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Friday, October 23, 2015

"El Pepillo's" lieutenant murdered in Sinaloa

The right hand man of the plaza Boss from La Paz, Baja California Sur was executed by 10 shots in Colonia Cucas in Culiacan.

On Friday morning Alejandro Sánchez Trejo "El Frank", "El Frane" or "El Alex" was executed, he is considered by federal authorities as the right hand man for Jose Fernando Torres Montenegro "El Pepillo" the plaza leader of drug dealing in the South Zone of the city of La Paz, Baja California Sur.

"El Pepillo's" lieutenant was executed just 10 meters of a ballroom owned by him in the corner of Alvaro Obregon and Solon Zabre in Colonia Cucas in the Sinaloa capital.

Early reports obtained by ZETA suggest that the 39 year old crime boss, was traveling aboard a red ATV, when he was intercepted by hired assassins who shot more than 10 times.

According to witnesses, after the first detonations the right hand man of "El Pepillo" try to flee the area, making a "U" turn, and accelerated his motorcycle going on opposite direction from where he came from, but he was killed in front of a water purification business.

The Attorney General of Sinaloa found 10 9mm cartridges in the scene.

Alejandro Sanchez Trejo "El Frane" is the second person in command of "el Pepillo's" criminal organization a cell of Damaso Serrano Lopez "El Mini Lic", to be executed in Culiacan, Sinaloa, after a war broke out between cells of the Sinaloa Cartel in La Paz, BCS.

The first one was Ranulfo Lopez Portillo "La Muñeca", who was killed on 29 of August.

After losing the war against the cells of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, they were banned from South Zone in La Paz, "Los Pepillos" retreated, and some of them went into hiding in Sinaloa.


  1. Always great news when pond scum is executed....can't wait for the next cockroach to die.

    1. Erres un pendejo ke bueno ke este lacraso ya esta muerto. Le pido a dios ke mate todos los lacrosos narcos de mierda

    2. Really 11:59? Come to mexico and try to live a normal life around the cockroach's. They make it rough for regular people here. I don't care how they go, just so they go.

    3. I also like to hear of their deaths. They deserve death and execution. To me they are also lower levels of pure shit.

    4. They are trash who deserve to be terminated with extreme prejudice. The more the merrier, they make life intolerable for innocent Mexicans.

  2. So antrax vs pepillos in culiacan so that mean el dedos blancos was killed by people this guy send

  3. So mayo zambadas cells at war with minlic damaslopez nunez

    1. Yes. And no. after Chapos arrest El Licenciado gave La Paz plaza to Mini Lic...his son. Soon after they were competing w Zambadas crews for plaza control. A battle broke out in BCS. Zambada warned Damaso.. Damasco told mini lic to stop fighting. Mini Lic tried to stop it but his people had other ideas so they revolted. They created their own crews of sicarios including La China and tried take over the place themselves starting a war with Zambada and Damaso. Mini Lic was caught in middle so he sent his own crew to wipe out the rebels. At the end there was about 5 crews battling for plaza control. Zambada won with help of local govt. La Pas is back under CDS control w Zambada n Damasco sharing. Mini Pic was downgraded n sent back to fight Colima. Now the battle is the same in Sonoyta and Puerto Peñasco. CDS crews fighting against each other. Memos vs Salazars. I believe that's the reason Zambada Chapo CaroQ have formed an alliance for full control of CDS... The younger members can't cut it without fighting.

    2. Who was in LA PAZ as rivals any way?

      Colima is CDS right so why send some one to fight control of a plaza if your organization is in charge

    3. @11:30 am
      excellent summary of a crazy ass situation. can you explain to me why, what is so important about having a plaza? why cant they just sell their shit in secret and not worry about who has control of what plaza? Can you explain to me break it down in layman's terms what happens when a cartel controls a plaza, why that is important and what happens when they lose or gain control of a plaza? pardon my ignorance and thanks in advance.

    4. Colima is cjng territory

    5. La Paz was battleground of El 28 .. La China.. Mendozas... Pepillos & Zambadas people. Colima is 1/2 CDS n CJNG. CDS in battle w CJNG over plaza and manzanillo. Cartel members are divided nowadays. They fight amongst themselves. CDS & CJNG get along in some plazas others they don't. Mediador

    6. @7:53 you are asking for way too some research and get up to speed. You're basically asking for someone to write a long ass post explaining the dope game in mexico. Google search of cartel plaza control should yield a wealth of info that you'll enjoy reading, now get off your fat lazy ass and get to it. Please write back and tells us what you learned.

    7. Cds cartel members fight against themselves nowadays because they realize that the cds is full of traitors! They understand that nobody in the cartel can grow to be as big as Mayo Chapo or even Quintero without being handed over to the U.S. authorities as a sacrifice for the good of the cartel or simply being wiped out under the false pretence that the betrayed member fucked up even after years of effective service! Their is no loyalty in that cartel, only the immediate families of the three mentioned leaders and way less than a handful of chosen others will ever benefit and prosper the most in that cartel!

    8. At 4:10 just so you know colima es CJNG territory don't get confused by corridos they move weight there but it does not mean manzanillo is theirs its run by menchos people thats a fact

    9. I don't see it written anywhere or confirmed so not a fact

    10. Come to manzanillo and see for yourself or ask people from colima which people own the plaza

    11. CJNG are the traitors

    12. Lol come to manzanillo what a cheerleader


    Chivis is in a place without internet access she expects to be back on line tomorrow and will catch up with moderating comments.

    1. Is he in the triángulo dorado reporting on Chapo?

    2. Chivis and --millie are hanging with el chappo. Right lucio??

    3. Lol

      Chivis is a she

      & yeah i bet shes in the sinaloa mountains looking for Chapo lol

    4. @5:03 We've been honeymooning, but we're baaack, thanks for your imterest.
      Atentamente: chivis and millie.
      PS no chapos, in body, heart or mind, muy enanos...

  5. Is it possible to get rid of the other comment as options? The google account, etc?

  6. Stay safe thru the storm ppl

  7. Sort of unrelated but I don't know why people can believe this...

    1. have they looked on the monkey's back there might be a zipper it might be chapo in fancy dress.

  8. CHIVAAA!!! Wish you were here...

  9. Me too!
    Atentamente: EL Chapo

  10. Where does this leave el lucifer...who was he with again

    1. i believe he was the new people lic and mini lic sent to clean out their mess

  11. At the end of the day TODOS CONTRA TODOS,like wrestlemania,except that people don't know this but just think for a second how many souls the Devil and his demons are taking daily,that's their job,and the best part is he makes the worls believe he doesn't exist and it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Real talk
    From a Chiraq savage.

  12. Thanks to all who make this site possible, especially those how take the time to translate. Cheers

  13. antrax got payback for that guy that got killed 2 weeks ago. pancho arce brother supposedly

  14. COLIMA STATE NEWS, Oct 27 2015
    --Fernando moreno peña 1997-2003 governor of Colima shot six times, he will live...
    --Silverio Cavazos, 2005-2009 governor of colima, slain 2010 outside his house...
    --Gustavo Vazquez Montes ended his governorship in 2005 when his plane crashed coming back from mexico city...
    La Jornada cartoon says: CASO DIFICIL-fisgón...
    "If he was a journalist we could say he got shot for doing business with Organized Crime...
    But because he is: 'a former governor, of Colima, of the PRI party', we have no idea"...


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