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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Translated video: Audio released of Chapo's escape

by Lucio R. for Borderland Beat written using material from  Televisa, Monitor Expresso. Ed Oak

This is a video of the moment when the capo exited his cell, a video with sound; these are previously unpublished  of what happened before, during and after the flight.

Opening the escape hatch and Chapo disappears
July 11, 2015, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, is laying in his Altiplano prison cell  watching mini TV.

He raises the audio to a loud level.

Five minutes later he arises and changes channels.

Next one can actually hear the sound of construction coming from within the tunnel.

Despite the undeniable sound of something happening in the tunnel, the monitoring center is manned by federal agents, no one reacts.

Loud hammering and sawing can be heard multiple times within five minutes.

Hammering is heard at least four times within five minutes, despite this unusual sound, agents do not react, or activate alarm. (20:49 or 8:49 PM)

Chapo stretches raises up from his cell bed and walks over to the latrine. (20:50)

Chapo once again approaches the shower area and a noise is heard, like something heavy being pushed and heard and other noises. 

A voice is heard from the hole

He returns to the cell cot and changes his shoes.

At 8:53 PM he disappears into the hole. 

Reaction of guards

At the monitoring center no one reacts to what has occurred. 

25 minutes after Chapo’s flight, Federal Police gather in front of two screens and talk, but without showing alarm. 

(Officials estimate that the defendant took about 15 minutes to travel through the tunnel.)

Vicente Flores Hernández, boss of the monitoring area ,sent two guards to the cell.  They are Juan Ignacio Cuarenta Orozco and  Esteban Estrada Ramírez. (seen in mugshots in video)

They arrive at 9:18 and shout his name:
"Guzmán Loera... Guzmán Loera... Guzmán Loera...".
Less than a minute later, the guards appear in view, they do not go into the cell, rather they stay outside the cell and look in and speak into the radio. 
Comandante You hear me? (to the commander at the monitoring center)What happened? (he answers)There is a hole the shower.What?There a hole in the shower, commander, there is a hole in the shower.”“There is a hole?”“Confirm, confirm, there is a hole in the drain area” .“How big?”“Very big Commander, big ...“Hey, but is the inmate there?”“No Commander, he is not.”

inaudible.“Quickly as possible, so he won’t go…” (Meaning won’t leave the area and get completely away”).
Guards leave

Inmates panic

 At 9 hours 22 minutes and 54 seconds an unidentified voice called from the distance to "El Chapo"  addressing him with respect, using the term “Don”: 
"... Don Joaquin Don Joaquin Don Joaquin ...".
A minute later, the bars of adjacent cells begin to be beaten, the reason is unclear but it is expected other inmates made the commotion to attract prison personnel,  because they thought something had happened to Chapo, or that he was very ill, and he was being left to die.

They began screaming profanity...
Come officer to 20!!”   (Number 20 is Chapo’s cell).“Don’t be fucking around assholes!”
“Bring first aide, do your job”
A guard requests the cell be opened.

He is allowed access but the inmates continue to curse at the guards and beat on cell bars for several  minutes. 

Not until 9:29 do two guards enter Chapo’s now empty cell. 

Two enter the hole, while in the distance the cries continue. Another federal police  enters the cell and remains in the shower area.

Radio communication continues at 9:31 
“Jefe, There is an opening but is sealed on the other end.”
Immediately a series of poundings are heard.

These were made by federal elements attempting to remove a lock left by Guzman Loera and his accomplices to construct an additional barrier allowing optimal time to escape.

The red code was not activated for nearly three hours.


  1. What's up BB? Fox News Latino and the Fox released this video yesterday. You can't let them beat you to the punch. "We" are cartel "experts". Vamos a tomar el control de América. Lets not let them get them news our before we do.


    1. whaaaaat? they have the complete audio translated?

      or are you being an asshole? yes, you are

      great job BB.

    2. No seamos tan brutos, deja la cantaleta mas bien, si?

    3. Lucio had it in draft yesterday, but he did not want to post it unless he had time to complete the audio overview and narrative. He is traveeling between 2 states in Mx and had difficulty with internet yesterday and only could post the one post about DEA.

      I think may 11:52 should move on to fox news.....

