Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

New battle between Military and CJNG leaves 5 dead

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

UPDATED 23rd Sept with information from Milenio
UPDATED 25th Sept with pictures from Zetatijuana

[ Subject Matter: Cartel Jalisco Neuva Generacion
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Reporter: Felipe Cobian
Guadalajara: In an alleged confrontation between the Military and civilians occurred this morning in the town of Ameca, less than 90 kilometers from the Jalisco Capital City, it left five dead members of the CJNG, according to primary reports.

An operation carried out at 7am today in the Village of San Antonio Matute, killed"El duende" whose true name is Juan Carlos Marquez Perez, alleged Plaza Boss in the Valles region, operating out of Ameca.

click on image to enlarge

San Antonio Matute is a small village located approximately 75 kilometers from Guadalajara, alongside the highway, where the Secretary of National Defence received various requests of support for Infantry and armored vehicles, according to the primary reports.

On this same route, but between San Sebastian del Oeste and Puerto Vallarta, was the place where 15 State Police were ambushed and killed and 5 more injured on 6th of April this year.

click on image to enlarge

Less than a month after, in Villa Purificacion, on the States South coast, the same Cartel attacked helicopters of Mexican Air Force when elements of the Special forces were trying to capture the capo Nemesio Oseguera "El Mencho".

In that attack, the alleged narco traffickers brought down a Cougar Helicopter with members of a special assault team inside. More than a dozen elements of the Federal Police and the Army were killed. Unofficial tallies put the total number of dead at 43 people.

(Otis: Zetatijuana are also running this story with the same information though they do say that his other nickname is "El Tecolote", and that he has been identified by SEIDO as a trusted man of "El Mencho", Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

UPDATE from Milenio

Plaza Boss of CJNG captured after a firefight.

Geovanni Castri Urbano "El Duende", was captured together with three of his bodyguards, after a confrontation with the Federal Police and Sedena in the Jalisco Town of Ameca.

The alleged Plaza Boss for the Valles Region of the CJNG, Geovanni Castro Urbano, "El Duende" was captured together with three of his bodyguards after a confrontation with groups of elite Federal Police and Sedena in the Town of Ameca, revealed Government functionaries.

The operation to capture "El Duende", identified as one of the principal operators of "El Mencho", leader of the CJNG, started a little after 7 am Tuesday.

More than fifty Military broke into a finca located on Calle Educacion crossroads with Calle Emilio Zapata, in the delegation of San Antonio de Matute.

Witnesses declared that the Military were shot at by the alleged criminals.

"I was with my grandsons watching the television and on the point of taking them to school when it all started. I heard the shots from the house, went outside to see what was happening and a Soldier said to me: little mother go inside your house and close the door", said the woman.

The Federal functionaries indicate that during the operation they achieved the detention of Giovanni Castro Urbano who also goes by the alias Juan Carlos Marquez Perez, they also detained three of his bodyguards.

According to information supplied by Federal functionaries, "El Duende" replaced Heriberto Acevedo Cardenas, "El Gringo" inside the criminal organization, when "El Gringo" died during a confrontation with elements of the Jalisco "One" Force in the Town of Zacoalco de Torres, on March 24th this year. (Otis: see link to article on his capture)

The death of "El Gringo" set off a series of violent acts against the Jalisco Security Authorities, which culminated in the deaths of 15 Security Officers of the Unified Force when they were ambushed at San Sebastian del Oeste.

Its alleged that Geovanni Castro Urbano could be related to the assassination of 4 Military in the Town of Guachinango on March of 2014. The detained were transferred to SEIDO headquarters in Mexico City.

A government press conference will be given by Renato Sales in due course.

Original article in Spanish at Milenio

UPDATE 25th Sept

Zetatijuana presents Yhovany Castro Urbano and his three accomplices.

Yhovany Castro Urbano
 Renato Sales Heredia, the commissioner for national security alleged that "El Duende" is dedicated to the production and sale of drugs, fuel robbery among other types of robbery. He also maintains that Urbano is linked to the Ambush at San Sebastian del Oeste.

