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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Killed for refusing to work for Sinaloa Cartel...

Posted by Lucio R for Borderland Beat Republished from VICE

Note:  BB readers will recall those people displaced, shot at and homes destroyed by helicopter fire during the hunt for Chapo...these are those people.  BB has long reported about Sinaloa forcing these people into organized crime activities. In 2014 BB reported a story of 5 killed for refusing to work for Sinaloa. Read that story at this link

This is the first story in a three-part series on the impact Mexico's drug wars is having on indigenous people — a project by Dromómanos, VICE News, and Periodísmo CIDE with the support of the W.K. Kelloggs Foundation.

By Dromómanos, CIDE, and VICE News

inaloa cartel hitmen killed 18-year-old Benjamín Sánchez on February 26 2015, after he refused to work for them.

A month later Cruz Sánchez, Benjamín's father, was on his way back from visiting the authorities in the nearest big city to their village in the mountains. As he made his way home he received a call from a friend, warning him that the same men who had killed his son were waiting for him on the road.

Cruz left his pickup and continued his journey by foot in order to avoid the gunmen. It took him eight hours walking along mountain trails to get to his community of El Manzano.

Three days later, the gunmen were back. This time two of Sanchez's children heard a voice screaming "finish them off" as they walked to a local shop in the village to buy food. They ran to the house of a relative and grabbed the rifles most families keep in order to scare away the coyotes that roam the area.

The shootout lasted for seven hours. A cartel hitman died and one of Sánchez's sons received three bullets. The military arrived after nightfall. The family decided it was time to leave.

El Manzano lies in the southern part of the Tarahumara mountain range in the northern state of Chihuahua. It is a vast area of enormous natural beauty famed for its ravines deeper than the Grand Canyon, the vibrant culture of the indigenous Rarámuri communities that pepper the mountainsides, as well as a long tradition of cultivating marijuana and opium poppy.

There used to be 34 families living in El Manzano, almost all of them Rarámuri. According to two former residents, the drug business didn't used to interfere with the community. They said that the cartels pretty much left them to work in their fields and tend to their animals in peace. There was nothing to stop them gathering together in their ceremonial centers and performing rituals during fiestas they believe help heal, restore order, and keep chaos at bay.

But these locals say things changed abruptly two years ago when some community leaders were recruited by organized crime. Corn made way for poppies, and residents stopped their communal gatherings, opting instead to keep a low profile hidden away in their farms.

"They wanted the locals to work for them and join their group," said Sánchez, who claimed the gunmen came from the neighboring state of Sinaloa. "Almost everyone is put to work [growing poppy] on their own land. That group controls several municipalities."

After the Sánchez family left El Manzano fearful for their lives, others soon followed until there was almost nobody left.

Two months ago a group of armed men rolled into the community to strip the few who remained of their land. The last family in town had to hide in the pine forests around the village for three days. They watched their community disappear from a distance. Their cattle, clothes, and food were stolen. Their farms were razed to the ground.

The gunmen gave the family three options: they could grow poppy, run away, or die. Once they left there were no more families to threaten.
El Manzano's pain is just one of many tragedies in the Tarahumara where the indigenous population has become increasingly trapped since president Felipe Calderón launched a military-led offensive against the cartels almost a decade ago, triggering the country's vicious drug wars.

Today, groups of armed men are visible at road intersections, where paved and dirt roads come together. There's a self-imposed six o'clock curfew in several communities.

The remains of burnt vehicles lie along the path that leads to the community of Samachique where locals say a massive confrontation involving more than 50 gunmen took place last year and was never investigated. The locals do not speak much. They are silenced by fear.

One of the few Rarámuris who dared to speak, as long as his name was not published, said that the day prior to our conversation an acquaintance knocked on his door in very bad shape and said he had escaped from a poppy plantation.

"Right now they are harvesting their stuff, so they need a lot of people. They search the community and abduct them," the man said. "They never pay them."
The man said that the cartel had tried to recruit him last year, but he had managed to slip away and had gone to work picking apples elsewhere in the state instead.

"What's happening is that the cartels are multiplying. There are two [the Sinaloa and Juárez cartels] but they have split and now they are everywhere," said Isela González, director of Sierra Madre, a NGO that defends the land rights of indigenous people. "There are more guns, more drugs, and nonstop drug farming."

González has worked for almost two decades with Rarámuri communities, but death threats mean she has not been able to set foot in the mountains since 2013. At that time the municipality where she was working had a homicide rate of 164 per 100,000 residents, according to the Citizen Observatory of Violence, about four times higher than the rate for the entire state that year.

