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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sinaloa: "Chino Antrax" sentencing update

Lucio R. Borderland Beat using material from C. Martinez Scribd page

José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, aka Chino Antrax, was scheduled to be sentenced on this past Friday October 16th, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of California.

On October 8th Frank J. Ragen, the attorney representing Aréchiga Gamboa, filed a request for continuance, due to time needed to prepare for the hearing.  Adam Braverman, Assistant United States attorney had no objection to the delay.  The new sentencing date is April, 08, 2016. (see doc below)

Aréchiga Gamboa has pleaded guilty in the case against him in a plea agreement. In the plea agreement (below) it lists conditions or acts that would nullify the agreement. 
Click to enlarge

The government will recommend to the court to impose the low end of the guideline scale.

It also states that the U.S. Government has made no representation as to what sentencing will be and that the defendant is aware the judge in the case may impose maximum sentence provided by statute.

The defendant waives all rights to appeal.

In the plea the defendant agreed to forfeit 1,000,000 dollars payable to the Unites States government.  He submitted his first payment of 100k. (at left)

The plea agreement also states the U.S. has calculated a 40/41 sentencing score.  Theoretically, with a score of 40/41 sentencing would be 360 months to life, without mediating factors.

In this hypothetical case with good time, and time served it would calculate to 288 months and 28 days of actual served time when released. 

But, no one expects the maximum and when sentenced is imposed by the Hon. Judge Sabraw, we should have a pretty good idea of just how much information Aréchiga Gamboa gave up to authorities.

Relevant Documents


  1. Ha! Gives him more time to sing. We all know he loves his corridos.

  2. 24 years? nah... he'll get 10 most likely...

    1. who said 2 years? that was a sample case (hypothetical)

      I think you are correct 8-10 years

    2. Thats not bad at all! Chino started moving drugs once he was at the top! Lets not forget he was Hired to be a Hitman! He's a killer, not even doing time for all the lifes he took! So id say he's one lucky SOB

    3. He's been down 2 he will et 8 years with 2 served it will become 6 and from those 6 I say it will turn to 41/2 do to snitching and good conduct

    4. Negative! dude will do more than ten.

    5. Chivis I've done federal time, I was right there in mcc in san Diego in 2009 for re-entry I had 18 points on the federal guide lines, I signed, and took a deal for 49-51 months but the judge sentenced me to 18 months in a u.s.p I served my time in Florence, usp I'm a sureno, anyways.from my experience I think the judge is going to give chino antrax probably 180-240 months at a usp.

    6. @7:10 really that much? I would have never guessed that but mine is not an educated guess based on knowing the system first hand. I thought leniency would be given because during this administration that is how its been.

      BTW maybe you can answer a question for me. If a prisoner is no longer listed in BOP and release date "unavailable" what does that mean? Mamito after he testified for the US in the Zetas trial he has vanished.

    7. "In some instances, the inmate’s release date was unavailable within SENTRY. According to a BOP official, this information may be missing for a variety of reasons, such as an inmate escaping from a halfway house. In these cases, the BOP is unable to determine the inmate’s release date until the inmate is captured or surrendered and then adjudicated."

      In other words "Mamito" is not in federal custody, he's free as a bird, either in protective custody or working undercover for the government in a high density spanish speaking community - like Houston or Dallas, etc.

    8. Chivis: Likely WITSEC. If he's testified against others and given he's cut a deal and is providing information he will be in the BOP's witness protection program so they can keep his location, etc. a secret.

    9. It means that he is in protective custody or a witness protection program.

    10. is the story.
      we began getting reports that mamito was seen several times in tamps. then a person I trust said as much. not that he saw him but someone credible did.

      so I looked at the inmate locator and it says:



      if he was in the wp program he would still be in custody only no identifiers would be listed. this says he is not. So we sat on the story.

      Please only those who really know what this means reply to specifics.
      I called to see if he was in marshall's custody and although they would not confirm that, they did say in general he would not go back to them under any circumstance


    11. El Mamito still has to do time in Mexico so I don't believe he was loose roaming Tamaulipas.

    12. Nope, he doesn't in the agreement he can't be tried for the same crimes in both countries. the only way he would have to stand trial in mx if another charge came up after his extradition.

    13. Who cares about he has to do time in mexico?
      --La "COMPAÑIA" takes care of its surviving 'membas', as long as they keep quiet about "shit"...
      --mamito just wanted to see mommy again for a looong.time before he got arrested, and if his team killed US agents it is 'inrrelevant'...
      --all the setas are not going to pay for it...

