Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 15, 2016

The young tortured woman has been identify and she is in the Nayarit prison.

Her name is Elvira Santibanez Margarito, and she was arrested in February of 2015 in the municipality of Ajuchitán del Progreso, in Guerrero.

According to reports, Elvira Santibanez Margarito, is the woman who appears in a video posted on social networks where it is shown that she is tortured by two soldiers and a federal police officer.

The incident took place on February 4, 2015 in the municipality of Ajuchitán del Progreso, in Guerrero.

Santibanez Margarito is in the federal prison in Nayarit, and she is accused of kidnapping and to belong to a criminal organization known as "La Familia Michoacana".

The woman was arrested with two other subjects from the town of Arcelia in possession of heavy weapons, a scooter and 11 thousand pesos in cash.

The woman is accused of been an operator of the Cartel La Familia Michoacana, having been arrested in a joint operation of both corporations Military and Federal Police with Jose Villalobos Diaz, 32, and Juan Hernandez Villa, 35, also belonging to the same criminal cell, in the village Progreso of Ajuchitlán.

Currently Santibañez is in the Federal Prison in Nayarit, subject to trial for the possession of military weapons, since she was arrested in possession of three AK-47 rifles and AR15; 22 caliber pistol nine chargers, 189 rounds of ammunition 7.62 x 39 10 .223 rounds of ammunition and 10 rounds of ammunition .22. Cal.

This article was translated from Exelsior and Zeta Tijuana

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  1. If this I true I would of tortured her to. All gangs and cartel members deserve to be tortured for all the chaos and drama they cause. All I can say is find another profession and live life legally. You gotta have some morals and integrity even if your poor.

    1. This tortured woman was caught carrying more.weapons a d ammo that Rambo has ever used in all of his movies...
      --something smells as satanizing to try to justify the torture methods.used on this woman,

    2. You obviously have never experienced the struggle in anyway. And get the fuck out of here supporting corrupt government regimes that tell you how to live your life to their best interest.

    3. Anon 1:20 am are you trying to say that the Mexican military and Police have thousands of weapons laying around to frame people?
      I think you are ridiculous because in Mexico the police have to buy their own weapons and they don't make a lot of money.

    4. 6:33 I am only insinuating that the mexican poolice, military, paramilitary and foreign military assessors and contractors have all they need to "fight crime" by creating evidence and planting it in their targets and suspects, that they never catch real crooks, and they are just trying to pad their papers with "arrests" and confessions exacted by TORTURE...

    5. She'd cut your huevos off and feed them to you in a heartbeat.

    6. @5:27. Your a fool you chump. So being poor and having struggles justifies being part of a cartel and committing crimes on a weekly basis. Let's see them kill one of or family members or kidnap and see if you will still justify it. By the way all governments are corrupt it's just mexico is a little worst than most.

    7. 9:40, funny how this perverse narco piruja drug trafficking kidnapper did not have time to change into her cammo fatigues and out of her 'teibolera' dress.

    8. It is sad that they removed the plastic bag, serves her right. scum bitch....

    9. The mexican poolice and soldiers have tons of weapons in evidence, and the keys to the evidence rooms, and borrow as needed...

  2. Poor little girl, she should be released now!

    1. Should be released? This article mentions nothing about her not being guilty as charged. If she is toting weapons around, they are not for decoration. If she is a kidnapper, oh well let her stew in prison. Time to clean up the trash off the streets there. No excuse for harming others mindlessly.

    2. @5:34 "If" is the key word in your statement and even if she is guilty of kidnapping she deserves to be punished, not tortured. Read below my comment to 6:05.
      @6:05. "Should she be released"? Probably not for being tortured. But when you say "nothing about her being not guilty" as charged you are perpetuating what Mexico is supposedly trying to change and that is establishing a "Rule of Law" - innocent until proven guilty.

      Every reference to her in the story refers to her as "accused". In other words "innocent until proven guilty".

      In regard to the weapons charge remember the chicken legs Dr. Mireles was allegedly holding when they arrested him and accused him of weapons charges. Remember Nestora Salgada was charged with kidnapping when she, acting as Chief of Police of a Community Police force arrested some people from influential families. If this young girl is proven guilty of kidnapping after a fair trial, I agree with you" let her stew in prison".

