Subject Matter: CJNG, Tepalcatepec, Michoacan, Tijuana, Baja California
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required
The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion has expanded and consolidated its control of narco trafficking of drugs in Jalisco and its neighbouring States, they have rivals like Los Zetas and the Knights Templar. Now this group seeks to take control of Tepalcatepec but is also intent on control of the North of the Country frontier of Tijuana in Baja California
Reporter: Sinembargo Redaction
The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion is seeking to control the town of Tepalcatepec, localized in the Tierra Caliente region of Michoacan, known for being the birthplace of autodefensas that marks three years since they took up arms to fight the Knights Templar who controlled this zone as one of their principal centres for drug distribution.
"The Cartel is trying to penetrate into the community and take charge of all the the city, they want to control the black market for cooking drugs, extortion of business owners, kidnapping and killing people", said Jueventillo Cisneros, Chief of the Fuerzas Rural and ex member of the Tepalcatepec autodefensas.
Cisnero was one of the principal representatives of the autodefensas
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Juventillo Cisneros, Commandante Tilin |
another one of the members of this group of civilians that took up arms on 23rd of January of 2013 was the Doctor Jose Manuel Mireles, another originating from Tepalcatepec, and who now is found in prison in the Maximum Seucrity Cefereso in the city of Hermosillo after having been arrested in June of 2014 in possession of fire arms for exclusive use of the armed forces, the same one that, his defense has insisted were given by the Mexican Government to combat the drug Cartels.
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Leaders of the Michoacan autodefensas, Cisnero is second on right. click to enlarge |
Together with Mireles other leaders emerged in the autodefensas. Such as the case of Misael Gonzalez, leader in Coalcoman and far left in above photo. Hipolito Mora, chief of La Ruana autodefensas, Estanislao Beltran "Papa Pitufo" or "Papa Smurf", spokesman of the movement and Juventino Cisneros, now Chief of Police in Tepalcatepec. The majority of them received places in the Fuerzas Rurales of Michoacan, a Police body that sought to integrate the combatants from the autodefensas.
It was not that way for Mireles or Mora. Hipolito was in prison for more than 2 months. Meanwhile Mireles is still in prison following the refusals to release him. Different voices have been seen in his detention in a political vendetta as a result of criticisms made by the Dr to the then Federal Commissioner Alfredo Castillo Cervantes.
Now after the dissolution of the autodefensas and the imprisonment of some of their leaders, a new criminal group threatens Tepalcatepec in the void left by the Knights Templar, Juventillo Cisneros elements are still superior in number, but " we don't know for how much longer we can maintain control".
The CJNG and "El Mencho"
The leader of the CJNG, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "El Mencho", is originally from the Tierra Caliente of Michoacan. According to the Treasury Dept of the United States, he has been involved in drug trafficking activities since 1990. In all, and according to insight crime, in 1994 a District Court of California condemned him to 3 years in prison for distribution of heroin.
The organization dedicated to the investigation and the analysis of organized crime in Latin America and Carribean refer that after his liberation from United States, "El Mencho" returned to Mexico, where he was employed as a Policeman in Cabo Corrientes and Tomatlan, in Jalisco. With time, he left the Police and joined a cell of the Milenio Cartel that were allied with the head of the Sinaloa Cartel Ignacio Coronel Villarreal, alias "Nacho Coronel", after the death of Villarreal, El Mencho founded the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion.
The reports give accounts of how the CJNG has expanded and consolidated its control of drug trafficking in Jalisco and its neighbouring States, had as rivals Los Zetas and before the Knights Templar. Now this group seeks to take control of Tepalcatepec, and also intend to control the Northern frontier of Tijuana in Baja California.
For Russ Baer, an agent of the DEA, the CJNG "is one of the most powerful Cartels in Mexico", that also "operate cells inside the United States. In one declaration, Baer explained that " the CJNG has expanded rapidly its criminal empire in the last few years by violence and corruption.
A recent example of the use of violence to control different areas of the country, is that which occurred in Tijuana. At the start of 2016, the State that occupied the third place nationally in number of violent homicides was Baja California almost duplicates the number recorded in a year. Meanwhile at the start of 2015 it had registered 52 killings, this past January this level had risen to 99.
A report published in the middle of February the Los Angeles Times gave account of State Functionaries who saw a relationship between the increased presence of this group and the increase in killings that began last spring ans which has continued until the beginning of this year.
The North American news outlet detailed a series of narco mantas that they left together with hanging bodies or mutilated cadavers, " the narco trafficking group most recently born, the CJNG can now be found in Tijuana and they are fighting to expand their influence".
The Times mentioned that the killings associated with drugs represented more than 80% of the 670 homicides in Tijuana in the year 2015, the highest number in 5 years, according to data from the Attorney General of Baja California. The media says that a total of 71 homicides in January marked the most violent year in Tijuana since 2010.