  3. Anyone knows if the time he's been in jail so far is going to count as part of his sentence?

    1. yes...see the sentence calculator? it states as much. Prob since arrest in Amsterdam

  4. Chivis there are pictures of him after his face surgery, look them up

    1. Here Chivis

    2. thank you so much. I have seen most of these except one. I wondered if they were shopped to throw police off. It made no sense to have plastic surgery and then give up photos like yuri did. if they are real wow sure turned a nice looking face into something homely.

      thanks for taking time to get the link. I wish everyone did when sending a tip.

    3. so i don't get it how did he change his face. so the mugshot is after he had surgery?

  5. Pinche chino antraco lo usaron y lo tiraron a la basura. A ver cuando asen lo mismo con los demas antraxs ke andan por ahi libres como si nada...

  6. "The plea agreement also states the U.S. has calculated a 40/41 sentencing score. Theoretically, with a score of 40/41 sentencing would be 360 months to life, without mediating factors."

    I think that you may be off on your calculations. I think in the plea deal they agreed that Chino fell into the criminal history category of 1, which means that statutory guidelines call for between 292-405 months. Which means he could be out in 248.2 months assuming the judge sentences him to 292 months.

    1. He was using a hypothetical case, as to how calculations are derived

    2. Any word on mamito is out o what?

  7. So like 24 years ?

  8. So Chino maybe gave up enough info that the Govt. Is on Chapos ass.........moral of the story all drug dealers fold and start snitching.

    1. Relax dude Chapo and this guy haven't seen each other in a long time ... I don't think el Chino knows were his at but keep trying hahahah

  9. He ain't nothing without a pistol he's paying the million so they don't put him in general population like I said before the big homies don't respect him and zerafin pinchis levas ATTE: Logan Heights RED STEPS siguemos al 100 con los arêtes

    1. The big homies respect the almighty dollar. Everyone and everything else are expendable, including their fellow carnales. He can buy their respect.

    2. Calm down you ate nothing as long as he has money he gets protection plus hes in federal prison in protective custody do stop with your logan you are small potatoes hes a big fish

    3. Logan high heels homie represent it proudly lmao man o man

    4. He had enough respect to manage his own plaza so I don't what garbage you talking.

    5. He scared of the cholos in sd so he pc up hahah y no que muy chingon el plebe pues

    6. Many of your homies from Logan also folded. I personally know it myself. I knew Popeye, Adolfo Marin Cuebas and Tarzan.

    7. Calm down dude, you guys are nothing compared to this guy. The only reason you guys came to be known was because of Popeye. Once Popeye was killed you people went back to the shadows to be sicarios or low level drug dealers. Dealing no more than 10 lbs at a time.

    8. You are crazy to compare your little barrio to him. You guys will never be like him, you guys don't even travel to other countries like he did to sell drugs. You are just street corner dealers.

    9. 8:26! Tarzan & Lazarus!?! ¡ No jodas voz!

  10. The u.s. just claiming what's theirs. I'm sure they know that money he's paying back is from drug sales.

    1. The CIA helped el vicentillo make more than that, he paid $1 000 000 000.00 USD fine, and the CIA refused to testify even in their own behalf...
      --osiel paid about $250 000 000.00 USD, but I think he was all a texas/trampaulipas kind of local transexual operation...
      --i mean, el Chino and his $100 000 usd down payment sounds like a 'joke', you know?

  11. Other cartel nutt riders will say chino antrax snitch but face facts he only pay money to the US like javier torrez felix , my respects from russia to this guys strong brave man cause US prision aint no joke just look at this one cartel boss who they said in mexico he was hella brave osiel cardenas guillen first bitch snitch of mexico

    1. Nah, he snitched. That's what the US Government does to guys like this. Facing 25 to life will make any "hardcore" criminal become a rat. All the things going on in court and the fact Chino is not in the BOP system points to protective custody. Protective custody=protected snitch.

    2. True brotha to bad i can give you a like

      They should have a like botton in bb lol

    3. @ 9:03 Protective custody doesn't always mean a person is a snitch. I've known rapist who choose protective custody to avoid getting their ass beat down by general population. And no matter how well trained you think you may be in what ever martial arts you claim.I guarantee you that when 10 motherfuckers are coming at you your odds at winning are very slim.

    4. Anyone who is among the living has hope --even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! Ecclesiastes 9:4

  12. The suspense in this case is killing me lol

  13. I can't understand why every people who have a real photo of chino antrax hide his face. maybe old photos before 5 years are available and thats max. three photos.

    Why every people hide him ? And why nobody has an photo of the last 2 years of him? Every people speak about him, but nobody know his face... why?

    1. True that. How come not new pictures come out?? Like when he is in court facing the "Judge". Like they do with others like serial killers. etc. etc.

