Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Extradition order for El Mayo's son, Mayito Gordo Zambada

Lucio R. Borderland Beat
Together again?
Ismael Zambada Imperial "El Mayito Gordo", son of  Sinaloa Capo, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, has been ordered extradited to the US, to face charges against him in the federal court, California Southern District, San Diego.

Reforma reports that the Sixth District Judge, Alejandro Caballero Vértiz, sent his decision to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who in turn has 20 days to reach a decision to approve the extradition.

In November, 2014, "The Mayito Gordo" was arrested by the Navy in the town of El Ranchito de los Burgos, 60 kilometers from Culiacan and four days later he was booked into Penal Federal de Occidente, in Jalisco.

If the extradition occurs, that will be the third son of El Mayo that has been placed into the hands of United States Federal Court.

Mayito’s brother,  Serafin Zambada Ortiz, who was arrested in November last year at a checkpoint on the border with the United States, he has since plead guilty in exchange for a plea bargain. Previously another brother Vicente Zambada Niebla, was arrested by the Mexican Army on March 18, 2009, later extradited to the United States and sits in federal prison.  Vicente also entered a plea agreement with the United States.  It can be read below.

El Mayo fathered 5 daughters in addition to his sons, one of which died  in an electrical accident.

This is the notice he filed on 3.15.11 about 2 years before he plead guilty, contending he was working with U.S. Agents, and he was a victim of entrapment.

Click on image to enlarge

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  1. Whats the point if most of this guys always plea guilty to get reduce time like osiel cardenas guillen from tamaulipas who is going to be a free man in no time

    1. Its all about the money. All the money these guys give up to the US government and info to get a deal.

    2. Wrong,he's doing life a max penitenciary.

    3. A free man in no time? He's not getting out until 2025.. That's another decade sitting alone in a 7-by-12-foot concrete cell for 23 hours a day. Human beings are social creatures so ADX is basically a legal form of torture.

      Even though Osiel snitched he didn't get off that easy.

  2. Another big rat coming to America!
    Atte: La Chucky

  3. I can only laugh at this clowns who thought they will be Rico Suave and not get caught by the law. I'm happy for Mexico and the USA. And I hope the authority make them pay dearly for their crimes.

  4. That's Vicentíllo indictment. Where's Mayitos?

    1. stay awake amigo. that is a plea agreement. posted at the part of the post speaking of mayos other kids.

      mayito has not been moved to the us yet, hang tight his plea will be up shortly after his arrival.

  5. Gracias Chapo Guzman por fallar en Tijuana y correr a guatemala. Gracias por no obedecer la orden y entrar a rutas ajenas del Golfo en cuanto saliste del penal. Gracias por hacer el Golfo crear un commando de muerte conocido como Zetas para esprimir sangre de Sinolas. Gracias Chapo por causar guerras internals en Tijuana y por informar in operaciones de el Golfo Tijuana y Juarez. Gracias Chapo primero dar apoyo y luego desairar y replacar cellulas con las tuyas. Gracias Chapo por tratar de arrebatar la cuidad de Juarez. Gracias chapo por no respetar a tu amigo Artura Beltran Leyva y dar dedo a su hermano. Gracias por creando un alianca Juarez Linea Zeta Beltran Mezza Florezz . Gracias Chapo por decir pendejadas y cuando los sobrinos Pedro y Margarito Florezz tenian grabado su conversacion que causo que la Federacion Sinola pierda apoyo del gabacho y sea el blanco.
    Muchas Gracias Chapo.
    A todos los cheerleaders
    Sinola is winning. :/

    1. No hay de queso nomas de papa

    2. @7:56 not defending the obvious, but how come el chapo and all of his cousins friends, former partners and associates end up fighting for the survival of the fittest...
      -- while the PRI, PAN, PVEM, PRD, atracomulcas, etc etc et, end up recovering the presidency, back in los pinos, all american pretty boys, protected by their american godfathers and still doing billions of dollars for themselves??? if that doesn't smell, then i don't know what smells...

    3. de nada amigo. Muchas gracias.

  6. Bring Gordis down theyll love some gorditas in Colorado SuperMax.

    1. supermax? lol these guys are not street gangs. zambadas have billions usd, please go back to school kids, or atleast read wikipedia and learn about sinaloa cartel 101 before you come here lol.

    2. Street gangs or not, there is a noticeable difference between the Mexican and American justice system. Their status as narco gods in Mexico doesn't guarantee them easy time in U.S. incarceration.

      Also, frequent visits to B B does not make one a professor in Sinaloa cartel 101. You are entirely too full of yourself (kid)

    3. 1:38 on the US prisoners are precious treasures that produce a lot of money for the corrections system, so much so that private corrections systems have been set up all over the country, and criminals are mass produced in US junior highs and high schools, I mean drug addictis are mass produced, only later they turn into criminals while in mexico there is no money for prosecutions or corrections, only just about enough to keep prisoners alive, still some want to privatize it too.

  7. Must be a proud father that Mayo. lol.

    1. You never thought that they know where Mayo is, at least there is people who knows (in government). But his ass comes before his sons, of course he can pay more than his sons.

      I've sometimes thought how he feels about his sons getting captured and so on, it can't be easy for a dad. How badass kingpins they ever are, they are very family-oriented.

      I think they may have had a conversation about this line of work, in a way "If you want to do the same as I'm doing, you're on your own".

