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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Residents Take Up Arms Against Criminals

By: Manuel Vázquez | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Amecameca, Mexico October 26, 2015— Residents from three locations located in the volcano area took security into their own hands in their communities; carrying out armed guard duty.

Residents of Santa Isabel Chalma and San Francisco Zentlalpan, villages belonging to the municipality of Amecameca, and San Antonio Tlaltecahuacán, of the municipality of Tlalmanalco, have carried out guard duty since last week along the main entrances of the communities in order to keep out assailants.

(Valor: Amecameca is a municipality located between Mexico City and the Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl volcanos.)

In Santa Isabel Chalma, armed with shotguns, machetes, and farm tools, villagers roam the streets and placed checkpoints in order to detect the presence of assailants and suspicious people.

They warned that justice will be done with the first thief that they arrest and rejected the order of the director of the municipal police of Amecameca to suspend their vigilance.

“We’ll do it as long as necessary, until we catch a thief or put an end to so many assaults on the streets, we’ve had it up to here, the assailants don’t respect anyone in the village,” said José, a 53 year old farmer and one of the leaders of the movement.

In San Antonio Tlaltecahuacán, the neighbors of the warnings passed the events and from Friday, October 23, night guards began armed with weapons and tools that they used in the fields in order to confront criminals.

On Friday night, around 30 neighbors set up checkpoints on the main entrance, where the highest number of assaults has taken place against men and women returning or leaving their jobs and school.

In San Francisco Zentlalpan, more than 100 residents of the community of San Francisco Zentlalpan met last Saturday in order to organize against the increasing state of insecurity.

Robberies, assaults, and car thefts are crimes that people have suffered through at the hands of individuals aboard a white Tsuru.

Last Wednesday, a university student who came from the Federal District and was walking down the street Progreso, at the entrance of the village, was caught by a subject on a motorcycle who signaled him to stop and behind the motorcycle was a white Tsuru.  Three individuals stepped out leaving a man and a woman inside.

The individuals who carry out the attacks have not been identified by their victims since they wear balaclavas and carry guns.  The residents affected hand over their belongings for fear of being hurt and run away from the place.

German Guzmán Segura, who is the second delegate from the village, said that the people are tired of the insecurity and the authorities do nothing about it, for example in recent days, electricians from the Federal Commission of Electricity cut power to several lamps that illuminate the stop at the entrance of the village.

Braulio Martínez, who is the director of the municipal police, attended the meeting that was organized by the neighbors.  He promised to leave a permanent patrol vehicle for the municipality and the village of Aldea de los Reyes and that he would send a patrol vehicle for support while carrying out patrols along the main streets.

Neighbors didn’t comply with what the director offered them; they decided to start organizing for patrols in various parts of the municipality to protect the people.

“Any bastard who is caught stealing is going to be lynched,” said the neighbors.


A day after the first article was published, at 8:42 today, Tuesday, October 27, 2015, three assailants who were going to be lynched were “rescued”.  The residents managed to trap three assailants who were responsible for the assassination of a youth who sold videogames.  The police arrived and one of the assailants managed to escape.  Residents were furious at the police for rescuing the assailants so they burned one of their patrol cars.


  1. How long before they're slaughtered?

  2. Se les rescato for only one reason, cops were getting a cut to let these scumbags rob everyone blind... Donde estaban los oficiales when people were being mugged?...

  3. You gotta love these michoacanos, they dont take no shit! Love it....

    1. They aren't michoacanos ?

    2. You clearly didn't read the article B

    3. Wow, makes you wonder, the article had a map of the location and even explained where the area was located. Then home boy thinks it's in Michoacan. Go roll you another one, I hope the communities come out ok with this affair

    4. This region is part of the state of Mexico.

    5. They arnt michoacanos lol

    6. It won't be long before their useless corrupt security forces come in and take their weapons because as everyone knows, private ownership of firearms is illegal. It's funny, for a country that claims to have strict gun control there sure is a lot of people with firearms, all be it the public is woefully under armed when it comes to everyone else. It's a real shame that the public does not have the ability to acquire more sophisticated weapons to combat the shitbags in the drug gangs and government.

    7. Get ready for the revolution!

    8. Get ready for the revolution!

    9. @11:28 comment still stand true...when Zetas were running over everyone, Michoacanos were the first to smash them....when the CT who smashed the Zetas then tried to thug on the people, they smashed the CT. they've been smashing fools since the Aztecs had all everyone enslaved...Purepechas (Tarascos) from Michoacan were the first to smash the even though homeboy got it wrong on this story, he got everything else i didn't disrespect anyone else's, stateso don't start hating on Michoacan. If you want to cheerlead for your state, i would love to heara it if you can do it with disrespecting others and thus yourself.

