Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

El Chino Antrax pays thousands of dollars to the United States

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

[ Subject Matter: El Chino Antrax, Jose Rodrigo Arechinga Gamboa
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

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El China Antrax, in a prologue to his sentence, paid 100,000 dollars to the Government of the United States. In total the drug trafficker will have to pay a million dollars, as part of his guilty plea deal with the Attorney General.

Reporter: Ines Garcia Ramos

A million dollars, that is the figure that the United States Government puts on the fortune of Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa "El Chino" Antrax, obtained and saved during his years in the service of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Imprisoned since December of 2013 in Holland, extradited to the United States in July of 2014 and declared guilty in May of 2015, "El Chino Antrax is at the point of being sentenced for cocaine and marijuana trafficking in the San Diego, California Federal Court.

As part of the judicial process against him, the boss of "Los Antrax", armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel, accepted to give a million US dollars to the Government of the United States, after having plead guilty, on the 15th of May of 2015.

The seizure of goods is one of the sanctions imposed by the United States Code in its section on criminal embargo when it comes to property obtained directly or indirectly from the result of the commission of a crime.

In this case, they are the proceeds from narco trafficking, an activity that he has admitted carrying out.

This order of embargo was made effective on the 27th of August of 2015, when he went before Judge Dana M Sabraw, Federal Judge in charge of the cases against Serafin Zambada Ortiz, son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, leader of the Sinaloa Cartel.

The installments

On the 3rd of September 2015, a month before he is sentenced, the Court of South California received a payment of $100,000 made for Arechiga Gamboa in the form of a cheque from Chase bank in Arizona.

The cheque was made out to United States Marshall Service, a special security body that is in charge of, among other activities, transferring prisoners and apprehension of highly dangerous criminals.

The Lawyer of "El Chino Antrax", Frank J. Ragen appeared to submit the cheque and receive a receipt from the United States Government, which establishes that this is a primary payment.

The Federal Court documents, whose copies Zeta has, indicate that the amount was deposited to the Fund of Seized Assets, this capital is under administration and use of, the Department of Justice to cover costs associated both with the legal formalities of seizures, embargo actions and even to fund research.

It also establishes the current debt as 900,000 dollars remaining to be paid. The payment of the outstanding debt must be settled before or at the moment of sentencing. Payments received after that date will be subject to accumulated interest.

In the order of embargo, it has been established that if Arechiga Gamboa doesn't pay the balance on time, the United States Government could, at any moment, conduct a search to locate, identify and directly dispose of any confiscated assets for a value not to exceed 900,000 dollars.

Until the 30th of September of 2015, with 16 days until his sentencing, "El Chino Antrax" has not made any further payments towards the remaining total.

Charges dropped

In exchange for a million dollars, the United States accepted a reduction in the charges at the moment of sentencing and maintain only charges of conspiracy to traffic marijuana and cocaine. ( Otis: funny that since the Sinaloa Cartel provides nearly all the heroin consumed in the United States ).

These are the terms agreed to in the guilty plea of Arechinga Gamboa, accepted by the prosecutor in charge of the case, Adam L. Braveman. The document was processed on May 20th 2015.

With that, "El Chino Antrax" may end up facing additional charges of conspiracy to traffic Crystal Meth. It was also established that "there will be no complimentary judicial processes added to the order of embargo already running.

After more than a year in prison, Arechinga Gamboa admitted that since May 2005 he has worked in the trafficking of drugs from Mexico to the United States, under the orders of the Sinaloa Cartel.

He didn't only admit to being the coordinator of the Cartel for Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman and Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, but also participating " in acts and violent threats" against rival groups to maintain the power over other Cartels.

Waiting for sentencing

Even though the maximum penalty for the crime that the Sinaloa Cartel member admitted to before the Federal Court, is life imprisonment and a ten million dollar fine, the fact that Arechinga Gamboa plead guilty is an element in his favor.

A sentence of ten years is the minimum for the crime of criminal association for the trafficking of narcotics, with a conditional five years of probation on release.

After completing his sentence, "El Chino Antrax" could be deported to Mexico, although he stated that "nobody has made promises or offered other rewards in exchange for his plea bargain, there is a possibility that he will remain in the US in the witness protection program.

Until the 16th of October, the date established for his sentencing, the Sicario of 34 years, he will stay in the Metropolitan Correctional Centre in San Diego, together with a thousand other inmates.