  8. A gjft, for being narco juniors, plea bargain and be free for the rest of their lives, their partner, will NOT testify, the CIA can not, will not testify, much less if testifying could be used against the very samerican CIA as self incrimination...
    --the CIA will not go to court to invoke the 5th either, like a common criminal, and if it did, what you gonna do? Replace them with el chapulin colorado?

  9. 4 tons of weed seized in Sonora

    1. Emerald triangle in California produces more... Cannabis is nothing...

    2. Theres a drought right now so we need everything we can get, that mexican weed still sells like hot cakes send them on over to me

    3. 12:31 deal, where your corner?, fed ex will drop at your convenience

  10. I am still waiting for these cartels kid's to show off their new american prison cells on social media.

  11. anybody know what mayito flaco looks like?

    1. He looks more like serafin out of all of the brothers, but has facial hair. Theres a photo of him on the internet that people confused as serafin, idk if they took it down

    2. thanx for the info. ill try to search for it

    3. Wrong may I to flaco looks indentical to mayito gordo no mames

  12. I wonder happened to Sera's sentencing.....

    1. Mamito is free? Do you have paper on that? Thx.

    2. then is good business be extradited

    3. Say whaaaatt...... ? Serafin Zambada is not in US custody anymore. ??

    4. Sinaloa pays gd $$$ to officials

    5. yes and patient a post is coming

    6. Sera was sentenced Aug 28th he is in the WPP they are keeping his sentence hush hush

  13. snitching is better for them in the long run!

  14. El Miadito RATA!

    Puro ELCAFMX !

  15. Wasn't there a rumour that Gordo was paralysed because of a botched assassination?

    Does anyone have any evidence to back this up?

    and much love, Chivis!

    Quality always outweighs quantity ;)

    1. I don't think that is true, well I should say I have not seen any evidence of that and surely that would have been taken into consideration to prevent extradition at this time. at lest that is my guess


  16. Mayos son in law was the one who died in an electric accident not his daughter, but one his daughters husband

    1. you're correct, lucio looks like lucio left the milenio contention in th post

  17. Agreed on the latter, Chivis, most definitely. You would think that it'd be mentioned with this latest news, if it was true, but then again life is always full of surprises.

    I do still find it odd however, that his social media life has been silent for a long time now, even well before his arrest.

    Just thought I'd bring up the rumor again, as I remember seeing it in the BB forums sometime ago.


  18. It's a bad time to be Zambada or Chapos kids around this time because of all the arrests and extraditions! It is however a great time to be Chapo, Quintero and Zambada. For the most part these three characters will never serve time in prison in Mexico and much less in the U.S. Let be realistic, why bullshit any longer?

  19. Seriously leave these motherfuckers over there and stop spending money in trials and jail housing. fuck that if the DEA wants him that badly let them pay for that shit out of their own pocket not from tax payer money. leave this mother fuckers in Mexico we have our own criminals here we don't need to import criminals dumb mother fucking USA government.we can't lock up everybody.

    1. catching mexican drug lords with billions of dollars is good business for the CIA, DEA, and CC of A, judges and lawyers also...
      --american citizens as prisoners do not produce money, the US taxpayers get squeezed 100 or 200.00 dollars a day to babysit the nice ones, they still have too many rights on the US...
      --i'd suggest american prisoners be wharehoused in mexico, el salvador, honduras, peru, for one or two dollars a day,,,

  20. Well mafiosos have learned something , gringos are just a sack full of money I can tell you what they want when catch this mafiosos, MONEY if you saved money you are free on a short time on USA doesn't matter if you killed thousands of people just give money to those double faces called gringos take a nap on USA for two or three years and then go back to Mexico and repeat the same story...

    1. I like your comment, i did read yesterday Prescott Bush biography on wikipedia, i learn how he stole millions while he was in goverment. later his relatives would be presidents of us.

    2. So Prescott traded w/ Nazi's b/c it was business not because he sympathized w/ them. Then his grandson invaded Iraq b/c it "was" a threat to the US and not for business, right?

    3. "They" are a Crime Family, what did you expect?

    4. the are thieves, they abuse of power, prescott abuse his office and stole from nazis, bush jr grandson stole oil from irak, irak never was a treat tous. As somebody said gringos are doble face.

  21. ... And The Chess Game Continues ... I Bet That He Does Not a Get Extradited And The Mexican Government Is Just Playing Along With The United States , Until The Ampiro Comes In At The Last Moment To Save Him From Extradition ...

  22. El zapo snitch Guzman , has the government put the squeeze on El MAYO !

    1. @ 10:33 What if it is the other way around.? ... LOL

  23. So they can let him go like they did to serafin

  24. EL VICENTILLO HAS TO GIVE U.S 1 BILLION DOLLARS AND SERVE SOME TIME IN MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON. Let's see how much money the U.S takes from their daddy el mayo zambada so his stupid sobs can be free

  25. here is a link to photo of mayito flaco it is the same foto DEA uses

    1. None of the bros look alike.Do they have different mothers?

    2. thank u chivis and i personally think he looks nothing like any of his brothers

    3. @ canadian i think gordo and serafin have same mother but the other 2 dont

  26. Hope he lives Colorado and their food that's where he's gonna be for about 30 to 50 years. And if a Republican is elected then make it 100 lmfao!!!


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