Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Tanhuato Michoacán: Weapons at massacre reportedly linked to fast and furious

Lucio R. with C.E. Martinez for Borderland Beat material from Insight Crime and BB Archives

How many of these high profile killings will Fast & Furious weapons be discovered?  How is it that these weapons are only discovered at Big Stories? Whatever the case, that is the story

Insight Crime and other news outlets are reporting that,  once again, weapons linked to the U.S. operation Fast & Furious, have been discovered in the aftermath of  a “Big Story”. 

In this case, these weapons were discovered at the massacre of El Rancho El Sol located in communities Tanhuato and Ecuandureo. Michoacán, which sits on the border of Jalisco.

Last May the killing of 42 young men by federal forces, had overwhelming evidence of another extrajudicial massacre by the government. Beginning with the lopsided number of deaths on each side, 42 civilians, 1 federal element.  Evidence strongly suggests the men were ambushed while sleeping, killed from gunfire from the air (minigun from helicopter) as they attempted to flee, re-positioning of bodies in photos, and torturing before death.  Many of the bodies were in rigor mortis when moved and placed in another position, easily identified in photos, so to the planting of weapons and shots to the back.

The government’s version is that forces were attacked.

 Raul Benitez Manaut, a security expert at the National Autonomous University of Mexico says:

 “Apparently the gang offered no resistance; it was a very uneven fight. A battle where 42 die on one side and only one on the other is not a battle."

Below: slide show has very graphic images

From Insight Crime

Weapons linked to the controversial US anti-gun trafficking operation “Fast and Furious” were found last spring at the scene of a bloody clash between Mexican police and a group of alleged cartel gunmen that left 43 dead, according to documents obtained exclusively by InSight Crime. 
The previously unpublished documents, obtained through a freedom of information request, show how US and Mexican authorities traced weapons from the shootout in Michoacán to the now infamous operation, which saw US authorities allow thousands of firearms to cross into Mexico in a failed attempt to trace them to arms dealers.
Click on image to enlarge

Additionally From Insight

The documents obtained by InSight Crime show that Mexican authorities reported recovering 42 firearms, one .50 caliber rifle and one antitank rocket at the scene of the bloodbath.
The Mexican federal police submitted the weapons for tracing to the agency that ran Fast and Furious, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabaco and Firearms (ATF), which determined that two of the firearms were “related” to the operation, though “it is unclear if the [Fast and Furious] guns were used during this event.” 
US laws prohibit the ATF from publicly disclosing most details about the weapons it traces, and the documents obtained by InSight Crime are heavily redacted, making it difficult to determine how the guns ended up at Rancho El Sol. 
The Mexican Attorney General’s office, which is handling the probe of the incident, did not respond to a request for comment.
Read Insight Crime full report by linking here, BB posts covering the massacre link here, additional background information of the event link here. 

Below Scribd documents (ATF) and Photos

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  1. So in America we disarm our population but we arm the Narco Terrorist

    1. You get disarmed in the US if you are criminal, wife beater or renounce your citizenship. Which category do you fall under 4:29pm? Even as a criminal you eventually can get your right to bear arms 10 years post felony conviction. Don't listen to the right wing hype. Most of the firearm laws are set up to allow state government to govern their own laws. So before you start blamimg Obama for this or that you might want to do your research before you make a fool of yourself. Nothing has changed for my right to bear arms as a civilian, to being a police officer and back to a civilian. The only difference is I no longer have a class 3 assault rifle in my possession. If I wanted to get a class 3 rifle as a civilian I could. All I have do to is pay the tax stamp and wait a year for the ATF to do the background check. Any US civilian without a criminal history can also. So explain to me how the US government is disarming "law bidding" citizens? After all we don't live in Canada. No disrespect Canadiana. Lol!!

    2. 11:48 damn dude! You're overqualified for this blog. These fools don't do research. They're either cartel groupies believing corridos, or trump supporters believing his BS.

