Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Video: Singer Larry Hernandez pointing gun to "victim's" head

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

Art imitating life?

A BB reader sent this video in, which is footage of Larry Hernandez pointing a gun to a “kidnapping victim’s” head.  He hurls insults and makes fun of his crying, as he speaks to someone on speaker phone giving instructions.

There are two camps of opinion regarding this video, one says this is a clear portrayal of Hernandez’  criminal mindset and behavior, while others defend Hernandez insisting the video was just a joke and doesn’t mean anything.

Either way, reasonable persons will view the clip and  conclude Hernandez  as being very comfortable in thug behavior. 

This is not presented as footage of the crime he has been charged with and if the case goes to trial it is doubtful it would ever be presented as evidence.  The evidence in the Newberry South Carolina case against Hernandez, is reported as having in  evidence an audio recording of the crime. 

Thank you to the reader sending the link to full video which clearly shows it is part of play acting.  Art imitating life would be a rasonable asumption since the victim in South Carolina says this happened to him as he was wrapped in plastic wrap.  Thank you Larry for the visual.  

Victim: wrong place, wrong time

José Andrade, who became a kidnapping and assault victim over a $30,000 dance performance debt speaks out.

According to a Newberry County criminal complaint,  Jesus Andrade, previously identified as Jose, was a victim of a kidnapping and assault on August 16. In an interview with Al Rojo Vivo, he insists  that he is not a dance promoter and at no time did he hire Mexican narco ballad singer Larry Hernández to perform at a dance in Newberry.

Andrade said that he was a victim and was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Andrade identified Hernández as the person who had threatened his life twice while he was beaten and held against his will by Hernández, Jesús Ivan Solis and several other people who have not been identified.

Roberto Gomez (at left) was identified as the dance promoter that actually hired Larry Hernández to perform in Newberry. Gomez failed to pay Hernández the $30K. He told Univision that he would not confirm whether he paid Hernández in full or deny it.

Andrade was Gomez’s chauffeur who was kidnapped and assaulted by Hernández and Solis.

Video begins at 1:27 as presented on social media....

Full video showing it is part of a music video....

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  1. He is talking in a radio that's just a recording I had it on my boost radio to and besides it is very anxious that their playing


  3. He is talking in a radio that's just a recording I had it on my boost radio any one who had boost or Nextel back then could down load it and besides it is very anxious that their playing

  4. Different crime, but he's fked.

  5. Dude... This vid is from 2008.
    It was part of a music video. It was all over the news -.-

    1. can you send the link to the music video?

      keep in mind this video is all over social media and it does not matter if it is from a video or playing is representative of a lifestyle. if you don't get that I think that says much about you.

      Lucio says, and clearly, that it will not be a part of the case as it has nothing to do with the case.

    2. But, little boys like to "show guns" to intimidate, too often that is all their intellectual reach, also call it "art imitating life", sometimes they shoot and kill, but then say it was an "accident", the NRA had no opinion...

    3. You cant present this as evidence to insinuate that a real crime occured. If thats the case why not accuse kevin bacon of pedofelia then show scenes from The Woodsman and say see this is what he is capable of. This was an act in a play. Hell Al Pachino should be hanged by your accounts. Glad youre not in charge of anything.

    4. 10:50 as soon as Kevin or Al get accused of any shit or wrongdonging, bet your ass the pre-recorded rehearsals and their movies will be used to convict them...

  6. Oh I can just imagine the look on the juror's faces when this is played. He is going to play Poster Whipping Boy of 2015.


    And kiss your ass goodbye

  7. Grown up "man" and acts like douchebag brat. :D

  8. This was back in 2006 lol it was a joke or something ... The guy just right back up and every one was joking and he was even laughing. Then lerry starts singing ....

    So this video is stupid and doesn't really mean anything ...

