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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Tanhuato massacre: Mexico skirts transparency, seals Tanhuato investigation for 5 years

Lucio for Borderland Beat published by Animal Politico, Mexico Daily translation, recommended by Daily Reader-Thank you related BB post link here

Mexico’s transparency and access to information agency has denied a request for information about a gun battle last year that has drawn claims of extrajudicial killings by security forces.

The National Institute for Transparency and Access to Information (Inai) denied the request filed by The Associated Press (AP), in in connection with the clash between an alleged criminal gang and federal forces in Tanhuato, Michoacán on May 22, 2015.

Last October, the AP requested the release of autopsy reports on the 42 people killed by Federal Police, after the one-sided death toll drew suspicions. One police officer died in the confrontation.

But Inai refused, ruling that the information must be considered a state secret for the next five years.

The institute also rejected accusations that any human rights violations occurred at the ranch where the shooting occurred. After reviewing a 12-volume report on the Tanhuato events, it said the evidence indicated Federal Police acted within the law.

“No sustainable elements were found in regards to willful misconduct on the part of the Mexican state that could suggest there was any arbitrary, summary or illegal execution [at the ranch]”, the agency said, adding that “there was no indication . . . of any suspicious or unclear conduct on the part of security forces.”

In broader terms, Inai stated that “there was no indication of acts that would constitute serious rights violations” of any kind.

Last October the AP filed an initial information request – that included ballistic and autopsy reports – with the Attorney General’s office, which denied it on the grounds that publicizing such information would jeopardize its investigation.

The AP then appealed that denial before Inai under a rule that permits redacted versions of reports to be released in cases involving serious human rights violations, of which the institute said it found no evidence.

The Tanhuato case was one of three with suspiciously lopsided death tolls in Mexico cited in a report issued Wednesday by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission (IACHR). It said the cases ”call for a review of the use of force in Mexico in keeping with the principles of legality, absolute necessity and proportionality.”

The commission said Mexico’s military forces have stopped publicly reporting the number of suspects killed by troops, which it deemed “a gradual regression in terms of active transparency policies and public information access.”

Human Rights Watch said last October that witnesses reported police killed unarmed civilians after the fighting was over in Tanhuato. The organization’s Americas director, Jose Miguel Vivanco, said Inai’s decision was “a step backward for the institute.”

“With this ruling the Inai is not only abandoning its basic principles of openness and transparency, it’s also giving the Attorney General’s office a green light to withhold information about serious human rights abuses,” said Vivanco.


  1. ... They Record All Major Operations, So Where Is The Military Video Footage Like When They Captured El Chapo? ... They Tried To Kill Everyone, But There Were 3 Survivors ... Who And Where Are They? ... Or Have They Died Since The Slaughter By The Enrique Peñdejo NiétoZzz Death Squad Like The 43 Students ( Which Was Never Solved Either ) ... What A Shameful Presidency He Has Led, Full Of We Have Done This And That, But Won't Answer The People Of "Mexico" Or The World As To What Happened In 2 Seperate Cases ... EPendejoN >>> El KARMA Estas Esperando Y Tienés Paciencia ...

    1. no karma what comes around goes around

    2. 9:51am
      Where is the footage of the Chapo capture?? Maybe they don't want to publicize it?? Have you ever thought of that?? Do you feel entitled to view it??

  2. This is actually no surprise after 'the 22' and the 'other 43'.Obviously they have something to hide and hey if it could be opened I'm sure all the findings like autopsy's would be BS anyway so either way you will never get a truthful answer unless maybe you could find an ex soldier but would they be willing to speak truth against the gov?

    1. Canadiana hence the reason secret wars exist. - El Sol Perdido

    2. Everyone always mention's the "22" & the "43" but why is it no one ever talks about the "300"+ all in one sweep all dissapeard ??

    3. In Chile, after the US was forced and ashamed to withdraw support to the military junta of pinochet, army generals, air fkrce, intelligence, soldiers, everybody started talking...see General Lagos acusa al general Sergio Arellano Stark de asesinatos en masa, torturas y desapariciones cuando comandandaba la caravana de la muerte, en youtube

    4. 5:17 It is amazing that aaall the "military might" of aaall the sock puppet soldiers can not keep everything secret or all the soldiers consciences silent...
      --some soldiers can't find their ass with both hands, without having lost it...
      --soldado perdido, find your conscience, tell us something we don't know, that may help you find it and yourself

    5. @11:39 I don't get paid 2 say anything here. What ever I do decide 2 say is open 4 interpretation. Todo cuesta. That's 1 of the first things you have 2 learn. - El Sol Perdido

    6. Lookie here, the Sol and Millie ruckus spills into the threads of other stories. Such learned, silky, almost belletristic prose, leaves one in awe and wanting more. The feeling one gets from this clash of mighty IQs is akin to the first time I viewed the movies The Gingerdead Man and Mac and Me.