    10. @8:18 i dont think all firearms are illegal...just certain ones

    11. @4:27 #1 It wasn't the CT who "smashed" the Zetas it was La Familia. Anyway the Z weren't "smashed" but rather betrayed by La Familia. The Z saved La Familia from getting their ass handed to them by Milenio Cartel who was backed the Federation. The Michoacanos had nothing to do with the Z being killed. Get the facts straight.

    12. La familia and CT are the same shit, plus or minus one chango!

  4. Christian Lopez PalafoxOctober 28, 2015 at 12:22 AM

    I have officially made my decision to run for president of Mexico in 2018. As president I will down size the government, every governor, mayor, and public servant with suspicions or ties with organized crime will be removed from office or arrested, and clean elections would be set up. I would also take advantage of Mexico's vast natural resources de privatizing the current juggernaut and stepping out of isolation. By striking a loan agreement with other world powers I would bring major economic reform by reconstructing Mexico's infrastructure starting with its capital cities throughout the country. Making it mandatory for children 16 and under to attend school, providing grants to students who have completed school in order to integrate more knowledgeable people into the new work force as well as providing training for the massive reconstruction and increasing wages. With a positive growth in the country, I would then implement the death penalty, making offenders eligible if they commit 2 or more murders or have killed in a heinous matter usually executing the offender within a month. By taking a bold stance against organized crime I will fight to elevate Mexico and bring it out of the depths of the barrel when it concerns its standing with the rest of the world, economically and educational wise. There's a reason the US leads the world and I would use some of those qualities and apply them in Mexico. Vote for me Christian Lopez Palafox 2018

    1. No, Christian Lopez P. The death penalty isn't progressive thinking. While, you're thinking is correct on the importance of education, the details are flakey. More laws foisted upon the citizenry leave the doors wide open for continued corruption. Mexicans know the need universal education and healthcare better than anyone. No need to put a gun to anybody's head to get them to go to school. LEGALIZE pot and TAX, use the revenue for public works, like schools, job creation and job training, and for hospitals. Nationalizing industry has always been one of my favorites, that's cool. But, no more ripping Mother Earth's guts out, that's fucked. The manufacturing sector needs serious development to replace the extraction industries and narco jobs. Labor Unions are also necessary. Green My Job Mother Earth Is Hiring.

    2. Listen to the Tree Huger, Christian... People talk like change comes easy, everyone has a plan.... They also speak from a place of Privilege and think that change is easy because they live it.... The United States is a monster that took years to create and we enjoy the benefits, we also look down on those that live under miserable conditions because we think of the opportunities that we have and how easy it is to protest....Legalizing pot and taxing may one day work for us here in the States but there aren't enough Checks and Balances in Mexico to keep people in honest.... Someone should let the migrants that the Cartels kidnap, that if they had a Union things would be better....

    3. pot is legalized in Mx, as a matter of fact, all drugs are. lol...I hope you mean America should legalize it.

    4. I:34 the Bohemian Rhapsody is about tree grabbing in the groove, you tube...
      --In mexico the only thing grabbing trees are illegal loggers and government gorillas looking for their next commission murdering mexicans...

    5. --I am soo happy more and more people have become convinced the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia is the problem, and that the US compounds it with their weapons, money and training for mexican gorillas, thanks BB!!!

  5. It is in the State of Mexico.

  6. SSE of mexico city El DF, west of the volcanos...see the MAP!!!
    Once organized, these people will kill the moment somebody decide to denounce anybody, for an example (little) in living colour, watch mexican movie: "CANOA"

  7. This is the Native Mexican People, they been fighting the Mexican government for hundreds of years,

  8. Mexican dealers are not the problem in Mexico, you got it, its the politicos who take the bribes and let it happen. We are under Marshal Law in Tamps. seems to be working. All the politicos are scared they will be kidnapped. My family has already suffered. Now for legal drugs in Mexico, don't need a law, its already happening.

    1. And, los politicos are plenty scared. It's their bad karma the rest of us have to live through, too. Sometimes, Marshall Law is the only recourse, but it's best if it's a temporary measure. It's not a permanent solution, though. Peace....

    2. 4:30 Entonces la culpa es del que peca por la paga y no el que paga por la peca, Bro... you got to share the blame, you can't blame the prostitute only... Marshal Law in Tamps? That was in place long before the war there began but it is only there to keep honest citizens from stepping out of line. P.S. Sorry for your loss, you are not alone....

