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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Morelos' Illegal Clandestine Graves: 150 Unidentified Bodies

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Current and former employees of the district attorney´s office are being investigated after a video was released yesterday showing how dozens of bodies were being exhumed from two clandestine graves in the state of Morelos.

Mexico City, November 6, 2015 (SinEmbargo)— The District Attorney´s Office of Morelos initiated criminal and administrative proceedings against anyone considered to be responsible for the illegal burial of at least 150 bodies in two graves in 2013, when Graco Ramírez Abreu was already governor.

Current and former employees of the district attorney´s office are being investigated after a video was released yesterday showing how dozens of bodies were being exhumed from two clandestine graves in Morelos.  The recording was made in December 2014 by the family of Oliver Wenceslao Rodríguez who was kidnapped and murdered in 2013, and who was located in one of the clandestine graves.

The body was found in a ravine and was buried in one of the graves.  However, last December 9, the district attorney´s office had to exhume the body of Oliver, after the family claimed him after a long private investigation.

Family members who were present recorded the exhumation, despite the refusal of the authorities.  They counted at least 150 bodies that were placed on boards that served as stretchers, and packed in plastic.  Some of the bodies also had a plastic bottle where the folder number of the investigation was placed.

The family of Oliver told La Jornada de Morelos that based on the research they had conducted to locate the body, the 150 bodies were buried clandestinely and illegally by the district attorney´s office since the civil registry was never notified.  They also denounced that death certificates were not issued.

Today, the State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) arrived at the scene to conduct investigations where, in accordance with the executive secretary of the state body, Fabiola Colín, there are at least 140 bodies.

In a statement, the state agency reported that the irregularities related to the allegations in line with the law will be addressed.

They mentioned that these events occurred with previous authorities, which, the present administration intends to amend, and promised, in this and any other case, to investigate and resolve it as soon as possible.

The district attorney´s office explained that they have begun the investigation file and the corresponding criminal and administrative proceedings before the Office of the Inspector General, against those who are responsible for the crimes of failing to comply with public services.

Also, to the improper use of public service, violation of laws on burial and the exhumation of bodies, to the detriment of those affected.

Finally, the state agency reiterated its commitment to respect and protect human rights, as they acted on behalf of the victims of the crime.

They also empathized with the pain of the families of the victims whose remains were not treated and respected in accordance with the law.

Source:  SinEmbargo


  1. Graco was trying to clear the semefo, after the last governor and Cuernavaca state mayor got DEEP in loans debt and stole all the money they did not spend in propaganda turistica, there is no money in the treasury for any legalities.
    Da' fack, next time the last governor will have to leave the semefo clean of bodies, maybe Graco was not trying to cover up for the last governor.. --but save his state a scandal, 150 carcasses is too much poop to have hitting the fan now that epn has saved the country with his prayers and a few otras "mamadas priistas"

  2. Wow those 43 really opened a BIG can of worms for EPN[which is good].Now theres going to be fossas uncovered everywhere.Its given the relatives of the missing renewed vigor and they are FINALLY standing up for injustice.I love it.They certainly deserve it

    1. Those 43 had nothing to do with this they been finding clandestine graves like this throughout the years won't be be the last and certainly isn't the first

    2. These 150 just got murdered, unclaimed or unidentified or both, left behind by the prior government, and illegally disposed of by the present government of the state, because of No budget for legal processing and proper burial of their carcasses...
      --The 43 just got "disappeared"... and mexicans are working for their return by the mexican government that abducted them in their express kidnapping for no ransom or reason that anybody can credibly fathom, while the mexican armed forces just only watched, as ordered...from above, very high up there...

  3. Did you guys take down the article on la Coahuila?

  4. This shit just keeps on getting worse. A living nightmare.

  5. Just another example of the disintegration of the State. When there is no respect for the dead, there is no respect for the living. Just waiting for that critical mass to tip the scales and then a repeat of the late 19th and early 20th century will explode. If you think there is a flood of migrants now, just wait for the flood of people escaping the chaos.