Hector Ismael Maldonado Galindo

Roberto Tellez Perez

Carlos Castro Mendoza

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  1. El Mencho wont like this at all.
    Heads are gonna roll!

    1. I know that nigga he's more powerful than you think he has all the military working for him in jalisco

    2. These funny ass paisas are clowns if you wanna take them down just arrest all the local cops cause I know there the ones under those mask

    3. Mencho is nothing compared to Mr guzman. Mencho is scared of chapo and does everything chapo tells him. Chapo is el jefe. Arriba el chapo y Toda su gente, atte. El morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa

    4. Haha stfu ni sabes pa k abrez el pinshee osico like if u knew el mencho..if anyone's scared its el chapos hiding ass y pa k lo sepaz la plaza de navolato el puro Carrillo Fuentes

    5. Mira morronis, Mencho y chapo estan peleando plazas asi es que como le teme el mencho al chapo. Estas bien retependejo!!

    6. CJNG are a serious cartel,well run and well armed.They have released some of the naughtiest brutal videos out there..
      If they really are trying to take plazas at this time it says even more about how they operate,but doubt they are ?

    7. Don't forget El Chapo needed CJNG (Matazetas) to fight the Zetas because Los Antrax and GN were too ineffective against the Z. So does Mencho need Chapo or does Chapo need Mencho? I say Chapo needs Mencho because right now CDS needs all the friends they can get.

  2. El cártel generación nuevo Jaliso extinta poco a poco. Son objetivos CJNG . Desde Tierra Caliente

    1. Your probably right, chapo snitches and bribes hardcore to government officials like he did to the familia michoacana when they were taking over

  3. so all cartels get confronted by the military nowadays? antes it seem to be Zetas would have the big shootouts with military . then the Gulf as well . La Familia got it on also . But i hardly ever hear of Sinaloa Cartel vs Military ? is this because military is bought ? gulf vs military in home turf . Zetas vs military anywhere. Back in days La familia vs military in home turf . Cjng vs military in home turf . Sinaloa vs military only in corridos ?

    1. Stupid is as stupid does. Sinaloa cartels is different from other cartels. They don't fight the military for two good reason. 1 they will lose 2 they will bring more heat to themselves. And yeah some Military is bought but not all Military is bought.

    2. Sinaloa vs military only in corridos

    3. I don`t think it`s the right time to go after CDS right now, they are to strong at the inner core. But the CDS involvement/war in northern bordertowns will eventually set them back. Juarez/Zetas/BLO/CJNG perhaps not win every clash with CDS but they will, combined, weaken the sicarios of CDS and leave them a bit "open" for mexican forces to get in the game. OR if CDS widely spread war(s) is meant to weaken the others so the gov. more easily can go after them instead? That would rather streghten the CDS in the long run! It`s just so crazy and disorderly nowadays that ordinary analytic skills is not really getting to an clear answer. The changes of alliances seems to be a daily happening for some of the sub-cartel gangs and it`s hard to determine the strenght. But for sure CDS looks to have the best gov. "protection", up at the top of government I mean.
      So if CDS is going for CJNG soon, ( along with the remnants of CDG at the eastcoast) we will know more..

    4. When Calderon was president he (with help from the gringos) was trying to get rid of the zetas for the Sinaloa cartel with all that propaganda and sending the military only to zeta territory but it didn't work they got bigger ... Now it looks to me that the dea is backing the cjng because the people from Sinaloa can't be trusted so they are putting their eggs in a new basket

    5. 6:44pm

      Sinaloa v military, happens more than you think. Articles going back 15 years or so talk about it.

    6. Big respect for the Zetas from Russia for this !!!

    7. @6:44 Well, there is a pattern there mijo, you are learning something keep it up...
      --There is something about deliberate operations by the book, PATTERNS, nothing left to accident or innocence or "I don't know, it wasn't me, I was just following orders..."

    8. Very true I like how u think

    9. Sinaloa is business, a corporation. They don't fight military because it's bad for business roll with the punches and keep your life and money. The rest of the castels are very primitive and lack structure so when they confront military it is only to become.a martyr because truthfully there is zero value for your or your business partners to confront military. Mencho and CJNG will Learn the hard way.