It will be the first time that "El Chino Antrax" has returned to Court since the escape of El Chapo Guzman from the Altiplano no.1 Cefereso. While for Serafin Zambada Ortiz, son of El Mayo Zambada, had the 4th of November fixed for his trial result.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana

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  1. He snitched!! Ratted everyone out! "Witness protection program"

    La China is dead

    1. Yes he did, he pay for it when they find him

    2. So on october. 16 get your popcorn ready

    3. rodrigo is good con la plebada aqui todos estan firme con el.everyone here is good with him he good when he in there and when he comes home..

    4. 9:15 grow up already

    5. Lol u mean 9:14. Lol kind of stupid when all you have to do is scroll up to look at the time wtf. Man I swear either lazy or litarelly retarded

    6. asi son la mayoria de la de sinaloa la china antrax la ondeada la chapa puro pinche dedo mis respetos para los de guerrero prefieren quedar en la raya a andar de dedos.

  2. Fuckin tacuaches!

  3. jajajaja value of $1M for 10 years of service to the cartel.. 100k per year wouldnt be enough to do shitttttttttttt ;) but i guess mr.antrax needs backup cake when hes on WP living in montana under a fake name for the rest of his life. <3

    reality was more than 100k per month at his disposal here and in the US since 05, u figure it out.


    1. True....He must have at least 10mill stacked up in some safe house in mx....Or some bank account, waithing to get picked up....If he was moving drugs for the cds for ten years, he must have done a couple of pushes on the side (extra traficking for himself)....Wasn't the antraco allredy leaving like a kingpin when he got caught?? that million dollar fine is bullcrap, the 'judge judy' must had been bribed to not let chino loose his millions.

      What about you bixchh? much did he pay for your cullo?

    2. The undereducated in you is obvious

    3. Whats with all this btchs calling errbody mr.? Stupids....

      Do the math if la china antraca was making at least 100k a month, plus....the extra traficking on the side (for himself) that x 10 years? Yeah he gots to have at least 10million in some safe house or some bank account. He was allready leaving like a kingpin any facking way!

      That judge judy must have been bribed or somthing. Maybe that the reason why la china antraca is not loosing all his millions.

    4. 11:12 "mister" is used by people that have some education, it is not about mister, it is about themselves, I prefer calling pendejos to the left or to the right pinchi pendejo or their favorite: "güey"...

    5. Travels to Dubai and many other places around the world, drives half million dollar white Lamborghini Aventador other exotic cars absolutely made more than $1million

    6. 10:06 Tu vete a la ....."güey" you don't go around calling every mathaphaka out there "Mister".

    7. $10 thousand is chump change to this guy.

  4. of course people snitch,their facing 20-25 yrs! iv seen grown men cry in prision,prison aint no joke! peiple who have never been in prision dont know what it feels like,itll brake u

    1. facts.prision will break you.

    2. There are plenty of people in jail who haven't snitched.

    3. It didn't brake mi Holmes was down 15 years was released 2years ago BIG BAD 18 GANG y puro Sinaloa

  5. good story for BB:

  6. Este guey no es mas que un monigote pendejo que sus patrones usan y tiran a la basura segun su conveniencia.

  7. Henry Hill ass
    20 years from now he will be charging for interviews and selling books and movie rights
    Not a bad deal

  8. 1 million dollars made in his trafficking career you see people thats what these guys make! I hope kids get the picture and stay in school, get a career and a good job, that will make you a lot more than a million dollars!!

    1. He agreed to pay 1 million dollars, it does not say how many millions he has.
      --Vicente zambada niebla agreed to pay 1 billion dollars..
      --Osiel Cardenas Guillen 250 millones de dolares...
      That should tell you who is who and what is for snitching, well it is part of the game, grow up, pay and shut the fack up.

    2. Are u stupid or what he made more than that

    3. This guy became the boss , he took over Vicente Zambadas spot after Vicente was arrested , Vicente Zambadas is forfeiting 1 billion dollars to the U.S. Gov . Chino anthrax has more than a million .

    4. That's what the u.s is suggesting he maded in ten years, For sure he maded more than that-that's a fact! !!! The U.S is a corrupt country.Don't believe everything you stupid pisas, and punks hear.

    5. @10.50 pm. sure,Los Estado Unidense is so corrupt, and is so disgustingly unfit for human habitation, happiness and progress, latinos, and people the world over (including Europeans), would do almost ANYTHING, to gain its citizenship.

      So sad.SMH.

    6. 8:25pm
      Re-read the article again, that's what they estimate he made, not much for 10 years and probably made less.