    3. Sorry to hear your family has suffered.Has the corruption gotten so out of hand there that the narcos are now controlling the state?1st the rivals 2nd the innocent and last the elites.Maybe the buck will stop there now that the elite are being threatened?We can only hope.Funny how much things have changed on this website for past year and a half Ive been on here.There were many stories,still are but more and more comments on government corruption where before hardly any comments on the subject.Wonder why.Something changed.

    4. After passing la "Reforma energetica" and getting their estados in debt for the next 50 years, and the prices of oil coming down to elimitate profits for the host countries, mexican governors have increased "real safety measures to protect the new lords of pemex and their newly acquired assets, but because they will not be paid much, crime will have to stay, to make up for the short pay and the long hours, and the people will have to keep paying for it...
      --"revenue from the Reforma Energetica" is just a sueño, a pipe dream cooked by crooked mexican economistas and their political benefactors...

  9. Mexico Kidnappings and Hijackings are on special starting Black Friday. 50% off. Just think you can visit your family in Mexico and only lose 1/2 your car

  10. That is what it takes to keep the peace in certain parts of Mexico or maybe all of Mexico. the regular citizens will rule, since the corrupt elements are all for shit, every last one of them, from the political top dog, to the bottom scum feeder. The soul of Mexico is at stake, peace and respect vs greed and corruption, what it going to be? The people are starting to speak.

    1. A new day is dawning for Mexico's people. PEACE. If, you listen carefully for it, you can hear it coming.
      Viva Mexico Siempre :-)

  11. The struggle continues.... I pray they don't end up in jail or WORSE dealing with the corrupt officials

  12. Never trust the government, never!

    1. Amen to that, 6:48 AM, nunca, never and jamas.

  13. Autodefensas did a superb job in Michoacan but when the government got involved, they became extinct. Please don't let it happen in Guerrero. Don't even listen to the government.

    1. Yes! Very good advice, 6:54 AM. VIVA EL PUEBLO MEXICANO! Follow your hearts to peace....

    2. Being peppered with bird shot from a single barrel is laughable... And it is not a laughter of humor it is a laughter of Frustration... We hope this outcome will be different but when the Mexican Army comes rolling in they will do so firing fully automatic weapons... But this must be for change to occur....

    3. 8:14 shut up with negative shit your not helping so go away

  14. The people have had enough crime, corruption and bloodshed. Narco dollars have caused only horrors and more poverty for them to endure. The French revolution was blood soaked, crazed and lasted years. Mexico knows what revolution is, too. People are ready for it in their hearts and minds, that's a power the narco gob cannot overcome with their guns, gringos & greed. VIVA EL PUEBLO! FREE MEXICO.

    1. You live in a fantasy Land bro, their time is already marked...vive los narcos y los narco politicos

    2. Uhh-uhh, Hermanolo 5:07 PM.
      Pa' la P'ta M con los HP narcos y los otros malparidos del narco gob. ¡¡ Que se joden toditos de una!! Karma's a relentless bitch. The individuls who are paramilitaries, careerists at DEA & CIA, narco prez EPN, the members of his narco GOB, the cartels and their rock star capos ALL have personal, karmic storms en route. Their money and guns can't save them from their karma. Cause and effect, it's the law of the universe. The effects of their actions will consume what's left of their lives. These POS are too arrogant to learn how to change their karma. A new day is dawning for for Peace, for Mexico's people. VIVA EL PUEBLO!

    3. Those times have come and gone, sad to say...If one individual was creating these crimes, there would be an outrage, you know..UN, Human rights, Bla, Bla, Bla.... But the truth is that Mexico's most important exports are the drugs that many individuals consume, we all know it yet no one of importance that can bring about change will admit it... As far as the U.S. getting involved, that won't happen until you have the same people rising up against the cartels, rise up against their own government, and the U.S. will either help the current Mexican Government or those individuals that can offer them something in return....

    4. @7:22 ya valió madre, los cubanos have arrived at 7:22, prepare for cuban styled corruption, mechanics and scientists, la puta mare, hermano! Que te pasa broda no joda, digame caballero, ha oido la cancion de La Macorina con chavela vargas? La mexicana que nació en Costa Rica porque "los mexicanos nacemos donde nos da nuestra chingada gana..." y quien le mandaba sus Habaneros Macanudos a Bill Clinton? Porque hillary quiere saber...

  15. They will not come to the rescue of the people when they are being assaulted, but they will come to the rescue of the criminals. Sounds like they need to take out the police, because the they are obviously on the take. What else is new. They should have beat the criminals to death on the spot.

  16. Burn them all !! Lynch all thief's an murderers!! Good job vigilantes eso lo debe hacer Mexico entero!! Watch an learn EPN!!