"What fight against drug cartels? Everything is done in broad daylight, under the noses of the police and the military," González said. "With that much impunity there has to be collusion from the authorities."

Story read full VICE story use this link...

These indigenous peoples are among the fastest people on earth...Read BB Archive  "unwilling drug runners" story here 

"The fall of Robin Hood" use this link


  1. Sinaloenses are worse than the zetas

    1. They're all the same dummy

    2. @9:47 zetas have killed way more innocent people than any other cartels in mexico. But I'm hundred percent sure that every cartel has those guys that respect innocents and are only in to make easy money and those guys that want to terrorize society for power, growth, and warnings

    3. I don't think we have the numbers to say which Mexican terrorist-drug cartel has killed more innocent people. The thing is that there was/is more media coverage when the zetas killed innocent people. The media was not censored during the Calderon era & the zetas were not discrete with their killings. The sinaloa cartel was either discrete with their killings of innocent people or the government simply covered it up. I believe Calderon was pro CDS.

    4. Their all scum bags.

    5. Kill the demand u kill the supply.
      Unfortunately they cant. Never ending.

    6. 6:39 what works is kill the plaza seller for not taking care of business, part of it is taking care of trouble makers, and since the heath gets to the cartel boss, he better cook hisself a menudo, pozole or a Carne asada with the big pig from the corral.

    7. Pinche CDS parasites. Go to your own state and terrorize your own people. Oh that's right BLO has got you run out of Sinaloa and it appears Mayo maybe washing his hands of you. Tisk Tisk!!!

    8. Mexican "organized" racketeering terrorist organizations.

    9. Shows that those brainless fucks who scream that those killed in the War On Drugs deserve it dont know what they are talking about.

    10. State sponsored terrorism just want everybody to
      "shut the fack up" while they steal it all everywhere.
      --That's how the US do it...for the last 70 years, as it gets older, it gets bolder...loaded with experience and ignorance.

  2. People in Juarez know very well that CDS causes more harm than it claims to cause. If they don't, now they do! The only reason more stories like this one don't come out in newspapers much is because these people that get killed lived in very remote villages and such where there are hardly any reporters and those that are there are threatened with death if they report the truth! Fuckin CDS can't hide this shit in bigger cities anymore though!

    1. The CDS are falling apart but what about the femecide that happens in cuidad Juarez?

      If you are the plaza boss you know who is killing of females and you control your city ! So don't say CDJ are angels, there are good people that do bad things and bad people that do bad things in any group.

      I just saw a news report of some zeta crying in a abulance stretcher after getting shot. I'm sure when he kidnapped the people he had hostage that he was not very nice to them. An example of a bad guy doing bad things.

      Mireles example of good guy doing bad things

      You see ?

    2. @1:21 Juarez cartel has never claimed to be saints unlike CDS. They have also lost many past leaders killed or imprisoned as well as learning from past mistakes. Past mistakes like disapearing and killing innocent women and girls leads to poor recruitment for CDJ hence this kind of practice has nearly if not entirely disappeared from the city. Women are still killed in Juarez (just like all over Mexico or the world), on occasion but this time it is because they are either involved in drugs themselves or because their husbands kill them or for whatever reasons women are killed in any city in the world!

    3. No region is as famous as cd juareeez for their women murdered and disappeared, except for estado de mexico and el DF...
      --Dr Mireles is a good guy, AND HE DID NO BAD THINGS, DON'T BE A STUPID ASS, he is just a political prisoner of epn.
      --the more aggressive exploitation of the farmers "since 2013" tells you, epn just got bolder, more unforgiving and ambitious than before, when epn was a pinche governor, cesar duarte has been up to increasing the revenues of his governorship to fatten his BANORTE account, you can safely blame them, la chapa and el mayo have never been accused of not paying their workers, that is something chilangos do including last rise of wages of 2.90 pesos a day, (not per hour) just before el peso lost one third of its value...
      But keep on demonizing pablo escibar, la chapa, el mayo, el barbas, even after they are dead, they keep beating up the mexican government...
      --because the mexican government is all full of shit...

    4. @11:27. Who the hell is saying Mireles is a bad guy? Juarez and Mireles have nothing to do with each other.
      You want to form a case for Mireles, thats fine!
      I'm not making a case for the CDJ. I live in El Paso TX and all I'm doing is stating facts that I have witnessed first hand.

    5. 1:28 quote:
      "Mireles example of a good guy doing bad things"
      The day the dotor got arrested, he was trying to get to el Gordo Valencia to help him, valencia was squealing like a stuck pig, he, his wife and his children got murdered, while the army prevented Mireles and co. From getting there to help, not the kind of "help" you would expect form the mexican army that went on to plant drugs and weapons in Dr Mireles car...