    1. And they all hate gringos and the US?But dont say it out loud,its racist?

    2. Great,cant wait,more haters

    3. OK 7:30AM, Your 2nd sentence makes good points. The leap through "the disintegration of the state" back two centuries to the perils of waves of migrants in the 21st is pura M, total b.s. which speaks to an entirely different agenda. Let's call it bigotry.

    4. Excellent comment, i didn't realize the end result. I hope it doesn't go down like that.

    5. If the agenda is not hacerse pendejo uno mismo y querer hacer pendejos a los demas, aunque sea la mitad...the border walls started getting up between the US and mexico, before all the rigmarole started in mexico...Mexico did not erect any walls, only the perps were making sure to evade the consequences of their evil actions...
      -- Who came up with the biiig border wall? Who got billionaire contracts out of it?
      Who got billion dollar contracts to contain the flood of refugees estimated to result from mexican side criminality??? Not one mexican racist...

    6. Mexican and US citizens have to unite and hold these government's accountable for what they're fucken doing to us . Mayo zambafas son said in Chicago courts that with th help of th US government they were shipping tons of drugs into th United States. What the fuck is goin on !!!!!! People we need to unite against this sons of bitches destroying us with drugs and the repocution of the so called war on drugs

    7. A plane falls out of th sky with 8 tons of cocaine in can cun . Who does th coke belong to ? Chapito guzmán .but who does th plane belong to ? CÍA ... thank yoo very much . So who really is running the show ?? An illiterate 5 foot 4 Mexican fom th mountains or the CÍA th biggest cartel of thm all ..

    8. @9:33 PM and @9:45 PM: You make some very interesting points, thx. CIA has been in the biz since the agency's creation after WWll, if you stop to think about it. CIA paid people to grow opium poppies in S.Asia in the late 1940's and early 1950's. Talk about a set up! Same thing, different continent, with Colombia, in the 1970's. According to some, both Charlie Lehder and Pablo Escobar, separately, had the CIA's sanction to "do their thing." Ledher, lost it at a party hosted by el Pablo, shot and killed some one. It's said that Escobar dimed Charlie to DEA because of this, who's then arrested in short order at the location provided by Escobar. CIA was none too pleased with Escobar as a result. Who's in bed with whom at any given time is impossible to know, but hillbillies like Escobar don't get to the top of the food chain by themselves, that's for sure. Same thing with Mexico, cocaine was the game changer, split the country wide open to foreign involvement, (military), foreign investment, (corporate mining, extraction industries), and a line up of puppet governments to protect the banks laundering$$.. IMO a very dirty guerra sucia is being waged on MX right now through EPN's Manda Unica and foreign troops and paramilitary groups. What can we do? Shame the players publicly at every opportunity, correct people's misconceptions about what's going down in Mexico. If the laws can't touch these guys, then, public opinion has to slam 'em to the wall. It's election campaign season, ask the tough questions and insist on answers from the candidates. The political will of the people is power in and of itself. Use it!


    Before anyone says anything negative bout xico.
    This happens everywhere not just mexico

    1. The first thing this genius does,is put a link about something in the US ?
      It really is pathetic..Horrible people

    2. There's no comparison between the two countries with respect to the rule of law. "Before anyone says anything negative about Mexico" seems to say it's all the same elsewhere, and that's a crock of shit. At least there's an investigation into the offense in Texas and a prosecution for the offenders. The scale of the problem in Mexico is of the charts compared to elsewhere, so speak apples to apples and not apples to oranges.

    3. Then one must speak negative about those places also if deserved. Just do not talk negative about the good people and that is fine. The good people far out number the bad people. But the governments let it happen and at times promote the violence. But last time I looked this is a Mexico news forum. You will find those negatives in other forums if you just look.

    4. It happens eveywhere..But in mexico it happens every week and it turns out that the local government exhumed bodies and burried bodies illegally..
      Every week we read about fosas being uncovered.