    10. The CDS are bonafide drug dealers not gun fighters. That's why they needed others to fight for them like the military and the smaller cartels. Does that make them smarter? I don't think so because eventually the slaves turn on their masters. CJNG is dangerous because they fight like there is no tomorrow and thats scary. Reminds me alittle bit of when the Zetas made themselves known to the world.

  4. The US today named some businesses in Jalisco including Puerto Vallarta run by this cartel

  5. Looks like it's cjng turn to take hits to get to mencho

    1. Maybe welldeserved since cjng has ambushed and killed 15 policemen and shortly after brought down a helicopter? As someone else said: It´s not possible to win against the gov. when they decide to actually do something about the criminals. The cjng way to kill gov. officials in that massacre style won`t be accepted or relate to impunity ay more.
      The timing seems to be right (from the gov. point of view) since cjng is splitting forces into eastcoast and up to Tijuana and therefore is a little weakened in personal-concentration at hometurf.

  6. Zambadas vs Beltran leyva .. Have you heard about this chivis? The zambadas as well as some columbians are gonna meet face to face with el Mochomo to testify against him ( snitch) . The people of Zambadas who will be snitching testifying about how Mochomo was the plaza boss of Culiacan include :Rey Zambada , vicente Zambada , Ismael Zambada imperial , chino anthrax ,ovidio Limon ,Humberto loya . The defense of Beltran also commented and want to start the trial.

    1. Yes sir! In fact I am obsessed over it, pulling out the old information I have and going forward.

      If you begin at the time of Mochomo's arrest and go forward that is the best time frame.

      When Mochomo was nabbed, ABL met with Mayo and Chapo for help in getting him released and not extradited. Mochomo was tight with Chapo, chapo was his mentor, and they are related by marriage. Chapo's cousin married alfredo, or something like that.

      They refused saying he "had to be sacrificed". But look what happened in less than 3 mos later....Ivan was liberated from Altiplano after 3 years.

      and a month later? Edgar gunned down.

      and so it rolled. it began with Mochomo. My personal opinion is that a free Mochomo would cause big headaches for Chapo, he is making sure he stays behind bars. Mochomo was a respected and capable leader.

      But wow, talk about giving away the store. That POS VZ cut a deal to put Mochomo away. really? The US has gone after the wrong narco. It should have been VZ and the little ferret Zambada, and Chino looks like they all cut a sweet deal, even Rey.

    2. Bring out the articles... This sounds interesting

    3. LA puta zorrita chivizz, showing her little zorra panocha to the world. Haters hate bitch. Here's to hoping someone kidnaps you, and runs a train on you, then chopz your head off.

    4. This is very interesting indeed.

    5. Yes zamnadas chapos always snitching

    6. Chapo's mom raised the mochomos when their mom died so they were raised as brothers. I read the article here in borderand beat. But chapo backstabed them like he always does, cds are over raded they are just a bunch of snitches and government informants, not hard core gangsters like they claim in their fake corridos

    7. who can people still work for the Zambadas when they kill snitches but they all doing it in court???

    8. That's just disgusting to find that out about the Zambadas .

    9. The same thing that happen with the 5 family's (Cosa nostra) of new york is happening to cartel de Sinaloa watch their down fall as top roll players start to testify against each other they want the big guys not plaza Chiefs if they think they will put away Alfredo for life think again

    10. @12:11 Rielero...are you peeling your little kitty nails?
      How nice of you showing your culo, ERES un culero rielero, como te vas a llamar despues? Chingas a tu puta madre que te pario, rielera barata...

    11. @7:21 and the aftermath will be the legalization of drug trafficking and any other money making "industry" for benefit of private investors, like on the US, it happened after the eyetalians got banned back to obscurity...

    12. 7:21 you are so stupid its actually amazing. CDS is ratting out BLO not fellow CDS members...idiot!

    13. 12:47. gettttt ummmm. That's how Snitchanola rolls. Lets see who has the longest finger. Maybe this is the reason they cut chapo lose. He gave the okay to snitch. He also snitched. Or he's gonna get wacked for all this snitching.

