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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tijuana: CTNG message to Los Arellanos

Comminucation of  La Perla for Los Arellanos

For months the rumor has been heard that 'El Piloto', a son of Ramon Arellano Felix, had returned or become active in Tijuana, these rumors had yet to be substantiated in direct communications from other groups, until now.  Jose Soto El Tigre Gastelum, El JP, and Arturo 'El Gross' Herrera, are the ones behind CTNG.  Mencho has not shown up in Tijuana yet. Elements of CJNG may be providing product to those above, in exchange for being allowed access into Tijuana. 

The message, in the same hard printed, black and red lettering, was found on the pedestrian bridge, Insurgentes Boulevard, which some will remember, was where El Inge ordered Teo and Muletas killed, when the ambush failed, there was a running gunfight up and down the boulevard, resulting in 15 dead.  This was in April 2008, the catylst for the grim months that followed, and a historic moment in cartel politics, leading us into the current situation. 

The narco message, in a sense demands to be partners in the plaza of Tijuana, claiming to have finished, or be finishing with Los Aquiles, and the extortonists and kidnappers in his employ.  It also exposes, or illuminates the upper level players, believed to be working with CAF, apparently headed by El Piloto.  

The first mentioned in Manuel Lopez Nunez ' Dos Balas', (Dos Balas), a long time trafficker, in his 50's, who was one of Inge's people, before he was captured in October 2008.  Balas, had longstanding ties with CAF, and was considered one of the major people under Inge.  DEA in San Diego released a list of the most wanted traffickers, including Balas, Inge, El Tigre, among others. His son, Balitas was kidnapped in 2006, by Los Pallios, a cell of CAF enforcers, who kidnapped CAF operators and their families, living in San Diego.  Balitas was lured by a women, he partied with in downtown San Diego, and kidnapped.  His dad paid a million dollar ransom for his release, shortly after the call was made.

Dos Balas was released in 2013, and was said to have shifted sides with Sinaloa, and Los Aquiles, his name appeared in 2013, in Playas De Tijuana, on another banner, announcing a new Tijuana cartel. Others on the list include Esteban Niedes, the target of an failed hit, last year, at a junkyard in Tijuana.  Niedes has given interviews and asked for his lawyers to tell the authorities he has no CAF ties, and is a legitamite businessman.  Chencho Beltran is also mentioned, who has long been considered a CAF loyalist, although little is known.  

Dos Balas, after his arrest in 2008
Arturo Cosme Espinosa, may be related to Carlos Cosme, former owner of Yonke Shaggy, where last year, was attacked by Sinaloa gunmen, twice.  Carlos Cosme was indicted in 2010, a former municipale, who led a cell of sicarios in Tijuana, from Chula Vista, San Diego.  He is serving 10 years in an FCI in Arizona.  Another figure, who has been hidden, and now exposed by this message is Enrique Guerrero Jorquera.  Jorquera, was considered the financial and intra cartel ambassador to Fernando Sanchez Arellano, taking over for Jose Briseno, 'El Cholo', after his murder in 2007.  Jorquera is a former municipal, and a naturalized US citizen, who was mentioned in Wikileaks, for the following incident.  

Juan Lorenzo Gallardo 'El Chan' 2013
Jorquera, was apparently dining with Humberto Loya Castro, (Chapo's 'lawyer', who gave info to the DEA, with his blessing), Castro was a known government cooperator.  This was in 2008, at a restaraunt in Tijuana.  Jorquera apparently, via nextel, spoke with a CAF sicario, known as El Monstro, under Melvin Gutierrez, 'El Camacho', and the two discussed killing a DEA agent with a sniper rifle, to push back the Americans from the city.  Inge said if DEA agents were killed, they would remove them from Tijuana.  They knew where the DEA agents lived, and what they looked like.A 'government source', likely Castro passed this along to the DEA.  Jorquera was arrested in 2010, at a horse race in Rosarito, and was quietly released years later.

Edgar Ruiz, 'El Chore' is also mentioned, a long known CAF cell leader, as well as Juan Lorenzo Vargas, 'El Chan', a former municipal, who worked under Inge, and was arrested in 2014, then released shortly therafter.  His name also appeared on the September 2013 banner, with Dos Balas. He was said to operate an enforcement cell in 2011.  Carlos Jhared Rodriguez was not  mentioned in the banner, a CAF operator who was shot in 2014, at Verde Y Crema in Tijuana.  

