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Friday, October 23, 2015

Narco Corrido Singer Larry Hernandez arrives in S.C. Free on Bail

by Lucio R. Borderland Beat
Hernandez' cross country odyssey ended Friday morning

After nine days of being released for transfer from a Southern California jail, narco corrido singer
Larry Hernandez arrives in Newberry, South Carolina to face kidnapping charges.

This morning Borderland Beat was told that that singer had arrived at 6:36 a.m. and was scheduled to  face a judge at a bail hearing on Saturday, but less than 3 hours later the suspect faced the judge when the hearing was moved up to 11 a.m.  

The judge imposed  a set bail in the amount of $200,000.

Under the conditions of bail, Hernandez was allowed to return to his Southern California home in West Covina, but must report to the court every two weeks and submit to random drug testing.

“Larry Hernandez was also ordered to surrender his passport and forbidden to have any contact with the victim or any other co-defendants,” said Police Chief Roy McClurkin

Hernandez’s charges stems  from an Aug. 17 event where the victim alleges he was held against his will by individuals associated with a concert  at a Newberry skating rink.

Hernandez waves after making bail

The victim reported to the  police that he was wrapped in clear plastic wrap and beaten by Hernandez and another man.

Hernandez’ transfer was a puzzlement to those of us not familiar with the various methods used to transfer inmates.  Personally, I envisioned a “hand off” of custody to Newberry officials, a boarding of a plane with a cuffed Hernandez in tow and a cross country flight. Having Hernandez in S.C. by Thursday morning.

None of that scenario became reality.  However, since the media was not getting information from Newberry, the family or the attorneys in the case we were left to our own detective skills.  BB began calling Newberry County Jail commanders desk each morning to check status.  They are required to give information (FOIA) if an inmate is jailed or was jailed at the facility, court dates etc. 

It became a “Where’s Waldo” situation, with many readers here at BB and elsewhere calling foul, some surmising that he was allowed to go free, and his supporters thinking something happened that placed him in danger.

We know that Mexican media outlets follow BB, and have referenced us in the past, so it was not a surprise when they picked up the “Where’s Larry” story and ran with it.  A BB reader found Hernandez in Reno and sent the link in to BB to access a copy of the mugshot. We shopped the mug because of huge think font running across half the photo, and some Mexican media used the shopped mugshop.   La Opinion had a headline:

Where is Larry Hernandez?
Neither his family nor the authorities confirm the exact whereabouts of the singer extradited to South Carolina

They added the Reno mug and a map showing how  to travel from SoCal to S.C. it takes only 11 hours.  Two hrs to LAX and the remainder to S.C. with a stop.  Actually Ontario International airport is but 20 minutes from the jail which would have been the airport of choice.

Interesting from the La Opinion piece, was the report that when fans in the Reno area heard Hernandez was in the Reno Facility, they rushed to the jail, attempted to visit him, and attempted to deposit money in an account for him to purchase personal needs. 
Larry has returned to his SoCal home.  Although Hernandez gave his home an overhaul
homes in his neighborhood are blue collar type, less than 1200 sq ft bungalows.  55% of the
 population are latino with an average income of 61k
They failed to help in any way because he was a “Extradition Prisoner in Transit” and as such was not formally processed and thereby could not receive visits, goods, or money.  Opinion reported that fans gathered outside of the Reno Jail in protest thinking Hernandez was being treated differently and purposely delaying his transfer.

But in reality, he was just a regular inmate, being transferred from facility to facility by bus, with stops to sleep along the way, over a nine day journey.

His next court hearing is on December 31, 2015.



    Chivis is in a place without internet access she expects to be back on line tomorrow and will catch up with moderating comments.

    1. Is Chivis hunting el Chapo too? lol

    2. lol best coment of the week. a little dose of laugh is welcome

    3. She might be trying to get those millions

    4. Luv it! lol Thx, 4 that, 1:31AM. @4:41AM, So true, laughter's good "medicine."

    5. Lucio no te hagas guey,cuidas a mi vieja y posteas mi comentario compa :)

    6. She no like el chapo, he is muy mula, and too easy, who wants to "get" with a guy that would be happy with a gallina?
      --One thing is for sure, el mamito is hiding and free, and i'm seeing green all over, AND it is not money...

