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Friday, April 22, 2016

Four Months of Extortions in Mexico City: A Family Ravaged By Threats

Photo by: Cuartoscuro

By: Maribel F., Animal Político Reader | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

This is a wound that will never heal.

My family was extorted for months (from July to October 2015).  It’s a horrible feeling because you can’t go on with your life as before.  My dad lived in fear for us, because armed people would come to charge us at our house and store.

One day, my dad had the courage to go and denounce.  Fortunately, we were treated well by the authorities and two days later, one of them was able to be detained.  However, it was only one extortionist that was sent that day.  The main ones remain free, they work in a pink and red taxi and intimidate more people.

Finally, our store went bankrupt and my family separated for the good of us all.  My parents fled far away, the house was left abandoned.  The heritage of a lifetime was over.

The hearings and statements of the arrested person have been the scariest book I’ve read in my life.  You think about everything that you’ve lost, how some people change your life in days.  The pain never heals, the trauma remains; fear of being alone persists.  Habits changed, telephone numbers as well, we contact each other only when necessary.  The farther we are, the better.

Fear remains.

We want the other people to be detained because you don’t know at what point that they’re going to kidnap you or kill you. 

I’ve wondered if mourning would solve the entrenched feelings during those horrible days, but the answer is no, because I forgot how to cry, because I have to learn to live with the pain.

Source: Animal Político


  1. Pick up a Gun a defend Your Family!!! Youre No duck!! Are You? I cant believe you Hrow a pair!!! Not For Me For You!!

    1. Pick up a gun and go to jail, nobody will be there to defend your motherfacking family anyway, when they pick on you, they know your number, "they" is the mexican police detectives that detected you and the stench of your MONEY, AND YOU ARE PAYING, PLOMO OR PLATA, THE ORIGINALS, NOT "EL BIIIG BAAAD CHAPOO"

    2. Thats not how it works. These f...s are here in the U.S. All over my town. I know from experience. Working in all sorts of jobs, from city gov't to you name it. Watching your and my ass to make sure business is not impeded. Spread some bad rumors, a bit of dope, money, and your life is dust.

      Grow Balls? Pick up a gun? Sometimes it takes more Balls to walk away from a bad thing!

    3. "Sometimes it takes more Balls to walk away from a bad thing!"

      Well, next time I see an injustice against an innocent person I will go the other way and consider myself real man.

    4. 6:16 ask me, about 15 years of walking away, but all the main bad boys did time in prison, wore popó, got shot and murdered by others and finally died, it certainly took a lot of balls to walk away...

    5. The pinche lacra are hear in Silicon Valley running the show in construction using their drug money to launder there construction "Business". ,most latino workers have to pay a piso. If you are white and come on a construction job you get run off. This used to be a great place now it is just another Tepito. Pinche Lacra.

  2. Valor, you are putting up some good stories. Keep up the good work amigo.

    1. Yeah, valor se las anda tronando, too much already, mmmh what is it valor, that you are on?

    2. Valor is putting a face or voice to the victims rather than just giving us numbers. It drives home the point of what too many people in Mexico have to endure on a daily basis.

    3. Valor is giving us or giving me a lil'something something to think about and really see how bless I am today and how grateful I should be for the FREEDOM that I have in this country o sea en United States of America and that's was up.
      Shout outs to all my raza going through some thangs each and every day,keep your head up.
      From Chiraq.

  3. Your family knew better n your family knows of the corrupted ways in Mexico..Can we hurry up on Boss of Bosses part 2.

    1. 5:46 not to put you down, but present history is keeping us all kind of "busy"...and bound to repeat the past because of it...

    2. It doesn't mean you have to dismiss this family in turmoil.

  4. This is so sad and it can come just out of the blue when a new criminal sets up shop in your town.I can't imagine this as north of the border this doesn't happen with rule of law.I'm sure most people north of the border have never heard of this.Not only does your business go bankrupt that's bad enough but having to leave your home abandoned and buy another 1.Not only that you have your life and your loved 1's as well!


    1. Life is hard enough. Losing people, failures,growing old, illness, etc. I can't imagine what it must be like to try surviving in a society that doesn't even support people with basic expectations of safety. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. No one truly can say what they would do in these scenarios. This is one example shared by someone who had to make a hard decision to split the family for safety reasons. Everyone comment with advice or so called knowledge on how thingss work. No ne really know. Cartels grow like weeds, and each group use different tactics. Pick up a gun? against possibly 4 people armed with military weapons? Smart move. I don't think this was shared to tell the person what to do, but to give us the readers an idea of what happens in some of these situations. Great post!

  6. It's crazy how much crime happens in and around those damned taxis and their radio networks. In the US we say, "The first thing we need to do is kill all the lawyers...," in Mexico, it's cabbies.

    1. Babies in mexico do not usually own their cab or mini-bus or Rutera, it owned by a patron, and the patron says what gets done

  7. This is a bad situation . I cant imagine living like this. It would truly be a great upheaval in my life and my families . It would end several of theirs. I have compassion for human that have compassion for their fellow man .
    I have been a hunter of predators and game for many years . I would have no problem hunting them . But I come from a different world.
    So sorry its that way

  8. I don't know what Valor is blazing but I'm smoking on some ganja :)

  9. What can you do? It sucks. You either sheep or wolf in life!

    1. I have to disagree with the part that you say "You either sheep or wolf in life . I am not a drug dealer or criminal . I am not a predator . Predators wont have me though . I will certainly take care of the first one that tells me I will start paying . He better have his buddies on speed dial

  10. That is because the police are not involved, and if called the police will go after the criminals in the USA. They will also go after criminals in the USA of any color. The problem is there is no one to turn to. If you buy a gun and protect yourself the police will actually take you to prison. You cannot win in Mexico once an organization like the police, criminals or the government has their eyes on you. They did the best thing in running. I am old enough I would have sent my family away and taken out some people even if it meant dying. White people stand behind other White people I have noticed. Mexican people here do not to the most part. Even the mass killings are forgotten here in Mexico while monuments are built for victims of mass shootings in the USA.

  11. white people are dispersed, just as mexicans! wtf

  12. Thank you for this article gave me a better insight into the effects of the chaos in MX on its innocent citizenry.

  13. The Mexican people are very passive and wouldn't say boo if they had a mouthful.They do not like confrontation as a rule.Criminals-different story.They are totally advantageous.


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