Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Papa Francisco in Mexico: A visit to hell

Lucio R. Borderland Beat La Jornada:by Victor Toledo Translated: Amanda Coe, Mx Voices

 It smells of sulfur.”  This is probably what crossed the Pope’s mind when he stepped off the plane in Mexico City. Almost in unison, dozens, perhaps hundreds of angels and archangels flew silently above him fleeing the ceremonies and protocols turned into a spectacle. If there was anywhere in the world to hear the “Earth’s cry and the poor’s cry”—which Pope Francisco claimed to be the main challenges for the Church to address—together, it would be in Mexico. Inexorably, he is confronted with this in the political, economic, and church elite who have turned the country into hell. Here are statistics of the tragedy: 164,000 killed, 27,000 disappeared, dozens of journalists threatened or eliminated, 9 million young people without jobs or school.

For this reason, the Pope’s reception by political-economic and church elite was more than significant as he seeks renovation, decency and a return to the social gospel as a means to rid the Catholic church of its crisis. 

The well-known devils, disguised demons, impeccably dressed and perfumed Lucifers waited for him. 

The cabinet members of the federal government filed before the Pope, so that he clearly saw a mosaic of sinners: satraps, power drunks, merchant accomplices, abettors, criminals, corrupt, traitors to their ideals, landowners, utter egoists, as well as arrogant and immoral governors. 

No less was the case with the leaders of the Mexican Church, where there are many hidden enemies to the Holy Father’s renovation. In the spectacle, even the first “breech of protocol” was an organized meeting with a group of Televisa singers arranged by the President’s wife [Angélica Rivera, aka "La Gaviota", "The Seagull", soap opera star]

Another issue is the exploitation of Mexican labor. This is where the large parasites, arrogant and sumptuous magnates, named [CarlosSlim, [AlbertoBailleres, [RicardoSalinas, [Emilio]Azcárraga, [all multi-billionaires] etc., that can never “go through the eye of the needle,” [Jesus, Matt. 19:24] and whose emporiums are supported by neoliberal governments through the infamous Minimum (or negligible?) Wage Commission [current daily minimum wage is US$4. Various jobs pay some multiple of this.]. 

In Mexico, not all poor people are excluded or marginalized souls; rather they are a workforce that is promptly exploited by national and multinational companies. Most are workers and their respective families exploited in favor of most of the unions, true institutions at the service of the employer ["company unions"], led by very old, corrupt leaders. The depreciation of wages up to 70 percent, confirms this other dimension of hell [since peso devaluation in the 1980s].

Iguala: Normalista Julio Mondragon, his face skinned while he was alive
We will see if the Pope in his homily in Morelia [capital of Michoacán], a land taken by criminals in collusion with the federal, state, and municipal governments, recognizes the unjustified situation of the Costa and Tierra Caliente [Pacific Coast and Hot Country regions, centers of organized crime] of Michoacán, and especially the 383 political prisoners led by Dr. José Manuel Mireles.

If he is consistent, his words should touch the issue of self-defense, which is a legitimate mechanism for citizens to protect their lives against State immobility and collusion. This would also highlight the Guerrero community police and the symbolic case of Nestora Salgado, [above left] as well as those cases of dozens of political prisoners in that state and in Puebla, Veracruz, Quintana Roo and Morelos. 

And, naturally, the 43 [disappeared Ayotzinapa students]! 

[The Pope did not mention any of this in Morelia.]

Man with EPN: Virgilio Andrade Martínez. He cleared EPN and First "Lady"
of corruption charges in the Casa Blanca furor
Thank you "Daily Reader" for the heads up to this story and for your Moreila photo below

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  1. Noticed all government big wigs in dark suits.
    Contrast to the Pope and yes the Angels and archangels were protecting him.God Blees Him

    1. Pinche gente many people have died in the name of god?

    2. must be on some good hielo to be posting so early in the morning and to have posted the stupidest shit...El Lp

    3. ISIS kills people in the name of God too. Just because people do bad things in God's name does not mean that God is to blame. The problem with Mexico is not the Catholic religion, but all the Santeria adherents who are very intwined with Narcotrafficking, Prostitution, Human trafficking, etc.

    4. Also kidnapping, extortion, and mass murder.

  2. You overlooked the role of a corrupt media (both print and broadcast) who many times take their orders from the government, at all levels, and/or willingly self censor in order to further an agenda and a false image of reality in one of the most corrupt, violent and intolerant countries on earth.

    To most Mexicans the perception is more important than the truth.

    1. 4:39 IF the North American Media self-sensors, in spite of their many billions of dollars in property and investment and shares of the blueberry pie...what can you expect from the mexican media???

