Mexican singer Gerardo Ortíz have been summoned by Jalisco Prosecutor's Office to testify, for the recording of a music video, Gerardo Ortiz Medina could become a suspect on suspicion to have links to organized crime, said the Attorney General of Jalisco, Eduardo Almaguer.
The Attorney General said that Jalisco (PGR) will investigate Gerardo Ortiz, because the alleged links between organized crime and to know the origin of the funds used to make this video.
Surprisingly, the prosecutor announced the shift taken by investigation for the misuse of police vehicles and police officers involved in the controversial video for the song "You were mine," which was branded as misogynist and abettor to Femicide.
"What we are announcing today is that the investigations on all the participating companies, and the subjects who have been acting on the video, is giving us a very clear indications of the involvement of organized crime and the use of illegal proceeds" said Almaguer.
The state official said that up to today, they have obtained the statement of nine people and have located a number of unregistered companies - allegedly linked to organized crime, who engaged in video production and rental of luxury vehicles, which would have an important relationship with Gerardo Ortiz.
Eduardo Almaguer did not rule out that on this Friday April 22, when he shows up to his concert at the arena of Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco, to parties called "Tepabril" Ortiz Medina could be detained to testify before the Public Ministry.
His music blows and I do enjoy that genre of music.
ReplyDeleteYeah a lot of paisas do, especially those who don't really understand what real music supposed to be. A lot of indios just hear the pum pum pum and they start to jump like jumping beans.
DeleteWhat part of Mexico are you guys from ???? When was the last time you were there????do your families communicate in English or Spanish????
Delete8:37 have you heard the jumbotron music most american kids listen and dance to?
Delete--And then they go and find themselves something more personal for a real live session of make believe...
--nothing to blame the Tom-Toms for, blame those that just could not finish the job, and then imported more help they could not control either...
That did not make sense, please rewrite
Delete8:37 le gusta Justin beiber
DeleteA ustedes los tejanos les gusta puro cumbia kings
Delete@8:57pm Grest music breaks all barriers and shitty music does not. It doesn't matter if I communicate in English or Spanish or if I've recently been to Mexico. The point is this guy's music blows. And for your info. I'm fluent in English and Spanish. 80% of my family reside in Chihuahua.
DeleteSome of us communicate with smoke signals, the US never has broken the code in spite of all the indios they have bought and fathered with our squaws, and some of us indians know our spanish, english, french, and a few tricks about pale face and his ways, the main one, never believe them, they o ly want what is not theirs and they want a of it...
Deleteso i turn on the radio to listen to music and between this GO and kate del c. is what the radio djs here in los angeles talk about like if its breaking news all day . the paisa stations never mention the real horror in Mexico . the mass graves , the 43 missing students , the political corruption . they rather spent hours talking about this guys video ... what a shame for the raza here in southern California ... levantando la bandera mexicana cuando el tri mete goles y pasiandose en el cruising pero ni mangos que sepan la verdad la pesadilla sangrienta que esta viviendo Mexico .. shame on you paisitas
ReplyDeleteShame on who??? Mexico has been the way it is wat before either of these people were born...
Delete..now because someone starts a website to make themselves journalist and give a large community of individuals who don't know anything about Mexico,being mexican or why it is the way it is a forum to talk nonsense and act like they can fix it or do something different that's the true shame
Y el desmadre ke trai estados unidos en el medio oriente ke? Nomas por ke no hacen corridos los gringos de eso los gringos ya? Asi nomas? Shame on you putito
DeleteYour still on those 43 when their are thousands of missing
DeleteThere is cultural isolationism, on the US side of the border, news blackouts, english only programs in spanish, positive reporting, and fear to use their freedoms...
Delete--when the English only newspapers, radio and TV self censure, because it is the thing to do and what pays the bills, what are the would be rebels in spanish supposed to do?
--You are lucky to have BB, use it, then go and have an argument in public with US in spanish news en español, before the internet gets headquartered in malaisya where it all gets lost before it gets dangerous...including BIG AIRPLANES FULL OF PEOPLE and chinese partners of the Rothschild...
i will just end up in tv notas the chismesitos magazine ... that is all the knowledge la raza can handle
Delete@obvious guy @737pm,mira guey ala raza o la paisanada ,no es que seamos pendejos claro que nos importa lo que pasa en mexico, pero no mames que podemos hacer??? Peña nieto es una mafia politica que tiene 90 años desde cuando mexico empezo, el por que ? es facil, los ricos contra los pobres...hasta el mas pendejo sabe eso...muchos de nosotros los paisas, nos gustan los corridos no por que sean buena musica, es mas bien algo cultural, es como la salsa y el merengue para los Puerto ricos y los Dominicanos..como el guey de prince roy, pinche femenino..a pero como uno es paisa y nos gustan corridos de violencia y desmadre que pasa en mexico nos catalogan de pendejos...Que culpa tienen los paisas?? nada cambiara con Nuestra opinion, mexico va a seguir igual por que estados unidos es nuestro vecino....Que no saben que los americanos les gusta causar problemas para que sus negocios sigan al 1000% y pasaditos..antes de hablar mejor mira como dicen los gringos "the bigger picture " Saludos a todos los paisanos..