    6. May be the plaza boss himself did it or someone powerful.too many women missing and no one knows shit.c'mon.that's sick shit.

    7. Forgettabout it, soldiers and polesias disguised as marinas, marinas disguised as soldiers, polesias disguised as zetas, but all law enforcement are the worst cartel, and they will kill you for 3 pesos, and go claiming you was a terrorist, a narco, a sicario, ignorant and without education because of "your parents" did not educate you properly...
      --Right now it is operation demonize el chapo, la chapa, the cds...puras putas mamadas to generate prppaganda, degeneration and support for epn, and el "pri" party of ratas...

    8. @9:09 Que saves de la vida si nunca te a besado un burro? porke la gente ya abrio los ojos de el desmadre que hace el CDS le llamas propaganda? Como el compadre o cunado de el Chapo Enrique Calderon lo dejo subir tenia a toda la gente pensando que este cartel estaba lleno de puro Santo. Pero apuesto que tu ni si quiera vives en las areas que controla el CDS y no ves el desmadre que hacen y le crees a los corridos de este cartel.

    9. 7:23 la gente esta abrienndo los ojos, es cierto, se les salen los ojos de tan abiertos, sabes porque?
      --Se estan ahogando con tanta pinchi propaganda, que nunca resulta, no creo que se esta ahogando la gente con las ganancias petroleras, y otra shit de esas...

    10. @3:43 & 9:09. Si cabrones como no. Todo mundo es mentiroso y ratero y mierda menos el CDS! Loa corridos solo dicen la verdad (que les pagan los narcos que digan porke si no los ejecutan tambien). Pinche Mexico elegio a EPN por un voto casi unanime de toda la gente y todavia no termina una tercera parte de su carrera y ya es rata y quien sabe que mas. O que los Mexicanos no saben elegir un presidente o que? Y no salgan que cualqueir cabron se roba los votos sin tener pruebas de esto.

    11. 11:33 I believe that very old saying is "there is no honor among thieves .

  3. Replies
    1. Are you just gonna talk shit, or say something smart at some point. Stating the obvious is not a measure of anything except hubris.

    2. --Brad Sweet's smart ass fundillo hath spake smart ass popó...
      --don't blame his ass, he canadian like lyin' ted the many woman guy man boy...

  4. muchas gracias , Lucio
    Dios los bendigo los inocentes
    viva la raza

    1. gracias compa....there seems to be no end to the suffering of indigenous and migrants at the hands of cartels... LR

  5. Absolutely heartbreaking , I just read /watched the entire VICE piece.

  6. Any comment from big human-rights Shawn Penn about his big buddy Chapo and the CDS cartel!
    Of course, it doesn't fit the Penn narrative of Chapo a hero and a product of poverty and parasitic capitalism!

    1. That was well described:Parasitic Capitalism.I'm going to use that 1 for Cartels because that's exactly what it is!This is 1 of the worst human rights abuses I ever heard of.Just horrible.You would think that it is the 14th century.Is Mexico now Somalia?

    2. Pues no maa digo que No Sean Penn !!!

      Mission accomplished el chapo got busted
      But now sadly because the federation fell apart tey are fucking with normal people, a que federation tan culera sin ayuda gobernal ya no pueden

    3. 11:17 no mex is Not somilia..mex is mex,soon to be worst than your worst example if you dont do something.

  7. Bueno al menos no son yan mierdas como los michoacanos violando a las menores de edad and shit.

    1. think again, you are misinformed, Sinaloa not only rapes women migrants including minors, they force the young ones into the sex trade.

    2. Don't say things that you are sure about my friend, you are not even close to those areas to say that..don't misinform people like that..

    3. 6:15 I am sure you are not talking to Lucio, he absolutely knows the area where much of his family still resides and where he is from....

    4. Sinaloans are straight bandits you want to know what a raider is come to San Agustin or San Ignacio or pixatla or any Sierra of sinaloa gavillas run that real devil hounds rape drugs kidnapping robbery you name it no law the law is them

    5. All I'm saying to Lucio is don't try to pretend that michoacanos were doing all the killing ,extortion,rapes etc to their own people for more than 10 years,let's not forget about dr. Mirelles interviews on youtube. It's a fact Lucio.

    6. lucio did not say that, it was the guy before him.