I didn't believe the Piloto rumors, as rumors of Arellano children returning to take the reins in Tijuana, have long been heard, there was an 'El Franky', rumored to Benjamin's son, mentioned in 2011.  He was said to have ties to Sinaloa groups.  Apparently, they are at least somewhat true, as evidenced by the banner, even if there is no Piloto, these CAF members are real, and in contention for Tijuana.  I don't believe they control the plaza, but they be able to provide contacts, esp. in local law enforcement.  

Whether this narco message is a real bid for diplomacy, or a calculated expose of the CAF ranks, under Piloto, I don't know....There are probably better ways to work out agreements then narco messages, left on bridges.  The coming fight may be CTNG vs. Los Pilotos, and the Arellano dynasty continues to live on, one way or another, whether real or imagined. 

Sources: AFN Tijuana 


  1. Danm so la ranas from cds fled they could not take the heat

  2. Damn mencho takjng over everything the next chapo in the making he wants to control everything.....i just dont get how stupid his son is how did he get capured so easily lucky for him it wasnt corrupt official cuss they would have turned him in to a rival cartel

    1. Got caught again right after his release, that's the funny part!

    2. He is not the next Chapo in the making don't kid yourself

    3. Not really he wás going to be releasd but the gov made some fake charges to keep him

    4. It says mencho ain't there it's only independents getting there work from him and trying to take over

    5. 6:11 got caught faster than chapo the last time lol

    6. 12:20 Mencho probably aint there but his people are. Do you know how to read? His name is at the bottom of the manta lol

    7. They never let him go they put charges before he would be released

    8. El mencho and piloto are working together just in case you didn't know, they are taking out every Rana and cds in the area.

  3. Chapo people are getting best up

    1. This is mayos people not Chapos Chapos are the ones who turned into ctng

    2. There he is....

    3. 7:34 people from CAF and some people from CDS with help from CJNG that make CJNG to take the plaza and looks like they succeded

    4. There he is.. There he is.. Look there he is. !? @ha! ha! ha!

  4. So el piloto might be real??

  5. Any pictures of Min n Mons sons? What became of Enedina?

    1. Enedina's living the quiet life in old age. - El Sol Perdido

    2. Never the quiet life, her son's ass is on the line, 10:43 you don't know a WOMAN.

    3. noweyy@1:25 her son died in the helicopter crash along with el abulon pareja. el inge y los demas son sus sobrinos

  6. Sounds like it's saying , we did the dirty work for you that you could not finish.
    So now we are either allied partners or independent and enemies.
    Kinda put the ball in arellanos Court and Said we either play on your team at home or we play against your team at home.

    1. Exactly but I think CAF will have no choise but share the plaza. I doubt they would want to go against CJNG, especialy after they just took out CDS in Tijuana.

    2. ... Did They "Really" Take Out CDS From Tijuas? ... No ... CDS Es 100% Activo En T.J. ... They Are Just More Carefull With All The Cartel Jumping Going On ... Watching/Observing Some New Faces, Business's In The City ... Quiet Before The Storm ...

    3. They haven't to cds out of tijuana can you not read ? Mencho isn't there people who where once caf are getting product from cjng

    4. Lmao CAF and jalisco are working together and CAF is the one doing all the mess in tijuana, they are paying jalisco to take out people in sinaloa for them. Just like sinaloa was working with Michoacan when they were around, same here with caf and jalisco. Caf is just getting bigger by the day not only in LA Baja but in u.s

  7. @ J
    Yeah man,thanks for the article.
    Looks like more propaganda and dry snitching to out peoples names?

  8. This manta seems like it's stirring shit up doesn't seem legit

  9. Its a tactic to get them on their side the wars just startin atte: tu padre

  10. Chapos people cleaning Tijuana.

  11. i like your translation of 'dos balas' to (dos balas)

    1. 9:25 I like your translation too...
      --I mean 'crapping', his crampa has nothin' to do with this

    2. Some things you don't need to translate, there is no need to do so. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Get it.

  12. Mencho mencho mencho......all anyone ever talks about these days. Can't you see this guy is just overhyped and appears to be bigger than what he really is? So what he's winning tijuana, so was chapo a year ago and look at him now

    1. It dosent say anywhere that he's winning tj

    2. So you want to talk about chapo?

    3. Idk what you're smoking but he is no where near taking over tj, he is working with la CAFetera and there both taking out cds since la Familia michoacana is gone. Facts only.

  13. Good reading, good information and well done!, thanks for sharing. The fact that you can write this means that Mexican cartels can't reach you in the US. I wonder what will happen to you if you write this same information about DEA or CIA corrupt officers, would you be a target?