    3. You disarm yourself when you sell your weapons away for any reason like cheap putas, or when you prostitute them for profit, "Obamanos the Almighty" has yet to deprive his first gun owner of his legal approved and registered weapon...
      --Don't try to make us all fools with your crappy propaganda.

    4. Propaganda or not 5:37 I still have a small arsenal at my casa. There is nothing you, Obama or the ATF can do about it because I play by the rules. I live in the great Republic of Texas and if you do your research there are about 3.5 firearms in our state for every resident Texan. There are 30 million Texans so you do the math. How and the Sam hell would any federal agency have the ability to disarm us? We sell our weapons because we can and with the abundance of our weapons certain individuals choose to sell to the highest bidder. Don't hate it's just the stone cold hard reality of a semi free society. I advised 4:29 to not make a fool of himself because his comment was just repetitive jargon being spewed by the right wing segment with no evidence. You 5:37 are a fool because you don't understand how things work. If you need a tutorial on how things work watch the movie "Lord of War". When you watch it then come back to BB talk to me. It's just a movie but it actually sheds a little light on the firearms black market. Peace!!

    5. @4.29pm
      So true.

      Thank's Eric Holder - you f...wit. *sigh*

  2. Ohhh shit,here we go again.Why dont you people let this QEPD ? WE all know guns from the US state ended up in the wrong hands(never mind the motive)what about the 1000s that are smuggled in every month..

    1. You are correct 4:31. As we type our comments thousands of assault weapons are making their way to Mexico. But all the conservative media is worried about is the weapons that were part of fast and furious.

    2. They are about to release BEN-HUR all over again, they will recount how he and his band of outlaws trained and made their weapons, and his martyrdom still fascinates historians young and old...QEPD?

  3. This article make the criminals look almost like innocent people. How many times have we seen these people kill and dismembered their rivals?

    I feel no pain for them. Long Live Felipe Calderon.

    1. The dead were very probably ly planted for the mexican military and government to show and tell, Enrique Francisco Galindo Ceballos jefe de la Policia Nazional was bragging to the press about the excellent qualities of the government forces and how this massacre proves the superior supremacy of the state vs the narco-terroristas...
      --he said nothing about overkill or murder...
      --according to BB REPORTS, and the EXPERTS' TESTIMONIES, there are worse things to talk about than Fast and Furious...

    2. 4:32 they are not criminals, they have not been convicted of any crime. this was social cleansing of mostly indigenous children.

    3. 4:32 you elevate the art of hacerse pendejo to the highest levels of credibility, a child would say you were made a natural born enbesil after just one look.

    4. 4:32 PM
      I feel pain for them,we don't know what they did.
      Dude,read the testimony of the family of the young boy who is lying there horribly mutilated?
      How the fuck did he end up like that?Fuckin stupid to say"they deserved it"they could have arrested them if they wanted to,but why bother?
      Are you ok with being executed when you are arrested.

    5. We can never condone execution,but just to say in reference to whether or not they were CJNG,there are a lot of videos on YT such as "EN MEMORIA DE LOS GUERREROS DE OCOTLAN (CJNG)" they make no attempt to hide identities of the dead men ? But,even if they were CJNG it makes little difference,once authorities get used to behaving like this,there is no law,no rights,no protections,no help,they become scarier and more deadly than any sicario..

    6. Did they have the guns , or were they planted ? Obviously we cant depend on information from their friends and relatives to determine if the government acted legal or not . Who killed the one on the governments side ?
      They were know as selling drugs locally ? In the pictures I saw more than 6 firearms . None where hunting rifles either . I cant say if it was justified or not . Any way it is very sad these boys died . Mexico is a hell of a place .


  5. Sounds to me that the USA gov is manipulating the crime scene, makes me wonder to what advantage?

  6. Is it just me or was the bolt removed from that sniper AR15 they proped a couple of the "gunmen" with not to mention you would think there would be waaaaay more then half a dozen guns with 42 soliders...