    4. Just imagine if BB would have put the video up with little explanation how pissed we would be.

      please don't put the negative bullshit up, they are speaking to a teeny group of trolls, everyone knows BB is the best English language reporting on the Mexican drug war. I have seen BB mentioned in countless of mainstream news pages over the 4 years I have followed the site

    5. It is very important that the bitter detractors be allowed post their poop here, that may help stop them from doing some mass murdering or sompim'...
      --I can watch fawx news any time I want, and sometimes do, just to see how stupid they can get, but am no fan... o way jose...

    6. @12:15 for some reason i pictured the voice of the Spanish homer Simpson to be talking as the voice of don joaquin

    7. Ay ta' cabrones, no que no? DON JUAQUIN PA'CÁ', SEÑOR GUZMÁN PA'LLÁ...
      --Bola de envidiosos y arrastraos, nomas faltó que le pusieran Licenciado o Ingeniero porque tambien se las masca Don juaquin...

  2. Para que nos hacemos pendejos. Esto nunca va parar. Lo pueden quebrar o agarrar y pronto otro ocupa su lugar. Ya déjense de mamadas.

    1. No hay pedo, es mejor que los vayan matando de a uno por uno aunque siempre haya otro esperando ocupar su lugar. El verdadero problema empieza cuando los capos duran mucho y se hacen muy poderosos y sr empiezan a creer dueños del mundo entero.

    2. 11:56am
      Estas mal, el punto es simplemente chingar al chapo... Y si puede para si para el consumo.

    3. 2:55 El Gran Señor Don Juaquin El Chapo Guzman Loera que es su Padre, has just spent one year more or less,( I do not care) in prison, and drug trafficking, murder, theft, priista political corruption mainly , did not stop or even slow down for you to get on board or to leave the gravy train did it?

    4. 10:07pm
      Si si si lo que tu digas, apurale que ya van a terminar las caricaturas

  3. All I can say is there are some stupid people in Mexico. They are now in jail and he is free. How did that work out for you idiots? So basically he simply asked all of them to switch places with him? Money or not, a free life is better than a confined one. They should have thought about that. After all wasn't that Chapo's point to want to be free?

    1. here is the problem, what if you were threatened with killing your family?
      I can't honestly say I would work against that request under those circumstances. Most people do not have resources to move entire families to safety

      And imagine there would be no one to turn to because the majority of agencies and its people are in bed with narcos.

      What then?

    2. Then you make plans to move somewhere better eventually chivis. Its not that complicated. One of my good friends family (who is poor) moved out of Acapulco because it was not safe. The government should be arresting and giving harsh sentences to threats of killing families. I swear people would rather make an excuse........ it's pathetic

    3. Your right Chivis plus their family's are now rich ... And they still can see the light of day in like 5 years so I don't blame them it was clearly planed no questions about that the agents don't seem bothered or supriesd at all come on people its Chapo Guzman and they act like it was a random guy

    4. you are very wrong, it is very complicated to move entire families, grandparents, uncles, etc out of an area. it is not an excuse

      I knew a guy who had both kids kidnapped, long story but he got one returned and they bailed in the middle of night. his brother was killed in his place.

    5. I don't think is that much complicated. Just look at the people who fled the mountains when the marina went looking for Chapo Guzman. En chinga salieron.

    6. You don't know shit give it a rest. You try being poor all your life. When a oppertunity presents it's self to stop being hungry and miserable and you can give your family a better life most are willing to sacrafice themselfs even if it means a little jail time but you would'nt know shit since you've been spoon fed all your phucken life 98% of poor people will do it. with out a second thought.

    7. Chives thanks for explaining the complex reality that many fail to understand. I've been saying that it's not that easy as it sounds to not do what the Narcos ask for. It's life or death, and if they can't get to you, believe me, they're taking your kids, your cousins, grandmother, wife extended cousins, it doesn't matter, they'll get blood eventually. I hope some of you gain some common sense. Life isn't so black and white for other Humans on this rock.

    8. Then bring in a death penalty. Do them like Thailand would. It is ridiculous to constantly have excuses for poor governing and lack of action. It appears Mexico enjoys this trauma more than they hate it. In the U. S. prison staff are threatened all the time in the prison system. However, due to lack of outside contact and the liberties and luxuries Mexico give their criminals, those threats never surface. I understand saying it is complicated. I want you to find a prison in the US that will allow an individual as high profile a Chapo so much contact or even technological items like what appears to be a tablet. It is complicated for several reasons and greed appears to also play a major role. Why imprison anyone if they are really not imprisoned?