    1. The DEA is very aware of this site, they used BB as a reference in a federal trial

    2. Why would he be in danger?He's only writing about the mantas that were put up for the public.I like what someone refered I'm guessing the mantas,'dry snitching.'

    3. The cia and the dea do not give a rat's ass and do not care about what you "conspiracy y theorists" have to say...after 12 years of uppity neo-priismo narco-panista or lopezobradrismo, may have sompim'

  14. Los del CJNG es el cartel más poderoso actualmente? Si hasta le tumbaron la gente que tenía el CDS en Tijuana.

    1. Mamadas Sinaloa sigue activo en la baja !

    2. La Baja es del CAF!

  15. El Piloto is going to end up like his dad.
    Most people would be happy with a million bucks and quit,
    but everybody greedy. History shows you be dead or in jail,
    unless you cut a deal with goverment for a new identity new life,
    Lazcano DNA came back negative did not match his parents DNA, it wasnt him, he's still on DEA website for most wanted. Im sure it cost him millions in payoff.

    1. Yeah, it's so easy to quit when things are just starting to roll.

    2. 11:45 thanks for the good news, this confirms el lazca vive!
      Now all we have to do is find the rancho 'osolio chon' hid him in, in Pachuca Hidalgo right? Maybe 'sosolio' can find DNA that matches lazca's parents

    3. Almost ALL of DEA most wanted in Mexico are Dead or locked up for years! Useless. Try collecting 5 mil Ha!! But there they are with their ugly pics on Most Wanted! Someone should write a letter! R.K.

    4. I was unclear. My point was the DEA are so Busy they cant even find the time to update their most wanted. Look at the Houston site that mostly covers northern tamp. The trevinos. Lacz. Torments. Pelon. Dead. Locked up. How can Dog the Bounty hunter keep it all straight? Useless. R.K.

  16. Miro que va pasar aqui es que el CAF va meter a los Beltranes, Zetas, NCDJ y van a mandar al Mencho a chingar a su mauser y derechito para Jalisco con la cola entre las patas como perro regañado!

  17. What do you guys think caf is going to respond?????

    1. CAF already answered, they said "Fuck it, there´s no truce", search for PUROS DE LA TIA on facebook and you´ll see.

  18. You people have no idea what is happening in Tijuana. My cousin lives out near Redondo. He said the word on the streets is a big takeover is under way. Vido Beltran, Paco Hernandez, and Felix Grizzaffi are planning to take over Tijuana. They do not have a name for their cartel or organization because they want the authorities to "chase ghosts".

    1. So who are they really. You can tell us here we wont go and tell.

    2. I second this. Word is Z40 is going to help with funding for this new Tijuana Cartel and then he's going to break out and control all of Baja. I heard this from a confirmed source.

    3. You just gave up the players

    4. Lmao after CHAPO braking out no prisoner will escape a max prison

    5. I've heard the same thing about Vido Beltran. A friend of ours who lives in the barrios in Tijuana was in San Diego visiting us last week. He said things are bad and they are going to get worse. Vido Beltran is a blood money mercenary. He's going to highest bidder. My oldest brother saw him walk up to a guy outside of a fábrica in Ciudad Juarez and stab him in the temple with an ice pick.


  19. De la Sánchez soy graduado
    De las calles de Tijuana,
    Aquí traigo una vereta
    Que ve como corre el agua..

    De civiles a soldados
    Con uniforme de planta,
    Me acuerdo de mi aventura
    Cuando rayaba las bardas..

    Si se trata de mi tierra
    La defiendo es mi frontera,
    Compa eras mejor remedio
    Y el 5 por radio suena..

    Para ponernos y ese es con la bandera,
    Y estamos al cien aquí todos cooperan,
    Mi compadre J-P gracias deberás..
    El equipo sigue en marcha hasta la perla,
    El Grosero con la camiseta bien puest

    1. Este ez el corrido del compa gross de virlan Garcia

  20. Now CJNG will go deep to Colima where CDS is trying to take contol from CJNG. All I gatta say R.I.P CDS. D.E.P. Cartel De Sinaloa

    1. What you said just shows you know nothing about cartels

    2. Cjng is cleaning jalisco and just started with colima that means they are planing somthing big may be a big take over mabe vs sinaloa