  3. Not even the Pope could save chapo

    1. BB seriously! Wtf look at this crap! Take the comment section off already so num nuts like these can't comment. Nothing productive ever gets put on this crap section anyways!

    2. 9:fifo7 For some of us, the comments is the best part...
      --Maybe you should stay away "rattling your jewelry..."
      and your diademas and tiaras, ah'd say, yeah yeah yeah...
      --thanks for coming, you made my day @9:47, and so long!!!

    3. BB doesn't approve my comments but approve stupid shit like this!

    4. 12:10 you have been posted two times (2) already mo'fo...
      --What do you mean BB does not post your crap, maybe it is just de Palo del Perico bien cagao?

    5. 12:10 atta boy, see?
      Calladito/a te ves mas bonito/a

    6. 9:47 your comment,was to me, just like the comments you are complaining about...You brought nothing to the table either.

  4. All the Kings Horsemen & All the Kings Men couldn't put Mexico together again!

  5. Like Too $hort said about Oakland:couldn't be saved by John the pope

  6. Where there is Faith, there is Hope.

  7. Francis’s message is blunt, welcomed by the many in Mexico. The Pope's words with regard to "the curse of foreign investment in Mexico" are rather lovely to hear. Telling priests they don't work for the state is a good one, too. VIVA EL PUEBLO MEXICANO PAZ

  8. Erica Kassandra Bravo Caro seems to have been assassinated by her stepfather, and her face was eaten by animals in michoacan...
    --but julio mondragon's face was "fixed" by the kaibil trained warriors of the mexican government to show how the mexikin' gov. Makes the mexicans smile from all the happiness, and the burnt bodies of el topo chico prisoners, shows the glories of living in the mexican heaven on earth...
    --El papa paco was so happy he could not comment on any of it, much less see or say anything about Nestora, Dr Mireles or the imprisoned AutoDefensas lucky for us Semei Verdia is free...oh, no, sorry about that, he isn't either...
    --his case is being carefully reviewed, maybe next year...

    1. They coroner in Guerrero also ruled that Julio César's face was eaten by wild animals. That's Mexico! Both conclusions were completely absurd if you see the photos that show the job was clearly done with a knife or scalpel.

    2. 5:33 Kassandra's stepfather "confessed" by now it is between el general burrolas and God...
      --burrolas, some warned us, was worse than "el comisionado alfredo Castillos de kagada and his Cuban Santera Sexoterapista" (ixchel welt), and he is also a graduate of the School Of the Amerikkkas, I mean of the Assassins...

  9. They cleaned up nicely for the Pope's visit.
    Shows respect for him, even if it can hide truths

  10. Here in the USA the Latin media is more concerned with Kate Del Castllo. Shows like "El Gordo Y La Flaca" are a huge joke and make me feel ashamed to be Latino.

    1. So I suppose shows like Jersey shores, and mob wives, little women in LA, and all those other lame shows are that much better. Your a small minded little man.

    2. Rielero80 Looks like he struck a nerve .You obviously didn't get it . I think he was pointing out pointless stupid shows. I think the ones you named fit in that category also . He should have left out the latino part . Oh by the way. ask yourself who the vice president of the US is .

  11. "The Pope did not mention any of this in Morelia"

    The Pope is in Mexico to preach about God, goodness and being better persons.

    He is not there to change the world at once. He is the trying to change the world one person at a time.

    A peaceful person does not enter a guest's home and verbally attack. His approach will be to provide suggestions on how the guests home can be improved by following the teachings of God.

    1. Well . I'm not sure what the Pope can do but I don't know very much . I understand that Poe John Paul was very instrumental in loosening the soviet grip on Poland and maybe the decline of the soviet union .Don't know how but that's one thing he is known for . Maybe he has more power than we know

    2. El padre Goyo, could help Dr Mireles...
      ●Si deja de hacer politica...
      ●Si deja de andar alborotando
      ●si no corre como "candidato"...
      ●si le besa el fundillo a peña nieto...
      ●si deja las armas y las AutoDefensas. ..
      Among other, better things... (youtube)

  12. Hey, Lucio, that guy EPN is introducing to Pope Francis is the notorious midget anti-corruption "czar," Virgilio Andrade Martínez. He cleared EPN and First "Lady" of corruption charges in the Casa Blanca case. I guess the Pope doesn't know the background, but the gall of EPN to introduce him to the Pope is disgusting.

    1. That is disgusting. I will add the comment in a caption. and thanks for the article and photos. Looks like you were in the second layer of people, when the pope passed through.

    2. Y'all really think the Pope is a good mam? Wtf. . .

    3. 9:02 am..if virgilio Andrade Martinez is the one who cleared epn of corruption charges then i would think epn kind of owes his freedom to this guy and would even vouch for this guy to God himself..and if the corruption was commited by epn then the discust should come from the pope meeting epn and not the guy who cleared him..