  9. honestly the sinaloa cartel doesnt care if he snitched.
    they want him and all their other people out ASAP.
    snitching on the cartel doesnt mean too much. sure they may get info on certain operations. but that is nothing. the sinaloa cartel is global and change their operations up all the time. if one guy rats out a tunnel its no big deal because they have 50 more that nobody knows about. it doesnt matter what the US finds out because back in mexico chapo and mayo are already a step ahead and they are doing something else that the informant has no clue as to how or when they are doing it. mayo wants his sons out ASAP and snitching means nothing. it isnt like chapo or mayo will ever be caught and moved to the US anyway. so yeah snitching within the mexican cartels means nothing.

    1. Tirando rata en la mafia no es nada hahaha

    2. What!!!...snitching means nothing? Of course it fucking does! That shit is frowned upon, no good. You are not supposed to talk to the fucking cops about shit, let them do their work. All you do once you are caught is lawyer up if you have frog skins, or get ready to do some time.....I can't fucking believe the trend that is going on with people being ok with these snitchaloenses singing like fucking canaries. Saying shit like "it's ok, it's part of the game" no motherfuckes it's not. To the real motherfuckers amongst their ranks getting told on its not! Pinches pendejos, ratting is one of the lowest shit! C'mon "plebada" we all know that!......arriva Michoacan

    3. jajajajajathe sooner el chino gets out the better. same goes for mayos sons. say what you want but they will be in charge as soon as they get out and get deported back to mexico.
      so at the end of the day what does it matter if they tell? it will only help get the out quicker to get their top spot back jajajajaja

    4. No matter how big you are if you snitch your word don't mean shit, and you no longer are trusted by distributors and and customers it's bad for business especially in the drug business. This means their career is over and their days are numbered .

  10. Maybe they killed his wife too soon, dude snitched abyways.
    Epic douchebag

  11. So by when will he be out?

    1. Early March 2016 is what I heard... atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa

  12. As soon he pays his dues $$

  13. today is a bad day to be chino's daughters...

  14. for all the narcissistic hype he had over himself, a million dollars is quite a small fortune.

    1. He made more than 1mil easy in ten years

    2. Dude 1millon in ten years no more like 1 million per shipment for 10 years and how many shipments did he do remover he was always traveling international so there is way more that 1 million dollars

    3. I'd guess he made at least a million a week for a few years.

  15. someone needs to take care of him in there to bad they are Pisa if they where with the sur program all them would have been dead

    1. Yeah thats true they run paisa they can run sur

    2. Not in the fed system

    3. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about so shut the fuck up.first paisas are whay more than sureños in any federal prison. And second we're are you going to get your fix from. Otra keep running your mouth and I can have your own carnales kill you for some stupid ass shit that you know nothing about. Let me see I know Guerro shirm-old man ruben-mando-big joe-black dan that over does in Victor vill usp-Popeye do you want me to name more. Shut the fuck up and stop fronting we paisas have a super long relationship what the fuck you know nothing.

  16. If the DEA already knew he was their enforcer how could of he had possibly "snitched". He told them what they already knew.

  17. Thats nonsense...1 million is like 5 bucks to these guys. justice bought and paid for.

  18. I think he's trying to beat life, seriously doubt he'll get the ten year minimum, probably be out in time to die on probation...

    1. You have any recommendations on the Powerball?

  19. What a joke. This won't even cover the trial costs to the "american" people. Paying off judges investigadors etc.
    I'm more interested in the backstory, but i'll probable never hear it.

  20. He gets out in 10 years

  21. He made way more than 1 million

    1. Yeah. he made 10 billion. all narcos swim in cash.

  22. When he was out, most of you on here will look up too him and get all hyped up with his corridos bragging antrax this antrax that, Now all of a sudden. "El costal lleno de papas"

  23. Cant beleive some of these idiots believe chino only made a million dollars. Sure we all tell the us government how much we really make. What a bunch of morons Ask anyone who makes a lot of money if they tell the truth about money

  24. He will be formally sentenced on 10/16 in San Diego Federal court (southern District of California) at 1:30 in Courtroom 13A

    1. Can the public can go in there to view the trial Chivis?

    2. Thanks for the addition to the post Tia x

    3. Martin

      Yes, but if you are going, go early because it fills up and doors are locked. I was hoping someone would go and give us a report.

    4. Ok , I'll try to go, I'll fill you guys with the info if I make it

    5. Just hoping you can shoot the adrees for the court

    6. 333 West Broadway San Diego, ca92101
      suite 1310

      courtroom 13A (on 13th floor)

      Judge Dana M Sabraw
      here is the is the second one listed

    7. Hahaha. I'd love to go just to be entertained .

  25. Why are they still not showing recent pictures of him
    Ohhh witness protection

    1. there are actually quite a lot of pictures of him before his surgery and a couple of them after his job face.