  3. This is shit they caught the guys sleeping and totrured them then planted guns on them the feds just faked the death of there own im pritty sure los templarios payed the feds to do that

    1. Templarios didn't have to pay the Federales, this was the government's response to CJNG shooting down that helicopter. "You start shooting down our helicopters? OK, then the gloves come off."

    2. En Reynosa sicarios atacaron a federales Los federales no pudieron atrapar a nadie Los sicarios quemaron in carro hicieron bloqueos y quemaron llantas para poder escapar..

  4. If those who died are criminals then I don't know what's the problem. Criminals have shown how cruel they can really be, why should the government be nicer to them. Honestly I don't care about criminals.

    1. Ok but if they are not criminals....let's says I'm a mexican cop, and you a tourist, and I plant some coke in your pocket, and I say your a criminal and beat the shit of you for refusing to pay a bribe or mordida so I can buy some coffee ...and you die being innocent. Every one would say he got what he deserve ,"he is a criminal " my question is are you a criminal or a victim? ? Same as those poor bastards?

    2. They haven't been convicted of anything and are certainly entitled to a trial before their execution. Or do you not want to live in a civil society?

    3. 11:37 the government would not be classifying the "reports" even after "doctoring" and blacklining more than 90% of them WITH THE THICKEST MARKER THEY COULD FIND...
      --they would not be trying to hide their dirty deeds if they were not the criminals they are, in charge of trying to obscure their guilt, hoping that maybe WE THE PEOPLE ARE UNA BOLA DE PENDEJOS...that will believe their shit again...
      11:37 I pass, you lap it up

  5. The ones killed were not NG.

    1. They were people del gringo that went to hiding after a shoot out that left el gringo dead and a couple of cops

    2. They were members look it up on youtube on los guerreros de cjng

  6. ... United Nations Has Been Contacted For Help And Provided The Video ... People Of Mexico, Borderland Beat, Bloggers & Everyone Who Cares About What Is Currently Happening Or Happened In Mexico, "Please" Email/Call/Write The United Nations Asking Them To "Help"... EPN Needs To Be Exposed For What He Is ...

  7. There is simply too much evidence that this was a massacre of innocent laborers, not a battle between good and bad guys. First, the lopsided casualties: 42 to 1, and that 1 probably killed by friendly fire (which is not friendly at all). Then the staged scene, with bodies positioned in different places with clear signs that they were dragged, damage to the bodies after they were dead, planted weapons, bleeding that is inconsistent with the body's position, and much more.

    Of course, there are also the statements by the surviving family members, although the government would say their testimony is misleading. However, the families' statements are all consistent with each other, and consistent with the lifestyle of the dead individuals. They were, after all, young men who up to then had earned their living as laborers.

    But what convinced me most of all is the clothing, the bedding and other personal property that was left under the ranch house's covered areas. That tells me that the young men who were killed were sleeping there, instead of sleeping indoors, which any self-respecting narco would have done. In other words, they were not guests, they were hired labor. As laborers and residents of that community, they would not have been surprised or alarmed at the sounds of helicopters flying around or vehicles running around there. On the other hand, had they been narcos, all this activity would have alarmed them, they would have taken cover inside and shot back when they were attacked. Instead, they stayed in their beds and were slaughtered. That's what the evidence tells me.

    I am not saying that the ranch might not have been owned by a narco, but that fact, if that was the case, is not inconsistent with hiring laborers to make repairs and modifications. This has been the practice every single time a drug trafficker acquires a ranch: bring in local laborers to fix and maintain.

    Of course the government will not release the evidence or the autopsy reports. That would be evidence of murder.

  8. 14 year old kids got his heart taken out while alive and women threaten to get there heads cut off if they didn't leave there homes can you guy post some info on that?

    1. 6 youngmen an one young lady shot up in Monterrey En LA colonia Fomerry cuando Una camniota Se fue sobre Ellis y abrio fuego contra Los morros

  9. Siempre lo mismo en mexico, la guerra contra el narco es una farsa, aqui lo que pasa es que la ley solo aplica alos pobres....estos pobres diablos, no eran narcos ,tan solo unos peones, por eso los mataron para presentar,trabajo al pueblo en su guerra contra el lo malo de todo esto , que todos sabemos que el problema es la corrupsion en mexico , la demanda por drogas en Estados unidos.. asi que para acabar con esto es legalizasion,y aplicar un nuevo gobierno en mexico, pero eso no pasara por que? ? MIRA LA HISTORIA de mexico....nadie quiere la violencia, pero un lugar Sin ley ,la pobresa, es una bomba de tiempo social...