    5. 7:33 we do not give a fack about texas or cambodia or laos or argentina or chile or guatermala right now...
      Right now this is all about mexico, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia and their crimes...
      --so, for the moment you can go and investigate texas, la chingada, or somewhere else

    6. The War On Mexico is no different than any other, any where. The civilians pay the real price, criminals make $. And, for the record, the States is a fuck up too. The land of the red, white & blue has profited from wars and violence than any country in history. One woman is raped every minute in the US. Childhood is a nightmare for millions in the States whom crimes are committed against everyday. No place on earth is as corrupt as Washington DC, not even Mexico City, they're amateurs in comparison. VIVA EL PUEBLO MEXICANO!

    7. 12:51 This is from "mills" to el chinga tu madre, you are paranoid about "mills"
      You are wrong if you think anonymous is only one guy against stupid righteous gringo ass kissers, BB has been attracting other like minded persons without racist american nationalist pretenses of superiority or exceptionalism...
      --you are only one pendejo all wrapped up into a few others, sin chile y sin sal, 12:51

    8. Why's everybody slaggin' on "Mills?" What? Everybody else's "expert" comments are genius insights based on proof & knowledge? No joden tanto.

  7. Hechenle la culpa al de antes pa que el que viene te culpe a ti. Asi nadie paga por nada y la cadenita sigue. Irresponsables rateros desconectados de la realidad.

    1. That is all the Marxism leninismo neo-stalinista applied by Nikita khrushchev to el Padrecito Joseph Stalin, to blame him for all bad that happened during his reign of terror, no credit for anything good like taking over the Russian revolution for his master lenin, and winning two world wars, defeating french of napoleón's and Germans Of hitler, inventing the periodic table and black thread, developing the oil industry, with help of the Koch Brothers, conquering space and making love to russian gymnasts, and developing the Russian atomic bomb...all while helping china get their own piece of tail from the paper tiger...
      --Yes that chinese dragon that now holds a lot of US paper tiger by the tail was set on its way by the now much maligned joseph stalin...a seminarist drop robber...two or three times siberian exhile escapee... without tunnels...who did not even bother to cash his paychecks, much less stealing or giving or taking kickbacks...or lobbyists money...
      --Please chivis, mi reina, post this, please please plis plis plis, I am begging on my knees... ♡

    2. 1:15, hope you're feeling better, today. For the record, Stalin was a mass murdering POS. 30 million Ukrainian lives were stolen by your padrecito though starvation and executions. Lenin was another ambitious prick with ice water in his viens who didn't give two royal hoots about people or respect life. Marx isn't the bad guy in this, he is mostly an academic, the Manifesto by he and Engles is a treatise, not a political pamphlet. Communism was a model for an industrialised society, a futuristic theory. However, 20th century communism and its 21st remnants have only been inflicted on people living in agricultural societies. Trotsky...well, he ends up going to Mexico to get his head together, so to speak, didn't he?

  8. How many people have really died here in Mexico? Records here are horrible. Not even issuing death certificates? This goes on all over the mountains and remote areas. There is no organization and no real true and organized record keeping. Many places are detached from the system, and even if they are not, many times the officials do not report deaths and crime for a reason. Maybe if things are not reported and put into the real totals the government will not look so bad. It is like the crime here. Car jacking, shootings and more are happening and effecting members of families daily. They all have stories to tell of crime perpetrated by criminals, police or government officials that has happened to friends or someone in the family. It is a way of life here. You just do not know when it will be you that is effected personally. You can say I have driven across Mexico and never had a problem. Well that is not something that everyone can say.

    I have a 28 year old friend that is in college here. He has been carjacked and robbed twice. Was shot in the leg while standing outside of a club here in Chihuahua, as a man drove by shooting at random and wounding him and a female companion in the group as they stood outside. This in a nice areas supposedly. He and a friend were forced to the side of the road in their truck by armed men with machine guns and robbed, but left with their vehicle. They were sight seeing in Guachochi at the time. They were amazed that they were not killed as one of the men that had an automatic weapon pointed at them was obviously high on drugs. They read the next day that 5 people were killed where they had just been the day before. I have lived here 5 years and the crimes and deaths I have seen to really good people I know, even murders are all to often. Yet one says it is safe. Are those people blind or in denial? This is just a snapshot of what I have seen and so much more just living here for 5 years. The list is very long. I am sure Chivas could make a long list also as well as many other people here.

