Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 24, 2015

PGR seize a ranch from 'El Chapo's' brother

The federal forces incursion in the area came after a shootout between people of 'El Guano' and a group from Chihuahua.

The Attorney General's Office said they sized a ranch owned by Aureliano Guzman Loera, El Guano, brother of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, near the community of Los Alisitos, a municipality of Badiraguato, after a shootout that killed eight men linked to the group led by Aureliano.

The Navy reported that they arrived at that community, after a clash between members of El Guano cell and other group from Chihuahua that left a toll of eight men dead.

It was said that opposing groups are fighting the territory of La Sierra de Badiraguato which has been controlled for decades by El Chapo Guzman, and that after his arrest and subsequent escape was under the control of El Guano.

These are the facts, which the government of Sinaloa, the Attorney General of the state and the municipal government of Badiraguato, have consistently refused to admit, occurred this last December 12.

After the slaughter of the eight people, relatives of the victims gathered the corpses, bought coffins through a distributor which supplies local funeral houses and buried them in their communities without informing the authorities.

In addition, the Navy also reported ambushes in the neighboring villages of the municipality, but the balance of bodies is unknown. At least two bodies were taken to the community Surutato.

The prosecution did not make any official reports of the deaths, even when the town confirmed that at least one of the bodies was more than eight hours awaiting the arrival of the MP, which never came.

Two days after the slaughter near Los Alisitos, near San Jose del Barranco and La Tuna village, the birthplace of El Chapo, the Navy personnel arrived to carry out an operation.

In comundidad of Surutato, Badiraguato, the Navy has set up checkpoints where vehicles and people entering and leaving are stop and checked; however, there have been no raids on the houses of this village, Veronica Rochin,of Surutato confirmed.

An official said that the Navy has been supplying their helicopters to patrols this town and then take flight to other areas further up in the mountain, and said she was unaware of the extent of the actual operation

Rochín specified that the target was not El Guano, but said that is the same operation that keeps the Semar on place trying to locate El Chapo Guzman in the Golden Triangle area, where, it is said, that he has not left since he was located in August around the Tamazula, Durango area.

Finding no trace of the eight men dead the marines went to Aureliano Guzman ranch, who on this last October they arrested one of his son's in Culiacan, staff and federal prosecutors proceeded to take him to jail.

A few days ago, Luis Alberto Muro Valdez, brother of Cristóbal Muro Valdez, died in the Aguaruto prison, Cristobal was head of security for El Guano and one of the eight who died last Saturday.

This article was translated from Milenio

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  1. It was Chapos people who killed guanos he needs to give the plaza back to his brother that's why he killed his half brother which CHAPO left in charge cuz he knew he could control the Beltran leyvas and keep them from going into badiraguato

    1. I don't think el chapo needs anybody's pinchi "plaza"

  2. I heard it was chapo's half brother against chapo's full blooded brother. One of their daughters is maried to a beltran and there is mistrust against him. So they are trying to kill each other

    1. Bunch of betrayals by the CDS. Don't people realize this by now?

  3. Now it is getting personal.. they are invading Mr guzmans property's. Mr guzman isn't really mad.. because they treated his family with respect. Just because they are scared of them.. Mr guzman will not get caught. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa

    1. Mr. Gusman really lol pinchi plebe estupido

    2. Ha!! Chapo can't beat his rivals so he resorts to killing his own blood. Sad actually but hey it is Chapo after all. You can't expect anything less if you know how shorty works. I swear Mexican mafiosos has the crabs in a bucket ideology down to a tee.

    3. In another post you said he would be caught soon.Make up your mind,will he or will he not get caught....smh

    4. EL CHAPO MAY OR MAY OT GET what, report and comment when he gets caught, don't be unas chismosas...
      the harassment of his family is from the government trying to save face, and NOTHING WORK THERE for their shitty faces.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't get it. What are you talking about?

    2. Yeah wtf is your point or what?

    3. @5:19 and @10:26 no comprenden nada, bless you, move on...
      --gadejo keep the shit raining...except, chapo may be better off heading the opposition formed by the narcos the mexican government has betrayed and demonized as they saw fit all the time, the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia is the enemy of the mexicans much more than el chapo...

    4. Ya hicieron correr al gadejo, apenas empezaba a "demostrar"...
      --ni pedo, good luck gadejo it will be our loss...
      --but erasing your comments?

    5. ...too many pearls, too many little time...

    6. 2:43 AM, epn is truly creepy, his job description includes protecting the people of Mexico, but he's more apt to shed their blood. It's impossible to say epn hasn't profited personally and professionally from drug money. Chapo ought to buy the military to pull a coup to oust epn and his cronies. Mexico's ruling junta would be Chapo, el Mayo & RCQ.... nothing would change, sadly.

  5. Ya dejen de sonar con tener al chapo cercas de usted gobierno. El chapo es leon de la sierra y no nacio para estar encerrado. Ya aganse a la idea de que sera libre.

  6. Dont worry Chapo has everything under control and it's all part of his plan.....LOL!! The DEA won't be around to save you this time Shorty. It's sink or swim lil guppy.