    1. Evidence means something when they can show pre-recorded rehearsals and victims can say, yes that is exactly what happened to me...
      --Maybe next time, sing the blues, baby left me, I can't wake up this mornin' or I woke up this morning, but I cain't make bail and be on the safe side

    2. @2:41pm

      Are you implying evidence means nothing (note the clumsy wording you used) when no recorded "rehearsals" are available to show a jury? Can you cite court cases that demonstrate "evidence" means something only when there are recorded reharsals before the fact?

    3. 7:25 It is just too long for you yoyo baby, skip.
      --The idea was to make parody of babyspeak legaleeseE, sugar buns.I hope it doesn't ruin your defense of Larry Hoover, I mean hernandez before the supreme court of the US..

    4. Put two and two together and voilá you get worse, two and two together...
      --Unless you put a disclaimer with the video, like saying you was trying to get your PhD In Black Math.

    5. 3:24am
      You know what is too long for you?

  9. The media has nothing better to come up with. Turns out video is older and part of a music video. They surely got this from CNN famous for inventing fake/news stories.

    1. This pre-reenactment rehearsal was made for free and as a joke...
      --but looks like it is not una de vaqueros, just being a big mouth should be a crime.
      --The kidnapped seems to have been left in lieu of payment, or was the wrong victim?
      --Since mexicans all look alike, maybe there should be bar coding somewhere on them to avoid confusions as some precandidate proposed recently...

  10. This is a couple years old and yes a joke, and Lucio makes that clear in his post that it has nothing to do with the pending case. Still, it goes a long way to formulate a [picture of hernandez' mentality,

    I don't know anyone personally who would think placing a gun at the nape of the neck of someone is funny or wise.

    A low life idiot

  11. sadly this is the mentality of many "paisas" , mexican youth or mexican american which applaude and glorify this narco culture . That is why this singer and many more are succesfull. They sing narco corridos , movimiento alterado and some romantic songs but the narco gunblazing armored truck image is what drives these fans wild . If you are not familiar with this look into it . It's a shame to the hard working mexicans this is what the radios play "top hits" . Just talk to anybody between the ages of 14-30 years and 80% of mexican youth living here in USA idolize this crap. the beheadings and shootouts the torture the dissaperances that go in in Mexico is not funny . yet you guys dance and party to this . you wouldnt if that was happening to your family . pongansen en los zapatos de alguien incado con el machete en la nuca .. aah verdad esta cabron paisas

    1. bajale de volumen a tu pensamiento inutil y ponme un corrido del komadre

    2. Relax paisa all of a sudden you think you better than paisas when you are a paisa

    3. many cultures have commited atrocitties , mass murders in history . you are right 11:57 . only Mexicans celebrate with music of killings and violence . Columbians don't even do that.

    4. ¿¿Cómo que que?? ColOmbia celebrates death and violence with more of the same AND in its music, literature, theatre, tv series and films.

    5. Una cruz de Marihuana, by Aguilas Del Norte de Colombia...

    6. Komadre? That is cruel torture and un-necessary, but funny!

  12. Damn people, can't you read? this is not being represented as a real event. get a grip computer narcos.

    good post lucio. Poor chauffer I hear the promoter is not cooperating with the police. "see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil

    1. No face no case. It's in the promoters best interest to take a long vacation come trial. The last thing you want is the Sinaloa Cartel after your ass. La gente de oro son otro rollo.

  13. No ke no. Ay ta ay tienen a su perro cacheton larry el sicario narco hernandez. Se me hace ke si la cosa habia pasado en mexico, ese jesus andrade fuera historia no la ubiera contado. Y esa es la gran gente de sinaloa.? Mejor chingen a su madre bola tacuaches.

    1. 12:10 NO THANKS!
      --Larry el eeseE Hernandez is an American citizen, you educated him after your own likeness...
      Ora la bebes o la derramas, dijo El Ferras+qepd


    This is the same audio

  15. I can't believe some losers are getting upset at this post. Fuc,k stay in school learn comprehension starting with the title "victim" gives it away

    thug art imitating thug life.

    sadly witnesses are being intimidated so chances of conviction rests on the victim and the audio recording. Hernandez is the dumbest asshole ever, they did not even kidnap the right guy.

