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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Arrest of "El Chapo's" escape pilot, "Z40" paid for Altiplano concert

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat- material used from Excelsior, Reforma and Economia

Among those arrested for the escape of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman from the maximum security prison of Altiplano, is a pilot who helped the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel , announced the General Attorney of the Republic, Arely Gómez González.

Appearing before the Senate, the head of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) acknowledged that the escape of Guzman Loera weakened the confidence of citizens in the prison system and the country's security institutions.

Her mentioning an “escape pilot” had lawmakers scratching their heads, because this is the first anyone had heard of such an arrest. Further confusion is that Gomez did not give any details of the arrest or even the date and name of the detainee.

It has been speculated that Guzman Loera, had been transferred via vehicle to an area out of the prison’s air space restriction for a flight to his final destination, presumably somewhere in the Sinaloa Sierra Madre.

An air escape could be achieved by using one of the many ejidos or massive ranchos that surround the area of Altiplano.  The large swaths of cleared flat land would easily accommodate a makeshift air strip for a small aircraft to hustle Chapo out of the area and perhaps to a secondary aircraft for the 750 mile trip. 

Gomez also offers that the investigation continues notably analyzing protocols and telephone history in an attempt to discover who was directly involved in the escape.

The attorney general says that 23 former public servants have been arrested or have pending arrest warrant against them for aiding in El Chapo’s escape.  This includes the prison director.

“Z40” throws prison concert leading to the firing of director

The prison director of Altiplano came to the prison after the termination of Marisa Quintanilla de la Garza.  Reported widely in Mexican media is the story that Quintanilla permitted a party featuring the band Los Tucanes de Tijuana.  

Miguel Trevino aka "Z40" paid for the party.  As the story goes he wanted to conduct the party within the prison, but Quintanilla rejected that plan as it would be an infraction of the rules.  She later agreed to conduct the concert outside the prison walls in a field adjacent to the Max Prison. Her reasoning was since the concert was technically outside the jurisdiction of the prison.  

She was terminated and replaced by Valentin Cardenas Lerma, now under arrest for aiding El Chapo’s escape.

BB readers may remember reading about Quintanilla “humanistic approach” to incarceration. Her philosophy was to treat prisoners with respect which would affect their rehabilitation. 

Excelsior reported that for weeks before the September 15, 2013 event, trucks began arriving to construct and set up the outside prison makeshift venue, and when it was known the event was paid for by Z40 a few contractors notified prison authorities, but the complaints were ignored.

The event included a massive laser light show reflecting the letter “Z” and “40” and when prisoners saw that from inside the prison screams and cheers  of appreciation and thanks, could be heard throughout the prison. 

Z40 premier leader of the Los Zetas cartel was captured on July 13, 2013 between the cities of Sabinas Coahuila and Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.  


  1. Only Mexico can shit like this happen..
    How embarrassing...
    The Mexican government.. the laughing stock of the world...

    1. Really? Like if the United States hasn't had embarrassing moments. I bet I could come up with thousands of corruption incidents in the last 30 years if I was to look for them.

    2. 2:12pm
      You have a lot to learn.

    3. Come on everyone, "You gotta love this humor".....The Mexican Government puts a smile on everyone's face.

    4. Did Pablo Escobar not have hookers and a mini casino inside his selfmade prison? Lol you're an idiot. Any one with money will get the treatment they desire anywhere. This is capitalism not democracy you hillbilly.

    5. 9.11 BUILDING SEVEN.

    6. Has anything like this happened in the US..??And you say capitalism is the cause??
      Corruption is the cause!
      i live in the middle east in a very corrupt country and yet shit like this never happens..
      Drug money has corrupted all if mexico,Usa is blamed for the demand and mexico is blaned for the supply.but ppl here saying that there's corruption in the USA are dead wrong.

    7. 9:44 the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia certainly put a big smile on the face of JAIME MONDRAGON FACE, AYOTZINAPA, IMAGES

    8. @7:56

      really? the supermax prisons in the U.S. have known to throw concerts paid for by high profile inmates? LOOOOOOL shut your ignorant ass up. Own up to this shit. Sure, america is corrupt but not to the point of a supermax inmate paying off for a god damn music concert LMFAAOO GTFO.

    9. Not To many BILLIONAIRES make it to SuperMax here jn the US.

  2. If prison doesn't provide retribution and deterrent as it's primary functions and instead focuses on rehabilitation for people who cannot be rehabilitated, then there is no hope for the institution of the state, and the end result is chaos. Prison should be a place where one doesn't want to come back because the experience was unpleasant (though it need not be cruel and unusual).