  2. Todos los que lo querian ver encerrado ahorita an de tener el culo ardiendo en fuego hahaha larry es larry asi o mas claro, hope to see you back chivis :) i love you

    1. Lots bb readers are fucking mad larry is out lol larry les callo el osico

    2. Hahaha bien dicho todos Los hater andan ardidos

    3. Y si todos los larry hater

    4. Puro sinaloa viejo los sinaloense no son para estar encerrados

  3. con el dinero baila el perro

  4. BB:
    Are you guys going to post a article about Hurricane Patricia? I mean, you guys had posted articles that didn't relate to the drug war.

    1. Patricia heard that Juaquin was on the golfo de mexico on his way to release larry el eseE hernandez, Patricia was running to meet Juaquin, but ran out of gas with the CJNG on western mexico's shores, maybe next time...
      --there were no games or casualties but the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia is running a telethon and they are spending 2 trillion dollars to help the affected areas, obama sent the money yesterday, the european banks have nothing to say about their customer's private business...

    2. U need some help bro

  5. Thanks for letting us know Lucio.

  6. Jesus how does this guy get only 200k bail which is like 20k on bondsmen for kidnapping and assault when I got 330k for non armed robbery for $700

    1. Where the f was this at that u got 330k bail

    2. Some one must had fix things up for the leprechaun when he was on the road, maybe the judge and all the others "prosecuting" the case got bribed or some thing... Remember he has ties to a drug cartel, americans in small towns gotta be scared to the bone when they hear the name of a big cartel. Now that.

    3. 4:35 Sometimes justice is not served equally all the time... It all depends on 'who has the most' or who has less...

    4. Maybe you had a rapsheet bigger than el enano...

    5. 11:57 I don't know, but i'm sure que te vieron la Cara de Pendejo, that is where you go to jail until they lower the bail amount, never pay more than $500.00, tell your lawyer, any more than that he will be wishing he was birthing twins, your lawyer will understand you are not playing, they are very smart...

  7. Great she is away from the chaos of internet. God speed Chivas. Great job BB.

  8. Hopefully Larry is found guilty. People need to learn if your going to pull your mexican style shit in the US you will be imprisoned until you die.

    1. Yu obviously have hate for Mexicans then y do yu n yur European descendents friends even read this makes no sense

    2. They don't just bust that in Mexico fam. I'd be pissed to for getting shortchanged.

    3. Imprisoned til you die? Shit, didn't realize Larry pulled a Mexican style kidnapping...can you explain what an American style kidnapping consist of... That way we know how the D.A. is prosecuting, wouldn't want to do life for kidnapping...

    4. Whoa! 9:40, Cool it. Credit, where credit is due: "American style shit" out ranks everybody else's. USA = #1 Warlord. USA=Institutionalized racism and poverty. There are more fine people in this world than the POS contingent, including in the States and in Mexico. It's our governments' co-depending corruption that's our ongoing problem. Hating on problems solves nothing. Take that anger, turn it on injustices, channel it towards creating some positive value in the lives of others and in your life. Pero mas que todo, voz no jodas.

    5. In the times of Don Porfirio Diaz, opera singers were all the rage, there were popular singers for the plebes, and the rabble too, but these days there is a lot more rabble, larry wins!!

  9. 10% of his $200k bond is more than Larry Hernandez was owed. What a fucking idiot!

    1. It's like driving to collect a 5 dollar debt you waste more in gas...hahaha

  10. I have agreed to help out for today only. I just saw there are 340 comments waiting, I can promise you I will not have time to get to all of them but I will do my best.

    thank you and chivis should be on line later today or tomorrow

    1. Just let them through, there is room for about 200 about 4999 words each, pa' echarnos la viga agusto...
      --in fifth grade my she/teacher left us alone for 1 hour, and all hell broke lose, she came back to a free for all, WW kind of affair...
      --to start it, chingue su madre el mil mascaras y peña nieto!!! Pinchis jotolones...