    14. What you guys fail to realize is that the Beltranes were playing both sides they weren't loyal at all... Once the money and cocaine to to there head they felt like owned Sinaloa and the world. So when you bite the hand that feeds you the other hand slices your neck.

    15. Los Beltran Leyva most notably el Mochomo was the heart of CDS. Arturo was the boss but Alfredo was the go to guy for everything. He was lived and respected by everyone in the game even their enemies. Chapo fucked shit up with the backing of the gov, they wanted the BLO plazas. After they grew up together as brothers, chapo back stabs him.

    16. what ever happened with el chapo isidro?
      havent heard to much on him lately.

      and P.S.
      BLO in back in the day was an awesome cartel. there should be more stories on them in general. very legit cartel.

    17. Rielero,Rielerito,check it out homez,first off YOU are the bitch for expresing yourself like that to Chivis,just listen to yourself for a second puto,YOU ARE THE FUCKING HATER not to mention you sound like another coje burras,cuenta chiles,nopalero Hijo de tu reputa,perra ,bomba madre,what is your fucking problem pendejo? Get laid or get a life you fucking piece of shit.....
      From Chiraq.

    18. wow rielero, just wow man, read what you wrote to chivis.- seriously, that is some kind of fucked up, hopefully you were sleep walking on ambien when you expressed yourself in that way- because it sure lacks any kind of sense puto. why you want to come for chivis like thatwhen she didn't call your name?

    19. No pos WOW, anda enojao el rielero, hallo a su viejo con el otro querido y viene aqui a pedir que le den por la retaguardia...aunque sean unas patadas...WOW!!!

    20. Yup you have all of Vincent gigante get 2millons dollars a month for legit business that where once used to rakateer in NEW YORK I see the same thing gapping here only thing it's gunna take a lil longer than it did with American mob

    21. Rielero,get a fuckin grip,you pussy,do you always use that mouth with women and mothers ?Class act man,all the way..
      Grown arse men acting like little girls?
      Sorry about the language but some of these people are fuckin pathetic,real hateful negative plebs..
      Not cool at all..

    22. @1:13 if you where smart el mochomo was a major roll in cds everything and anything they wanna snitch on involves them also and their organization!!!!up until 2008 that's when things changed!!

    23. Chapo apparently Chapo some built up animosity against the BL brothers. I could never see myself selling out my brothers. I would like to know what was the real cause for the beef between Chapo and the BL boys. Maybe it was penis envy. LOL!!!

  7. I have family on this village , my tia said she saw that the criminals surrender and that the soldiers executed them , she knew two of them who were gay prostitues , its really sad somethimes you whit the wrong people at the wrong time , God bless mexico

    1. So they had nothing to do with it...?

    2. Gay prostitutes hangin with CJNG plaza bosses and sicarios?
      Was little Menchito there,with his Oompa Loompa chewy ball head ?
      Menchito looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp ?

  8. I'm in Guadalajara and it is a mini Syria. Convoys of new model F150s and dodge with armed civilians. aRs aks m16 bullpup carbines surface to air javelins.

  9. Anybody else injured, escaped or caught alive?
    Further inspection may show it was an execution again, the government side is famous for fabricating guilty parties after executing any hdp they get their hands on...
    --specially when nobody escapes alive
    #ya me canse
    #chingue a su madre peña nieto
    #ya se...
    #fue el puto gobierno de mierda

  10. There have been countless killings in the war between CJNG and the govt/CDS, especially in Colima. Coverage for this and other things has been disappointingly thin on this site.

    1. Im sure there are plenty of stories that need to be told but wont or cant for many reasons like time

    2. @9:24 Why'n you send your reports? At least the most despicable of the ingredients, "Yesterday's Body Count", it would steer some attention there, and worser, Chivis may go there in person...
      --You know there are government "suggested" blackouts on shit like this, carefully imposed by the state government paid for "paramilitary sicarios/autodefensas"

    3. Remember when CJNG El Gringo was shot to pieces,him and his people all had cell phones with murders on.
      The 10 year old kid with dynamite around his neck...CJNG perros

    4. The heirs of nacho coronel, Los Coroneles are CJNG?
      Then who will take them over when cjng are gone, el migueladas?