    1. You are correct 4:52. How did that happen? I don't think the dead did it.

    2. "sniper AR-15" that's an oxymoron buddy...

  7. I have always suspect that Fast and Furious was nothing more than 'bear bating.' That is to say micro transmitters were surreptitiously installed in the long arms for future location. Same method and sourcing used for locating 2 high end machining tools that were stamping out knock off AK-47's. Remember the one in Jalisco where ATF agents participated in the raid. This is why it never made sense to the public and why DOJ stonewalled Congress,

    1. @5:08PM I hope this you reply.
      What do you mean to say about sourcing methods are you referring to RF/GPS transmitters? Some of these are smaller than the eye of Lincoln on a penny.

      So what happened with the ATF and DOJ at what raid?

    2. They were making ar-15's (not ak's) in gdl.

    3. 5:o8 is talking about precision machining tools used to finish weapons, found in posession of CJNG, they were .a king their own rifles, or at least finishing them after importing them from the US, not at all about "transmitters" check BB archives

    4. This is 10:15 I knew what 5:08 was referencing to but I figured he knew something unpublished I didn't read.
      I never ask what's going on in the underground if I find out I keep it to myself till everyone knows then Ill ask an unanswered question but never before then. ( for example I knew CJNG was making rifles before they got busted)
      I feel they chose .223 because they are cheaper to source And I guess AR15 are easy to learn.

    5. 5:08 stands corrected on the production of AR 15's not AK's. My point, is about how these machines were located and how the ATF came to the party.

    6. 9:45am Do you think the transmitters were input into the unfinished ar-15 receivers before they were sent south? It seems like that would mean they would have to put transmitters in a lot of unfinished receivers. I wonder if they're operating a front "unfinished ar receiver "company?
      I think it would be too hard to track the cnc machines, as they really aren't special. They're certainly not used exclusively for making firearms.

    7. 9:45 oldest trick, at all levels, somebody stops buying, somebody else is selling to them...
      --atf was reported about a lack of movement and tracking those stealing the market all the way home is the result...

  8. Well hasn't that been justified already, when the US said they lost track of the weapons??

    1. I believe most if not all of the F and F weapons have been found. They aren't lost or misplaced they are where they are suppose to be and that's in the hands of those to strategically place them where they get the most attention. It's all part of the CONSPIRACY. Think about it. The theory of fast and furious and how it would work was a good idea but the ATF is not big enough to effectively monitor these guns. Being restrained by the US government is why they lost them. The republicans have blocked the requests by the ATF command to increase the amount of active agents for over 20 years with zero results. The ATF has the same amount of active agents now than it had when they raided Mount Carmel in Waco in 1995. What other US federal agency has been limited as much as the ATF? The rifle that killed Jaime Zapata was a product of fast and furious. One rifle seized when Chapo was last caught was a product of fast and furious. Now two more rifles found at this massacre are a product of fast and furious. Placing these guns where they will get the most attention is what the powers that be want to happen. I'm not an expert but stranger things have happened.

    2. I think I read somewhere that they've recovered something like almost half like 872 can't remember exact figures.

    3. 10.27
      Its very coincidental or very strange that these weapons seem to pop up at the most newsworthy stories.I wonder Kate Castillo hasn't got one in her nickers,or El Toro has one jammed up his fat culo,he tried to get it surgically removed but alas it was too complicated.How many FF weapons 1000/2000 ? And you never hear the last of it ?

    4. My bad I meant the raid on Mount Carmel in 1993.

    5. I think there was originally around 2000 weapons from Fast and Furious-that is sent to Mexico.

  9. Those were the same guys who downed an army Heli two months before, what did they expect?, an email "please surrender"?, they were heavily armed and they did shot back, only this time the officers were ready to kill first. No loss, on the other hand, it is well known that the real cartel bosses live in the us. Please read 'The real drugs millionaires are right here in the United States'

    1. 5:43 e-mail...
      --the dead soldier may have got killed by not so friendly "friendly fire", track the widow, and you may find her pennyless or living with the captain...
      --I know me a few mexican military and police...