      Mexico has one of the worst records of Human Rights abuses by the government (including Army and Federal Police) I agree that it is "time to clean up the trash off the streets". But do it following The Rule of Law and due process, not torture.

    3. Anybody that thinks or hopes this criminal mexican government is "trying to mend its ways, establish the rule of law, or is somehow trying to clean up their act" must be CRAZY...or at least very full of shit.

    4. @1:25. If your comment is directed at me for my comments about "Rule of Law", I haven't yet been certified as "crazy" and I don't need to relieve my bowels (at least when I was writing the comment.

      If you will carefully read my comment, I said "Mexico is 'supposedly' trying to change" I have no illusions about the Mexican judicial system. Mexico has passed some criminal justice reforms but indeed the implementation of those reforms is very slow across much of Mexico.

      Lawyers and Judges attending Marida funded symposiums and conferences is not sufficient to change the judicial system (following the rule of law and due process) that has been ingrained over the last 300 years or so.

      It will take years (maybe decades) of training the law school students in open adversary trials before the system is dramatically changed but there is movement. Cases are now being dismissed more frequently because the only evidence is a confession obtained by torture.

      Example of lack of training: The trial of one of the accused in the murder of the young mayor who was murdered in her home the day after being sworn in. The trial was one of the first hight profile cases that have been open and adversarial (attorneys for both sides presenting evidence and arguments).

      The prosecution presented their evidence which consisted of a photo of 3 men that was left anonymously on the doorstep of the murdered mayor's family with a note on the envelope that said "The killer if your daughter is one these three men". The judge admitted the photo in evidence. Any 1st year law student in the US would have objected to the admission of the photo and no judge in the US would have admitted it as proof of the guilt of the accused. The defense attorney in the case just kind of stood there like "Duh, what do I do now"? It was a new experience for the attorneys and the judge. It will take time for that to change.

      Cases like this of the tortured young women are a step backwards in the process of judicial process of reform.

    5. DD I lived in Mexico for 20 years and never once got arrested myself. The only time I had problems with the law was when they took my car away because I didn't have a driver license and I had to pay a bribe.

      When it comes to human rights I think all countries have their hands dirty including the United States.

      If she is a member of that criminal organization then let the bitch pay for her crimes.

      About Nestora Salgado and Doctor Mireles I think they are not as innocent as you might think. Obviously Dr Mireles was not using chicken legs against the criminals and Nestora Salgado was arrested because she didn't turn in the people she had detained.

      I guess everyone sees the truth the way they want too.

    6. @6:55 I appreciate your comments, though I don't agree with all of them, thatis what the comment section is all about - civil debate and discussion, not name calling and slamming other posters.

      I, like you have lived in Mexcio for 20 years and the only problem I have had with the police was parking in a handicapped parking space at a pharmacy while I ran in to get some medicine.
      (cost me $2,500 pesos).

      Human Rights; You are right, all countries have "dirty hands", but if my memory serves me right Mexico is rated either 3rd from the bottom or only 3 out of 176 +or- with higher rate of abuses. US was ranked 30 +or- . Quite a spread.

      "pay for her crimes". I agree that if she is a member of that criminal organization she should pay for her crimes. I am only arguing about how and who determines she is guilty of that.

      I am not going to debate the guilt or innocence of Mireles or Salgado here (though I don't think either is guilty of a crime). There are numerous stories on BB about both of them that readers can read simply by using the search engine on the main page. Readers can then make their own decision.

  3. So THAT'S why so many criminals seem to confess to their crimes in Mexico. I though maybe they just had guilty consciences or something.

    1. 6:08 if mexican "law enforcement" catches your nalgas and put a chicharra in your overthere, you will be confessing all your sins in not time, and inventing a few more, they always convict most of the people they convict because they don't have money for the mordida.

    2. Is funny you say that 1:29 am because I have also read about how people are set free for lack of evidence all the time.

    3. @1:29 Just from looking at your words 4 so long I can actually profile you at this point. You tend 2 use the same words repetitively. " Nalgas and chicharra". You're easily identifiable just like the other person that's always mentioning the "School of the assassins". Now this is just me. Imagine what a computer program can do. 1 that's built specifically 4 the very purpose of profiling all of us. So many people here tend 2 believe that by posting anonymously that their secure. But if Snowden has taught us anything it's quiet the contrary. - El Sol Perdido

    4. Yea 11:06 . you may me right . Maybe homeland security is on here or should be.

    5. Anon 12:31 pm You got that right, homeland security do come to all narco blogs for several different reasons, and they are always watching.