    7. Hey Chivis do you follow the Facebook pages of the templarios or autodefensas? So far most of the things posted are true like the killing of El guero licea and the murder of el raton ex jefe de plaza de la piedad and the ongoing war in Michoacan

    8. The constant jibbing-jabbering about the biiig baad evil mexicans, I mean mexican narcos and cartels, leaves out the worst part of it, the mexican government "rogue agents" which means all of the mexican government, and the foreign "rogue agents" many of which are americans, and american muggers passing for "businessmen", just up and robbing the mexican state property, none of which belongs to peña nieto and co to sell away in a fire sale for promises of more promises to come
      "The narcos" got old a while ago...

    9. The guy that mentions that the narco corridos are PR for the CDS is right on the money. In LA the three major Spanish radio stations mainly play Sinaloa corridos and that plays big role on why there is so much support for el Chapo. People forget that CDS kidnapped indigenous people at the Tijuana boarder to build tunnels and then executed them after months of slave labor. Keep on singing to el Chapo he is honorable man just like the corridos say he is.

    10. 9:54 I'd rather hear corridos about anything and anybody than government sponsored and paid propaganda...

  8. Penn is just an actor...all he is capable of doing is "acting"... nothing worthwhile...wasn't or isn't he supporting the dictator Maduro in Venezuela that is causing total collapse there? Penn is a fucking lib idiot who has zero conception of reality.

  9. That is not how I spell my name and also not my narrative.

    - Sean Penn

    1. Sorry, Say-Ahn, we'll get it right next time.

    2. Exactly Lucio. All planned.

    3. Wow . Really didn't think Sean Penn would be thought of that way on this site . Guess him causing all you guy hero to be caught has an effect . Sean Penn is a excellent actor like Jane Fonda . I like neither of them because of their politics . A smart actor keeps his politics to himself . In any business if you reveal your politics you alienate half your business base.
      Sean Penndejo
      That's pretty good

    4. Yeah he's a good actor but he's an idiot. One of those 'celebrities' who pretends he cares about politics and Mexico's drug war cos he's got too much time on his hands. Sean Penn only cares about Sean Penn. He's a muppet.

    5. Lucio and Chivis are correct! Sinaloa used to run Jalisco and more specifically Puerto Vallarta. This city is world reknown for child prostitution much like Taiwan. Sinaloenses are or were all over the trade over there. Feast your eyes on this also. Guadalajara has the largest population of retired Americans living abroad in Mexico than any other city in the country. Puerto Vallarta is also a place where white collar Americans by the thousands run to conduct "business" meetings every year as well as for leisure! So if people think that Americans themselves do no harm in Mexico - think again!

    6. Well, soo many Americans living in mexico, there had to be a reason, or many, all of them underage...
      --facilitators are well rewarded...

  10. Wheres the sinaloa nuthuggers claiming CDS doesnt do this type of shit.

    1. CDS is in desperate times and it calls for desperate measures. What if in a couple years extorsion comes to culican itself. I wouldnt doubt it so much.

    2. 1:19 they are looking for a good excuse to refute this article. They will have a come back soon enough. They always come to the rescue of their beloved cartel.

    3. Only a complete idiot roots for a criminal organization and believes that a cartel would actually have morals. Smart youngers believe that el Mayo se apprecia y se estima

    4. CDS has been in a downfall for years now according to BB. The truth is chapo was nothing but another faction of what is a monster of a cartel. Chapo just happened to be the most famous of them all.

  11. Please everyone read ALL the links from the Vice News link Lucio included here ( thanks Lucio) we can all get more depressed together. How can this ever end ?
    I read that Kate is excited too that El Chapo may get extradited , it will be just great for her project ! for gods sake. I hope he takes the whole govt down with him.

    1. The world is fixated on the 43 students, and really that was business as usual and not the worse atrocity.

      where was VICE and the world press covering the kidnapping of 300 migrants in Sonora? I read the link and was damn angry that the story is not important enough for the world. big ass Kim K could share a little of her press time I am sure. or any other big assed Ks.

    2. 4:13 Nobody knows everything, honey...
      I wonder if you @4:13 could furnish an explanation of WHY 43 disappeared students matter so much to so many people?
      """Disappeared, I am not accusing he mexican federal government of any murdering wrongdoing, not just yet

    3. 12:00 I think the point 4:13 is making is , these atrocities get so little press here in the USA . The president of mexico could be caught eating children and most of the usa would never know . Everybody uses their idiot boxes to view idiot shit .So intern that's what gets broadcasted , idiot shit . These big ass whores and transsexual should be in a circus . Not in my living room. Mexico is the country bordering the US south . And is more tied to the US than any in the world . Still few know anything about the goings on .
      The Kardashians I don't know anything about them but have never understood why they are news

  12. Wait, wait, wait. All the BB experts (I mean meth smokers. keep telling us, that CDS isn't in Chihuahua anymore.

    1. does it matter whos where? they all kill . donde estas pancho villa ? mira tu gente bañandose en sangre y otros alabando basura

    2. I'm only trying to point out that facts matter, and opinions don't mean shit. We all have opinions, and they don't mean a damn thing. I agree, to hell with all cartel scum. Send your drugs north, and leave innocent people out of your BS.

