see the picture at all. Really, if i thought for an instant, this would be something, that would have some sort of a impact, on how corruption is dealt with..I'd start sending video recorders to Mexico right now.This is the reason why so many journalist get killed, kidnapped, disappear..and threatened..and they are pros at this! The most that can come out of his video, is not anything that would make Mexico better, but cause more pain and suffering. He needs to think about this really hard. However, if he thinks, it's worth dying for and..having his family killed, he'll have to weigh those options himself. Does he really need anymore of a reminder, to know who and what he is dealing with...and a video, might bring change to any of that! I wish.

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  20. Folks no need to get upset. Why does anything out of Mexico still surprise anyone? Corruption is Mexico's ruler. It is well known that money and power is all you need. Without either one of those, you simply do not matter. I no longer gasp from any of these stories. It is like a continuous song playing over and over again. If a post is printed saying the corruption is being brought down, then and only then shall I gasp.

  21. This guy has not even committed a crime and he will be in prison for a long time, and the real murderers free and Bragging about their nice shit

  22. Where's the crooked fools like Papa Pitufo( Papa Smurf), El Pinch Gordo Americano, El Abuelo, and the rest of the Fake A.D.?

  23. I actually know people from Vercruz a Zeta hotspot and believe me No one Glorifies them. If anything they despise them. These people remember how different everything was 7 years ago. Total 360 from the peaceful areas they used to have. There are always a good 10% of the population mostly young people who really want the thrill the Zetas have to offer. Believe me it only takes a few bad apples to stir up a lot of Mayhem.


    Adolfo Eloy Peralta (El Yanki) le había dado ordenes a los comuneros de Ostula y a Cemei de no tocarle a la gente de Pomaro y Coire.

    El Yanki ha venido protegiendo al 500 , Al Lico , Al Tena y a los Viagras , El Tango quien igualmente que "el tena" ,"el 500 " y "el lico " se encuentran escondidas en la sierra costa.


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