    1. 3:07 la pobreza no es la causa de la falta de ley, ni de la pobreza.
      --la avaricia de los ricos y la corrupcion de sus lacayos politicos, ayudados por los ministros de "dios", como en los mejores tiempos del sanhedrin, los fariseos y los filistinos, su propaganda y sus 30 monedas, son la causa y la razòn de los problems sociales y los crimenes de HOY Y LOS ULTIMOS DIAS...

    2. @1224 Tu estas peor con un dios falso,y una mafia religiosa que son peores, que los carteles o mas bien son lo mismo (corupsion), la santa inquision, el diesmo,los padres violadores de niños, son peor que los carteles mexicanos, utilisan la fe y la ignorasia para controlar a los pobres y mantenerlos como esclavos lavados del cerebro esperando un Paraiso en el cielo mientras viven un infierno en vida por no cuestionar el sistema social y politico ,religioso de su pais. .Mira la historia de mexico la iglesia catolica controla mexico desde 1492, con su dios falso de la mano del PRI que son los mismos desde tiempos de la revolusion mexicana, a los indigenas los mataban como esclavos un genocidio en nombre de tu dios falso que no tiene el mismo color de piel, te imaginas tuvieron que inventar una virgen morena para poder controlar ala pobresa y la ignorasia van de la mano por la falta de mas facil el controlar al pueblo con religion y politica ,cuando no saben leer y no tienen que comer... como dijo zapata tierra y libertad...benito juarez un indigena, "la separasion de religion y el estado" en pleno 2016 peña nieto con su casa blanca en los pinos.... a mi en lo personal no me lavan el cerebro me informo ,pregunto, pienso el por que? ?Y sabes mexico esta en serios problemas..

  10. Its common knowledge they were all CJNG,but the people of the pueblo are not afraid of them,they are afraid of the police and authorities,because they do things like this.
    Many of the people believe it was vengeance for 5 police who were killed in Ocotlan not long before?

    1. 3:55 it is "common kowledge" just because the propaganda was in before this massacre was even done, part of the plan, on the planning table...
      --ask Enrique Francisco Galindo Ceballos, el General Durazo de la Polesia Nazional WHY THE REPORT HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED...
      --I am sure it is not to protect the reputation of the murdered "narcos" or their feelings...

    2. 12.30
      C,mon mi rukaa,your more intelligent than to not research some of this.We arguing about the wrong thing,its what happened to them,even cartel?

    3. What happened to the tanhuatos is in the reports and the governme t do not release the reports because there is no way they can cover up anything...
      from about 55 military, 20 marinas, elements from two battalions, one brig general from the military zone commander, and 2 brig generals DEM could not cover up enough of the shit.
      Then you have the reports from the human rights corporations involved that have been turning the screws on the mexican government while the US looks the other way hoping against hope that this nightmare will pass somehow or other...
      The american people need to know what it's foreign relations councils have been up to, applying nixxon concept of "Pax Amerikkkana"...
      6:06 you don't seem to know what anything is all about, you are a waste of time, back to your lipstick, you need to make a good catch, your kitties will not support you.

      --Same as apatzingan, atenco, ayotzinapa, el charco, acteal...
      Seems like a pattern...

  11. En Hidalgo Coahuila they found a bulletproof truck El monstrou blindado they said the neighborhood reported to authorities their was a tow truck trying to tow it out of there police arrived found no tow truck just the bulletproof truck..

  12. I passed by that ranch last month I went to Mich. I could see how easy they would of been caught slipping like a fat chick on a banana peel. It was a response from the Feds to El Javis killings he did on pigs in Ocotlan.

    1. Thats right my man and they were CJ,can you tell these fools

  13. In Altamirano Guerrero LA PGR y Serena capturo a dos uno es el Alacran Abelardo Miranda Uriostegui de Los Tequileros segun es el que mato al Sacerdote Gregorio Lopez y tambien esta relacionado con el secuestro de 29 personas En Arcelia entre ellas Los 5 maestros secuestrados el 11 de enero. el otro criminal es el Segundo Del mando En el municipio de San Miguel Totolapan

  14. This is a terrible way to enforce the law. But the gloves came off when the criminals brought down the helicopter. If most of you remember during the Colombian fight against the medellin Cartel, Los PEPES commited many atrocities against Pablos gang. War is an eye for an eye. Don't get me wrong I believe the Mexican government is crooked as fudge, but if your going to dish it out, don't cry when karma comes back your way.