    2. Because he's protected witness why do you think there isn't any of serafin or Vincent's the only one of vicente is when he was being transferred

    3. 4:59. Cameras are not usually allowed in U.S courtrooms..thats why there is a court appointed sketch artist who usually draws a pic of said person.

    4. 7:52 That's not universal. You've obviously never seen major trials that they've full on broadcast on television. It is the case in some jurisdiction but not all. Just look at all the photographs of the Aurorora movie theater shooter Jason Holmes during his trial. Hell, OJ Simpson trying on the gloves in the court room in his murder trial. It depends on the court, the jurisdiction, etc. Chino is going to be in WITSEC and so that is likely the reason. That and the media he just doesn't give a shit. They only care about the sensational cases in the U.S. and not the horrors that go on in Mexico at the hands of guys like Chino Antrax. Sad but true.

    5. 7:52 & 5:38: you're both right

  14. Hopefully he gets the maximum and somehow gets murdered in prison. He is nothing but a ruthless cold blooded murderer with no conscience or remorse.

  15. Sera z and Chino basically turned themselves in with leaving mex But maybe jail USA is safest place for now chapo isidro has culiacan on lock from what I've read and cartel map also what up with jt in mex prison any release date?

    1. Who said isidro has culiacan on lock ? Lmao you must not know who runs culiacan

    2. Isidro doesnt even have Los Mochis on lock....Chapo was already confirmed to be there since his escape. Chapo runs Culiacan. Dont you remember the protests in the streets of Culiacan after his arrest? Bozo..

    3. BS chapo dosent run shit in culiacan anymore the only thing hes running is for his life. El mayo maybe but even he is not safe from capture in that city its not like the old days. Anyone can roll into culiacan checkpoint free for now.

    4. Chapo isidro cayadito asiendo ruido asi mas mejor

    5. If anyone could roll into culiacan so free they would be dropping body's.

  16. More reduction when he testifies against Chapo's sons!
    He won't testify against Chapo because the Marines will kill Chapo in a operation in the Sierra Madres!
    Mayo won't go down shooting so, Chino will be freed after his big-fish testimony against him!

    1. 5:o6 yeah! don't we looove the marinas a little bitch too much, beech?
      --They serve their master, the bastard government, not the mexicans, so before praising them or the army or police or paramilitary, or anything government, eat some popó to match your praise to the smell...

  17. I kind of doubt he will get anything less then 25 years. Federal judges use enhancement for other crimes "not tried" like all the people he has murdered. He will die in a USA prison either by sentence or shiv unless they SuperMax his pussy ass.

    1. If he gets anything less than what you are suggesting then we know he snitched to get a reduced sentence. Point blank end of story.

  18. Muerte ala RATA Chino "La Diva" Antrax!

    Puro Baja CAFlifornia!

  19. But first he will face charges in mexico. Round 2 like JT.

  20. Yeah that makes a lot of sense that the gangs wont bother the cartels or they could f""k their street supply up.It must be hard for someone like Chino to do hard time in US.These high level cartel guys are living like the elite;rich spoiled and pampered princes.They certainly are nt used to living like street gangs.They get other persons to do the tough jobs.Yes they are cold blooded but tough when they are used to only the best;I doubt it.They are in for a rude awakening.I think the street gang types would have an easier adjustment in jail.

  21. In mcc san diego the majority of the population is paisa...meaning they are mexicans with no gang affiliation...the sinaloa car will take him in that is is if there isnt a hit on him ....theg run by states....biggest is michoacanos the chinolas or jaliscos i believe...

    1. Most of the drugs sold in San Diego is from Michoacan. Methamphetamine is what I'm talking about.

    2. These people don't get mixed in with regular population now what I've noticed is that in southern California it's mostly Mexicans del norte and sinaloa jalisco and all of that and northern California is where there is a lot of michoacanos and zacatecas etc etc

    3. No offense but jalsico is not in the north its considered SOUTHWEST like colima,mich,gto you are proubly one of the some what liteskined jaliscillo k se kre norteno lol I think zacatecas is considered nor mex

    4. 12:50 bs we know who runs the American drug market and its not Michigan

    5. Si no fuera por los paisas que surten merca ,los pandilleros del sur y norte de California anduvieran de nuevo asaltando gasolineras ,tiendas de licores, y hasta los eloteros y raspaderos lo que pasa con ustds cholos que no saben nada de negocios por eso le tienen envidia a los paisas

  22. Chino is now a Nobody!
    Rather a Rat Nobody now!
    Perhaps, Zambada's Rat sons can walk the yard, as long as Mayo sends cut-rate drugs to his protectors.
    Any lower level Cartel member is marked for death!

