Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prison Dogs Taste Test Chapo's Food For Poison

Posted by DD Republished from YahooNews


Mexico City (AFP) - Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has had a rocky return to prison: He arrived depressed, officials gave him "Don Quixote" to read and a dog tastes his food for poison.

photo from proceso
 A K9 unit now guards the area where Mexico's most-wanted criminals are held, including Guzman, as part of new measures implemented three months ago, Eduardo Guerrero, the head of Mexico's penitentiary system, told Radio Imagen.

"A K9 tastes the food first because we must care for his physical integrity in case someone wants to poison him," Guerrero said, adding that the same thing is being done for the other imprisoned drug barons.

The dogs were also trained to recognize the smell of the country's "main objectives" as part of efforts to prevent another embarrassing escape.

Guzman has been moved to a different cell 11 times without warning since he was sent back to the prison, Guerrero said.

"He was depressed when he arrived, tired, which is what he said in his first interview. He was very tired of being on the run," said Guerrero.

Officials gave Guzman a copy of the classic novel "Don Quixote" because "we think that it's an excellent book and I think that we must start giving him this type of reading material, so that he starts reading."

- Common-law wife can't see him -

Attorneys have claimed that Guzman was being kept in isolation and was being mistreated.
But officials denied that Mexico's most powerful drug baron was being held incommunicado, saying he had access to a lawyer.
Guzman was able to see a stream of visitors in his previous, 17-month stay in prison, including a woman who entered with a fake ID. One of his lawyers is accused of helping to plan his escape.

This time, the mother of his twin daughters, Emma Coronel, has been unable to see him since his return to prison.

Although it was widely believed that Coronel, a former beauty queen, married Guzman a decade ago, Guerrero said Guzman had not divorced from his previous wife.

For Coronel to be allowed to see him, "he will have to give us a divorce certificate and then he has to demonstrate the common-law marriage," the official said.
Metal rods were woven closely together under the floor to prevent another tunnel entrance like the one that opened into Guzman's cell shower.

More surveillance cameras were installed and blind spots, like the one behind the shower wall, no longer exist.

Two elite guards now keep watch on Guzman 24 hours per day, with a camera on top of their helmets.

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  1. I am still not satisfied with the "dog" and pony show. I consider him high escape risk until he is in supermax.

    1. He will never set foot on US soil. Keep dreaming buddy, atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa.

    2. Thanks Morronis for the update. Sound like Chapo and the dog will be spending Thanksgiving together.

    3. Comment at 10:01am had me rolling all day

  2. Poor dogs. Why should an animal have to suffer of the food is poisoned...surely there are many despicable humans to use as taste testers.
    ~Canadian girl

    1. Human being > animal. Period.

    2. Exactly, let other prisoners from the same Cartel taste his food, if they are so loyal to Chapo, lol.

    3. There are so many Chapo nuthuggers out there (especially on this site) that would give anything to taste his food first. Brings those morons in to help!

    4. Ok, chapo nuthuggers, make room for @3.25, everybody deserves a cbance...

  3. Scary stuff.

    “Hello Clarice...”

    “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti”

  4. Great news!!! So now Mexico has shown its high insensitivity to animals and just right out admit to being willing to conduct cruelty to animals. If they want to risk poisoning any animals, then why not let the drug barons eat it? Who cares if any of these ruthless bastards swallow a cyanide capsule?

    1. Ey tu pendejo/pendeja they need him alive he has lots of valuable information idiot! But first they need to extradite him up north, if he doesn't want to roth in a supermax he will be smart and puke all he knows, he might get a good deal out of it if he cooperates....Lets say they gave him 100years in the cage, but if helps dismantle that organization they give him 10years???? Wouldn't that be a nice deal for some one who has done lots of harm?

      Many must be plotting his death by now, sooner or later they might get to him. It's mx anything can happen. . .

    2. Everyone says chapo isn't an informant but even the DEA says he contacted them various times to inform on his rivals.

      This time he has to inform on his allies. I saw his interview he clearly states that envious people inform on their rivals.
      What a snake.

    3. El Quixote for reading, that sucks, it is inhuman to force anybody to even look at that monstrosity of a thick book. I'd read it only IF it was a comic full of dulcinea's hot sexy images and full color pin-ups...
      --"el chapo guzman"...isn't it wonderful how much it distracts from the many other worse crimes of the peña nieto drug trafficking murderous criminal regime and its many american partners?