    1. Listen rielero80, they are not criminals. Get you are saying that genocide is ok?? So why are you crying when trump wants to deport you, for being of hispanic origin regardless of birth.(gloves are off so is ok) the same logic you have is ok to commit genocide they are alleged criminals ? Is what hitler did ,is what trumps think, is what peña nieto does. Just what separates civilized people from savages..the law and the idea of what is right...karma you must be kidding..

    2. I stand by what I say. You know these people where innocent how? It's easy to assume these people are innocent, because that is what the cartels have told you. I haven't read, or seen a story that says these people where innocent. Eye for an eye. Sorry you don't like it.

    3. 9:43 Some people like to obscure the facts rielero, you are being real "selective" to give the government the benefit of the doubt...
      --even los pepes were not all pepes and not all of pablo's gang were drug trafficking criminal terrorists, like not all the vietnamese murdered in person by the US soldiers or by the US blanket bombings were uncle Ho's people...
      --And not all the german jews were murdered in the nazi genocide, some were the financiers that helped hitler, others helped some nazis escape to the American continent...
      --Rielero, don't be such a mascafierros del gobierno...

    4. Look rielero80 I know for a fact they are not cartel members as hard is to beleive ...I have a relative in the Marina mexicana , he even said it,after they secure the ranch...but in mexico corruption overshadows the not trying to get anything or anyone in trouble but they where innocent people....albañiles!!!albañil around in Facebook with people from their town..

    5. When people come on BB and say things like "I know for a fact". That doesn't change anything. I don't know you, I don't know if you are a liar, I don't know if you are a cartel cheerleader, or worse a cartel member trying to elicit sympathy. Facts are supported by documentation. I couldn't care less, about your word. Proof is the only thing that will sway my opinion. I don't care about what your, Tios best friends cousins Tia said. All of you are here arguing but you have zero proof. Your word means nothing. Sorry

    6. Rielero,there are pictures of these guys with shooters and theres all kind of corridos like this "En Honor A Los 43 Caidos del rancho del Sol (Corridos CJNG)"but these pussies wont listen.

    7. ... Don't Waste Your Time With The PeÑia BoT >>> Rielero80 <<< ... Enrique Pendejo Niéto'Zzz Supporter ...

    8. 1016 @ rielero8 ,ok fair enough you are entitled to your opinion, if my word is not worth anything, is ok I understand where you are coming want proof? ? Let's take a field trip to michoacan, and play investigative reporter, i can guarantee you , we will get killed or worse..the beauty of online snitching,is that I don't have to worry about implications of innocent people...I understand you want proof , pictures, a DNA test a signed document.the reality is that rumors or dry information are as good as it gets to newbies...the poor man basing opinions based on narco corridos made in east los angeles by angel del just like you believing what they think is right. I'm get a bit more specific, and if you want do a bit of research,PFP in zamora and go from there, I know you would come up with a clever want facts put your ass on the line and we can from there..

    9. 10:16 MIRA PINCHI MASCAFIERROS, the dead can not testify for themselves, they are dead...
      The government did you investigate the crime scene and made the reports, the government blacklinew the pages all they wanted, and the government, is the one that can not release their own edited manhandled erased and classified report...
      --como vas a entender, pendejo?
      --rielero, te pones toda chipil como una niña fresa...

    10. Tell pendejo Nieto to release the evidence then.He sealed it for 5 years, but in 2 years 8 months things will change.The Mexican government is watching and listening to what the people's concerns are, so they can try to cover their tracks.U.S.A spies on every country, especially Mexico because of their history, Corrupted Mexican Government Officials&Presidents. Also,mexicos counter intelligence is in the dark ages.

    11. 1:12 ...the US intelligence knows everything...
      --Maybe the US will release "THE TANHUATO MASSACRE REPORT"?
      --To protect Democratic, Christian, Compassionate values, you know?

    12. @12:42 PM
      -- As You May Know, It Sometimes Best To Keep Your Enemies Closer Than Your Friends --
      ... They Know What Happened, The Barn Roof Looks Like Swiss Cheese With Holes And They Have 40 + Photos As Well ... Maybe They Will ? ... There Was That Famous Number "2" Of Fast & Furious Weapons Found At The Ranch (Allegedly) Which Coincidentally Is The Same Number "2" Of Fast & Furious Weapons Found With El Chapo's People (Allegedly) When He Was Caught ... Common Stories As The Mexican Government Is Not Creative, Innovative Or Engenius ... Simplistic Thinking For The Simple Minded ... United Nations Will Probably Be The First To Release The Edited (Wish I Could Put A "Don Lucio" Line Through Edited) Report ...