    1. 2:17 PM: calling bs on that antiquated, fascista claptrap, bro. "Retribution," "deterrent," as primary prison functions is creepy medieval thinking. The courts met out justice, the prison system's function is custodial. Punishment has never prevented crimes from occurring. State executions haven't put an end to murders. There are convicts who are mentally ill, who belong in medical facilities for the criminally insane. There are plenty of convicts who leave prison and don't return, because they had access to education and psychologists while serving out their sentences, or learned a skilled trade when they were behind bars. Privately owned prisons are cruel and unusual enterprises run by pond scum in bad suites and tacky ties. The majority of prisoners in the US come out of poverty and grew up discriminated against because of it. Then, there is racism. If, we talk about the legal system and prisons in the States, race hate is one egregious element that factors into recidivism as well as a disproportionate percentage of non-whites who end up doing time. Convicts with ties to organized crime groups bring another set of complexities to consider, for example, their sentences can be long ones. Being deprived of basic freedoms is punishment. Living behind walls, sleeping in a cell, eating prison food, being at the mercy of guards, wardens, and gangbangers would be hell. Still not "unpleasant," enough?

    2. @12:10 it's called punishment so to punish the offender not give them parties. Seems in your world nobody gets punished but instead participation trophies for a crime well done or sorry to incarcerate you, maybe you need some pills and a nighty-nightly instead. Your liberal world would quickly decend into chaos just as Mexico teeters on. Retribution, deterrent, rehabilitation are the ends of the criminal justice system, without which mob rule and vigilante justice would reign. Go back to your fantasy island.

    3. Protection and prevention through segregationis the reason for prisons, with component ts for rehabilitation, but do whatever you want to do with them horrible people/criminals...
      --what would you recommend for mass murdering genocidal criminals, those conducting state terrorism, creating wars for personal profit, and torturing people without good reason or results, and white collar criminal fraudsters?
      --those, I am sure, cause the most damaging to the US leadership in the world...

  3. Lol el z40 trowing partys , while a chapo was thinking abouth escaping and partying on the outside jajaja el sinaloense salio mas cabron que el tamaulipeco facts 100%

    1. Z40 is from Nuevo Leon genius

    2. Lol partying on the outside ese vato anda bien Escondido como la rata que es

    3. Ni el sinaloense Ni el tamaulipeco valen verga y yo soy tamaulipeco ah y usted vayase ala verga tambien como la ves puto

    4. Sinaloa al 100% Es todo... Snitches or not we get shit done to all you hater mi vale verga!!! Cause in the end ain't nothing stopping CDS we world wide hasta la madre


    5. "Mira pinchi lavacarros...z40"
      40 años en el pedo, tienen que contar por algo, like showing some class, as the world turns, I mean crumbles...
      --Z40 could have hired la banda jerez, or somebody from monterrey or tamaulipas, keep the money in-house...with los zetas brotherhood, but no, after all the great capos kiss and made out instead of killing each other like their sicarios do...
      --now only the government secret paramilitary will be doing executions of innocents to the left and to the right, that for sure.

    6. @10:22pm "we're worldwide"? No mames tacuache. Haz de mover muchas tontas baboso.

    7. Banda Jerez is not that good ,all the new groups from mty and tamps Ain't that great , i don't think he looks like a big fan of narcorap either and if he would of hired any of those tierracaliente groups or those corridos alterado singers he probably would of gotten shanked for causing all that noise

  4. Can anyone give me an idea of how much freedom and impunity capos in Altiplano have? The Z40 concert makes it sound as though they have enough freedom that they could probably escape, yet Chapo was the only one to have done that, and that group of them were extradited last week, which presumably means they didn't have control over their situation.

    1. z-40 is escaping here in the near future.
      its pretty well known jajajajaja

  5. Hey maybe the lasers were used to carve the tunnel and to "beam me up" el chapo...
    --Pilot was the z40 horse that won races for los zetas? Blame steroids, cocaine and pcp, but meth for horses may be there for all the horse races the zetas win and no many believe.

  6. This sound a like a move from chapo to be able to get the new director in and be able to complete his escape plan a little fishy to even have the z40 lights???hmmm money talks bullshit walks

  7. the producers from the show Lockup are dying to get cameras in Mexican prisons .

    1. So that the camera can show all the malfeasance, misfeasance, and rank corruption? I think not.

  8. Ok 2:12, your comment is true but laughable, if we - US citizens feel superior because:

    1- We created ISIS
    2- We just bombed a hospital killing over 30 civilians
    3- Our main runner for president is a clawn, and we love it. (Do you understand how stupid we look?)
    4- According to CNN over 33,000 people get killed in the us by gunshots alone, in a seven year period it sums over 230,000 people, twice as much as Mexico's drug war.

    1. haha I hear crickets. All true my friend

    2. Yup, with your silly little tailored numbers, Mexico is so wonderful its people cross into the ever so corrupt and dangerous US every day, where are you by the way ?