  21. machiavelli makes a good point in "The Prince" says you should never bring in people greater than you to fight an enemy, because when you when, you belong to that greater person who helped you. its better to get people smaller than you to build you up for war. if you lose, you still have each other for support, and if you win, they are beholden to you for making them bigger too

    1. Interesting, sinaloa made that mistake underestimating and lost jalisco to mencho.

  22. Ima go to tj and wipe out all the cartels n leave a love note aswell

  23. Me vale medio centavo toda esta caca de vaca. Ni que fuera mi maldito problema.

  24. Off topic.. Is mini me lic.. Dead???

    1. Yes he died in the enigma concert

    2. I dont think hes dead no reliable info of him being dead

    3. There's no proof he's dead

  25. They should drop a small nuke in all these narco crowded city's.

    1. Drop a nuke in the San Diego greater Metropolitan area? Great idea!

    2. Lol they will buy that usa shake and bake crap

    3. All countries use drugs. The U.S. probably a little more but when your the 3rd most populated country in the world that would be obvious, just like the more u make the more u spend. Let's not just blame drug users you idiot. How about if the mexican cops/ government doesn't allow all this crap to be smuggled into or made in Mexico. What the hell do those bastards do. Pues the same thing your doing, close your eyes and blame others. The mexican government is about as bad as it gets. So stop your nonsense with drug users and how about the drug makers, corrupt government that are involved in both making and smuggling. All those meth heads in tj I see all the time I go there. Sometimes drug users use once and there hooked. Sad thing and it will never end, that's life.

  26. De donde soy? Para que quieren saber? - El Sol Perdido

    1. Para comprobar que andas perdido en la otra banqueta, "sol"

  27. Who beat the living crap out of Balas?

    1. It says it happen when he was arrested last time so my good guess is the police did the great make over.

    2. Mexicans cops... they usually do this and use other torture methods to make them confess shit. It's illegal but they don't give a sh*t

    3. Julian Leyzaola

    4. How's he doing after that attempted assassination?Anyone know?Is he out of hospital?

    5. He's paralyzed and has to be in a wheelchair, he also wants to be the mayor of TJ

  28. I thought CAF was completely dead. I thought CDS ruled TJ. I thought CTNG was not aligned with CJNG. I thought, I thought and I thought. If I bet my life on some of the shit people swear by on BB I think I would be totally fucked. The one thing for sure is the Mexican drug trade is in total disarray. You gotta love it though. So much for Chapo being the narco Messiah.

    1. CTNG is not CAF and CJNG is yet to have association with el gross or el tigre el j.p is the one who gave the hand to el gross cause CDS never backed him up keep up don't wait to get spoon fed..your in the right place BB even feds watching lol

    2. this is just a war between el griego y el gross and other people are starting to jump in. lots of backstabbing the norm..the people up top could care less who what or where all they know that merchendise better not get lost.el tigre is bajas enforcer you dont want him to chime in!all that cartelon crap is the goverments hands covering your eyes !and yes these imbecels do accept the tags they put on them. usually the people who are waiting to get paid.the old el mencho no a mandado el dinero pero ya viene!

  29. Ayer mataron a un comandante de la policía de Jalisco junto con otros dos. También unos sicarios enboscaron a unos policías en Jalisco al parecer el CDS esta atrás de estos ataques. Orale pinches charritos(CJNG) salganle al topon culos!

    1. Your stupid it was not cds mencho sent his commandos to clean colima and jalisco ctng has been in shoot outs vs the cops for 3 days in a row get your facts staight

    2. By the way all la barredora has done in colima is kill people who have nothing to do with cjng and blame them of being cartel members they kill innicent people

    3. Three Tlaquepaque (metro Guadalajara) cops killed yesterday in drive-by. This a.m. the city police chief and the assistant police chief resigned. The Mexican Army has taken over the security of the city as of this a.m. It's all over Milenio and other media.

    4. Just found this video:

      Difunden vídeo de la ejecución de dos policías en Tlaquepaque

    5. Aunque estoy de acuerdo contigo con lo del CDS. No ofendas a los verdaderos Jaliscienses, porque los de CJNG de charros no tienen nada. Son puros Michoacanos que se estan haciendo pasar como Jaliscienses. Por lo menos low narcotraficantes de Sinaloa y Durango en Guadalajara respetaban a la gente. Pero estos narcos Michoacanos son unos salvajes que no respetan a nada, ni a nadien.