    3. They said theyre not in Juarez you dumbass. Not all of chihuahua.

      It is about what you really do know, and to know, you bypass the controls and the governments info and so on and on and on and on...
      Beware of the government and their las uñas pintadas and their paleros

  13. This not news in n/w mexico. or here at BB, you guys have posting on this at least since 2012 when I began coming here. what is a positive move is a powerhouse news source like VICE is now reporting on the atrocities

  14. The Plata O Plomo rule still stands!

    1. Even Sinaloa doesn't pay their sicarios.

    2. 6:03 "sicarios" do not work farming grifa or poppies, güey, como eres pendejo, and they do not work as burros o mulas either, so don't even go there

  15. thank you for posting this, I would have missed the vice article had I not seen it here.

  16. I will take this news with a grain of salt because over the years I have read many articles like this one where people are said to be innocent when in reality they were working for another cartel. I think it was Michoacan or Guerrero where farmers were killed and family members said the narcos kill them because they want it their property to grow drugs and they said no. In reality they were working for another cartel.

    1. i think i remember that if it was the lime farmers ? but it was the owner of the land that had negocio con el cartel . the workers of the lime farm were executed because the owner was dirty.

    2. Michoacanos are the worst they even tax the limonseros

    3. The michoacanos do not "tax", the government does, and the drug traffickers steal properties, nurder, rape extort, disappear people, with government help, they may or may not be michoacanos, alfredo castillo and "la pancha"enrique francisco galindo ceballos are not michuacanuses...
      --They tax limoneros, aguacateros etc, but the limosneros? That is a new one...

  17. Sean Penndejo !
    luv it Lucio !

    1. Ah chale me la copio el compa

  18. Thanks for enlightening people of the CDS, most stories glamorize them. They say CDS don't mess with innocents but they are like any other cartel. They knew better than to work for them, these corridos are fake how they say sicarios make so much money working for them. Smh

  19. All cartels are the same parasites. Funny to hear people talking smack about CDS, while secretly cheering on another cartel. No cartel is good, any dumb fudge that believes that is a lost cause.

    1. funny how you are trying to reach a point so everyone can agree on and at the same time by defending cds. SMH

    2. Hey 8:12 I'll gladly take CDS any day over Los Zetas. Out of all the groups they're the lesser of all the evils. - El Sol Perdido

    3. I knew you were a CDS nut hugger. 8:38 perdido

    4. I don't cheer any cartel. No more than I supported Hamid Karzai but still didn't trust his ass. Necessary evils exist worldwide. I'd say go with the 1 that hasn't tarnished themselves 2 damn much. - El Sol Perdido

    5. 8:38 I would take Zetas over CDS. CDS are wolves disguised in sheep's clothing and Zetas are straight wolves in wolf clothing. You know what you are going to get when you are dealing with Zetas. The pink ladies are jotos who wouldn't dare fuck you face to face. They would rather stab you from the rear unlike the Zetas who come at you head up.

    6. 9:29 I sort of agree, the Z are shitbags but at least they let you know this, and you have to let them know youre not a bitch.
      I've only met 1-2 zetas that worked semi independent and weren't little bitches.
      Most of them need help for theit friends.

      Sinaloa Federation is all about that back stab life. When people talk shit about Sinaloa they should group the whole state as little bitches just the federation.

      CDJ and AFO are each other's competiion and from Sinaloa but they aren't little bitches.

  20. I think it is time for the UN to come together and all the nations work on tearing this organization down. They may be strong but not strong enough to take on an ally of countries. I don't care what people believe. Everyone hype these organizations up and realize in reality they are weak. Once the heat hits them, they turn on one another and blame one another. This should not only involve the US and Mexico. Other countries as well since the claim is their tentacles spread all over.

    1. Good idea.... . but then again...Would the UN then take over where was left off.Aren't they a global group of elites like bankers etc. or is that too right wing?