    9. hey 7:05pm,

      Opportunity, not oppertunity

      Sacrifice, not sacrafice

      Themselves, not themselfs

      Fucking, not phuken

    10. I used to be poor and fucking figured it out. People that are poor their whole life either A.) didnt try hard enough or B). didnt care enough. Dont give me that BS excuse @7:05......

    11. @10:11
      I get when ignorance prevails and a reader imposes his reality onto the situation in Mexico. Others that say they live in Mx and this is BS, is lying or lives in a state without narco plazas.

      12 years ago I was clueless. I wish I still was, because my heart has been broken in Mx. But my love is pure for the land of my ancestors.

      The man I was talking about above. He paid piso. He was a humble man with 2 sons. teens. he could not afford the hike in piso after the split of Zs/CDG. It became very different. The plaza boss was a tyrant. After two massive break-ins and a threat I had to close my center for disabled children there. The man was lucky to get one of his sons returned. A neighbor of the safe house called the feds about suspicious activity. the 15 yr old was returned the other was never seen again. The man and his family left the city. His brother was a camera man for a local news station. He was killed. to settle accounts. Is other relatives have lived in fear since then.

      the scenario where you can be bold against narco demands.

      you have no extended family, not a one.

      you are willing to leave all you worked for all your life behind

      you have money to settle out of state in an area controlled by a different cartel.

      or do as they say

    12. 10:21

      Thailand is a cesspool of corruption, criminality and filth.
      Our business had a office there for years. Death penalty there is worse than the US with absolute no parity, rhyme or reason. and it does zero to curb crime. Although prostitution, including child prostitution and drugs are "illegal" but are flaunted and difficult to pretend they don't exist they, soi cowboy and nana districts, freelancers, lady boys or small children. anything goes.

      I would find another comparative. maybe singapore

    13. We got the fucken grammar police on here now or what the fuck?

    14. Thailand is an open air insane asylum on wheels, Bangkok is WAY beyond nuts, the country is also cursed as any Thai will happily point out. This is a place where spirit houses are tradition, "Ghost Sightings," alerts and updates broadcast over radio and television. Among various other human troubles, ghosts are known to be the cause of traffic jams and gridlock, therefore when the radio says to avoid the corner of such and such and what's it, you wish you could, but you're already stuck there. Corruption gets redefined in Thailand, no doubt on that. The King's a gold plated gangster, who's not actually even royal, sits on the throne due to a series of intrigues orchestrated by a list of foreign powers out of UK, France, China, Russia, USA-the usual suspects. Every intelligence outfit in the world has their gatherers cruising Bangkok. The Vietnam war's impact is evident, today, seen in the Thai bias toward the foreign workers from Vietnam, the refugees from Laos, Burma, Cambodia. Thai officials make their Mexican counterparts look like Mother Goose on Valium. Army higher ups and the police brass totally run the Dope Show. And, anything else. They're deadly possessive of their markets. The opium poppy fields in neighboring places like Burma made these guys very rich men. The Han are just across the river from northern Thailand. S. Asia's underworld has ancestral roots in China's Han People-who've out lived dynasties, revolution and Mao Zedong. These bloodlines are honored by Triads, entities such as Thai military or police are in the service of the Han syndicates. Poverty and pollution are killer in Bangkok. So, are Thailand's leisure class opulence and corruption. END RANT! :-)

    15. Chivis, as horrific as this father's and his sons' tragedy is, thank you for telling us the story, it brought me tears. Kidnapping is a word I am scared to even say out loud, because my son was grabbed by the FARC, years, ago. He knew the terrain as well as the guerrilla did having played in those mountains outside Cali since childhood, which is why he was able to get away from them , while the criminals partied and got drunk. True story. These circumstances were about ransom, bad enough for a matter of a long hours, but cannot begin to compare to the pain inflicted on this family in Mexico, or the terrors the good people of Mexico are routinely subjected to, by any means. Tanto que lo siento. Peace to us all.

    16. I did not want to give specifics but thought I should to illustrate what happens to extended family when a targeted family moves out. In this case he left with nothing. His little shop stood just as it did any other night after hours. Truly sad and a nice, humble , hard working man. His brother was also a quality person with a young (3) deaf child.

      thank you for sharing your personal story and thank God your son seized the opportunity to flee. I have heard similar stories of guards getting drunk allowing escapes, even some guards allowing captives to flee, but that is rare, so you were truly fortunate.