    6. Well, nothing to hide from homeland security, hating dishonest government has nothing to do illegality, but I get your point, --I should not continue to spread words about the dishonesty of politicians from mexico, the US colombia, guatemala, panama... or other crooked Cricas in the world or "else", thanks for worrying so much about me...

  4. She has more balls than chapo, she never snitched. Cheapo would have gave them the whole town lol

    1. Jajaja miado zambada would of been singing the blues.

    2. Mayo never snitches y pasan pasan los anos y el mz ordenando yea he put it in chaps

    3. Los Mayitos do sing like canaries anon 10:29 pm and so is every other narco when they get arrested. We have to see what en Mayo say when he gets cough.

    4. 7:17

      Mayo already wrote a triple disc album, when he is captured he will record in the studio the songs he wrote.

    5. 5:07 that why he is free...

  5. Well now that shed a different light on it . Maybe if this sis true . I must assume that the female they were asking her about was the kidnap victim . If she did it they weren't rough enough on her .

  6. It's still not acceptable

  7. if she was in los angeles the judge would let her go saying shes been discriminated against

    1. Yeah seems like you never been arrested or given a ticket in los angeles let alone been in a los angeles court. If you have you ate probably Caucasian so you must not know about the discrimination to talk about.

  8. This is the damned opium jungle, there's no morality in a failed state where everyone carries a weapon. The prostitutes are the spy network, as anywhere.

    1. Yeah, @9:46 the guerrerense plant a lot of opium in the guerrero state rice paddies, mama san...

    2. There are a lot of videos about afghanistan poppy fields, I have ever seen one about Guerrerense poppy fields, or any poppy fields in mexico, maybe they don't have any cameras over there or the inmense state poppy fields can't be located...

    3. @11:19 I don't know what poppy fields have to do with torture, but if you will google "Guerrero Poppy fields photos" you can see a bunch of photos.

    4. 5:01 done did it, all the guerrero amapola fields look like 5 ft squares, no room for business, the H they export must be mostly foreign import...

  9. Shit I have to give it up for her she didn't drop dime!!!! Not like some other men I know???

    1. 9:56 maybe she just didn't know anything, nobody needs to be tortured and keeps whatever they know to themselves.
      --But you have witnessed mexican law enforcement investigative methods...

    2. I think because she is innocent because if grown tuff so called men start talking she did not i think i am 98% sure she is innocent

    3. Did you see how carefully her hair was fixed away from her face before the guy out the plastic bag on her? Like, almost gave her un besito también, the bag was put on her head very carefully, with consideration too, nobody put a sock full of rags in her mouth like they often do in american movies

  10. Just a quick note, in title (identify) should be identified :) Good article.

  11. Fighting crime with crime. Sweet! - El Sol Perdido

    1. Yeah, soledá, the crooked cops and military of today are catching up with the crooked cops and military of yesterday all over the world, poniéndoles sus tablazos por las nachas y la chicharra en el overthere

  12. What if this women would not give the location of your family member that she and her group has kidnapped? If it was me I would be O.K with the way the police got the info out of her. The problem is now we are sliding down a slippery slope in regards to Law and order. I have lived in Guerrero on and off for 25 years. Law and Order does not exist in the State of Guerrero. Maybe this is why the business community will have a meeting in Acapulco next week. Main item on Agenda: Business owners want to carry weapons legally .

    1. What if arresting and interrogating while torturing people "worked"?
      all the crimes in mexico would be cleared by the truckload by just torturing "street trash" into confessing to them, because there is no money for napalm for all that "trash".

  13. There was a formal apology given by the secretary of defense in regards to the torture, evidently this the first time that this has happened.

    1. @10:01. GREAT FIND. Excerpts from the story;
      " In a message to more than 26 thousand items of troops, General Cienfuegos Zepeda lamented the behavior of some soldiers and said that "those who act as criminals and disobey, are not worthy of belonging to the armed forces."
      "I have met with you today because it is necessary to express our outrage at what happened in Ajuchitlán del Progreso, on behalf of all of us in the institution I offer an apology to the victims," ​​he said.
      This is the first time a Secretary of Defense apologizes for cases of torture."