    2. Chivis do you know if the Nueva Familia Michoacana are people from the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generastion. I don't know why but it just sounds to weird. I've seen a few comments around that point to this maybe it is maybe it's not.

    3. kook at bottom for my reply....

  10. Make no mistake, "Fast and furious", started during Bush and continued under Obama was not a "failed" operation, they intended to send those weapons, $$ is a powerful aid, pls no BS to us.

  11. good riddance due process should be afforded to all mexican or other than mexicans.... all man kind.... karma is a whore... this is about the only good story that has come out of fast and furious .... so they killed a few narkillos.... cry you a river.... GOOD RIDDANCE...... LES DESIAN BALLA A LA ESCUELA MIJO,,... ESTUDIE... y pregunto la mama,,.. porque mataron a mi hijo,,... y dejera mi pariente POR PENDEJO Señora....

    1. 5:46 so, i see, you eat all the crap the government feeds you?
      Expert reports of criminalists are saying murder and staged scenes and planted arms...embesil...
      --apparently your parents did not tell you to study either, güey

    2. Dude,next time it could be you or a family member,because they get away with it,they don't give a fuck.When did everyone start believing what the government says ?

  12. Here it goes the full load in what I heard on the grape vine with some fools from zapopan involved on the I guess in michoacan there is the town of ecuandureo that was infected with caballeros templarios/ independent narcos, I guess the main boss was alejo and el pelon, alejo got cut to pieces in sinaloa backing up his compare , and pelon is a viagras slash on the run...the cartel nueva generasion de vargas a small town is all family members that happens to have an allegiance with mencho because one of the old guys from the guerrero clan was his things get complicated because the real problem is the mexican army and the federal police that keep michoacan tanuato, ecuandureo, vargas, zamora,parts of la barca under constant oportunities for the team with the most money "corruption" here comes the connection to the fast and furious weapon fiasco....gente from el rancho del sol have a connect in the tijuana border where they buy the weapons for anybody with enough money to buy....there was a few years back a raid In a rancho of ecuandureo where they found a arsenal literally enough weapons to star a mini civil war, but here comes the catch to it, only about 10 percent of the weapon got in a few words those weapons found are the same that ,that got confiscated...they planted the weapons...don't beleive me??? Who ever is on power should do a major investigation in the cuartel general de zamora for el ejercito , and see what fun things would come up....if my comment don't get posted even the better...just tired of the the way the problem here is not the narcos is the lack of goverment that sell and open territories for sale for a monthly fee...

    1. @5:50 I posted 3-17-16 9:27PM
      I believe this. It might be dry snitching but you are denouncing corruption this is the only value of the streets when they talk the truth because these dead men can't talk no more. ( you shouldn't have mentioned where the firearms come from shhhhhh!)

    2. 10:20 es mejor toda la verdad, encuerada y sin calzones.

  13. I read the original story when this masacre took place. They were ambushed and had no guns. There is pictures of when they were killed and they have no weopons and were hiding trying to evade the ambush. There is others were they put the murdered in diferent positions and planted guns on them. THEY WERE INNOCENT AND GOT SET UP. They made it seem like they got cjng back for taking down the choper and killing all those guys from the marina or federales. real spit

    1. Same as Tlatlaya, Apatzingan, Atenco, Acteal/Chenalhó, Ayotzinapa, El Charco, los Copreros, Mexico 68, el Halconazo...
      --The mexican government sends it's regards via its sicarios militares and police, they ain't no blancas palomitas...