    6. Esos eran gente del mencho los de sinaloas nomas mantan gente innocente

    7. Lol i bet u r going to say that cds also helped people in juarez

  30. Dozens of Cartel leaders from Mexico and Colombia imprisoned and now state witnesses who are classified with sterling veracity, yet, American Feds have not indicted one Mexican or Colombian Gvt or law enforcement official with their testimony.
    Either it is all lies that Mexican and Colobian officials are part of the international narco trade or they have an American greenlight to hhelp each new generation of Narco Cartels to flood America with drugs.
    If it is the latter(which is the fact) is is another glaring sign that the war on drugs is a sick joke being played on the American public.

    1. Great comment. I've never actually thought about that...Have ANY government officials ever been indicted by the U.S.? Not one? That fact alone is tremendous.

    2. Noriega, but he had stopped licking America's boots, or he would still be the great leader of Panama.

    3. Jesus Quiones Marquez, was the Director of International Liason for the Baja California Attorney's Office, he was indicted in 2010, and sentenced in 2012, to 8 years for helping CAF/FSO members.

    4. And Noriega had received many awards from the DEA foe his drug fighting policies.
      The awards stopped when he said Panama wanted full control of the Panama Canal.
      And we all know what the Darth and the Empire did next!

    5. The Narco biz is the same as the Terror biz.
      The gvt facilitates the creation of Narcos and Terrorists and then profits and takes rights and freedoms from peoples to fight the war on the entities they created.

  31. Gross and his ppl did the eazy job of cleaning up the low level retail dealers and now they wanna offer a token of piece to the CAF cause he knows they really still run the plaza.. This is war ur not going to write an invite on a narcomanta an expect for the otherside (CAF) to agree there just gonna let gross finish everybody and then piloto or x13 (don blalas) is gonna have him wacked..

  32. They put a half ass manta claiming this and that and all the cheerleaders on here wett there panties and there supposedly cartel experts

  33. Ok, fot all you people that dont know how cjng started. Cjng started in jalisco when they killed nacho coronel, cartel del milenio/los valencia got together with what was guadalajara cartel and made cjng. Now people from cds and caf got together with menchos people and created cartel tijuana nueva generacion, thats why in the botom of the manta it states "CTNG-Mencho-CJNG" because they are together in tijuana. And yes they took out cds in tijuana! All you cds lovers dont want to understand that lol tontos! Now that they got rid of them they basicly told caf "we share the plaza or if you dont like it we will fight again" they were fighting each other at first when cjng went to tijuana and stoped to go to take out their main target cds. And yes I know whats going on. If you font think i dont tell me your fake version! Lol

    1. Cartel de jalisco= los torcidos.y poner nombres de contras en mantas es ser dedo.

    2. Los sinaloas back stabbed afo-blo-juarez and the manta is a warning that they know who they are so to line up or they r going hunting for them

    3. Everyone already knows that...fukn dummy...what did you do??? Read the wikipidia page...

  34. Who is Stupid enough to think Las Zs...have any sort of pull anymore....Fukn Morrons...They have absolutely No One with the Old Connects...or any leadership...entre ellis mismos se andan matando en la prision...CJNG didnt even have to lift a finger for 52 of them bumbs to Go.... Para TIJUANA ya es bien tarde...Lo Ke el CAF no ke ellos Nomas controlan parte de la frontera. Ellis No cocinan ventanita....ellos No siembran la verdura...y los Colombianos...a lo mejor si trabajan con ellos...pero Para mucho mas caro...para ellos...CJNG controla toda eso....loas importante es ke Controlan el Puerto de Lazaro Cardenas...y el de Manzanillo....en Michoacan el terreno principal... A lado de Jalisco...ellos tinen control absoluto.. Estan apalabrados con el cartel H3...y con Los Viagras... Los dos grupos son grupos de protectcion...Se les acabo el corrido al CJNG... Lo ke la jente No ke Los Cuinis son los ke son los mejos JEFES....

    1. Tiemes toda la razon menos con que cjng se le acabo el corrido. Cjng y cuinis son los mismos

    2. Whenever the Z look like they are completely finished they reemerge like some god damn cockroaches. Right or wrong? To say they have no pull anymore is premature.

    3. What he said is premature

  35. Piloto arellano dosent exist its just a legend a made up character

    1. The people that are in this know the truth. I won't say nothing but I'll tell you this, do you homework next time before writing.

    2. He might as well not exist, their cartel has been reduced to nothing but a joke now. They don't last long for a reason.

  36. ... Heard Piloto Is Really The Arellano Doctor Brother Who "Is" Not Supposedly In the Business ... That's What Has Been Said More Then A Few Times Around Dago ...


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