Daniel de la Rosa, Secretary for Public Security in Baja California, said to the Los Angeles Times that the CJNG doesnt have a significant presence in the State, although it has focused on the creation of alliances with members of the underworld of Tijuana in an attempt to challenge the Sinaloa Cartel, "which has been widely recognized in recent years as the dominant drug trafficking group in the city".
The Expansion of the Cartel
As well as their alliances, the CJNG has carried out a campaign of public recruitment by means of leaflet distribution that promises high salaries and good benefits. (Otis: taking a leaf out of Los Zetas book here). Experts consulted by The Associated Press explained that in recent days this tactic reflects the growing power of the criminal organization.
Raul Benitez, a security specialist who teaches political sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, said to the American Agency that the Cartel Jalisco is far from being degraded and, on the contrary, clearly is expanding.
"They are pentrating all of the structures that were left vacant by the Knights Templar and the Sinaloa Cartel", said Benitez
The specialist signalled that the Sinaloa Cartel is abandoning the area because of "El Chapo", referring to the capture in January of the Capo of the drugs Joaquin Guzman, and of Jalisco " its the unique cartel that one can say is in expansion", he added.
The last point was confirmed by the business STRATFOR that cites data of the DEA referring that the CJNG want to snatch key territories from the criminal group of Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, the Sinaloa Cartel.
For STRATFOR, the CJNG has taken advantage of splits in the Sinaloa Cartel, and together with Los Cuinis have taken advantage of the breakdown of the other bands of drug traffickers, to win territory.
The report mentions that the CJNG is participating in the dispute for control of the frontier towns of Tijuana, Ensenada and Rosarito, Baja California, that until a few months ago were maintained by the criminal organizations of the Cartel Arellano Felix and the Cartel of El Chapo.
According to the authorities of Baja California, the CJNG seeks to reinforce its presence in that zone adjacent to the United States, to snatch the actual domination that is maintained by El Chapo Guzman and the Sinaloa Cartel.
Notwithstanding, it also has a presence in the Tierra Caliente of Michoacan.
"The Government of Morelia, had no idea that we were confronting them here, if the Politicians would permit us, we could do to the CJNG what we did to the Knights Templar in a matter of months", affirmed Cisnero.
"Its the responsibility of the Goverment to protect its citizens, but it does nothing. The Cartels have all the illicit funds they need to advance in weapons and high tech. Then, how does one suppose we are to fight against them when we are in bankruptcy?", he denounced.
Despite the abadonment by authorities that he denounces, the former leader of the autodefensas said; "we will do what is necessary to combat the Cartel, if they come for me, at least I will die fighting".
Original article in Spanish at Sinembargo
Cjng are pigs they do that to there own people
ReplyDeleteSad to say but that cartel has presence there and many other places because he brings alot to the table. He has money, conections and he is willing to work with other cartels to share plazas instead of like chapo or zetas that just wanted all or nothing and caused wars. I see mencho achieving what chapo was after all his criminal careercarrer such is have control of most main plazas
ReplyDeleteNemesio Oseguera Cervantes Ramos will work with others briefly,until he finds out who is who within the structure along with routes,then he will attempt to take it all.greedy,untrustworthy is cjng with their brainwashed members smoking that bitch~crystalmeth
DeleteI saw that movie, The Body Snatchers, cjng work it by the book, with help from the federal government and the whole army and marinas and police and paramilitary...
Delete--hey, they can use the help, is all paid for anyway...
Can we get an article about Pena niieto and his corrupt ass friends moving money off shores, 100 million dollars. How are you gonna stop, prevent, slow down drugs when your lying and hiding money probably all over the world?
ReplyDeleteOf 25 most expensive presidential airplanes, including Arab sheiks, grand visirs,queens and princesses, and her royal highness saddam Obama, the imperial US presidente for life, enrique peña nieto's presidential plane, bought by the Fecalato, cost 750 million dollars...the most expensive, must have taken 400 millones of kickbacks for fecal to buy it...
DeleteDD has one in draft which I'm sure will be out to ya'll soon
DeleteOtis could have at least some opinion if it is not much asking for, about the Panama Papers, and the need to END SECRECY AS A RIGHT OF THE STATE, and what is worse, the way government officers use that secrecy to protect their own arseholes from the consequences of their crimes right at the planning stage.
Delete--Feel free, oblige.
Deposits for over more than 2 000 billion dollars from the mexican satrapy and family and friends...even la chuky's mom has deposits there...
Delete2 000 million dollars=2 billion dollars
El mencho the new chapo, I'm sure he's working hard hand and hand with nieto transferring millions to overseas accounts to hide money. How much money do people need, greedy bastards.
ReplyDeleteChapo's a chump compared to mencho.. Chapo is a bad ass only in corridos, fake at that lol
DeleteDespite the notoriety they recently have gained sources from pgr says they are less competent from the old school cartels, mencho is continuously in the hiding and very scare of federales, a bunch of right hand fellows run the casa, in addition note that he is not much wired and connected with the police and state agencies. From the other side of the border though stratford data denies any serious involvement and big deal shipments from cjng.
