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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Fresnillo: Man Found Dead After Interrogation Video

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

For the umpteenth time at Camelias street and a few hours after the attorney general was in the city, armed gunmen shot a man over five times who had been kidnapped, tortured, and later brought to the area to be executed.

Around 21:00 hours, warnings were given about gunshots at the streets Camelias and Tres de Mayo in the well known neighborhood of Obrera a few meters away from the Santa Cruz Cemetery.

People who were in the street at the time saw how three individuals abandoned the body quickly, and then heard five to seven shots from a firearm, but didn’t see anything after.

It was civilians who were traveling in their vehicles who saw the body of the person lying on the sidewalk when they passed by the area.  Immediately, the residents of that street closed their doors and windows, and turned off their lights to avoid being questioned about something that they didn’t see.

Immediately afterwards, a chase was reported in Poblados de Plateros and later, the preventative police said that they received a 066 call (911 call) in which suspicious activity was reported on a dark colored truck in the community of Rancho Grande, near the cemetery.

Forces from the Directorate of Public Security and other corporations were sent in to revise the area, but so far there have been no reports regarding the incident.

According to AccesoZac’s Facebook page, it is due to a war between the Cartel del Noroeste (CDN) and the Gulf Cartel (CDG).


  1. I wonder who is actually more powerful in Zacatecas & San Luis Potosi.

    1. Zetas control about 65% of Zacatecas and 80% of San Luis Potosi?

    2. Tas pendejo 11:06 cdg 80%

    3. ^ actually @11:06 is right

    4. No!!el cdg control el 85% de zacatecas los cdn y zetas talivanes nomas el 15% del Estado en San Luis potosi el cdg esta en el 45% del estado y los zetas el 65% PERO el cdg zactecas es el Mas organisado que cdg tamaulipas cdg nuevo Leon la gente del cdg zacatecas es la mayoria zactecanos por eso tienen Mas poder y control

    5. Who gives a shit. They're all cowards. If you're gonna commit such ch acts, why not show your face

    6. @8:26 pendejo pongase a trabajar la mayoria del cdg son de los estados de Tamaulipas Nuevo León I coauhila pendejo zacatecano

  2. Happy Christmas to all BB staff and readers.

  3. All the monreales turf, while Ricky defends himself fighting the million dollar cañonazos as DF delegado de los talabarteros, maybe make DF mayor later, or secretary of something with "presidente AMLO", hey, how about un besito en el fundillo de carlos slim helu?
    pinchi Colonia ogrera, antes eran el barrio alto, pero tampoco valian madre, Desde la plateros hasta el panteon nuevo, lo unico que tenian bueno era El Grillo...

  4. Ya esta en el infierno.

  5. Looks like los zetas executed some one.

    1. Actually i think this was cdg that executed some rivals by order of la hamburguesa big shot old school drug dealer thats been in the game awhile now hes just real lowkey.i think hes been around since the osiel cardenas days.

  6. Images like that, are supposed to send shock waves through the body and minds of society. Those days have long gone. We have graduated and moved up to viewing much more gruesome atrocities, in our daily lives.When images like this become the "norm" and accepted, as a part of everyday life, for a society of people, who deserve so much better than this. It begs the question. How much more has to happen, or can happen...that will force a change in accepting, the unacceptable!

    1. The mexican government has to clean its act up and start punishing these criminals. If it doesn't happen soon, I'm sure something will occur that truly pisses the US government off. And that will start a chain reaction that will end in mexico becoming our 51st state. There's enough oil in mexico to make it a just-cause for take over. Can anyone say The Pledge of Alligence in spanish? Lol!!!

    2. Do you want another Afghanistan? This isn't 1839 anymore boy.

    3. Are you stupid or just act like one.

    4. 1st, I'm not a boy. 2nd, the saying is " not another Vietnam", unless ur Russian. 3rd, i think mexico would be more along the lines of a Grenada.

    5. 7:44:careful what you say about Mexico becoming the 51st state.You just pissed a bunch of Mexicans off.US sometimes refers to Canada as the 51st state and yes the cultures are similar I understand why they say it but does it ever piss off Canadians because we are a separate independent country.

    6. grenada was a cake walk on the beach carbon mexico's not good that stroll

    7. I love reading about the cartels. The chapos, menchos, etc. What makes it interesting is how these men live like outlaws. But when the country in which this is happening is LAWLESS, its not so interesting anymore. I love the mexican culture & visit quite frequently. And Mexican women are the most beautiful in the world. But the headlines coming out of mexico are reminiscent of seirra leone, Somalia etc. And i can guarantee the US will eventually tire of that shit being rite next door. And a convoy of pick-up trucks with AK-47s & RPGs will b a nice training session for our Apache chopper pilots. Google "highway of death" in the desert storm campaign. little preview.

    8. 7:44am sorry, your comment is very naive.

    9. Time will tell my friend...

  7. Mexico is taking over California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas...and will fight the Moslems for Michigan and North Carolina.

  8. Lando, what planet are u from? I'm from north carolina & have no clue what a "moslem" is... its people like u that are causing the crisis in mexico. cowards that kill innocent people. U musta forgot where all those guns that make u feel so invincible come from. u better worry about the red-neck Christians not the "moslems"!!


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