    1. True, those emotions you express have yet to reach all of Mexico and for that reason few are the ones to take initiative.... Kill'em all... but then you have those that after being assaulted, robbed or raped (figuratively speaking) think that their can be change for these unruly individuals, you know, those against the death penalty...

    2. I believe in the death penalty but only if applied to corrupt politicians, they believe in the death penalty applied to their rival politicians or any opponent or fabricated criminal who confesses because of torture, as usual...

  17. These guys are trying to do the right thing by protecting their town when punk a$$ chotas on the take won't do anything.

    Well, chotas will do something, but it won't benefit guys like German Guzman Segura. People like Guzman Segura are on borrowed time. These police follow money, and when paid by those who rob and steal...will go to work for those who rob and steal...and then will inevitably show up only after shit goes down.

    Chotas in Mexico never hear or know about shady sh!t because they're always doing shady sh!t.

    Nice the police allow the FCE-errrrr I mean los rateros that cut the power out on lights where these assaults happen.

    Sometimes there's a silver lining.

    Jajaja. Pen....!

  18. Michoacanos ??? No mames pendejo . Learn to read and pay attention !

  19. Only in Mexico! wild wild west was two centuries ago. Results of corrupt government.

  20. Get ready Castillo, you are going to have to be in a lot of places to quill the revolution against the government. People have had it and will take things into their own hands.

    1. Shit, when the revolution comes, el Castillo de kagada alfredo castillo and his cousin murderer torturer kidnapper Luis Cardenas Palomino SSP subcomisionado, de genaro garcia luna, godson of convicted criminal kidnapper murderer, capitan de la policia federal Jesus Miyazawa, they will be living on the US protected by the criminal refugee program of sovereign zedillo, garcia luna and fecal calderon...
      All corrupt government officers, some since the 40's...Miyazaki is dead but his disciples keep on the "family business" tradition...

  21. Well, you would think they are from michoacan because it's the only state in Mexico where this type of stuff has been going on. Don't get yourpanties in a bunch roger!! damn !! Lol

  22. Explosive report out today from Human Rights Watch finding PF massacres occurred at both Apatzingán and Tanhuato, Michoacán (confirming what's been reported here on MB and on Forum):

  23. One more AD killed in Michoacán. This time in hometown of Dr. Mireles.

  24. ¡It is the correct name MICHOACANEROS! These peoples need mascaras de ule. I think mascaras de ule de EPN would save their life. Anonimo.

    1. Realy... lol It's Michoacanos not Michoacaneros jajaja

    2. Locos es michoacanitos!

  25. People already must know that if they take up arms they'll bound to get mowed down. There's a difference of wanting to make a difference and taking sides. You can't fight the government cause they won't think twice to commit mass murder.

    1. Your right that the government will eventually kill all of them right after they take away their guns first but that's only if they decide to show their faces like the stupid Autodefensa leaders did though! I would recommend them not to directly confront the government if approached by them however! The government will never admit that they cannot handle all the delinquency in the country unfortunately and will never allow its people to carry arms!

    2. 5:06 Sounds like cowardly talk, Change begins with the individual... Yes some must and will die but that's the price of true freedom...

    3. A las escondidas nos entendemos a toda madre! -El Soldado Perdido

    4. 8:04 a hueevooo, Anonymouses United!
      --they do not advertise it when they are coming to fack us all up in the ass without warning or justification, and then explain it all away with the historic truths that nobody believes...

  26. Thank god i liven in sinaloa were el chapo doesnt let criminals mess whit the town , they know el chapo will kill any mugrozo messing whit el pueblo , god bless guerro and any part of mexico where my mexican brothers cant live in peace beacause of those scum bag criminals

    1. Yeah just a bunch of "angelitos" living in Sinaloa! A place where if you get into a fender bender with any of the many so called Mafiosos you get shot at if not worse! If you accidentally step on their stupid boots in a bar you get shot at! If a narco likes your g friend and can't have her you get shot at! If you turn on your radio louder than theirs while living next to one, you get shot at! If a narco doesn't like that you glanced in the direction of his plastic filled girlfriend you get shot at! If you sing louder than them you get shot at! If you don't go to bed at night when they tell you in the pueblitos or ask them permission to throw a party you get shot at! But that's ok, cuz they don't mess with the people, no sir they are the guardians of the people!

    2. Onece again the sinaloa people talking nonsence lol chapo doe NOT control sinaloa menso

  27. Replies
    1. × <----<< aqui, here, marca el espot, she esta muy bien, yo te la wacko ese, ok?
      Dice que "thank you for the interest..."

  28. Nothing has changed in Guerrero in the mining area:


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