    There is no real forensics and no system to put the real criminals away. It is as if they really do not care enough to make a system that works, because it makes it sound like "who cares". They are treated just like the unfortunate dogs that got in the way of the car. Mexican government does not care unless pressured to investigate or show some semblance of caring. There are good people here with great hearts. But the government has lost their hearts and so have the criminals. It needs to be made safe for the people that have hearts and get rid of the heartless. Slowly the world is learning about how Mexico treats it's people. This story is just evidence of what I say. 150 fifty unaccounted for people in a mass grave proves what I am writing here.

    1. You are just stating your experience but dont be surprised if you get abuse or something similar.

    2. Stop with all that bullshit. Mexico is a safe place for most people. You give Mexico a bad name with this unpatriotic rant on a site read all over the world.

      You probably stay in a bad side of town, like how you have the favelas in brazil and yet, no one complains about Brazil as unsafe.

      Shut your running trap. move it.

      Viva Mexico!

    3. 2:12 Part 1. I make a lot of money as a businessman, even by US standards, and I associate with the poor to the rich. I also live in a very upscale neighborhood and I pay 16,000 pesos to lease a house. I leased it when the peso was 10 pesos to the dollar, so you do the math. I bought 3 properties together to build my new house on. I try not to judge people as some of the poorest people are incredible. So far I have been lucky, although I have seen two executions while driving. Just bad luck that has effected my psyche to an extent.

      I have a friend that is American and he had his truck stolen in the Sorianna parking lot. It has never been seen again. He thought it was just a fluke. So he parked there again later with a borrowed vehicle. The next time they entered his truck and stole money a lap top and cash that he had hidden. They must have been watching him hide it. The government would not let him enter with a personal vehicle again as they said he cannot prove if he sold it or if it was stolen. You can only have one personal vehicle permitted under your name in Mexico if it is from the USA. He was on his way into a pueblo where he had not to long ago when and he was stopped last year by 12 to 16 men with automatic weapons. He had a rented room waiting for him. They let him go, but told him he could not use his cell phone and that they had ways to know if he did. They said if he did use it they would kill him. Arriving at the hotel he talked to two American men there on business at the mine also. They told him that armed men entered their room without knocking and said do not use your cell phones anymore and then left. My friend is older and is scared to continue his trips to work in this area also.

      A tour group was stopped and robbed on the way to Basaseachi about a month ago. this is a famous tourist destination.They were stopped and robbed of everything they had. They consisted of about 80 tourists in the group. They were from Canada and Germany. The tour was being sponsored by a group of Mennonites.

      This was not reported in the papers as it was to be hidden so as not to effect tourism. They hide these incidents from being reported all the time. It made it into a paper in a neighboring state here. You will not find it on the internet either. Here is the link for those of you who do not mind reading the truth.

    4. 2:12 Part 2

      The word gets around quickly here in Chihuahua and just about everyone knows about the tour robbery now. But if you are a tourist you probably will know nothing about it. I just found out from a person in the government here that they just arrested 7 police officers that were the head of this robbery. You will not read about that either. You really now nothing until you know people in high places and also the common people.

      I live here and I would love to see more American tourists, but I do not like seeing them mislead. I am not full of BS and I do not have an agenda. Some people just do not want others to hear the truth. I have seen two executions in just a short 5 years. My consuegro's had never seen one. They just had their son's father-in-law assassinated recently. A good man with a heart and soul. Just because he would not play with the bad guys.

      On another note. If you are not seeing all the revisions, troops driving around an so many police it is beyond belief then you are full of BS. They are here for a reason and it is not because they are tour guides and it is safe. It means it is dangerous here and for no other reason. Otherwise why would they be here? Also all house are built like fortresses. Can you guess why or is that beyond your comprehension also?

      This is not the Brazil forum. They do complain about how unsafe it is in Brazil or do you just not read? So stop deflecting!