    1. Love the last line, laugh my ass off each time I come across it.

  16. Ahora al que le va a tocar llorar es a Larry Hernández

  17. Chivis
    This is the link to the whole video it's all a bad joke just shows what kind of a dumbass he is joking or not still not right

  18. I'm with you on this one, after all the problems related to narco trafficking, anyone who foment or incite violence should be punished.

  19. Se escucha de balaceras en Nuevo Laredo. Varios muertos.

  20. I'm sure that one day a mass shooter (who happens to be white by the way), in the U.S. is going to make a video or show himself enjoying mass killings but the courts in this country are still going to debate his "sanity" not his "criminal mindset". I mean look at all the evidence that the Aurora CO theater shooter had showing his criminal intent yet the stupid courts found him "insane" not a "criminal". Yet because Larry Hernandez is Mexican and only one repeat one single person is accusing him well everything he does is questionable. Then people wonder why mass shootings in the U.S. continue to occur and or are even on the increase! The Aurora CO shooter did also carry out his plan, unlike Larry who is for the most part only being accused for the moment and has yet to be found guilty for those that want to debate his status at the present time.

  21. Before you open your mouth and firmly put your foot in it, James Holmes, the Aurora Colo shooter got life in prison. Duh.

    1. From @2:44 James Holmes was sent to life in prison when he should have gotten the death penalty! Mexicans and even blacks are in death row for way less murders than this idiot! All this because of his insanity plea, plus he's white, plus the stupid state laws I bet also! Eliminate at least him being white and he should have been hanged just like Sadam Hussein!

    2. 4:24 et al, if the CO SHOOTER had not been denied his meds, things could have been worse, or were they bad because of his medications? I can not find any info...but that the guy was/is a genius, if he heals, he could get released any time, he lucky he white.
      --Larry just wanted to have his money paid, girls just wanna have fun

  22. How about the pictures he has with Chavo Felix son of Pancho Felix who was arrested with Lamberto Verdugo (Lamberto ran and got shot in the back by the govt.), or the video that chino antrax uploaded to his personal Instagram where he is playing for him pointing at him when they mention chino and what not, or how about the video where he is with Misael Torres in the USA singing for that fat fuck we coyote who is drunk and coked out lol. Why isn't Univision or Telemundo broadcasting those??

  23. How about the pictures he has with Chavo Felix son of Pancho Felix who was arrested with Lamberto Verdugo (Lamberto ran and got shot in the back by the govt.), or the video that chino antrax uploaded to his personal Instagram where he is playing for him pointing at him when they mention chino and what not, or how about the video where he is with Misael Torres in the USA singing for that fat fuck we coyote who is drunk and coked out lol. Why isn't Univision or Telemundo broadcasting those??

  24. @ 2:44 " I mean look at all the evidence that the Aurora CO theater shooter had showing his criminal intent yet the stupid courts found him "insane" not a "criminal"." you cant be serious? he was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison

  25. I think it's pretty obvious that the insanity of mass murder is in Mexico, and in the cities of the US. The US government ignores the mass killings in urban black America, and in Border Mexico. But you have one white kid on anti depressants go nuts and kill eight or ten people in a gun free zone, and the whole world is in an uproar. Mass murder in Juarez is daily, mass murder in Chicago is daily, but what do the politicos in America do? The say "GUN CONTROL" in America, and send weapons to Mexico, billions of dollars to the Mexican Army and act like it's asurprise when the killings keep on coming. The Mexican government doesn't want the killing to end, the one party government in the US wants to disarm everyone in America.

    The only reason the innocent arent murdered in the US like they are in Juarez is Americans (Texans) have guns of their own, and the cops aren't near as corrupt as Mexican police, and the Army isn't on the streets (yet).

  26. Ahora cantara ante el juez

  27. Larry was fading anyway his new music sucked. El kompa tamarindo wrote his best songs for him. Piloto canabis el baleado all those. After splitong from that dude he went downhill trying to look like some lame ass pitbull regetonero with wack ass music. Youre done larry. You were big in 2008 not nomore bro. And with this youre gonna lose all your money.