  23. Sad that the Drug Dealers cheer for weak rats like Chino and Chapo. Sad that they believe this deadend backstabbing world has an ounce of honor.
    One day when they are burnt out from drugs or burnt-out from doing 20 years in prison they will realize they wasted their lives and believed in false prophets!
    Sad but true

  24. He will be given 18 years n credit for 2...

  25. @12:05, besides torture, that's probably another reason high level Mexican criminals make deals with the govt. they don't expect jail whereas gang members see it as a rite of passage and look forward to going so they can establish their the USA Mexican gang members usually only become somebody after a prison stint

  26. Come now if u see a enemie on a yard and hes not a homie aka sureno you bet he will get handled...ive been there done that most likley hes pc no chance on getting to him✌

  27. They all snitch in the end no matter what cartel thats why they are in the business that they are in because all they care is about their self

  28. The US reduces the Mierda Accords mexican governing narco-mierdocracia's allowance "by about 20%" and starts investigations of their human rights abuses in mexico...
    --the US disengages itself from the guilty protection and affirms that no government can disappear 43 persons and expect to be not accountable for it...
    --while michoacan gets flooded by all kinds of military, paramilitary, mando unico, national polizetas, H3 accomplices, and all kinds of government criminals and tapaderas (cover-up specialists) to "restore the estado de derecho" and rescue their bountiful estado from the people's real AutoDefensas that have no rights no weapons, no money, no powerful supporters or sponsors and whose leadership has been imprisoned under spurious and trumped up charges to rescue their slave labor and keep exploiting them like the banana republic slaves they are...
    -- enrique pinochet, I mean peña nieto is about to get sold down the river, power will be given now to even more extremista extreme right mexican christians, I guess, more military too...

  29. GIVE UNCLE SAM HIS MONEY, thats all he wants.

  30. First off the cartels don't run shit in the US prison system. The American prison gangs run the Feds. Everything goes thru La EME, Aryan Brotherhood and Black Guerilla Family but it depends where you are in the penal system. The cartels get permission from the prison gangs to make any moves. Remember when John Gotti got his ass beat by the BGF member because he refuse to pay the AB protection money. The AB sent the BGF member to make a point and the point was made. If Chino is in my SD then La EME runs things there obviously. But knowing Chinoa situation and his snitching status he will be far away from any California FCI, USP or Admax. No matter how powerful the cartels are in Mexico it don't mean shit to the the established American prison gangs. They have too many soldiers in and out of the pinta to bow down to any cartel.

  31. I guess you are a narco rookie 7:22. The cartels need the street gangs and prison gangs in the US just as much as the gangs need the cartels. If a street gang gets sideways with a certain cartel then guess what move on to the next best thing. There are too many dope dealing sources for street gangs to cry over spilled milk. If the CDS is coming up short then maybe AF or BLO will give me what I want so on and so forth. The cartels are powerful don't get me wrong but when you are dealing with north of the Mexican border the rules change just a bit.

  32. They killed chapito Barrial hijo del chapo barrial

  33. Chino
    Is done who cares !!

  34. Man that man gunna do more then 30 years easy that's a drug lord not a fucking regular nobody

  35. Hahhahah ur funny in all the federal penns the paisas outnumber the california city there is 500 paisas

  36. How do you find the pics mentioned here from Instagram? Can't search them.

  37. Los Mexicanos no tenemos la culpa que los pinches gringos sean unos drogadictos!

  38. He's gonna get 30 years I'm calling it right now

  39. They should just put a bullet in his head, and everyone who is caught working for, doing business with and associated with cartels and gangs, for all the innocent victims. In the end The United States Government and Associated Counter parts are the biggest Organization to kill people and if they really wanted they could touch each and everyone of you with a touch of a botton, but confiscated drugs and money are free off the books profit, easy money and easy pickings we just have to make it look hard for the public and publicity.

    Respectfully Z. USSF

  40. Like it or not cartels run shit any where money buys anybody and anything !!!!get that straight...... Money talks $$$$$$

  41. On the real leave Chino Antrax alone he ain't a snitch his money can buy a shorter sentence I did 3 years in prison I was looking at 16 years and money made me get 3. Years no snitching just paying the government in cali what they want reduces a long sentence to a short sentence . Why hate just wish the best let God do the judging!!! La China Cazares / Los Mescales Sinaloa

  42. In reality if cartel sets up shop in a US town, which they do and end up having legit businesses too. Gangs will tax them but its not low level street cholos. Its either a NF member depending what part you live in or eMe member. Most of the times they go undetected tho. Like someone said up above money does it all. The Italian mob from back then doesn't compare to cartels now in days. Mexican cartels are ruthless. A lot of Mexicans are in the US selling dope in the streets to dope heads with out gangs in the US getting involved. These cartel members that go to prison go with the paisas not with the gangs. The paisas have a huge population in prison. The paisas will protect there own


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