      This is big news.

    2. I don't know what happened in Ajuchitan del Progreso, but I am sure the "victims" ran to the bank to deposit general Cienpedos apologies...
      -All BS in the manner of the American Way "mistakes were made"
      --Soon some mexican politician will start saying "they were murdered, SO?

    3. At his age, "general" Cienpedos must have been there for MEXICO 68 AND OCTOBER 2 HALCONAZOS, and all subsequent encounters with the rabble/trash...

  14. If you Mexicans want change its all up to you...instead of an Arab Spring we ll call it a Mexican Summer....

    1. In Mexico is the wild wild west and we will live with it.

    2. @ Brad Sweet; April 16, 2016 at 10:13 AM
      @ BB staff and readers

      Re: a la 'Arab Spring'

      Would you mind if we call it 'Mexican Fiesta' instead of Mexican Summer?

  15. Here is the article in regards to the upcoming meeting in Acapulco, so that Business owners can carry weapons.

    1. Permits to carry?

    2. Weapons permits are for rich businessmen only, and maybe ooliticians...
      --the poor will have to be ready with their ransoms as usual.

  16. Sorry, but it's past time to take the gloves off!! She was tortured, not killed. And she's a scumbag not an innocent victim of the narco violence. She's a player in the big game of drugs and guns. Sorry, but she gets no sympathy here. Viva Mexico!!

    1. funny that you say she is a player , what about the americans who buy the dope that is the cause of all this mayhem !!! ViVa USA!!!

    2. 5:45....They dont do the dirty work..ultimatly it comes down to personal responsibility. .i dont see any mexican jehovahs witnesses doing nasty and blaming it on the drug customers.
      Try again

    3. She was terrorized, not tortured...
      --it looks kind of fake, careful, kind of "directed by the good guy" of the good guy/bad guy couple.

  17. Everyone is trying to determine innocent or guilty here. Blaming the government for being corrupt. I agree there is a high volume of corruption within the government there. However with that said a person can easily say there are a few people in the military as well as police forces that you can say aren't corrupt. Just trying to make life better there. No one can name a criminal group that is not corrupt or bad that is making life better. People praised Chapo for doing this and that for people, yet do not condemn his criminal acts. This comment is not reflecting on BB at all. Just an observation of comments in various post. I would think it would be hard to say innocent until proven guilty in a country where people are freed without a reasonable explanation, where money decides your guilt. It is troubling that these forces abused this young ladcy, when a proper court hearing makes the determination. Yet we must remember these are the folks that caught her. So if the allegations are true, they were there and saw it first hand. Their tactics are wrong, but what exactly did she have. Only the authorities and this young lady really know. We say she should pay for her crimes, but will she pay? Or will she simply pay?

    1. 11:39 I have to agree with you . If she was a kidnapper , what she was going through was mild compared to what she deserves . Of coarse I don't know anything about it . The torture seemed to be pretty mild for bad people to be doing. Why would they pick up a innocent person and try to make them tell the location of another . You think they found the other in sunday school ?

    2. The military were not there during the "kidnapping"...
      --the kidnappers would not have had time to hide the victims, just because they arrest anybody and try to make them confess that takes the mexican army fool proof, they are just making practicing "perfecting the fabrication of false positives"

  18. If it's true she's part of a kidnapping ring then I don't have sympathy for blows my mind how many people will come and say no matter what she did she didn't deserve that type of treatment. ...would people on this forum come to the defense of z 40 if you saw him crying with a bag on his head? Narcos are narcos

  19. Ok. Now that i know she actually was part of doin shit like kidnapping then the soldier and federal ladys torturing her did a good job 👍

    1. 2:32 how do you "know" she is a kidnapper, genius?

  20. Calm down everybody it's just a movie.

    1. 3:04 tell that to the stupids...

  21. Karma is a bitch...

  22. For anyone saying she's innocent I seriously doubt Mexican soldiers and police would just torture an innocent woman if she had nothing to do with any crime. More than likely they were trying to find information out about where the kidnapping victims were so if thats the case then its good. Sometimes you have to play outside the law to save lives. F--k her.

    1. @4:48. Yes, I am saying she is innocent - until if and when she is pronounced guilty in a open and fair trial.

