Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sinaloa: Enigma Norteño concert shootout leaves 5 dead

Lucio R. Borderland Beat, Material from El Debate and Proceso

During a concert of the  Enigma Norteño Group, five people were killed and two wounded,  in the aftermath of a gun attack,  inside an entertainment center that is located in the city of La Cruz de Elota.

The violent incident occurred around 2:47 am on Sunday inside the bar;  "Antro Bar La Trova", on Gabriel Leyva Solano Avenue.  Two versions as to what occurred were given by witnesses.

It was a festive but peaceful environment, when at about 2:30, when three young men entered the restroom where they began an argument with a fourth man who was in the restroom.  It is unknown the reason for the conflict but according to this version, the argument turned to blows, which led to guns being drawn and shooting began.

Video of bloody aftermath, graphic (thank you BB reader)

Killed on the spot were José Mercedes Aragón Ayón, Marco Antonio Zepeda and  Pilar Ayón Sánchez.  A fourth person killed was identified as  an Policía Federal agent, Gerardo Martínez, who died while being treated at a Mazatlán hospital.

A fifth man was killed while being treated at the scene by paramedics.

In a second version, which is the police version,  an armed group forced their way onto the property where they confronted four persons and forced them into the bathroom, locking the bathroom doors.  At this time the four were shot to death.

While the gunmen fled, they encountered a federal police agent, shooting him, and two others.  The agent was killed, but the two others survived and were transferred to  hospitals

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  1. Chivis en puesto mantas en toda la region centro de Tamaulipas, los Zetas de la vieja guardia contra los del CDN.

  2. I read that one of the guys killed was mini lic I guess it wasn't true

  3. Las fuerzas especiales rescued damaso

  4. Chapo lost all power

    1. Mini lic. Bien muerto quedo

    2. 8:o4 maybe el chapo's "bombita" is using too much power...

  5. Christian Lopez PalafoxFebruary 22, 2016 at 8:39 PM

    The battle continues on who gets the right to sell dope in the bathrooms. Ay mi pobre Sinaloa

  6. It's one of the hazards of the job to be in a narco corrido group. La gente ya estando alterda son malandros. - El Sol Perdido

    1. Querras decir:aprendices de malandros los hijos de puta zerotes

    2. Este tal soldado perdido de donde sera? @ 12:49

    3. Quien sabe. Aqui hay gente mierda que se hacen pasar por otros.

  7. Nothing to do with cartel de Sinaloa people it was just a argument over a girl everyone was coked out one thing led to another Y PURO ENIGMA NORTENO AY OTRO!!!!

    1. Si ay muchos y mejores jaja dumbass

  8. Chapos people cleaning the plaza.

  9. El mini Lic ya no exsiste ...No pasa nada

  10. Which one is it the first or the second version?

  11. When I was training to be an astronaut at NASA I was also taught to exercise self control in order not to go crazy like people that shoot others and go berserk. It was difficult and it took a while to get disciplined.

    1. & then you woke up

    2. Yep, I remember that training, kept us from random killings, I never liked the lunches, too bad you didn't make the cut, I thought that was a little hasty.

    3. @11:57 I can just imagine how you treat your significant other. What a sad state of affairs your life must be.

    4. So the angry astronaut traveling cross country to kill her boyfriends side action never happened? Wasn't she caught wearing a diaper to avoid stopping for "unnecessary" restroom breaks?

    5. Who said that never happened?

    6. 2:50 You're fallaciously extrapolating from that personal account to conclude they're saying it's true for all astronauts. Now that's one huge illogic pretzel!

    7. Small things amuse small,you know the rest

  12. This reminds me of a scene in miss bala movie

  13. Just another day Mexico...

  14. Hahahaha it's funny how you idiots believe everything I posted he was killed but idk don't even know anyone who lives in Sinaloa lmfao!!!!!!