  21. i just saw a video about interviewing people of juarez and how chapo might be moved to u.s soil... they were saying they were happy because he deserves it for the violence he started in juarez

    1. Lies!
      Post the link liar

    2. 7:03 i saw that too it was by univision actually

    3. Hey por una torta i will vote to deport el chapo and epn too!
      As a matter of fack, I have been asked about a lot of shit when I am reading many reports, it is like our cell phones are for the benefit of any asshole that wants to sell shit and poo 💩 and piss and popo, they want to see my email address,name, location and all my webbos...phack'em mofos

    4. 7:03 You're wrong if you actually have 2 see a video in order 2 believe anything. I've always been a firm believer on hands on training. Come down 2 Juarez and see it with your own eyes what the majority of media just won't report 4 fear of reprisals. I don't doubt a video exists with people complaining about Chapo. Just as much as I wouldn't be surprised if said video was quickly removed. - El Sol Perdido

    5. Which chapo?
      Number3 or number1?
      Wasn't chapo number2 killed?

  22. Chihuahua is like Tamaulipas in shootings, theres 20+ dead but its never reported to the media

  23. Meanwhile the 42 are still missing

  24. If you are not in "the business" you never think it could affect you or your family. My son goes to a University in Monterrey. The last words I said to him when he left for college last year was "use your head and be careful. Monterrey can be a dangerous place just like any big city".

    He called late one night this week and said he had been robbed. He had taken his novia out for a birthday dinner and taken her home in a taxi. When he left her house he started walking to the Metro station to go home. (Walking alone late at night is not using your head or being careful).
    A taxi pulled up beside him, 2 "fat guys" got out and then the taxi driver joined them. They stuck a gun in his face and asked him what he had in his mochilla (back pack). He told them he had a laptop, his credentials, some school things and some personal things. They went through it, searched him, and said give us your cell phone. Then they left him and drove away.

    Maybe because I started out with the premise it was a mugging or robbery because that is what he thought had happened. But it didn't make sense. If it was street thugs our to rob him they would have just taken his mochilla, cell phone, what little cash he had etc.

    Reading these stories everyday on BB, I really felt stupid when it finally dawned on me what had happened. Some drug gang or cartel saw a young (20 yo) male, nicely dressed wearing a backpack walking on the street late at night and they wanted to make sure someone was not encroaching on their turf. They weren't interested in stealing his cell phone, they were checking him to see if he had a stash of drugs on him. If he had they would probably have put him in the taxi and taken him somewhere to "interrogate" him and it scares me to think what else.

    I don't think he uses any drugs, even pot. I have shown him the photos here on BB of corpses and decapitations over the years in an attempt to discourage him from using. Maybe it worked. If he had even had a couple of baggies or a few pills in his mochilla they might (likely would have) wanted to know who he bought them from and who he might have sold to.

    I wasn't terribly upset when he told me he had been robbed. Of course my wife went ballistic, but I told her all that had happened was he lost his cell phone and we should just be grateful he wasn't hurt.

    When I finally put 2+2 together and figure out what I think really happened, it scared the hell out of me to realize how close it could have been to the last time I ever talked to him. He could have been one of the "innocent" statistics.

    1. OMG DD.Scary shit.They didn't take his laptop?Why only the cell?So they could use it for a throwaway after a few uses.It sounds like you were on the money about them checking him out as a possible rival but Monterrey is a big city.He can't be the only lone male out at night and I'm sure being a student and on a date he didn't look like any of those stoned out bloated thugs we see here in the arrest photos.Is there a kind of self imposed curfew in that city at night?

    2. Those innocent statistics could happen anywhere in the world and danger is everywhere. Out of all the hundreds of childhood friends and the many relatives I have in Mexico only 2 were killed by criminals, one was involved in the drug trade and the other one was a robbery, he refused to give his wallet and was shot in the neck. At 43 years old I have had more friends and family killed by accidents, drug abuse and illnesses than by organized crime. Mexico is as dangerous as the police happens to be to black people in the USA.

    3. As a parent myself, that's a scary thought of what could of happened. I feel for you dd!

    4. Only taking the cell is what threw me off at first, but then it dawned on me that if they thought he might be dealing drugs, they would want to check his cell for contacts and text messages.

      Three guys with a gun confronting a kid to steal his cell phone just didn't make sense. Cell phones are too accessible and they could have bought 2 or 3 smart phones with what they could have sold the lap top for. They didn't want the cell phone - they wanted to see what was on his cell phone. Their intent was not robbery but protecting their turf.