      As to your "serious doubts that Mexican soldiers and police would just torture an innocent woman if she had nothing to do with any crime, you have not done a lot of reading about "justice" in Mexico. It is not uncommon for police to take someone off the street, and using torture force them to sign a confession for a crime that had nothing to do with or even heard of. The police may be under pressure to "solve" a crime quickly, so they just take someone off street, get a "confession". Or they may force a "confession" to cover their (police) complicity in a crime.

      Mexico has laws against torture, Mexico is signatory on several UN treaties that define torture as a crime, The US and most countries have laws against torture. Law Enforcement and security agencies of most countries say that confessions obtained under torture are unreliable. Sometimes it results in innocent people locked up and the criminals still on the street.

      So what I see when I look at the video is the 2 soldier and the police breaking the law thereby being the only known criminals shown in the video.

      After the video became public, even General Cienfuegos Zepeda, the Mexico Secretary of Defense told a group of 26,000 soldiers
      "those that act as criminals and disobey are not worthy of belonging to the armed forces.....I have met with you today because it is necessary to express our outrage at what happened in Ajuchitlán del Progreso, on behalf of all of us in the institution I offer an apology to the victims"

      Though Amnesty International and the Human Rights Commission of the UN have documented have documented several thousand cases of Human Rights abuses (including torture) thie is the first time that a Secretary of Defense has apologized for a case of torture.

    2. The disappearance of 43 students for hijacking buses to go to mexico city and protest/march en el DF to conmemorate the October 2 Halconazo, after murdering 7 other people during their heroic operation proves the mexican government signs treaties about human rights they have no intention to respect, they have also protected all the military on the scene, the military bases, and all the military communications records, less the guerreros unidos or los rojos or los rastrojos break open the mexican military super-important military secrets...

    3. No such thing as "open and fair trial" here in Mexico. They are closed and biased. Guilt depends on who you are.

    4. The judicial trial system is based on the Napoleonic Code and consists of a series of fact-gathering hearings. The record of the proceeding is not available to the public.

  23. Instant info age we live in now is a game changer. Think how much went on before everyone had a smart phone to record it and send it instantly around the globe. Definately has helped prove the innocence of people being lied about. And proved the guilt of those lieing. Just sonething to ponder....

  24. @To all the comments saying she got what she deserved;

    I have said my piece. Only one more thing that I could add: Your opinions expressed here were made after you found out she was in prison (awaiting trial, not convicted of anything).

    I think many of you are from the US, maybe most of you and that surprises me. Do you realize that what you are espousing is the exactly the same philosophy that the old judicial system in Mexico was based on; "you are quilty until proven innocent".

    To put it another way, under the old system if a defendant asked a judge

    Def. "Why am I in jail"
    Judge answers; "Because you are a criminal"
    Def. "Why do you think I am a criminal"
    Judge answers; "Because you are in jail."

    As my daddy used to say to me, "I feel like I am talking to a fence post".

    1. I think after I understood she was accused of kidnapping. Sure there maybe some innocents in there . If .If were to be questioning a person that showed all the signs of criminal intent as she is ALLEGED . There was a innocent kidnap victim I was trying to locate and I was a Mexican cop that could get away with it . I would use those techniques to scare the shit out of her . Then I would break out some sort of torture tool that I would never use and make her think I would .
      If she is a innocent victim they were wrong .
      But if they really had reason to believe she was involved in a kidnapping ..... How far do you think they should go when they believe they are questioning some one who could locate your kidnapped daughter ?
      If I caught some one who kidnapped any of my family , it would be a slow brutal death .

    2. Oh come on DD you really think she is not guilty of something? Please!!! Is almost like of I was to go around saying that Chapo's mother doesn't enjoy the blood money that her provides for all of them.

      Also you might need to learn a little more about Mexico. Not everything is black and white.

    3. 4:28 just for you, mexico is 50 Shades of Grey pues, güey.