    2. Yeah man,these guys look as thought they were completely surprised or asleep and then tried to run for their lives.Of course they didn't stand a chance,it must have been fuckin terrifying.
      We'll never know exactly what was going on,cause they were coldly tortured and probably interrogated then executed.When is that shit ever ok with any right thinking person.They could be the worst of the worst,but behavior like this will inevitably happen to innocent people because there are no repercussions or punishment for the authorities who do it.

  14. Was it murder? Maybe but is better this way, someone has to teach the criminals a lesson.

    1. They weren't criminals!

    2. I agree with @7:12pm what happened was wat they gave out they got back return.

    3. @ 7:12PM I know right ? It should have been 86 agents dead and 43 civilians.

      Or maybe they where civilians and those weapons were pulled from government evidence lockers in Mexico and planted on them ? And then since Mexico doesn't tell USA every thing and USA never tells Mexico everything, Mexico thought that letting the ATF run those weapons would take some heat off and surprise guns smuggled from sonora and Chihuaha end up in Tierra Caliente ...

      Who's the criminals now?

    4. 7:14-If they weren't criminals I doubt they were family members and why would 42 teenage or young adult male only be all together on a farm with no parents?They were hiding and up to no good.Maybe ran the farmer off and he went to authorities.

    5. the "farmer" a wealthy guy in collusion.
      parents and residents of the jalisco town they were from said they were good kids, protected the weak but yes a few sold drugs in the streets. many were tortured, teeth knocked out, broken arms and legs.

      reports say there were no weapons and others say 6 guns.

      So in canada this is acceptable that 42 human beings are judged and executed without due process?

      if no, then why would you think it acceptable for Mexican?
      and BTW, in mexico even young children work and away from parents.

      don't be quick to judge.

    6. When is it EVER ok to execute young men and women ?
      Research this story and family testimony before you make stupid and idiotic comments.Since when did you start believing what the authorities say?
      Fuckin idiots saying they deserved it?They were executed and posed,,what for?There was no mighty battle,just young men running for their lives.
      Why have law and order,fuck it,just execute anyone who you feel like cause you have your badge to shield you from repercussions.
      Who knows,it could be you or a loved one next,doesn't matter whether you deserved it or not as many here are saying.These guys look as though they were asleep when it all started,some were horribly beaten,broken arms,faces,read the family statements on the young lad who was disfigured horribly.Who knows what was going on,we'll never know,cause the state executed them before we could find out.

    7. Yeah you are right Chivis.Looks like an extrajudicial killing and everyone SHOULD have the right to a fair trial no matter what they've done.We cannot lower ourselves to their level.

  15. Weapons look all planted

  16. Reprisal killings. Too often this is the Mexican governments bane. - El Sol Perdido

    1. They were pissed after the helicopter

  17. Warning...don't be a criminal.
    Warning...don't mess with Govt.
    Warning...don't get in the way of profits.
    Warning...don't be a DA!!

  18. I think operation fast and furious was not a blunder . This was done by an administration that seems to want to compile more reasons to seize owners weapon in the US . I think the only blunder was the information leak . Most law abiding citizens (where I come from) are weapons owners . WE will keep them . Society is more peaceful when decent civilians have weapons . Nazi Germany seized all the law abiding citizens guns first thing . That lead to the murder of millions of citizens the suppression of millions more concurring of neighbors and the destruction of Europe . The generation that lived it is pretty much past . My father hated guns and used them very little after the war . Still he would never give his up because of what it would mean to do so .

    1. @8:30 What evidence did the govt. obtain from Fast and Furious that give the govt. more reasons to seize owners weapons in the US?

    2. The US government is not trying to take anybody's weapons...
      Under Obamanos, the US government has been trying to force people to keep their guns in their posession, with proper IDs instead of selling them on the black market to criminals and mental defectives without proper paperwork...

  19. It looks like Insight got their info from a FOIA request filed with ATF in the US. BB hasn't yet reported how the Mexican government denied all requests for access to the investigations on the Tanhuato incident. The Mexican government stated the reports involved "state secrets" and would not be released for five years.