    5. Remember blogger Felina @Miut3 from Valor Por Tamaulipas?Her cell phone was logged in to social media accounts and her blogger identity was found out,then she was killed.When cell phones are taken or stolen from people,it's not for just the phone,but for pictures,text messages,emails,social media accounts,etc.I would worry about it as you DD do not know what was within the cell phone 100%.Keep an open mind about the situation and be very cautious as to what occurred as it probably was not random.Maybe even have your son move and switch colleges?Safety for immediate family always should come first no matter how safe you may feel.I just keep remembering the Facebook page for Valor Por Tamaulipas when it was active.People would post images of people asking who they were and most of the time, they would get responses with names,locations which was scary sh!t.Just be careful DD and keep the faith.Much respect from DaGo

    6. 10:44 You refer to and compare this to the treatment of black people in the USA . I do believe there have been abuses of power against black people by police in the usa . There is also abuses against non blacks probably at the same rate .
      Here is a YouTube video of the original poster child before a policeman killed him claiming self defense . This is Michael Brown .

    7. I am very poor and broke, but I would never want my kids studying in any mexican "school", that is why I left "mexico".
      --Living in mexico just to live cheap is not very wise but be their guest...

    8. It's weird innit when you realise All of a sudden the significance of an event. A few weeks ago someone was raped near my house, I didn't hear anything, but it wasn't until I was walking home late at night a few days later I realised that I'd put myself in the same position. It was terrifying. Still I guess there's theres the fact that if you unwittingly put yourself in harms way, 99% of the time it won't result in the worst possible outcome. Despite that, I hope your son is ok.

    9. Why do people always feel the need to insert themselves in this ?

    10. 10:44 First of all I am black and second of all if you aren't black yourself you can't speak on how blacks are treated or mistreated in the US. Unless you are black yourself you couldn't possibly understand what it means to be black in America. I can tell you this and that is...there is absolutely no comparison to blacks being killed by the police in the US to innocents being killed in Mexico. Police kill blacks in the US because the police fear us. They fear that a black person will kill them not knowing there is a higher likelihood they will be actually killed by a white person. Specifically a white male. Statistics show Police officers are killed by a white male way more than any other demographic. So why are more unarmed blacks being killed by police???? Simple it's called FEAR. In Mexico you aren't kill out of fear you are killed in Mexico because you resist the status quo. All my life I was taught how to conduct myself while dealing with the police by my mother. In turn I teach my kids especially my son how to deal with the police because I feel it's important. I teach them to not fear the police or not to show any type of aggression when dealing with the police. I teach them out of experience as a black man and also as former law enforcement. In my opinion some blacks who were killed by the police recently would be alive today if they had just complied with the police officers instruction. Not all but some would be still alive today. Now are blacks killed by the police distportionately compared to whites? Yes. Can that change? Yes I believe it can. I'm not too sure if the status quo in Mexico could ever change because I am not Mexican living in Mexico. The Mexicans I know say nothing will ever change in Mexico because the people are just so use to the status quo. Those same individuals say that it was much easier to pick up and move to the US then it is to change their own country. Some came here legally and some came here in a not so legal way. I love Mexico and I think it's a wonderful country as a whole. After all it is part of my children's heritage and bloodline.

    11. Hey DD I think it was a mistake to post that he was your kid,you just put him in danger....I'm sure the word already go out.

    12. @10:24
      There are more white males in America .
      Most of the crimes are committed by black males or latinos(I'm not talking white collar kind)
      I'm Latino and every fucking time I'm pulled over its all good till they read my license name and low and behold we got a white guy that has a beaner name! Let's pull him out the car and interrogate the shit out of him and illegal search hi and his car for drugs and weapons.
      Its not justblack people but as you said blavk people dont comply as they should with cops. They need to understand the radio and badge changes the dynamics fully.

      I would completely engage in a fire fight if the radio didn't work or was jammed. But that is never the case so just comply record the abuse and take them to court settle out of court easy solution.
      But I think with all the integration of racea in America the black man will no longer exist not from being killed off but from having mixed children less and less Africans will exist.

    13. More likely danger to DD but how many other young men in Monterrey are accosted the same way.Probably way too many and they would have to be reading on here too in English to connect it.

    14. Duh 9:11 we all know there are more white males in the US. The reality is that a police officer will be killed by a white male not a black male. Knowing this info why is a unarmed white male not killed as often as a unarmed black male. In my opinion it's because the black male appears to be the bigger threat.

    15. Propaganda says, I have never seen a single white guy cooking black people in a biiig black keetle, well, except for Mandingo, but he really had it coming for being such a big temptation to the massa's wife...having a baby with her was the pits...