    4. At 3:01,
      In your first sentence you seem to take out your frustration on 12:09. You need to stop losing sleep over Chapos incarceration and focus on the positive things in life. Like Morronis updating us on his extradition status.

  5. lol whatever can't take any of these post or comment's to heart when you only let post you like go through!

    1. 12:09 we are with you, whiny cry baby, poor little you...
      --duck tape your veins, and don't cut yourself anymore because of BB insensitivity...

  6. Don't make Mexico build a wall!! Make them buy a clue instead!!!

  7. you should know by now that is not a pic of Emma. SMH stick to Mexican papers

  8. Amautures here on BB complaining about dogs being poisioned. Don't be stupid,if there's poison in there the dog isn't gonna eat it dummy it's gonna alarm there's poison.. Just like if a dog smells coke it's not gonna eat it it's gonna alert..

    1. Si como no güey.. los perros solo son perros

  9. What happened BB? That´s not a pic of Emma! The articles are more than welcome, but lately they are full of small mistakes!

    1. @1:27 In answer to your question "What happened BB"?. Nothing happened to BB, but the staff who volunteer their time are human beings and we sometimes make mistakes. I take the blame for the error in the photo, but attribute it partly to being human with a very bad cold, and wanting to go to bed last night got in too big a hurry to post this story.
      we appreciate readers pointing out when we make mistakes and try to correct them as soon as they are pointed out.
      Thanks . I have corrected the photo.

    2. DD, did you post your photo by accident, and say you was Emma Coronel? Don't worry, nothing wrong with dreaming, I just hope you put there a nice tiara too, next time you will get more thumbs up than down from the nit picking whiners...

    3. dd..dont play with the trolls(1:27am) in the first place its probably how you got that cold..keep up the good work you and all the BB staff..dww

    4. Get off BB's nuts

    5. 5:37 dd is married, go away with your mealy honey apples

  10. I thought that was Emma. Who is that then?

    1. Nope, you must be American, the American press always runs this picture as Emma for some reason they never correct it. BB usually gets it right

      This is Laura Zuniga Miss Sinaloa 2008. who was dethroned after being arrested with narcos. the character "Miss Bala" is based on her.

      real wife

    2. I have replaced the photo with the correct one.

    3. maybe the dog should piss in his food

    4. Miss Sinaloa is always a fun role.

    5. Jeeze! Such drama over an oversight that the majority of media stills does. Can't you simply and politely, just send in the correction when you notice something is in error? in this case BIG DEAL. DD has worked hard at picking up my pace while I am working BB part time. Lucio also. It isn't easy, I promise you, if you think it is, write to me about helping......Paz, Chivis

    6. 7:48 wisest comment of the day...but it may be one day late, I mean, red done did it a few times before, have you seen at people spitting on others burgers and sandwiches at fast foods because of lowly wages?
      --I'd love to see what people put in peña nieto's grey poupón
      And i'm sorry for confusing miss Bala with dd, hey we are only human too, hey what about posting all of chivis photos by accident??
      That would be priceless, chivis don't need no 'tiaras'.

    7. @2:04 Amigo, you don't have enough money to bribe this reporter into doing that even though she is beautiful in every one I've seen.

    8. I liked the other pic better even if its the wrong one.

  11. He doesn't have his steroids

  12. All chapo does is supply a product that the gringos love so freaking much......

    1. A los Mexicanos tambien les gusta la droga. No solo son los gringos.

    2. Pero a los gringos muuuuchooo mas.

    3. Mexicans consume drugs, because they sell or eat their supply, sometimes it is the only "pay" they receive for their drug trafficking "labours" the big bankers that own the drug trafficking business have it well micromanaged, down to the last penny and gram...
      --"mexican narcos" don't even make enough to pay for their pistolas by the time they get arrested or killed, unless they are biiig capos with good business partners on "el Norte"

    4. 9:28, But we Americans love it more!!!! that's why the final destination is here, How many stories do you read about drug shipments being confiscated in the U.S. in preparation to be shipped to another country?