    4. Anon 2:09 am grew tienes el Culichi because we don't have that many colors in Mexico. Only black and white.

    5. 4.28
      Your wasting your breadth,he is an ex-pat who now thinks he knows the true soul and people of Mexico,only he knows the truth not even Mexicans know.Nothing worse than an ex-anything

  25. Those who would give up their rights at the expense of liberty deserve niether.....@5:34
    Aka: her rights are your rights stupid. She sshould be set free regardless of whether this is true or not. Because it it more dangerous for the government to restrict freedom than for a dangerous criminal to go free. Because when it is your turn to be tortured and be forced to sign that confession you have no recourse. And guess what the US is becoming more and more like Mexico where law enforcement just wipes their ass qith the constitution disregarding our civil rights. And its people like you that facilitate its corruption by being okay With extra judicial crimes commited by our brave men and women of law enforcement.

  26. hard to judge either way, these guys are fighting a war, its the military, its not fighting crime in chicago, and chicagos called chiraq, remember theres rpgs being used, military copters going down, special forces being lost, ror a lot of people in mexico any day can be there 9.11, on any side, civilian, criminal, law enforcement military. everybody thats read this story has also seen women, men, children posting photos with guns, bodies, heads, etc..etc..unbeleivable its going on..myself im past disgust..just numb to it.

  27. EPN tries to paint a pretty picture about a strong Mexican democracy and it's intutuions being fair and transparent when in reality its a democracy that is weak, with failing institutions that are led by corrupt, inept and clueless leaders who cannot be trusted to do the right thing as civil servants. In spite of what appears to be horrible things this woman did it shouldnt result to torture at the gands of sone beat cops to get to the bottom of an investigation. This is bad PR once again for Mexican police and its leadership brass who agsin cover the hard line truths with lies and deception. Is it no wonder why then they are not trusted by the general populace.

  28. Why dont they traet king pins like this?

    1. 11:57 kingpins don't get treated like this because their partners in government don't want them talking, OBVIOUSLY...

  29. It amazes me how many people on this shit don't realize exactly how corrupt the government is in Mexico, and how many people in Mexican prison are simply caught up in the limbo of the fucked up judicial system... This is just the fucking government trying to cover its tracks. By the way where the fuck are the missing students?

    1. 12:20 el señor Presidente de la Republica Mexicana, Ciudadano Licenciado Enrique Peña Nieto, ya quiere que se olviden de 'eso' por favor, y vamos a ponernos a trabajar en serio, todas empinaditas "por el projecto de nacion"

  30. DD you are wasting breath and time my friend, these are folks who cry 2nd amendment and free speech at the first sight of trouble, and talk out of their asses from the comforts provided to them by those of us who truly go after evil in the dark... They will never understand how fucked up the system is in Mexico.

    1. Oh please explain because I also think people here read to many newspapers and in reality know little about Mexico.

  31. Sophicate with a bag over your head for 4 min and tell me if you wouldn't open your mouth we all now this is a lie pressed charges on her so Mex Government can look good

  32. People are making a big deal out of this. If she is working for the cartels, then she got what she deserves. The cartels torture & mutilate people everyday. Innocent people. If she is working for those sick bastards, then I say give her the water.

    If this was a cartel sicario torturing another person, all of you hypocrites would be on here hollering, "where's the policia?"

    1. That's exactly what I think. Unless I know for sure that she is innocent I can not feel sorry for her. Unfortunately Mexico has to many criminals to think that she is not a cartel member.

  33. Who know what she deserves and what she doesnt,she may be the worst,she may be the least but still a member ?
    Either way ill give her some je t'aime je vais je vais et je viens Entre tes reins et je me re-tiens.
    Putting bags an shit on her head to suffocate her?It could have been worse as well.Mexico is different man, realize

  34. Fully half of the comments are o.k. with this torture. We all hate the cartel violence or any criminal violence, but first of all, torture does not work. If you're innocent you'll say anything to get that bag off yor head. They're job is to arrest, that's all. None of us here know what her involvement is or if she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. It's not about her, it's about you and me and our kids or grand kids who can become the victims of this extrajudicial torture. No system is perfect and there is a part of all of us that wants to put that bag over her head, but it's not the right way to deal with crime. That's why both the US and Mexico have a Constitution that must be followed. You can't give LE or the military too much power, because EVERY time, that power will lead to abuse. The victims end up being the innocent, in the wrong place at the wrong time. If you really want to torture criminals, get a law past to eg. crucify them after they have had they're day in court. Public hangings used to be the norm. But follow the Rule of Law.

    1. @8:45 Thank you Cary, someone else who understands what this story is about. I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks again

  35. This is what the cattle prod was meant for, people like her.


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