  25. I didn't know Obama was the president of Mexico. Racist? Then what do you call a mexican killing another mexican?

  26. Acaban de matar a adan salazar ramirez hijo de adan salazar va poner caliente sonora

    1. vive los infierno a todos los putos de salazar!

    2. Stay out of sonoyta putos de los salazars

    3. There needs to be a post about this on BB. This is more important than 90% of all posts being that the salazars are chapos biggest crew in sonora which is the largest drug higway going up north.

    4. Like Tony Montana said in Scarface,"You want to go to war?We'll take you to war".Just remember,CDS can play the same game and don't back down.Study your enemy,then react appropriately.

    5. More info on these guys

  27. Drugs are bad for you, quit while you can.

  28. Sean Penn is a Nancy Boy and everyone in Hollywood knows this as a fact.

  29. You guys are really going to use Vice as a source? The same ones who are produced by the most left leaning people in Hollywood? Like Bill Mahr? I know one of the founders of Vice (Gavin McInnes). It's dishonest journalism at best. What next? The U.K. Sun or The Enquirer as a news source?

    1. Please tell me about these unbiased news sources. I'd love to hear about them.

    2. 2:13 No spain No gain?
      I seen spanish putas encueradas trying to sell their nalgas on the street, and Spanish businessmen trying to see their spanish fraudsters and banksters prosecuted, while preaching to the mexican popes of mexican corruption... fack spain

    3. so no source? lol. thought so.

    4. --Youtube has all the videos for you, no gain...
      --Oceania frauds to mexican government...
      --putas encueradas en la calle en españa
      --cabeza de marrano pimp in spain...
      --bank fraud cover-ups in spain...
      --los hijos de puta de los Escuadrones de la muerte cantan "el novio de la muerte"
      --spaniard juan Camilo mouriño, asesinado por genarco garcia luna por ser un hijo de la gran puta...
      --Spain wants its big contract on mexico, chinguen a su madre los mexicanos, nooo?
      --humberto moreira released from spanish prison, wonder why?
      --spain "earning contractzzz" on latin american banana republics for its help to drug trafficking, "king" juan carlos de borbon asking Hugo chavez "porqué no te callas" to get some water for his mills...
      --Spain wants some Colonies back, did not exploit them enough the last time...

  30. Shits about to hit the fan that's a big hit!!!!!!

  31. Who ever eyes killed en la Sierra yes it's for not wanting to work with Sinaloa they where working for rivals blo,cdj etc or just wanted to work on there own la Sierra is ran different then the city's gavillas are the ones who run the Sierras

  32. mexican isis, ah

  33. En Colima los Sinaloas pelean contra los CJNG y los locales no quieren a ninguno de los dos....


  34. A si ...
    "Pero chapo is a hero "
    "He gave to the poor"
    "He helped so many"
    Cocksuckers all of organized crime is the same preying on the weak the poor the innocent ...

  35. 10:42 im kind of confused when you say "his people"..Do you mean black,white,muslim,Christian,american or african? He has been called all of the above.

  36. Who killed el Salazar?

  37. wish there a site to send money to help fight these locos!

    1. Heheheee, they have money, and weapons, their enemies have money and weapons too...

    2. 8:09 what you can do is brand somebody a nark, anybody, 5he form your own autodefensas and go and kill anybody because, "they were narks" and proposed to you to become a communist narco-guerrilla... keep doing it until you become el presidente...
      --make sure, leave no witnesses behind every step of the way.

  38. CDS is a franchise just like all cartels. Some factions are more ruthless than others. It doesn't mean all CDS factions do these type of killings.

  39. Bb are u guys going to post anything about Adan Salazar son getting murdered?

  40. Desde Tierra Caliente

    Today helping with Enlgish. Come down and you will get a tour. I take you to see romantic sicarios. Beenevolent jefes, halcones con sonrisas. Permit them to kill them selfs. Do not kill inocentes. Shot bebes y niños. ¿You want this? Yes, desde puntas lejecitos. Come and be brave.

    1. Are you trying to be clever or witty, because you're not.

    2. Chihuahua is one of those gray zones. It's an interesting story but you really can't determine who was behind the killings. It could've been sinaloa, la linea or beltranes for all we know. This isn't like michoacan where the ruling cartels are the ones also terrorizing the towns. This is just a story to feed all the sinaloa haters (mostly michoanos) what they've been so eagerly waiti g to read... prove it was sinaloa and not la linea or BLO.

    3. 9:56 who has all the money in chihuahua?
      From a mexican dealer of used cars, probably most of them sten on the US, or totalled, cesar duarte has become a billionaire banker, what the hell do you mean there are no signs of what's up with who?


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