    17. Ud. es muy amable, Chivis. Yes, thankfully, he siezed the moment to slip away and we can never be grateful enough for this. Long before FARC, or El Pablo, kidnapping was an industry in Colombia, you always had to watch your back. Escobar Gaviria changed the equation in kidnapping women and children, and killing them. Today, close to 20 million Colombians are held hostage to war and drugs, they're called "Displaced Persons." Colombia has 40 million people. ¡la mitad del pais! I think the Mexican people are also kidnapping victims to the drug war's greed and injustices. My heart breaks for both countries. PAZ

    18. 8:47 YOU 'WORTE' A BOOK!!
      But tightly packed with truths all over, it is a bad example and I hope more people read and share the class...
      --The TV yatch of enilio azcarraga Jean also looove the Watters on the Pacific over there, you seen it? Apparently that yatch is allergic to texas lawmen who do not allow azcarragas freedom to do biznizz as they see fit...

    19. 7:08 PM, Check out any of mystery writer David Burditt's series on Thailand. Cheers :-)

    20. to the dumbass in 10:21 the "tablet" in chapos cell is a mini t.v idiot. And there are many prisons in the U.S that allow lots of luxury's to high profile criminals. I'm talking from experience I was in a level 4 yard in a California prison where there is nothing but lifers doing time and trust me the guards are as corrupt as can be who do you think brings in the cell phones and the drugs oh and fyi there were guys with actual ipads in there you just have to have the money. and if you look at the recent prison escape in new York state it was a guard that helped those two lifers escape do your research before you open your mouth dumbass and stop being so naïve in believing America is so corrupt free you don't get to be the strongest nation in the world by being the good guys in this world of evil you gotta be play dirty so get your head out of your ass and get out of your moms basement for once

  4. They were paid to play def, you can almost hear it in there voice that it's no surprise! Bad actors really, and they gave him more than enough time for him to escape..

    1. Paid -for-bad- actors? What's heard in their voices sounds closer to fear IMO

    2. The worst part is that they probably were not paid that much money, all the commander in chief has to do is send word and "pity the fool" who does not do as, possum!
      --While "he" flys his ass to France for some "medals and condecorations" for dar las nalgas without pastelazos...
      --the guards can sell theirs in prison for 2 cigarettes a week per customer, the new thing is "you earn your own, you lazy mathaphaka you..."

  5. The inmates shouting for help, for guards to get a first aid kit because they were afraid something happened to el Chapo says alot. He's several legends in one, self made billionaire, narco, escape artist. Even with the great info from the video, there has to so much more to know about this amazing escape story. Hope Chapo writes a book, some day.

    1. Escape artist? You dont have to be a hudini with billions of dollars!

    2. 12:44 con dinero baila el perro...

    3. The guards may aswell have put his shoes on for him and let him out the front door, this man is ridiculously rich not an artist.

    4. Mexico could cut their loses short, stop chasing El Patas Cortas, give him amnesty for half his money, or more, same with all the zambutidos, and let everybody walk and talk and make books for 50/50,

    5. 1:09, Having tonnes of money doesn't disqualify somebody as an artist.

    6. 12:06 artistry helps you make tons of money...
      --there are stupid fools that other dumber fools celebrate, they went to harvard and MIT, and Yale, or Cambridge and make a living laundering dirty drug money, investing it for lesser men that do not have the "credentials", keeping it when they go to prison, die or get murdered, helping more than "normal" amounts of money stolen from foreign countries treasuries to get lost in the river of illegal money that flows to their world...
      --OK, I understand this is not where you want to go, but it is what it is, enjoy chapo...

  6. It's not a choice, when family is threatened. Chapo's escape took a lot of "cooperation" & planing. As far as people's abilities to make their own plans to relocate, get away from narco influence in their areas, these are limited, although a few do manage to pull it off, way more people simply can't leave.

  7. On another topic, I hope one day Chapo does some kind of interview eventually or like a tell all book. Idk mabe just a good documentary or movie later on in life beacause clearly it is not over yet.