DeleteAnd what are you doing about it? If youre so indignant why dont you help in some sort of way instead of getting on your high horse
DeleteWell, the Puerco Ricos are in deep shit, they are as violent as the dominicans, they got to be worse that the tonton macute since drug trafficking was turned loose on them for trying to be "independent" how the hell they want to be independent? Well, if the little grains of sand, Bahamas and Cayman Islands can make all that money creating shell companies, well, independent puercorico and do the same, and nobody call us pork chops, ok? We are about much more than that, hey we killed El Macho Camacho for you! respect!
DeleteSo whos house was it ??? Which drug dealer
ReplyDeleteArturo Beltran
DeleteDe mi tío el que vende esquites frente al seguro
DeleteServando Gómez "La Tuta".
Deleteit was archivaldo guzmans house like in the damaso video damaso himself was there so was his vehicle and archivaldos vehicle big deal....same shit mexico tryna pull off on julio cesaer chavez sr...its extertion pay us off or we will fuck your life up...saludos
DeleteEl centenario- atte el morronis de la palma navolato sinaloa ajuua
DeleteIt was one of Alfredo guzmans homes
DeleteShould read:Jalisco to investigate G.
ReplyDeleteO.for links to crappy music.
Yeah he should be investigated for his crappy music. His lyrics suck and make no sense. The lyrics don't even rhyme pero asi es la paisanada. The more undereducated the better for this fool.
DeleteTu puro Beethoven , Mozart y Bach haz de escuchar.ahora resultas intelectual egresado de Harvard, yale hay gustos musicales para todos entiende sr rhodes scholar
DeleteToda la "paisanada" se compone de muchos cabrones con un voto por persona, y apreciando la mierda de musica de cabrones como GO, rascuache painters y lousy poets, like the beatnik movement, should be telling sompim' to the disciples of the
DeleteVersaillesque Comepanochas of the latter days, we are many, anonymous, rascuaches, plebes, angry and getting madder...
Just let this SOB do his music....too many people put emphasis on the fucking lyrics & videos.....that is their job to sing and make $...who gives a fuck where, when, how, & to whom they sing too....they are in the business to make money...
ReplyDeletePaisa vs paisita
ReplyDeleteNo se que tanto adoran a este perro
ReplyDeleteIt's ok for cartel members to use police vehicles but if GO uses them for music videos it's "misuse" and subject to investigation. That's bs.
ReplyDeleteNo shit!
Delete12:52 and you ain't seen that the poolice use cartel members and that both are used by the politicians to make money with their crimes, en el nombre de la patria...
DeleteMi tepa querido !!
ReplyDeleteDon't question Ortiz, go for the real owner of the property.
ReplyDeleteSmoke n mirrors. Government redirecting your attention.
ReplyDeleteGO music was good when he started now it sucks
ReplyDeleteWhere r we going in Mx to the dogs
ReplyDeleteThis is year 7 is ever going to get better
ReplyDeleteOtro canta feo como el komander y larry
ReplyDeleteThis is bullshit! So what if Ortiz used cartel properties? Who cares.
ReplyDeleteThere are other sources that day he works for cjng
ReplyDeleteHe sure works for the Caro clan
ReplyDeleteHis manager Angel del villar knows a lot of drug dealers. They should investigate him because he knows chavo Felix its time to go after the music too because they wash money for drug dealers. Fuck the Sinaloa cartel n my parents Are from Sinaloa.
ReplyDeleteOMG PEOPLE!!! IT'S A FREAKIN VIDEO!! THIS HAPPENS AND IS DONE TO AND BY BOTH SEXES!!!. MACHOISM EXIST. That chick in Arizona killed her boyfriend
Deleteel gobierno de Jalisco nomas perdiendo el tiempo. Haciendo teatro con un cantante mientras que sus funcionarios y policias forman parte de el crimen organizado que sigue como plaga en el estado. No senalen al cantante o musicos que crean fama gracias a que ustedes permiten que exista este mundo. Mejor busquen como crear empleos para la gente para que no se les vea tan facil incorporarse al mundo de la delincuencia.