  28. Lmfao at these keyboard ninjas who talk shit about narco corridos and our youth. But yet nothing about hip-hop which glorifies the same shit that's happening here with in our borders and streets... Silly rabbits trikz are for kid keep reading your blogs and typing all your nonsense that will never make a difference. So go cry a river of bs somewhere else cause society is never going to change and neither is all this BS.

  29. 12:54 NOOO, nos van a chingar a todos!!! callate güey...
    We all need to get our money out of the banks, i'm lucky my two cents are safe.

  30. Since my post never got posted!! I'm telling you guys this video is a joke. That person he was supposly talking to is a ringtone. Lol

    1. are you the president of Hernandez' fan club? I am fed up with whiny immature asses such as yourself that think the world revolves around you. I have a life and 350 plus comments in 24 hrs are not even going to be read in one day maybe not even 2.

      your comment is redundant and useless. You don't get it. that to normal people, yes I said normal people, it doesn't matter that it is a music video, or play around or a ringtone or a rehearsal, he is a thug, he is a big narco wanna be and this video can absolutely be construed as art intimating life. This is who and what this POS is. Low life trash, an embarrassment to the race.

    2. I second that chivis

    3. Hear! Hear! (Thank you, Chivis).

    4. In prison Larry will become lorina

    5. Proceso fired reporter Sanjuana Martinez after not publishing her reports about cardinal, bishop, whatever Norberto Rivera and pederastia 9 years ago.
      --She sued as won, proceso has to pay her salaries for 9 years, vacations, lunch breaks, pay rises, child support alimony...
      --Just letting you know BB, this is just a warning, not from me, but the maniacs that do not get posted could start a "revolution" for their two cents, we'll go broke...

    6. Chivis has found the key...
      --Do not feel insulted if your comments are not posted, they were too precious to share, that is all...
      --now I feel like a millionaire 10 times over because of all the times my.comments did not get posted, because they were too precious to share

  31. These narco guys are able to prove themselves as low life trash over and over again!

  32. There was a rap artist that rapped about kicking down doors and shooting cousins, uncles and mothers too....then, cause he was really in it and banging went to kill a rival, but he wasn't home so x-raided killed his mom. Those rap lyrics were brought up in court as evidence of his mentality, even though they were recorded long before the incident. BTW, this dude is no larry....there's video of him smashing like 5 nortenos that tried to stab him on a prison yard, then clip walking afterwards. His CD the unforgiven is some of the realest hardcore underground rap. The dude is more talented than any rapper out now....tupac and Ice Cube rap talent on this crip...and unlike cube, he ain't a studio gangster....anyways my point is the video can be used against him

    1. When you said "he smash on 5 nortenos " at that point i new all you were saying is bullshit everybody knows nortenos beat up surenos in prision and on the streets ,

    2. @11:38 you should add a smiley face to your comment so folks know you're being sarcastic and not just stupid

    3. Xraider is black and a crip and nortenos are only strong in a couple prisons in northern California because there is to many surenos

    4. Smashing on Nortenos is nothing new. When you claim a certain region and within that same region your biggest enemy resides and gives you conflict means you don't control your region? There is no Norteno click that resides in the south and that speaks for it self!

  33. Larry Hernandez is a busta. A wannabe. I guess he learned quick the United States is not Mexico.

  34. Sorry Larry we will miss your musica, u can sing to ur puto

  35. Libel is a method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, or any communication embodied in physical form that is injurious to a person's reputation, exposes a person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or injures a person in his/her business or profession.

    1. 11:03 So we la regamos, now what sue me?

  36. La pinchi madre de larry se rresura el bigote !

  37. Lol; this is a music video, this isn't real life. Rappers do it all day everyday, ain't shit gonna happen to Larry, as much as I hate to say and as much as I would like to see this embarrassment to my people fry.


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