    1. The mexican governing narco-mierdocracia shows some style at last, they now classify their shit, caca de perro or caca de burro, and hides it like the best of the best the US government has to offer.

  20. Nestora Salgado to be released tommorrow

    1. A local media outlet in Renton, Washington, where she lived before returning to Mexico is reporting she will be released and has a video of her being interviewed by that TV station. I was working on a story but we have been mislead so many times and disappointed when she wasn't released so I have held it until we see what happens. Keep your fingers crossed.

    2. I have the upmost respect for this woman. If the most powerful men in this world had this overwhelming need to help their people this world be a better place.

    3. Yeah yeah, el pope visita ya no trabajo, Ora saquen del bote a nestora, o a mireles, o a Semeí Verdia...Pa taparle el ojo al macho...

  21. So does this mean those massacared had these weapons already, or that the weapons were planted?

    1. My opinion is that they were planted. If you understand how ballistics work and how the body falls when mortally wounded you will understand that the weapons don't fall next to you. Most rifle shooters use a sling when in a gun battle. If you notice in the first picture the AR15/M4 has a sling but yet the deceased has the rifle just in his hand. If these murdered individuals were in a gun battle and they had their rigle on them that rifle will be slung over their shoulders. Again this is my opinion.

    2. The dead were planted, and they were caught asleep, like you know, they did not know there was something to be affraid of, (el que nada debe nada teme). apparently, that is why they had no warning and no guards, it was a revenge planned to show everybody who the boss...

  22. how did this news get by me . 42 dead holy mole . the truth is i bet those have been replaced multiple times by now . sometimes these mass masacres and prison "riots" and dissapearances look more like ethnic cleansing . population control? in the usa people are dropping like flies also , only its through medical issues like cancer and diabetes

    1. Diabetes is no joke n cancer i hear u

    2. Honestly it is a horrible attempt by the Mexican government to save face after Mencho's people down the helicopter full of tactical officers. Smoke and mirrors my friend. More than likely these guys had nothing to do with downing the helicopter. Not to say they were "innocent" by any means but they weren't the ones who attacked helicopter. If they were the battle between them would been extremely bloody for both sides. These guys wee dressed like most young males who wanted to belong to a clique and not some "elite" narco sicario.

    3. I was recruited years ago when I was a urban NINI...
      we spent two days picking chile Ancho and filling trucks with it, and we were about 50 people...
      --luckily the government's sicarios never saw us, troques de leña de la Sierra se cuidan de pasar por las entradas principales del pueblo, la leña es un contraband muy peligroso y mas si no train permiso del PVEM...

  23. ... There Has To Be Something Going On Like Another Peña Nieto Coverup ... > ANONYMOUS < Please Help Get Back The Original Video From The Dark/Deep Web > Thanks ... The Link Within The Original Post To A Video Recorded By The Federal Police That "Now" Has Been Edited Down To 29 Seconds"Pobably By PeñaBots" < ... No More Helicopter MiniGun Raining Down On The Ranch In The Background Sound As It Has Been Deleted ... People Have To Remember The Link ... Please Copy/Paste The Link Below Within A Web Browser To Be Directed To What Is Left Of The Video ...

    1. ... Found Another Source For a The Video Below ... @3:21 Is When You Can Hear The Minigun In Use And The Federal Police Screaming With Excitement About It ... This Time The Video Will Be Saved To Multiple Clouds/Hard Drives >> Toma 1 EPN

    2. Thanks for takin the time for the links and such dude,very helpful,and absolutely no doubt about the mini-gun,they are pourin it on considering a mini-gun can attain rates of fire up to 6000 rpm.
      Dude,can you hear incoming rounds whistling by?Its hard to say where they are coming from ?

    3. ... Yes, But What About The Policía Federal Guy Shooting His Buddy In The Helmet With A Pistol For The Fun Of It? ... Or Was It ? ...