  11. Pull out a little with the maps, Otis, to show metro areas or large bodies of water. Also don't hesitate to use the little red or blue pen . : )

    1. Well the first map I chose was because it shows Ameca and its relation to SAM, the second map shows the distance and roads that run between Ameca and Puerto Vallarta. As a rule, what I want you to focus on in the map will be in the centre of the image.

  12. Damn i just heard about this frm my cuzin in ameca jalisco. Shit is going to get ugly

  13. Los zambada bothers are going against el mochomo hard!! But in court lol Damn cowards, no que muy chingones los snitchaloa lol

    1. Pura pinche fachada homey,we know que nomas con pistola y en bola pero at the end of the day YES,THEY SNITCH AND INFORM ON THEIR OWN PEOPLE.FACT.

      unless they got nothing on you, so leave men handle their business, and make sure it is all there before saying snitch, because they only corroborate what everybody knows, like yes my father is a drug dealing drug trafficker money grubbing money launderer that works for the CIA and associate mafiosos on the US, see no problem, everybody knows, except the judges JUMP UP AND SAY NO NO NO! STRIKE THAT FROM THE RECORD!!!
      Will you plead for ten? There is the huevos there, not in crying "snitch" like a poossey...

    3. @1:15am you said a mouth full LOL how do you know this? CIA? Who? Mr.Z? Are you sure about this? Haha

    4. Vicente Carrillo wanted the CIA to come and testify for his trial, in Chicago, it was not a nice friendly request, of course the judges did not approve...
      --next time the mexican narcos will be kept in guantanamo or Poland where their civilian but animal rights do not interfere with the lowly aims of CCA...or their waterboarding...

  14. The fuerza uno metropolitana and fuerza unica o unificada are the jalisco state police? Or municipales? 5he reason I ask is because each state seems to be getting their own police sect in charge of pacifying their state, some paramilitsry, and some call them state autodefensas, armed and paid by the state...
    --others like michoacan "juersaz ruralez" that are not AD or state sponsored 'juersaz'anymore keep doing the state's dirty deeds blessed by official impunity...same in guerrero...

  15. El Chapo the snitching midget is finished and Senor Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes is here to rule.

    1. Lmao the 5 that got killed where cjng they are going down mencho is shaking in his boots

    2. Al reves amigo. Mencho's days are counted, he is all over the media now and we all know how shot like that ends up. (Look at Lazcano, Z40, El Ardillo, El Mamito, La Tuta, El Chayo, Kike Placarte) all dead or locked up and leaving un desmadre. Its who ever has higher or more government connections that survives the longest and now we know that Chapo does.

    3. If he where finished how did he escape prison him escaping proved how powerful he really is !

    4. You are an idiot. Chap has his hands in it all.

    5. LOL ... Seems like they only allowed comments against guzman. What about the zambadas.? El mz has lots of power too, how come he never been capture.? Is it cause he has been paying the "law makers" in mx. Whats the deal here. Must have xs polititians on the side or some shit...

    6. Keep fantasizing. El menso is creating enemies in all branches of government rather then building bridges with all the pendejadas he's doing. All that idiot and the idiots surrounding him are doing is bringing heat to their operation. Good luck, CJNG.

    7. its funny how everyone runs to defend Chapo, when its been proven beyond a doubt that he's a snitch. That's the lowest of the low in criminal circles. Just goes to show that mofo really is above the law. Even the law of the jungle and the court of streets can't touch him.. Its hard not to admire someone who's risen above everyone at his craft, and even rose above the game.

    8. Funny how little all of the bozos on this site know about crime syndicates in Mexico. The Cartels dont give a crap about "snitching" as you call it. Its all apart of the game down there, if you dont know how to play, you wont last long. Just stop with the snitching bs, they all do it.