  13. Trust me, the pope very well knows about the corrupt oligarcs in power; their nefarious collusions with criminals and shady entities that make Mexico what it has "bloody" become.

    About 3 years ago I saw a documentary video on the rapid growth of the Santa Muerte cult. A part of the video explained that many poor and marginalized Mexicans are drawn to Santa Muerte because the conventional Catholic saints are impotent for their needs and security.

    Also, in this group of Santa Muerte's worhipers are criminals ranging from petty drug dealers, theives, prostitues, smugglers, coyotes, to violent sicarios and rich narco tycoons. Obviously, the Catholic Church's heirarchy has to be very concerned over the dire implications of Santa Muerte's cult growth. So, in my mind, advisors to the Pope urged him to visit Mexico's troubled arenas so as to prop up the Church's needs to preserve it's dominance among Mexicans.

    Of course, the above is only one possible reason for the Pope's visit and I am curious to know what you think is behind the "real" reasons for the Pope's visit to Mexico.


  14. In the us there is as much crime if not more but the media makes mexico look bad..

    1. Don't worry about "crime on the US" we the criminals are doing OK within the circumstances...
      --mexicans are NOT doing OK under any circumstance, thanks to the rotten mexican politicians from all the parties selling out to foreign powers like the US, germany, spain, UK, fgance, and other members of the "global satrapy" like canada, are the problem...

    2. What media coverage about Mexico?

  15. This article is roo much. It places landowners in the same categories as criminals and corrupt traitors to their ideals . LMFAO!!!!!

  16. Mejico, abran los ojos. Enough is enough, time to take up arms. Take your country back o no tienen cojones. 100 years ago mexico had a revolution because the people were tired of all the corruption and the bullshit, guess what, EL PRI was born and they were going to help people, guess what, same bullshit again. Arriba en armas gente.

    1. Entendido amigo.

    2. Las fuerzas armadas de mexico estan levantadas en armas...
      --Contra el pueblo desarmado de mexico...
      --pagadas y dirigidas por potencias extranjeras...
      --Igual que hace cien años...
      ●●La unica diferencia es que hace cien años eran los US y Pancho Villa contra don perjirio diaz y sus amigos europeos...
      ●●Today mexgov. The US, europe, los zetas, and el Panocho Colorado Cessa contra "Los de Abajo"

  17. This article puts it as it is: the problem in Mexico is not organized crime.

    Organized crime is the SYMPTOM of a corrupt elite (political/economic/military/church)! The corrupt elites are the only winners in Mexico's decline by collecting enormous bribes that the foot soldiers (i.e. the cartels) channel to them.

  18. Speaking of Michoacán, severed head found on sidewalk in downtown Apatzingán this a.m. Narco message directed against the killers of "El Tísico."

    1. @The Daily Reader. Would you please send me an email so I can get your email address. I want to send you an email.

    2. email jose lopez, aka josie.

    3. D.R. is it ok I share with DD?

    4. @ Chivis. Yes.

    5. OK, no se vayan a repartir El Chayote en secreto.

  19. Hope he did some good but the Mexican people have not decide to stop the corruption, Maybe some day. Remenber the Pri Pan and Prd r elected by the people

  20. More on Morelia: "El Gerber" was at the special mass in Estadio Carranza for Priests and Nuns. Belinda was at the rally for young people at Estadio Morelos, sitting in the section for disabled children so she could get a selfie with the Pope. He was not amused. I could go on ....

  21. The pope is just like anybody else in power, currupt and in it for the money. He can care less of any Mexicans getting killed. Don't know why people think this idiot is god, they even kiss his stinky feet. Mexico has the most catholics then any other country
    Thats probably the main reason México is currupt. Catholics took tons of gold from the indians, they just want the money.

  22. this problem is even too big for the Vatican unfortunately!

  23. Who gives a rats ass about the pope! He's just a man a mere mortal in a gown living the life traveling the world, and accepting tax exemptions for the huge corrupt Catholic Church! Why would you think he has any power? It's all for show for the poor believers with no hope for the future !

    1. Did you see the adoring masses?
      --Well, epn gets some masses too, but the masses only want to yell to epn: PEÑA NIETO, CHINGAS A TU MADRE!!!
      --epn hopes and expects bringing el papa paco to mexico will tame the lions and the lionas enough to finish his reign of terror in peace...I ain't betting on it...

  24. The Pope is not the one needing to visit that hell hole. It is GOD himself that should pay a visit and put an end to everything.

  25. You hit the nail on the head , with this article I agree 100% with the entire article, and those that say no then you are a part of this Humane crisis, and all due to the Mexican Government. You become president in Mexico then you and all of your chronies can claim to have won the world lottery.


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