ReplyDeleteStratford and Pgr always contradict themselves. they just inform the sheep (us) what they feel like it. No real information
DeleteStratford don't know nothin'...
Delete--and the PGR has always been inferior because the PGR loooves their mordidas and kickbacks, they will not be played or be taken to bed for a fools, eso si, "no hablen maaal del pinchi gobierno de mierda" porque se los carga la chingada...
Cjng promises enrichment in lots of maruchan lol
ReplyDelete11:55 you need to promise bisté or nobody will volunteer, later on the recruits will have to chose, maruchan o unas patadas en el fundillo o tablazos o la motosierra...
DeleteEl mencho was promised $ a lot of $$$, I think he knows better now, he is in the trap, about to be hunted down like other great capos, el mexicano, pablo y don Arturo.
Delete--pinchi mencho must be feeling real lonely now...
Any bets that Mencho does not look like that picture no more?
ReplyDeleteThe DR had the perfect prescription for the bad guys mencho would be in hell right now if mireles was out
Mencho would of blown the Dr. just like that Marine Helicopter hahahaha
DeleteLa Mencha and El Traficanteas Poderoso de Tierra Caliente almost got rid of Dr Mireles, for traveling on El Migueladas avión, Miguel Angel Gallegos Godoy got rid of the CT after demonizing them with crimes his own guys did, for the purpose.
DeleteKike Plancarte Solis y El Chayo were getting too greedy and too sticky...back to la familia y la mencha.
BB, please do something with these outrageous statements by the Governor of Guerrero:
ReplyDelete–Pues que todo está relacionado con lo que tú acabas de mencionar, no fue un asunto ni contra turistas ni contra ciudadanos que estuvieran en su oficina o haciendo algo en especial, todo fue relacionado fundamentalmente con asuntos de droga y con asuntos también de cobro de piso. (victims of extortion are not citizens?)
–Yo no estoy minimizando nada. Lo que yo haría, y te convoco a ti también especialmente, para que nos ayuden a que la gente hable menos de las desafortunadas circunstancias que vive Guerrero. Me llamó la atención lo que el otro día dijo alguien en Zihuatanejo, que ellos estaban muy conscientes de lo que vivían, pero que a ellos les interesaba que hubiera turismo y hubiera empleo, y que por eso cada día en Zihuatanejo todos hacían un convenio de silencio a efecto de que estuviera el turismo repleto al 100 por ciento como está Zihuatanejo. Yo creo que los medios juegan un papel importantísimo, especialmente los locales. “Hablen bien de Acapulco, habla bien de Acapulco, habla bien de Acapulco, habla bien de Acapulco, hablen bien de Acapulco." (Media, let's have a code of silence about crime in Acapulco, like they do in Zihuatanejo).
The AD movement was partly funded by CJNG. A lesser of two evils. Mencho is backed by some very wealthy people. These guys don't want corridos written about them they will pay to stay in the shadows. CJNG has been in Michoacán for a long time I just hope they don't turn out to be like La Puta Tuta taxing old ladies selling tamales in the street corner.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the good DR will never be freed for the remainder of his lifetime , Release dates have come and gone. Nothing changes Cartels will always be in control due to massive amounts of money.
ReplyDeleteWell Mencho's no longer under the radar anymore.Maybe was for years and allowed him to be incognito that he even existed but like all Capos that get famous he's too high profile now but question is when he goes down who will take his place?Isn't Mencho in his 40's?That's a really old pic of him then,he looks in late teens or early 20's!
ReplyDeleteHe's in his prime, I doubt he will get captured soon. Not alot of people know him him or his brother n laws cuinis. Not flashy or needing attention from media or take songs about how brave and smart he is like chapo or these sinaloas.
DeleteAutodefensas was turning into a cartel before the government shut it down. That being said, I would take Dr. Mireles and his militia over El Mencho and the CJNG any day of the week. Haven't the people of Michoacán been through enough? La Tuta was enough.
ReplyDeleteThe CT had a lot of patience allowing the AutoDefensas to go all over the place, shepherded by el mexican army and federal police sent by el DF for the purpose that shows they were not so bad, problem was when the AutoDefensas allowed the criminals to join them, and got taken over, because the federal government had a plan already, an they were the ones killing and extorting the people, blaming ct who did not need any of it, they had avocados, lemmons, iron ores, and music del Plan Plancartel...
DeleteBerry fertile land in Tierra caliente, that's why many cartels want it. You got illegal mining, drug production, agriculture and the biggest port in the western hemesphere (lazaro Cardenas) bringing in and shipping out $$$
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight! Cjng and others running amok while the dr is in prison for weapons violations like the narcos dont have weapons lol! This doesnt need explaining! The world looks at this and knows who the real gangsters are and it aint cjng!
ReplyDeleteActually that means cjng are the cartel (gangsters) what do you mean their not?
DeleteThe federal government allows for both the imprisonment of Mireles and expansion of cjng all over mexico, because of $$$, they are the federal government gangsters, they must be getting another gang ready, these cjng tan muy quemados ya.