    1. ... DEA Save Chapo? LOL ... More Like CIA & Mexican Government Will Clean Up And The DEA Won't Have A Say About It "." <<< Period ... P.S. Chapo Is A "Lil" Guppy Eater ... Structure Is In Place ... It's Not a 1 Man Show As People Seem To Believe ... But Then Again The DEA Has Wanted Chapo For Many, Many Years And Nothing ... They Get Crumbs Thrown To Them While The Giant Wheel Keeps On Turning ... 1980's,90's, now 2000's, Yet The DEA Has Not Been Able To Get A Hand On Things ... 1 Would Wonder Why That Could Be ? ... The Agency Has You Brain Washed, But It Will All Come To Light After You Retire ... Be Safe And A Happy Holiday Season Everyone ...

    2. I got $2,000 that says different 12:26 if you are up for the bet. Why would the DEA want to previously arrest Shorty when he has been their top informant in the field for two and a half decades? Now that there is no need for him he is up for grabs. He has become a liability for his agressive nature throughout Mexico. He was suppose to come quietly as agreed but he threw a curveball and all bets are off. It's either a US Supermax or death at this point.

    3. ... $2000 Would Be Nice To Blow While Im On Vacation Now, But The Casino Always Wins And I Do Not Gamble Anymore ... He Was Never Going To Be Extradited By Mexico As He Has Too Much Dirt On Many Officials, Has Paid For "Many" College Educations Which Paved The Way For Career Paths Of Business Men/Women, Lawyer's, Judges, Etc... Plus Others Who Have Been Locked Up Since DEA Agent Kiki C Got Killed in The 80's Have Done The Same While Being Locked Up, But Get Let Out Legally Probably By Someone Who Had Their Education Paid For By Them ... Please Look Back At The Judges Rulings And What Officials Said ... Hence Plan B ... The Mexican Government Along With Others Have Played You Guys As They Have Been For 30 Years ... Chapo Is Ready To Die, But He Has Some Things To Do/Share First ... Even If He Does Get Killed, There is Structure In Place And In The End, It Will Not Have Made Any Difference To The Drug Trade ... Example, Look At the Current Otay Mesa/Tijuana Border After The Arellano Brothers Were Captured, "Not A Damn Thing Changed" ... Only Opened the Doors For Certain Cartels To Try And Move In ... So What Makes You Think By Having Chapo Out Of The Picture, Would It Really Make A Positive Change ? ... Nothing Changes But The Players And Then You Retire, Feel Fustrated That An Entire Career Dedicated To Drugs, Made No Difference ... Sorry, It Did Make A Difference By Making The Quality Better And Cheaper For The United States Consumer's ...

  7. Gadejo, we are getting places, the mercenaries used to be the watchdogs of the foreign owners of the petroleras mexicanas before el Tata Lazaro Cardenas expropriated and nationalized the mexican oil...they were called Guardias Blancas, and were a bunch of murderers
    nothing about their skin color, I like your calling it as it looks. ----The more we live the more we see the pretend owners of the world trying to fool all of us all the time...

    1. Are you talking about the PMC that are operating in Mexico that kick the Cartels ass cause people in the Cartel get hammered drugged out stay up late smoke cigs and extra loud to give away their positions? Versus the PMC that have training?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ... Time To Return What Was Loaned ... All Was Planned Very Well And Executed < (no pun intended) With Impunity ... Sh!t, The Military Is Posted Up At Checkpoints Supposedly Looking For Chapo When They Are Really Looking For His Enemies To Help With the Cleaning ... Nothing New As Money Makes The World Go Round And Makes Family/Friends Turn On You ... Greedy SOB'S ... Sommetimes It's Better To Know Your Enemy, Then Not Knowing Who Is The Enemy ... Pablo Escabar, Noriega, The CIA Has Learned From Their Mistakes And Always Has An Out Or Fall Guys ... Can't Wait For CIAGATE To Come Out In The Future ... It Will Be Interesting To Read Formally Top Secret Documents, Starting From The Iran/Contra Days To Present Day ... P.S. Merry Christmas / Feliz Navidad A Todo La Gente De Borderland Beat ...

  9. Remember Chapo's half brother was murdered earlier this year. It wasn't just a shooting. He was lined up with other bodies in Badiraguato with his pants pulled down. Whoever did it wanted him humiliated. That incident must be connected to this somehow regardless of who killed him.

  10. Its la linea eliminating whats left of cds

    1. Yep 8:18. El Guano wanted to take over so now he will feel the pain. Things would have been different if Ernesto was still in charge because of his BLO ties. Carrillo Furntes would have respected his leadership. Now it's your ass El Guano. Chapo can't protect you since he is running for his life.

  11. ... Lol 8:18 AM ... It Appears You Know Nothing About Who Or How Many People Are In CDS As Most Don't Talk About It, Let Alone With Strangers In A Bar ... Any Facts To Your Statement Or Proof ??? ... Hahaha ... Try To Have A Good New Year In Los Mochis Telling Your Version ...

    1. 11:55 You can talk about it or not but the reality is that CDS is weak and there is a lot infighting. BLO and Juarez are strong and gaining more strength. It's just a matter of time.

    2. 8:55 you're a bitch

  12. Lol, I thought Chapo had everything on lock.

    1. Funny how THE MILITARY are all over the place and then this shit happens, AND they blame insider family problems and el chapo or his brother or his other brother...
      --pura pinchi propaganda del gobierno corrupto..."jué brozo", culeros



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