  26. I wouldn't be surprised if it is only a mexico,,,,that's a lot....also sinaloas exaggerate....look at the corridos.

    1. You obviously don't know the way the game works.

  27. Chino antrax dint snitch he just pay money to get reduce sentence like javuer torrez nutthuggers will say chino snitch aint no way he can get 10 years or less for snitching face facts this 2 sinaloense ni la carcel los doblego arriva tamaulipas werco

    1. Yeah this cjng ,zetas ,cdg nutthuggers cant face the facts that el chino antrax is keeping his head up so they make up all this lies to make him look bad el chino aint snitching ever he a real g

  28. Las armas los lujos i los carros los tengo que olvidar si en holando fui capturado, i ahora aqui estoy encerrado en los estados unidos ,i aunque pasen 50 anios soy del virus , el jefe , el rodrigo
    -chino antrax-

  29. what's funny is that it's not their money but blood money of murdered victims. they never had a legitimate penny in their lives now they have clean funds to pay? WTF

    1. Blood money? Really? What kind of oil do you put in your car, mate? Are you saying that it's not blood oil? Or that diamond in your wedding ring - Is that not a blood diamond?

      Stop with the double standards. First world or third, human beings of all kinds are monsters. To justify that oil as ok is absolutely retarded. That oil was taken from Arab natives. It has so far cost them over a million lives.

      Blood money of murdered victims haha. What a comedian. Every rich person in USA and Europe has earned their fortune by sponging away the blood, sweat and tears of countless people - in countless parts of the world.

  30. Arent him and the mayos snitching on el mochomo??

  31. One million US dollars is just pocket money for this guy.

  32. keep up the good work otis, good to see tex posting on MB too

  33. How much money was found in his European bank accounts and what banks were they?
    Many mexicans with too much money have been seduced by European banks and got scalped, but they do not seem to understand, like carlos salinas de gortari and his brother raul, their brother enrique was left penniless and got tortured and killed by genaro garcia luna and his cousin luis cardenas palomino for not paying his quota...

  34. Ok, we the people of the US would like to know where all these millions are going?!?!? Or actually billions! Can someone enlighten us?

    1. About 90% of all the money drug trafficking generates goes to European banks, even hsbc moved from Hong Kong to england after 300 years operating in china, then they enhance the take ot revenue with mexican capos deposits, that usually become theirs as unclaimed property...AND then all the whole rigmarole comes back laundered as investments to buy US enterprises that get shipped to china, or to buy para estatales like mexico's at fire sale prices, or to make war for profit against the a-rabs or the russians, , ask yourself, how in the hell's balls europe without the world's resources or workforce is so rich and full of investment money? They earn it the old way, they steal it from everybody else their main weapon is deceit...their aim global domination...

    2. The billions go to European banks that use the money to come to the US and by whole industries and ship production to china, leaving you jobless, homeless and itching for some grifa to forget...
      --the profits they reap do not come to the US to stay, they are always working to stick it to you from overseas...

  35. So did he admit to being the clown that killed the Arellano brother at the kid's party?

    1. 9:56am
      He wasn't the clown that killed one of the Arellano's.

    2. Really? when El Albañil (Inje) was caught, he flat out said it was Chino A.

    3. That was some stuff right out of a movie

    4. Yes, he did. The feds dont care about that though, as far as they are concerned he did us a favor.

    5. Yes he admited to being a clown is that what ur asking

    6. That was el changito

    7. He was not the clown

    8. THAT killer clown, ok, I get it.

  36. The issuing bank of this cheque is owned by the one of the Big Daddies of the world. These are the true behind the scene world rulers.

  37. Just wait until the Gambino Crime Family gets him in prison. He spilled the beans on their tunnel operations and engineering solutions along the Arizona - Mexico border. Chino Antrax spilled the beans on the wrong CO. When Carlo Gambino catches him, he will be hanging from a bridge in Houston, TX.

    1. gambino ? lol the mafiA dont run shit in prison lol seen what happened to gotti got smashed in there lol.the prisions and feds are ran by the mexicans they have the billions and all the power,from west coast la eme mexican mafia runs it,arizona la eme nueva new mexican mafia runs it with is mexican cartel is they bosses, in chicago and those places its gangster disciples who run it who work for the mexican cartel and the east coast bloods run it who also work for the mexican cartel lol..salute to the homies in the g walls suwoo nuff said 93 gangster east side blood gang did time in the feds and state..

    2. Don Carlo Gambino got cogido a few years ago, Arizona was Don Joseph Bonanno's playground then his son's but he retired, now it is anybody's but sheriff arapahoo, I mean arpaio the white apache with pink bloomers for everybody has it all Fer hisself now, and shares the butt with sinaloas and investors in private prison industries where the sinaloas supply the free labor in free tit for tat trades...