    9. Yea but chapo is chapo and who are you ?? 11:42am

    10. @ 8:16 You got a good point. That is exactly what the snitchaloas wanted. They made CJNG the US. And mx-gob target. By turning the gobiernos agains't them, obviously both (mx-politricks & snitch cartel) must feel treathened by that cartels power. CJNG is probably at a point where they got no other choice but to fight both of them at the same time, to maintain the power they have gained over the last few years.

    11. 11:42 Is not about defending the leprechaun. The thing is that lots of ppl think that only chapo is the only big capo in /from snitchaloa, what about the others? Same level as him, they contribute to the corruption problem too.

    12. La doña Oseguera, the sister of el mencho has been arrested for allowing the last chapo escape, how is el chapo and his cuñao el mencho going to be having problems?

  16. Ay lil mother luego luego al chisme glad the soldier was there to tell her to go back inside and close the door.

    1. Agreed
      Good for the soldier,she shouldn't be in harms way,nor the little ones

  17. that's the town I grew up in. damn....

    1. is that you Jose? tell your sister i said HEEEELLLOOOOOW!

    2. Josie, where did you go, chicken ass?

    3. Josie, stop playing hide and seek damenet!!!
      Oh, I see you there, but Señor Josie Patiño, esas nalgotas no son de niño...

    4. Joosieee, where are you???

  18. Do you guys think that CJNG will become a big cartel or do you think they are just taking advantage of the Govt, Military making big hits on other cartels ,,,,???

    1. I'm pretty sure they're already big bro

  19. surprised it didn't get any worse...that town is a cjng strong hold...I been told cjng kick down $$ to keep people silent .

  20. Los zamabadas I wonder how people in there crew feel about this am sure people are talking right a bunch of fucking snitches how can people in Sinaloa feel about this I mean if u are from the streets that's the lowest of the low no respect I wonder how daddy feels but on the real they are all fucked up!!!!

    1. haha this isnt US street gangs you bozo. This is for high stakes, the Cartel couldnt care less if they rat on the enemy. Its good for bussiness. Learn something before you open your mouth.

    2. People from sinaloa like to snitch so thet won't have a problem with that. They will be cool and snitch on each other. May the biggest snitch win, but at the end they both lose. If they are snitching it's because they got caught and are sore loosers and don't want to go down solo. Lame if you ask me..

    3. With out these kind of deals you wouldn't be able to survive in the drug game

  21. You would think shit will pop off cuz of what they trying to ddonto mochomo so chapo did fuck him and still trying to!!!!

  22. Beltran leyva should go after all the snitches family in culiacan

    1. i wouldnt doubt chapo isidro starts taking people out for snitching

    2. Chapo isidro is joto, he is hiding and he's practically not done anything all his life but hiding and hiding, and go back to hiding...he the hermit chapo...
      --Our most beloved Don El Chapo Guzman is hiding too, but he has done major shit all his life, by the tons, he is not a pinche gramero leader of goons that specialize in eating tons of maruchan bought from generals that steal it form their soldiers..

    3. I seem to remember Chapo Isidro people kicking the shit out Antrax and GN in almost every confrontation. So who cares whether he is hiding or not He is a killer not someone who just hides in a safe place giving orders like Chapo Guzman.

  23. Pinche tacuaches snitches viva el mochomo no respect Los zambadas wow!!!!!

  24. Don't do business with sinaloa they will snitch on you

    1. No Sinaloa = no business dummy.

    2. Sinaloa is not the only one that has business menso!! And I am sure people would rather get onother conect for fear of getting snitched on

  25. Is it like el chapo and /or el mayo are forcing the prosecution of el mochomo by the US and throwing in all the junior zambadas for the prosecution?
    --just like they can not find any other way?
    --mochomo like el güero palma and chuyito torres were about to get released, then the state decides mysteriously that oh no, no,, ot so fast...

    1. Sounds like the Sinaloan thing to do. Sacrifice my children so I don't have to go to prison. Makes perfect sense to those who are from Sinaloa but the rest of us are completely confused. It's suppose to be the other way around.

  26. Oye, si alguien ver El Chapo Guzmán por favor dile que me llame a mi celular. Lo tengo un nuevo par de altas cimas de Nike.