      I hope you post this BB as people need to know. Maybe if they stop hiding things, and people like 2:12 stop lying, then maybe Mexico will one day realize they really need to do something of loose even more. You are an incredible source for information and it is obvious by these reports how unsafe it can be. Precautions always need to be taken and these articles have helped me to avoid certain areas and try to stay safer.

    5. @9.28. Sorry for the hard words, my bad. lo siento. I can see you've had a lot of negative experiences. thanks for opening up on them.

      Dios te bendiga.

    6. 2:12 is obviously a peña bot, deep into kissing peña nieto's ass...
      #ya chale con tus pendejadas, peña nieto!
      La droga del abuso de autoridad ha vuelto a los poopóliticos mexicanos mas estupidos de lo acostumbrado...


  10. Yep and what will happen with justice for these poor people? NOTHING that's what. Welcome to Mexico where you can butcher countless people and the police are so corrupt they'll even help you.

  11. Human rights here human rights there and at the end nothing gets done. Human rights is a joke. They never do anything.

  12. Let's change the name of the country from Mexico to Cementerio.

    1. La Republic Del Cementerio??

    2. La Republica de la marranera turned narco-fosa/marranera, me-xi-co
      --A pigsty cemetery republic, where every vote gets counted and it is all say pri wins 100% of the time with 100% of the votes...

  13. I'm sure the funds allotted to the PGJE of Morelos by the state and federal governments are not sufficient enough to properly store, or bury, all those bodies that the cartels churn out in their busy murder assembly line. They can't bury them fast enough. The victims paid for the corruptos mortgages, vacations, luxury/sport cars, and should pay for their hearing aids because they can't hear the voices screaming from the clandestine graves clamoring for at least a proper burial. Éste es el desmadre que comenzó ell Jefe de Jefes y sus FEDA. And all those offshoot cartels that emerged after the takedown of Arturo B.L. Los MDA. Not even Mexico's El Tri's all-time leading scorer is good enough to solve the problem of how to properly bury all the those cartel deaths thrown into a couple of large holes. Maybe el Cuau should just say he is going to put on the playera again and take away all the attention from the story and Morelos's antiquated forensics department. - alias El Comandante Magaña

  14. Na na na na...
    With the billions of dollars, weapons and training for their gorillas milotary, poolice, polizetas private paramilitary, state sponsored "autodefensas"and various sicario organizations, 5he mexican government does not care, na na na na! So there...
    --But the US seems to be feeling the heat and has started disengaging with mexican government that is going to "France for training" on the UN for impunity...
    "We like to slam a little country against the wall once in a while, for practice..." henry kissinger.
    I hope after 70 years of kissinger/Rockefeller nazi neo-liberalism the world wakes the fack up.

  15. This is just another unfortunate story, of the suffering in Mexico.Mexicans aren't allowed to live in peace, fight for peace, or even..die in peace. Now, they can't even rest in peace. When human life is not valued, we can't expect the dead to be respected or valued. I have seen road killed opossums, being treated to a better burial.

  16. Absolutely, a living we got another 105 FOSAS

  17. In the rush to cover up about the 43, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia has forgotten to say how many other murder victims have been found in guerrero, specially around the iguala cocula apatzingan etc etc etc...only a few reports here and there of bodies being found but no totals, weekly or monthly, when for more than a year they keep finding cadavers, but no 43 at all, only "60 000 fragments" reported by miguel angel osorio chong a porro gangbanger criminal who thanks to dirty jobs he has done for others became Z governor of hidalgo state and rich propertied poolitician minister of the president in la capital, el DF...
    --osorio chong says: "...ok, if the 43 did not get burned in the garbage dump as we say, then.YOU SHOW US where they got burned..." but osorio will not tell where he got the burned human fragments he is trying to plant on the garbage dump...he should have studied more and graduated before coming out to play mexican sherlock to cover up government shit...

  18. This horror show has more to do with GOLD CORP and the Canadians natural gas pipeline than cartels and drugs. Mexico needs to nationalize its foreign owned and controlled industries. Use the revenues and income for public works and jobs. It is obscene that Canada owns 2 pipelines in Mexico.


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