    2. Me pregunto que se trae 1:13 con el mil mascaras...

      Alguien sabe?

    3. 11:36 el mil mascaras es un pinchi jotolon, lover of his US masters right or wrong who also can not handle the truth, he is also a movie star on the movie American Beauty, see Colonel Frank Fitts...he spends most of his free time in the garage playing dolls and dressing up, his closet grew too small for his ass...

    4. 11:36, el 1:13 is the reason for not LEGALIZING it...

    5. 2:36 Is missing his old pals the giniral' cienpedos & the giniral' burrolas.... Right millie??

    6. Millie the conspirator. Lol

    7. Mil-mas, you have another rear end to adore HP, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia's maximum security shithole, ALMOLOYA is sporting a "new one", enjoy...}:●》

  11. Hope they show it on the new Larrymania..

  12. Punk got some tight gimp sweats! He was someones bitch in Reno!!

  13. Why is Larry Hernandez "news"? He is a 3rd rate Mexico. His actions and arrests have NOTHING to do with the Mexican Drug Cartels. It's gotten to where the stories published on here are as worse as the posts submitted. I guess one leads to the other.

    1. Yeah I've never heard of him until BB brought him up. BB should collect royalties for making him popular. Oh wait he only lives in west covina with the blue collars so no big money I guess. Maybe next year now that BB made him famous.

    2. Comeon bro Larry sings for narcos and has met many in person so of course his news is related. Get it together man!

    3. JaJa. You just cut yourself down.

    4. 3rd celebrity? U serious? Ni a eso llego este nopal, es de rancho por lo tanto no es mas que un coje burras que puede cantar,that is it, es un cuenta chiles con dinero pero sigue siendo un MUGROSO.

    5. Or that I get this cactus is therefore ranch is but a grabs donkeys who can sing, That is it, is a chilli has money but still a filthy.

    6. what larry el eeseE hernandez represents is the newly discovered world of the rascuache, the Powerful Empire of the Rabble who consciously support him and what he represents, "them", and I strongly suggest that none of them give a rat's ass about what the high learned people with culture and skill "think, or, not..."

  14. JaJa

    I see LARRY in the waldo photo. upper left, what did I win?

    1. U my friend are a idoit hahaha

    2. what am I missing? I don't see Larry

    3. @4:52 You win the BIG PRIZE, CONGRATLATIONS!

    4. 9:53
      he is in the hat that reads HOLA

    5. 4:52 Te ganastes una DE ARABE...

  15. Correct me if im wrong, but he kidnapped a dude who refused to pay him. Not to justify his actions, but dude shouldve been a man and paid Larry . Couldve been a different story

    1. I think that's what happened but I've heard different versions. At the end of the day, I think it was just a good ol' "Calentada" por puerco. Dude should have just paid

    2. Totally agree sometimes its the offender who's the victim like in this case . listen to his music hes not gona take in a nice way cause Yu can tell was wat happened .. The white Americans just tryna judge with the miley cyrus b.s

  16. can somebody explain to me why this fucking guy seems like such a big deal? BB has how many stories on this guy now but is he really a mover and shaker in the narco world? it says he's a narco singer, who does he nuthug on mic? CDS? zetas?

    1. 7:55 He is a nutrider for the sinaloas, plus he himself has admited being a narco. So what you think? ...

  17. BB y'all do a good job reporting to us .I don't know if I speak for everyone but I read your articles because it speaks truth on REAL CARTEL LIFE an Larry yea he tries to sing tough on that life style but I'm sick of hearing about this guy I hope you go back to doing what you do best ...reporting to us real cartel news!