    1. Yes it will be epic a interview will go down in history as a geeat moment not in a way to idolize him i mean in a historic way to learn what makes him tick and hear his side of the story

  8. Se les pelo el Senor de las Montanas ...hahaha .even if placed in an American prison same thing will happen .El Senor nacio pa ser libre....
    Saludos pa Ivan ,

  9. And that's the reason ladies and gentleman that I luv this country 'cause I'm fucking free and can do whatever I want.
    Gracias a Mi Higher Power:JESUS CHRIST.

    1. You use that language and the name Jesus ? Your a fake Christian

    2. Bitch I never said I was Christian I'm just grateful to wake up and be able to do the thangs I do without having to worry about paying piso,worry about getting kidnapped and shit,worry about getting shot in broad day light, I was just expresing myself here at BB ,matter of fact I didn't think they would post it (shout out to BB fo' keeping real)
      I'm out.
      From Chiraq

    3. Hey chiraq, what corner you at?

    4. Cheers Chiraq :-)

    5. 3:20PM

      Chiraq, do you think we're stupid or are you just so because you don't realize you DID identify as a Christian? I'm serious, which is it? You wrote Jesus Christ is your higher power, that's identifying as a Christian.
      La perra

  10. That escape cost him 50million in bribes and it was worth every centavo!

    1. Jus let this man work shit ...chapo

  11. Gracias , Chivas...........
    Try to live in their shoes, for a lifetime. Good work.

    1. Walk a mile in my shoes, then you will have my shoes, but you will be a mile away from me...
      --All we are saying is el chapo did not steal from the mexicans to buy his way out of this corrupt prison...and that nothing changed while he was away, and that tomorrow when they catch him again, it will still not change anything, to make a difference...

  12. Its going to be ok . The U,S. will get him . Probably get Quintero with him if they are really together . Let them dig out of the Colorado mountains .

    1. RCQ will never go back you can take that to the bank.

    2. I hear ya, 10:30. RCQ owes nothing to anybody. He did his time. 28 years, paying for crimes that weren't his. My respects to this gentleman. Don't get why RCQ gets included in Chapo's media parade, maybe since EPN & the gringos got prices on both their heads. It's reasonable to doubt Don Rafael is active in narco exports. His kids are well educated, his family is wealthy, their $ in legitimate business, belong to the world's country club set. Why would they blow it? Maybe, he is somehow giving money to the Michoacan revolution. I hope so.

  13. Great Job, Mexico!

  14. Chivis just so you know they got paid i who says the ones who help el chapo are in jail for all i know the lieng goverment could have left them free

  15. Clueless !! You guys are all clueless!! You people won't recognize talent when it's right in front of you . Chapo Guzmans escape was legit ,it really went down how it went down . There's a big Sinaloense-Duranguense family who are engineers in the Mining industry.They are top of the line Miners and have the capacity to pull something off like this . Thanks to that family Chapos free, and the border is full of tunnels .

    1. Names, names, names!
      Don Adolfo Lopez Mateos nationalized the mining industry in the 60's and the managers trained as lap dogs in europe and the US gave it all away under el asquel pelon con orejas de raton, carlos salinas de gortari, not 30 years later, mexico saw no money from the deals...

  16. Word out is that chapo ,tuta,z40,and other cartel leaders had a meeting for five minutes alone in prison two weeks before his escape who knows what they planned.. I'm thinking they want to take out CJNG ..they say that when chapo escaped tuta faked a heart attack to distract the guards maybe chapo wants one cartel and the ones that don't want its are getting extradited

    1. word is out????? where???
      this is the most ignorant comment and implausible scenario ever heard of.

      3 capos who are to the death enemies confer to allow chapo to escape. not themselves mind you, for chapo to escape. smfh

    2. mencho betrayed the alliance of blo, z, juarez and them.

    3. Chapo is known to be real manipulating and I'm pretty sure he had all the guards on his side

    4. Agree with 7:33.

  17. Although we know chapo planned this..chapo looks shocked at first..looks like he knew he was getting out but when n how he didn't know...rather you respet him or not.. Don chapo is one bad mofo...

  18. Ya dejen de chingar que chivis esto y que chivis lotro,nomas la de ka chivis les gusta ah gueyes?y al otro idiota de 7:05pm ,es chivis no "chivas" pinche animal.

    1. @11:48 A mi nomas la de la chivis me gusta, y qué...