    13. 12.42
      Guess whos on one again.
      "the US knows everything about it"Mad millie gibbering again

  15. Read one article that said that some of the bodies were handed back to family castrated. Quite a claim, if it is true.

    1. OMG they are as bad as the narcos!

    2. Worse cana, the narcos are not hiding behind the petticoats of the federal government masquerading as law enforcement at the expense of innocent people...
      --Only the military and sometimes the mexican federal police do that all the time...with official impunity...

  16. The Institute of Obfuscation and Plausible Deniability.

  17. @ 9:27: resident vacuos ultracrepidarian hard at work. Lulz

  18. Desde Tierra Caliente
    Ellos hacen cosas tontas soldados enojados. Los Rusos, Americanos. Debe recordarse My Lai. The sicarios kill one helicóptero with rockets. The soldados went to the rancho enojado. They see men with armas for use exclusivo for fuerzas soldados. So they take venganza. Too much vengaza. So the soldados try to hide their angry act. No para condenar , porque todo lo que un error tonta. No hay piedad para los asesinos monstruo. No tiene ningún valor chisme sin pruebas.

  19. Take a picture or just names of every single person in charge of the people who committed the massacre as well as those investigating and the judges as well as the top military and or police force brass in those areas! Within five years anybody not living or working in the area or simply retired will be the ones responsible or know who did the massacre as well as the why. More than likely it was "just" vengeance for the downing of a helicopter by some criminal gang a few weeks before. It does not justify anything but when the TOP BRASS in any government agency wants heads to roll and shit to happen it happens!

  20. ... It Was A Turkey Shoot ... 1) Remember The White Toyota Truck And Toyota Landcruiser (Photo Online) Which Were In Front Of The Ranch? ... The Vehicles Were Not Burned, But Somehow They Were Both Moved Into The Barn And Burned With Other Things ... 2) There Are Pictures Of Before And After Which Clearly Show Major Discrepancies Like No Guns, Then Guns(Some Without Magazines In Them), Bodies Moved Around/Manipulated , (Examples Just In 1 Photo) - Item On A Piece Of Farm Equipement, Then It's Gone From Another Photo, Magazine Belt Not There, Then Alakazam > Like Magic Its There, Etc.(Reference BB Photo) ... 3) The Ranch Security Camera System Was Torn Out & The Footage Was Taken By Federal Police. 4) The Federal Police Went Around Collecting All The Bullet Casings They Could By Hand, No Gloves(YouTube Video) ... 5) No Autopsy Reports Released ... 6) And Now It's A Mexican State Secret That Is Sealed For 5 Years ...There Is More Than Enough Evidence From Families Of The Deceased & Online/Deep Dark Web To Challenge Any Of The Mexican Government Stories On Live TV (But Not Televisa) ... EPN Would Pee His Pants If Carmen Aristegui Was The One Asking Him Questions In Front Of The United Nations On Live TV ...

    1. @11:57 Well, "Madam by the Numbers" you are making a name for yourself, you are right and getting very good, Pick a name...

    2. ... Gracias, But Most People Are Blind To Truth Or Believe What Is Said As If They Were In China, Russia Or North Korea ... No Madam Here, It's El Gabacho >>> El Gabo <<< ... Just Fedup With EPN'Zzz "Lies" / Explanations About What Happened ... EPN Really Needs To Come Clean To The People Of Mexico/World About What Really Happened To These Young Men Along With The Missing Student's Case ... But He Can't As There Is Too Much Blood On His Hands ... Then, And Only Then Will EPN Earn Respect ... As Of Now, The People Of Mexico Would Vote Him "Out" Of Office And Confiscate Everything He Has Purchased/Made During His Failed Presidency ...

    3. 12:47 don't wind her/him up.

    4. ... 8:17 PM Señora/Vesti >>> Si No Sabes, No Hables <<< ... If You Don't Like It, Leave ... Sorry To Make Your Butt Pucker Up ... El Gabo

    5. Aaiigght "el gabacho" it is...
      --Now you have a name to honor and defend, make sure of it is lower case for the time being...
      --and let go of concepts like "epn can earn some credit", not happenin', even if he forks the ass for free in the national palace.
      --8:17 we need to get all winded up, the leadership may feel like crap, but that only means "keep your sexual problems to yourself", this is a thing of the rabble and by golly it is 'ganna' work...
      --even our detractors are on our side, ain't that sompim'?

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