    Puedo colgar una manta de un puente haciéndole saber si acaso su teléfono celular está fuera de rango.

    John Smith

  27. Dear Chivas how can I post some pictures on your website .if possible.

    1. send to me with any explanation or identifications

  28. La limpia a comensado.

  29. Los ti la ceto. El Chapo!

    It's happening. I tried to tell you in the message above.

  30. The Cia help Chapo get out , to catch m3ncho

  31. Extraditan a Marco Antonio paredes machado el m100 to the u.s. The owner of a.p!

  32. no updates on this story? i heard from fam in that town that the cassualties are 4 guachos, 1 cjng

  33. I see the sinaloenses learned very well from the American mafia and James whitey bulger

    1. No, they are just wack. And not just cause otjer people did it means it's cool!!

    2. If you knew whitey was never an informant like the fbi says if fbi would say he wasn't an informant then how is it he got away with the things he did?so many head would roll till this day if the fbi said he wasn't an informant and so many names would come to the light the fbi covered there ass so the world won't see how corrupt American law enforcement is don't go buy what BLACK MASS shows half the things in that movie didn't happen the way they did some stuff in that movie didn't even happen

    3. These aren't street gangs 3:58 you have to have these kind of connections and be able to make deals if not you go down

    4. Whitey Bulger HAD informants in the FBI and congressmen in his pocket, plus a few other people by the jewels, businessmen and politicians, he wasn't born the day before you know?

  34. Snitches, are a lot like nuts, some, are a lot easier, some, a lot harder to crack. I'm thinking, there's a lot of 'nuts' in the Mexican criminal world.

  35. You lames really don't know shit you think becasue the goverment types a few papers with peoples names everyone is a snitch. It takes more then what the govermnet says to actually be considered a snitch when chapo got arrested if was a snitch why didnt he snitch on mayo that would be the first person they would ask him of so get your stories straight.

    1. I agree - govt is just as guilty - of course they wouldn't snitch on themselves or let Chapo snitch on them so they call the narcos snitches to deflect. People snitch we know this but we also have to be careful to believe a corrupt govt when they print words on paper.

    2. Are you still in denial of chapo being a snitch lol look it up. He snitched on the arellanos and bunch of other people when he got caught the first time. The D.E.A said they were surprised of how much information he gave lol your probably from sinaloa they never want to admit he's a rat

    3. How can chapo snitch on the arrellanos if he never worked with them ? Can you answer that @4:01

  36. Has anybody considered that maybe it is the Flores twins who is helping put Mochomo away for life and the Zambadas are the fall guys to "divide & conquer"

  37. It is against the law for el mochomo to testify on his own behalf involving the CIA, genaro garcia luna, Felipe calderon, vicente fox, peña nieto, ernesto zedillo or any of his other former partners in crime...military, police, etc

  38. Who would want to work for a crew like that I don't care if it's in Mexico or the u.s bozo how can they look up to a man like that if he's doing this to his own people the boss is someone they look up to respect takes care of his people they will give ther lives to protect him am saying after all the zambadas are doing I wonder how they look at him now so in other words snitching is good make a corrido about this it's good to snitch people that's the thing to do !

  39. nice pics.. el mencho took a hit on this one..

  40. Chivis put the article of el cuerno y el chanate. It's about Los charritos gonzalito Araujo and Jorge Beltran Leon running around Culiacan killing anyone that was with chapo . The story is insane .

    1. Where can we read about it?
      Chalo Araujo was his dad,Gonzalito went out on his shield alright with Arturo

  41. Hey chivis did you know that cjng main leaders including los cuinis are from michoacan and not jalisco and they supposelly armed some the autodefensas from michoacan to fight los caballeros templarios before known as la familia michoacana because they kicked them out of michoacan when cjng was known as cartel del milenio based on michoacan .

  42. yes.
    that would be H3 of Buena Vista led by Americano and backed by Los Viagras

  43. Worse chivis, el americano and H3 backed by the state and federal poolice forces, and the army and navy, the pgr, pje, pjf, and they complained when The setas had them all "infiltrated"


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