    5. Nunca has ido a LA frontera y has mirado to do los tecatos de donde viene today ESA droga de mexico no nomad LA venden end EU tambien end mexico se USA y se vende

  13. Get the man some Taco Bell.....

    1. 6:56 a chihuahua taco, full of queso de "chihuahuas"

  14. Who wants to bet that for next few months the media is going to spoon feed their own people crap like this while the peso hits an all time low. But wait there will be a side of the Pope to go along with that.

  15. Chapo new handle "The Stud" Is he in the same cell has the tunnel

    1. Sober up before you post...

    2. Studs usually don't have erectile dysfunction.

    3. 10.00 don't believe all the mexican government propaganda, el chapo was "serving" el cholo in the hotel when they got cogidos...

  16. 'All chapo does is supply a product that the gringos love so freaking much'
    That is some old whining shit.They are fighting for plazas now because local sales make that much money(break it down for ye)Mexico has its own huge domestic market.So who you gonna blame for making it,distributing it,Mexico has become one of the worlds biggest countries for manufacturing drugs,but keep blaming everyone else for Mexicos own domestic problems.
    No drugs,no sales,its a fuckin deluge coming from Mexico,does Mexico share any blame in your minds?
    What blame has to do with this isn't going to fix any problems,its a collective problem,but hate and blame aint gonna fix shit,fuck it just blame the gringo,forget about it.

    1. Damb bro, trying to spread the blame a little?, WE Americans love drugs, period. When they fight for plazas it is not because the local demand is huge it is because they need to secure proper drug routes for the drugs to reach us here in the states. Everyone shares blame for the drug problem, we can agree on that..Besides they can blame us all they want as long as they keep producing the substance that keeps us dull to the reality that is life.

    2. It is not an addiction or drug trafficking problem, it is a problem of greed, greed that moves both other ends, because that is their money to launder...

  17. 2:09 chapo esta acabado el cartel de las traiciones!

    1. El Mayo tiene al Cartel de las Traciones bajo "control"

      Sinola's buscaron plieto con todas las fronteras. Traicionaron a tenientes, no respetaron truegas.
      Creian que siempre los protegeria el gobierno?

      No pues si creen eso entonces arriva el Cartel de las Traciones pero arriva de un riata!

  18. i got herd a rumor going around that mencho and mayo are running the show caro Quintero and cuinis are financial operators so this mean Mexico will be under one cartel soon!!!!!!!!chapo no longer had protection that's why he was tired of running cuz he was feeling the heat yes he had cash to escape but not to buy protection

    1. ...not to buy protection, such a Hollywood misconception... Keep watching T.V... Anyone Know any good shows on Netflix, I think I've watched anything worth watching, I'm sort of in a show hole....

  19. I call bullshit, I think the government is using the dogs as food tasters (if that is even true) to humiliate him rather then to save his life...

    1. "El Ch" can't even go to the crapper without someone recording his every fart and huff and puff, crime is over all over the world now, release Bertie Boy moreira now!

  20. Somewhere in Mexico exists a video of El Chapo squatting to take a leak.

  21. Hope the damn dog eats the best part of the food at least! Fuck El Chapo!

    1. Yeah, chapo never was nothing but a snitch

    2. Haha good one. Come sobras de perro el chapo! Por pinche rata traisionera!

  22. It could be the lighting. But it kinda looks like Chapo has a black eye. Or maybe it's just the stress he's under. - El Soldado Perdido

  23. i thought he was illiterate. so why give him a book

    1. Maybe the guards or the wardens attempt at a little black humor.

  24. Sicario arrested in the home of el cochulito montiel was extrajudicial killed by MEXICAN MARINOS OR DEA dressed like mexican marinos.

    1. Boy his hair sure grew back fast or is that an older incarceration photo?

    2. Which double did they arrest?
      And where is chapo know?

  25. Now eating get the dogs leftovers. Nice

  26. I thought he was illiterate.. That dumb fuck!!

    1. he has an 8th grade education

    2. no, his travelling teacher stop going to la tuna when he was 8 years old.

  27. Wow they make it sound like a Hollywood 🎥 movie with camera s on there heads yeah right good one

  28. Good to see this heroin pusher jailed, quickly get him to USA. DEA covert work pays off again.

  29. I'm afraid the story was translated wrong. They are actually making el Chapo test the dog's food for poison.


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