  19. Fuck you chivis!!!! How come when I'm tying to post something directed at another blogger you don't post my shit but, when it's some blogger defending you or BB, you post their shit even if they're posting all kind of bad words toward the troll. Don't be a hypocrite Chivis

    1. Yo! 8:22! Boo-hoo-ooo! How 'bout you quit with the shrieking F-bombs?

    2. Fuck this crybaby! Lmfao

    3. CHIVIS, I am sorry that you have to put up with this kind of sorry asses, but I swear, they love you, they are just so desperate they do not know what to do, it is not enough that nobody loves them in real life, they had to fall in love with the beautiful illusion that you are... for them, anyway...I know you are real and loverly and I thank all your defenders, we are proud of you and we really looove, appreciate and admire you...♡♡♡♡♡love Chivis forever♡♡♡♡♡!!!

    4. I think its funny and peculiar that someone would be so upset over a comment. So I like to share the laughter ...

    5. There is a beautiful song: Hipócrita, you tube,Antonio Badú with Luis Arcaraz orchestra, it does not mean that you are a one, but you are as lethal...
      --I also love to upset the upset a little bit more for the hell of it..
      Best regards♡♡

    6. Chivis, you know exactly why they're upset, no te hagas como que no sabes :)

    7. 10:47 you come off as a loser looking for love on BB....everyone knows groupies have low selfesteem...quit projecting your flaws on 9thers

    8. 1:37 I have more love than I can handle, you would not understand...
      --as for "projecting", see your psychotrollogyst, but be warned, they can not forgive your sins, as in absolve...frustrated babies throw tantrums, I do not...
      --now chivis, no te hagas como que no sabes, cual, qué es el misterio?
      --did you like the song?

    9. La hija de mostradamus hath spake }:●)♡♡(●:{

  20. Lo que está a punto de suceder en Sinaloa, nunca va a ser entendido por los ojos de Estados Unidos. Le dijeron que esto iba a venir a través de mantas. El mensaje ha sido entregado y el señor Guzmán ha transmitido sus deseos. Vamos a acelerar con fuerza y expulsar a todos los enemigos. Los que se interponen en nuestro camino se quemará. Los que nos desafían sufrirán. Aquellos que se unen a nuestra lucha va a prosperar y vivir con estilo millonario México

  21. Why for the sake of GOD is everyone saying threatened or paid? No details from any news agency or witness have surfaced at this point. It appears conclusions are being drawn. We are putting the horse before the carriage. I am sure none of the prison personal got anty money. They were arrested too quickly and he was long gone. If anything, they received a promise to pay.I agree that a death penalty as well as a speedy trial occur. These goons sit stewing and plotting, and this is the result. They get arrested and it take years for any action beyond that.All that is happening is overcrowding. La Barbie just sent to the US. Z 40 sitting and waiting. All these capos caught and never really sentenced to anything. If they are sentenced, what difference does it make? They will be released due to old age and wind up back in the field like Quintero. After killing so many people. I am sorry, but I agree that there are too many excuses. My main question is, are these excuses healing the grieving families of lost innocent loved ones? If Mexico truly thought of the victims and their families the way they want us to believe, then there would be better actions taken. This is why no one wants to help. The excuses are continuous and the crimes as well. No action, just excuses. Instead of saying they were threatened, look at the many reasons this was allowed to happen. Out side contact that should not occur. No excuse for it other than irresponsibility.

  22. Chivis!!!! Capturaron al ciclon 7 en matamoros. Viene gerra!!!

  23. Does it say how far was his cell from the guards?

  24. Mexican City Workers!!

  25. Would the guards have the audio up on his feed? I know they were probably paid off to begin with so its a moot point, but for the sake of discussion, how many of the 1200 inmates should they be listening to at any given time?

  26. @Chivis

    Whats going on with Chino Antrax? Today is his sentencing

    1. He filed for a continuance until April, 8, 2016

      here are the documents

    2. CHIVAAA!!! Quien te quiere?
      Yeh I know that was an easy one...

  27. @Chivis

    What!?!?!? Whats the deal!

    1. what are you asking? chino? a six month postponement

  28. 9:56 they are not exposing anything they are just roasting the fall guys all over, don't be a niñito pendejo...
    --ok, be a niñito pendejo, I don't care, but do not go crying to mommmy...

  29. Now you see him, now you don't. Guess he didn't get to 'just walk out the front gate' like he said he did in the interview when questioned about the truth of the laundry cart escape.

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