    1. I disagree. Aside for the fact hernandez can't carry a tune, he is wildly popular on both sides the border, his videos have millions of views (one has 23M) his reality show is a huge hit and he has many musical awards.

      go figure

      but in this case it illustrates how engrained narco life is, transforming what should be shunned, into a glorification of cartel activity, and an accepted norm.

    2. Narco life may be well ingrained on mexicans and americans that never knew the first thing about any of it, but the grand masters of drug trafficking have known about it for more than 300 years, they still own it and the money made through all that time...
      --it just became our turn at losing our arses to the Global Vulture Capitalists that nobody knows anything about because "they" are the victims of some disgruntled "Conspiracy Theorists"...

  18. Talk about a total wind up para nada! Tanta mamadera del gallo... Larry went through the system; he got charged; he's out on bail, safe, back home, someplace. (What're the Vegas Odds he flunks his drug test in 2 weeks? In 4?)

  19. Larry just tries to damn hard to be a thug that shit might work in Mexico but not here .regardless it will cost him alot ...

  20. Atention BB stuff,Lucio,mi Chivis etc,you been doing hella good for years, why would you post something about an arrogant mugroso wanna be narco trying to act like he is about that life?? Yes,maybe he hangs around narcos and shit,yes he probably knows a few people and play and their parties, BUT he ain't about that,this one got nothing I mean nothing to do with what is going on in Mexico right I said before we ain't haters you know,we just don't care about this ranchero con botas,to all his fans go ahead keep feeding his ego,no es mas que un cuatrero el indio.

    1. lol
      Lucio,no carnal I wasn't even trying to be racist,how can I be racist against my people? What I'm saying que Larry es un imita changos con botas es todo,nada que ver con racist,yo no me aguito por ejemplo cuando los compas del campo me dicen ratero por chilango,you feel me Lucio?

    2. Pinchi chilango ratero, "mi chivis"?
      --According to her, she's taken, but we appreciate your wounded feelings, we hope you can find yourself a Borrego somewhere else, I mean, or a borrega...

    3. @7:37 Dude if you're a chilango please don't procreate. Go back to your D.F. and live out the rest of your life there. Thanks.

    4. Come un esnicker. Wey

    5. against your people? chachingos or indios?

    6. He's probably a chilango transplant in central or Northern California! "Hella" is a common slang term up north!

    7. Chilangos se roban las carteras, watch your wallets, nooo?

  21. eat the 200k and BOUNCE bro

  22. 200k bail. 100k to the victim to "forget" and be done with it. better than dong 20

  23. I'm looking for kind of comments... bring that "narcos/malandros" to U.S
    here the justice exists, they will burn in jail, the system is U.S is not corrupt as in MX......

    "Con dinero baila el perro Criaturas"
    "Same Shit, different languaje"

    1. This is all the US at fault, they educated larry hernandez, an american citizen...

  24. Hes out on bond, NOT free of charges. Lol !!!
    In the US you get a bond hearing. They will grant a bond when someone is accusing you of a crime, not cause your clear of any crime but because it's the law that they may grant you a bond .... HE IS NOT CLEAR OF ANY CHARGES.

    1. As long as you can make bail, fack the charges...
      --The "victim" gets nothing, but next time he will not be found, I mean confused with his employer, I mean the real perp, empresario NSF...

    2. A win is a Win!!!, I know it hurts but a bail set at 200k, WOW!!!, what does that say... I've heard of lesser crimes getting hit with LARGE bail...

  25. I hate to say i told you so... but i did.. nobody bothered to read my comment, but it was exactly what was happening.. i gave yall the answer and no one wanted to listen.. its cool though, because it happens in real life too, so im used to it..

    1. Damn, MAMODON,.you could make a telenovela out of that comment, imagine abuelita chivis crying and smearing boggers all over her face on every chapter

    2. DAM, bro... glad you got that off your chest... Shit, I feel like crying...

    3. Hey, chivis could wear white hair on the telenovela...
      DonK, If you were a carro de las paletas o de los tamales, we would surroud and support you, but you are not, asi que te chingates solito...


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