    3. Lol italians are scared of mexicans now. They aint shit no more. This aint 1920 pendejo

    4. Gambino's have NO power in prison.

    5. both are different and doing shit for different reasons. cant compare the mafia with Islamic Terrorist.

    6. @4:07pm

      You forgot the third option:

      C) You have a MASSIVE, MAD crush on a coworker, butterflies in your stomach, you analyze like crazy even the slightest movement in her pinky finger for signs of hope (on top of all that she knows it and only strings you along).
      Talk about being terrorized! Lol!!

    7. Mexican drug cartels get no US government financing, subsidies, contracts or benefits...

    8. 10:28, when a woman terrorizes you, just look at that funny hair on top of her head and she will feel soo short...just never fess up about "loving her" or your devotion, unless you want her to move on away from youse's lousy ass...
      --I've been there, and many BB wisecrackers still are there, like helpless little boys.

    9. The Montreal Italians took out 2 guys in separate hits in Vera Cruz and another town in Mexico two years, ago. Both victims were gunned down in public places. One of the men killed was a former employee of the Montreal mafia boss who had ordered the killings. The boss died months later in his sleep, he was close to 80 years old.

    10. @5:25pm

      Lol, simple yet so true...thanks!!

    11. 6:42 yer welcome...
      --I have to confess I made a mistake, I looked into chivis eyes...and got bewitched...

  38. So what will be his position when he gets out ? try to get new recruits for Antrax
    and what is the beef between The Damaso people with Los Antrax ?

  39. He may only be worth a million cuz if el chapo is real the Az Mexicans who supposed to be in the game are fake as hell. Do not believe the sinaloa hype man if you go to Texas with a 100 thou to spend you are getting plugged in rite there and I'm talking about like family if you are a 100% solid. In AZ you go with a 100 thous you coming back with 92 cuz you gone spend 8 staying in a hotel for a month only to hear big shot after big shot lie and give you a story about nothing over and over. Don't know who's the biggest rite now but I would lean on the Texas cartels because they know how to work. Stay away from Phoenix and Tucson unless you just want to donate money to the hotel industry. You most def not comingo out with a link from those places. So maybe the chapo mayo thing is a smoke screen to something bigger

    1. 11:27 You obviously don't know how the real people from TEXAS is. Seems more like you are hating on TX. Arriva la GENTE DE TEXAS pendejos! ! Chew on that. . .

    2. See you are already hating on 11:27 comment

    3. Texans are not even "gente", they are all just oily oil tycoons, and oily oil slaves that dedicate themselves to stealing other countries OIL, SPILLING A LOT OF IT WHEREVER THEY CAN...
      --and drilling dry oil holes all over the world...

  40. Replies
    1. Who the f is carlos gambino

    2. Google: carlos gambino

    3. DON CARLO GAMBINO, authentic mafioso siciliano, unlike Al Capone and Vito Genovese, still he died like a fucking dog with his cigar full of spaghetti, la camisa, la panza, everythin' no respect...

    4. Gambino died of old age !

  41. how are these guys aloud to use dirty drug money to pay for lawyers, fees etc but the people in the US have to show proof of where u get the money from

    1. Well they already have proof where they get the money from

  42. I notice Chase Bank on the check. Funny. It has long been rumored that Chase Bank laundered money for the Columbian & Mexican Drug Cartels. Medellin Cartel Capo Carlos Lehder had millions in a Chase bank account. Just a few years ago, word got out that Chase was laundering money for the Sinaloa, Gulf, & Juarez Cartels.

    Looks like the rumors are true.

  43. How do you guys know he snitched about the new stuff and not the old stuff? Im pretty sure he told him stuff about the past and old tunnels and what not

    1. exactly he didnt say anything they didnt already know, this is all part of the plan pendejos que he snitched ni que nada. chapo and zambada are good with this guy. he paid his dues and because he did not elaborate on how the government is involved then he will enjoy imunity with his daughters reading the bilble and thanking God for another chance in life. bola de pendejos wondering how much money he made in his life. who cares

    2. Far as we know el mayo and el chapolin always have had the same "tunnels"
      The war on snitches is like the war on "trolls", let them be , and poop on fhem...

    3. Pretty sure if he told them new stuff he would be gone when he goes to prison

  44. Every bank launders drug money ....its the reason that the drug war will never end...the banks need the drug money

  45. Proof once again that the U.S. is just as corrupt Mexico. You gotta pay to play!

  46. En mexico pagas pa' que no te agarren, on the US te agarran pa' que pagues.


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