    3. What kind of sniveling apologist are you? Lets talk of slavery next?
      Scared little man

  9. Does anyone know anything else about what Z40 is up to in prison? I know he's in Jalisco now.

    1. I hear Z40 took up underwater basket weaving. And has become a master of poetry.

  10. Amazing. As if a sociopath like Z-40 can be rehabilitated. Absolute liberal claptrap.

  11. Mexico is along with Islamic State, the greatest cause of wrath around the world

  12. My question is, how do they know who the pilot was?

  13. My question is, how do they know who the pilot was? How did they get that info or come to that conclusion?

    Or is mexico just doing a dog and pony show to show to the US that their heavily investigating?

  14. Z40 spent his money on a party for him and his buddies whilst el chapo spent it himself.
    Whats the message? Z40 is a real caring guy whilst el chapo is an egoistic shit ...

    1. The message is that z40 likes los tucanes de tijuana

    2. 6:33 pm..i would love to know what you would have chosen to do...Party or Go Home and make money and see family and friends and PARTY anyway,just not with inmates...

  15. @10:26 fuck you and that Islamic state bullshit we are Mexicans . we don't give a fuck about no Islamic state, Islamic gods, floor kissing routines all we care about is the money and fludding the U.S.A with drugs hahaha

    1. You are right. Mexico is not an Islamic state. Mexico is far worse.

    2. I dont think most mexicans feel that sound like one with little knowledge..and much hate.

    3. Mexico is a cartel State and the Pri helps

    4. And we here in the U.S. can continue flooding Mexico with guns. That way you all can keep killing each other

      And he"ll be back!!!

    6. 11:55am
      And that's a good thing, don't you forget it... Be very afraid hahaha.

    7. Ohh.... 2:59 Is threatening the USA.
      Screw you narcoterrorist. You son of a hairy bitch

  16. I hear the next Z 40 concert will feature "Larry Hernandez - Live from an American Prison".

  17. Why are prisoners even allowed to talk in prison

    1. Other than taking out their voice box or cutting out their tongues how can u stop a man from talking?.What the hell are u gonna do to a person with life who wants to Talk? Cant put him in jail.

    2. Thats some of the dumbest stuff ive heard. Really?? Why allow prisoners to talk???? Come on. You dont have anything more intelligent to ask or say??

    3. The most dangerous weapon a person can use, is their tongue.

    4. Edgar, Edgar, Edgar....we all have basic human rights. Now should I kill myself or should you? Because we can't both be on the same planet with your way of thinking. Lol!!!! Y dicen que para pendejo no se estudia.

  18. Is the tucanes jail concert real? I mean did this really happen or just narco folklore? By the looks of barbie, coss, etc. these guys look terrible coming out of these Mexican prisons.

  19. Eso del pilot puro pedo,es para apendejar nas a la gente

  20. I am from USA and I agree kill them all anyone over a 10 year sentence just shoot them or load them on boats up the river to North Korea like Castro did us with Cuban bitches. Mexico is just shit and has only went down hill in last 30 years. I would not go and I have been in Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Dubai etc. Spent 4 years in first 2. Just like ISIS if they would make it legal and pay me I would be happy to go and just start double tapping each POS I seen. But we are the US we cannot do that oh so bad stuff like the torture they said we did. Nothing compared to mex-a-shit. Who did not know if you want a decent integration go to Jordan, want a real torture go to Syria (not Syria sine there civl unrest) But if you are in US go to mex-a-shit and pay the local commandant hell they will kill them for not much more and clean it up the mexican way half ass. Like their Government... We need to sale the mexicans more guns make first 10% work great the rest have them setup to explode on first shot. Or implant gps device with in the stocks. Like the pack mules who carry over that dirt weed shit they grow. It should be legal to hunt and kill them. I think a mexican backpacker stuffed in the corner with a fake backpack would be a nice piece. Great conversation starter that is for sure!! Or we could just hit "restart" on Mexico and a lot of places in the Middle East. Either they will get there shit together or we will finish with our leveling job and create lots of parking space. And the heavy crude would only help us...Fuck the people there are plenty of those. We can empty all the places that are like "Human Pounds" to create a couple new countries and we need to kill a few high profile Americans like all the CEO's of big banks when they screwed up back in 2008 and some government guys as well. Just my take. Sorry it may sound a bit cold. I just do not have much compassion for people these days. You can thank the USA for that. If anyone does not like what I say guess what you can suck? Do not read my post. And if you think you want to find me let me know I will send you address I am a Texas boy so I am not really a American I am a Texan. Like when I was in theater someone would ask if I was from America I would say No I am from Texas. We are the only state that would still have power if the nation's power grid was taken down...

  21. evil persons like to do evil to innocent people. druggies are basically innocents that have lost their way, and their suppliers are scum taking advantage of their customer. But, the gangs that provide the product to the street suppliers are held in the ballz by the cartels now that the cartels have their people in place in all large city centers.

  22. that's how the cartels work and how they will ruin den USA without an invasion of armed military.


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