  24. ... Certain Gun Shops Were Actually Opened Up Specifically For The Fast & Furious Program ... TDS Guns In Bonita, Ca Is 1 Of Them ...

  25. This is one cleansing technique that should be enabled in America.
    Too many Mexican scum gangbanging!

    1. 2:09 It is against the law to use this "technique" on congress and the Wise House, I mean White House, their Gangbanging affects others in a global scale...

  26. I'm no detective but yeah those weapons seem planted, somehow laying on the ground nice enough for a picture. guess when you die getting shot at you can't land on top of the weapon? every guy who died in that photo somehow got the gun in a perfect pose to show it off to the cameraman

    1. Their french trainers forgot to teach the Polesia Nazional del quike ceballos how to stage a crime scene, sometimes it is impossible getting the rancho out of the ranchero or getting the pendejo out of the politicians that is a miracle needed from the mira culos mayor...

  27. That mini gun gunner is gonna have a very hard time living with his conciencia

  28. " those weapons seem planted" many of you are forensics? and why wear they combat boots?

    1. Obviously 3:33 you have never been near firearms or near dead bodies. For me its common sense but I have done more than play Call of Duty in my career.

    2. 3:33 nomás you look military Cielito Lindo, and with aaall your forensic experience, maybe you can tell us why Forensic Experts are accusing the government of extrajudiciary murder, scene staging and cover-up...

  29. canadiana

    if you speak Spanish view this view of the families. what they describe is horrific including the missing security camera footage, cameras all over the ranch, missing teeth, missing eyes, broken arms, legs. you can see some of the photos of the victims in life


    Ok...hang in because it is messy and not 100% clearly defined.

    1. Viagras, founded by the Sierra Santana siblings, first splinter group off Caballeros Templarios. (CT) Tuta thought they would be allied, but they were already in the back pocket of Mencho and H3.

    2. When Tuta was arrested "El Gallito" nephew of EL Chayo became supreme leader of CT (by the way BB has the only photo of Gallito, I added water markings and only published part of the overall foto. But blogs and media tried to take the marking out resulting in less than pretty product, but I have the original)

    3. The name is not New LFM it is Nueva Familia or NEW FAMILY

    4. Last month mantas were displayed announcing the unification of Viagras and what is left of CT to form the Nueva Familia. They announce the leaders as two of the Sierra Santana Brothers and Gallito.

    5. the group was formed after the killings of LFM founder Carlos Rosales Mendoza

    6. Viagras are connected to Chango Mendez via Chango being a Godfather. Chango has a close relationship to Mencho they were all in bed together----figuratively speaking of course.

    7. reports say the Nueva Familia ar fighting against Mencho. That makes little sense, but CT had zero connection with them when Tuta was out, but Viagras were closely tied. However, Viagras are loyal only onto themselves, so it could be true.

    Viagras provided Mencho with meth for Michoacan labs, and from AMericano/H3. Americano operated most the labs a year ago, but that has changed.

    I hope this helps

    1. Los viagras se chingaron a la puta tuta como si fuera una gallina y ahora le van a dar al "gallito" por atrás también...
      --y al Comandante Cinco Hindú, al americano, al pitufo, cuando?

  31. ... ^^^Thank You^^^ Chivis ... Quick Question, Have You Seen This Old Interview Of The Santana Brother Who Explains What The Viagras Are? ... If Not, Check Out The Link Below ... Be Safe And Thanks Again For Not Fully Retiring From BB ... :)

    1. Yes I did see this, or an excerpt about half as long. It is such a joke. the same month is the infamous video with the tuta carlos meeting where I spotted Americano and made screen shots that went viral and ended with Michoacan PGR "detaining americano and questioning him" but then their "experts" foto forensics said it wasn't him, but the agency never showed exactly what images the forensics came up with. we were just to take their word..


      I will try and get someone to translate the video narrative.



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