    1. 6:02 AM
      Man,look at this guy?
      Hes on one cause he posted some flawed boolshit on BB? Is that it? Woop de fuckin doo.
      Get a fuckin grip you bellend

    2. 6:02 not "every body" believed your crap, but I checked other blogs and nada about el mini-lic...

    3. Troll!Next time it might be you instead of Mini Lic.

  15. So who got shot? Some narco juniors?

  16. jesus! can we get some comments from people that have some actual insight into what is going on?! it used to be that the comments section would have some great info/analysis from people that were in the know. now its "el chapo cleaning the plaza" or "when i was at NASA day camp they taught us how keep our cool and not go on a shooting spree" what the hell?

    1. Dude,some Spanish speaking sites sayin witnesses seen AKS ARs,doesnt sound like some drunk kick off,another site saying heating the plaza is goin on,mini lic involved?Some scenarios out there?This is where el bravos body was found,theres been a lot of killings around this area(south Sinaloa)very recently,13 killed,then another 3 in gun battle,but theres so many family feuds and revenge killings that always go on its hard to know the truth?

  17. It's like your going to a concert in Oakland you never know the outcome

  18. Sounds like a bunch off drunks had a conflict . What kind of drunks go watch these clowns perform ? People that live the Christian life like Christian music and so on . The kind of people that like this music probably fit the crowd . So sad to say but the world is just a little bit better now.

    1. @ 12:49 PM:

      You ever see a guy get laid after tossing back shots of Patron at a Christian music concert?

      Neither have I.

      "Hey man, vamos al concierto de Enigma Norteno, va ver un chingo de morras!!!"

      "Uh, no thanks guys, golly gee I'd like to but Jars of Clay are having a reunion tour and I know I won't have a chance at getting laid at a Jars of Clay show!!!"

      Why don't you ask El Morronis to hit up a Christian life concert with you? Afterwards, maybe he'll take you to San Diego with Chapo to go shopping.

      Atte: PV

    2. 3:37 you are a pendejo...totally off topic..2 different go ahead & buy your whiskey bottles & acts narco in the club, but once Monday hits around your broke ass is gonna ask Mike for $5.00 cause you dont even have $ for food...12:49 is also a pendejo like you bringing shit off topic...

    3. I've heard of Padrecitos getting a lot of personal business affairs going on, some of them even ending in conjugal murder, others get the production of money laundering or investing...

    4. 11:42 How the heck do you know all that? You either have lots of connections or you are one twisted son of a witch. Which is it mfr?

  19. Left out something on my post . Sad to hear about the dead and wounded policemen . Possibly a good men doing their jobs .

    1. My ass good men Doing there job wth are they doing there undercover ?? Nah they was drinking busting lines down and getting hella high

  20. This is territory of "El Wero Lobo" gente del Chapo! Attn. p@RR@ND3RO

    1. Then in this case this guy had a lot to do with the death of el bravo

  21. NarcoPRI keeping everything on the downlow,the only reportage is from citizens posting on blogs etc

  22. What a bunch of haters, u guys all want him dead, puro Valle de San Lorenzo putos

  23. Shit man,them poor dudes got hit up,,givin it to them in the swede,theres pools of blood on the counter top.
    Saying the version of an argument between 4 dudes and they drew pistols and started bangin away makes sense in that little room?Reminds me of a Jamaican Passa Passa dance club.

  24. Whos recording the video why is there no police around

  25. I hear all were friends doing coke in the bathroom. Stupid argument led to gunfight. Heard from someone whom was there

  26. Isn't this the group that got there drummer kidnapped and killed a few years back?

    1. Yes it was, I always hoped some info would come out as to why that happened

  27. It might have something to do with the murders in san ignacio i mean la cruz is not that far away.

  28. Yes Enigma Norteños drummer was kidnapped, tortured then killed a few years back, then he got replaced by a new guy who was asked to do ask someone to join your group after that? Unbelievable...anyway I believe the first version, drunk idiots with guns that's all this was...homicide is not a crime in Mexico period.

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