Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Shootout between Armed Groups and Feds: 5 Dead

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Armed commandos aboard three trucks ambushed federal police on Tuesday, passing through a vehicle in order to open fire.  Five gunmen were killed and the rest of the attackers managed to escape.

This new attack of violence occurred along a local road that connects the communal land Vergeles, located in the municipality of San Fernando, along a gap seven kilometers east of a road checkpoint known as the “Y”, located at kilometer 202 of highway Ciudad Victoria–Matamoros.

In that area, the gunmen passed through a Chevy Cheyenne over a gap and shot up the convoy of the federal forces.  After several minutes exchanging gunfire, the other two trucks with several gunmen on board escaped.

The occupants of the Cheyenne were gunned down; one inside the truck, two in the truck bed, and two more were left scattered in a field of sorghum.

In the agricultural area, an impressive operation was carried out by air and ground in order to locate the two other trucks, but the operation was unsuccessful.

The five bodies were taken to a funeral home in the seat of the municipal government of San Fernando.

Two Identified

In an official statement, the Tamaulipas Coordination Group confirmed that at kilometer 202 of highway San Fernando-Matamoros, at the height of a gap leading to the communal land Loma Alta, federal police officers and Federal Forces Division members were attacked by armed gunmen who were traveling aboard three trucks.

“Upon repelling the aggression in defense for their lives, the federal police shot dead five of the attackers, two of which have been identified as Miguel Muñoz Herrera and José Manuel Medina Méndez.

They were all travelling aboard a white Chevy Cheyenne, without license plates,” he said.

The federal police stated that around 16:30 hours, they were carrying out ground patrols along the highway when they were hit and attacked.

Inside the truck, they secured three high caliber weapons, a .50 caliber Barrett, 33 full magazine cartridges, some loose rounds of ammunition, a fragmentation grenade, four bulletproof vests, and coolers, among other objects.

Source:El Mañana

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  1. Hey Chivas. Get your papers in order. Trump is about to deport all Mestizos.

    1. I guess in the world of Trump a third generation American is still a anchor baby....but then again, what does that make him? His mother born in Scotland.

    2. I can marry you chivis, I got papers!

    3. That's mah baby...

    4. 9:06PM
      Hahaha chivis rebuttal just mind fucked you !!? Hahaha apply cool water to the burn buster!!! Hahaha born from a bitch so you are one 9:06 ahahaha buster!

    5. wham-pow!excellent chivis.

    6. It makes him a rojo wetback

    7. 2:40-Chivis.Most of Trump's wives[yes he's had a few]were foreign born.Ivana was an Olympic skier from somewhere in northern Europe and his current wive speaks with a thick accent.

    8. Legal immigrant is the key word here morons. His wives weren't illegal. They came legally. Yall really look stupid with all this viva anything Mexican even if it's ILLEGAL! Trump wants legal immigration and all this open border stuff stopped. What's wrong with that? Now if you just said flat out you were for open borders then I could at least credit you with being honest. But all this misrepresentation and flat out lying about Trumps policy makes you look very weak minded.

    9. Actually 11:00am his current wife came here legally but stayed here illegally when her visa expired, but Trump pulled some strings. The word on the street is she was actually an ILLEGAL when they were wed. But I doubt that information is available for the publics viewing just like his tax returns. Technically she should have been deported and forced to wait to re-enter the US LEGALLY. I don't know what the exact time frame is but it should have been no less than 6 months to 1 year for a minor violation and up to 5 to 10 years for a major violation. Every passed President has failed at comprehensive immigration reform and I will guarantee if Trump is president he will do the same. Regardless whether a person is here legally or illegally it doesn't affect a citizens day to day life so I truly don't understand the urgency Trump has placed on it. We have bigger problems and issues to worry about in this country. But for some reason Trump has gotten entitled white Americans believing immigration is the reason for their woes. The truth is if these same individuals would get off their entitled asses and work two jobs or work a job they believe is beneath them their situation would improve. I personally had to learn the hard way but I can admit I LEARNED. Don't think the status quo will change just because the name of the President and the party he/she represents changes along with it.

    10. If you don't think mass illegal unassimilating immigration is a big problem your blind. Entitled white America? How about entitled illegals?!!! There's a huge entitlement program for you right there. Billions of dollars. Us entitled white Americans are working. And paying for it!!!! Wake up pal.... the free ride needs to end. Mexico needs to fix their corrupt Cartel run country.You imagine if there were millions of Republican voting illegals?? Barak would have the military at the border. This won't go on forever. We're one big terrorist attack away from closed borders. Sad

  2. I feel sympathy for the lone guy in the cabin of the truck. I wish I knew what his thoughts were while driving alone. I feel like he knew he was dying that day

    1. Looks like he was riding in the middle...
      --like pancho villa y sus dos viejas en la orilla
      --and the dos viejas made it out of the cabin
      --he is not holding his gun, the rifle is peacefully resting by the console
      --like they were totally surprised and ambushed...

    2. Don't confuse the Mexican Marines with the Mexican Army. Two totally different organizations. The Mexican Marines are probably the least corrupt institution in Mexico.

    3. Admiral Soberon of the navy has been speaking about the traitors who use the "tragedy of Ayotzinapa" to destabilize the presidency of his presidente, that makes the navy and him and the marinas crooked crooks...
      'Giniral' Cienfogatas army, secretario de la defensa, keeps saving "his muchachitos"from trouble, prison, bad news reports, etc, and giving them official impunity...he crook too
      Both are one pair of lambehuevos , serving their presidente, and his "regime of Murder Inc"...

    4. Hey come on homez ..
      Batos locos forever hey

  3. How many army/navy/cops get shot for every 100 of these cartel losers? Seems in every shot out these guys end up dead and hardly ever a cop/army or navy guy. Dont the cartel spend money training these losers but give them an old ak-47 and best wishes?

    1. Police have been killed by the criminals. Just not at the same rate. And by the numbers you can always assume that the criminals think that by shooting a gun you will always hit your target and no way Jose. It takes practice.

    2. There is an article on the blog page about the kill ratio between cartel members and the military. I will summarize by saying that you don't want to get in a battle with military forces in Mexico. You will die.

    3. It's not really a "shootout". The Feds ask the suspected (keyword still), drug dealers to surrender. After they surrender then they just execute them and make up a story.
      Another scenario the feds simply ambush a truck full of once again "suspected" drug dealers and makes up a story!
      You really cannot believe the Feds in Mexico when there are no witneses around.

    4. Why feel sympathy for any of them? They chose to be in a "kill or be killed" occupation and paid the ultimate price. I say "kill 'em all." I am very impressed with the professionalism of the Mexican Marines. They just seem to kick ass and take names in any armed conflict they are in. Their KIA's are very few. Me thinks they shoot straight!

    5. The thing about Mexico is that you are guilty until proven innocent. This goes the same for anyone the Feds "suspect" being criminals which means by law they have the right to engage anyone they want to and if a mistake is made then a covet up story can be made to avoid repercussions.

    6. 8:34 the marinas may be thorough in murdering all of the "suspects", the job still stinks, thearias are planting now cal.50 weapons on the dead, next week they will start planting manpads on them...
      --quien chingados se agarra a balazos con las marinas con "cal.50s"? Turd stinks, must be shit...

    7. Juss ask the military how they scuare up with cjng high command cjng is the only cartel that can put a fight to the Mexican military

  4. PRETTY GOOD JOB BY LAW ENFORCE. kILL THE SOB'S CAUSE THEY KILL U. I was in San Fernando yesterday everything cool. Love it when they kill the A/H It makes my day. PAN for Governor get ride of the PRI trash da loves cartels.

    1. PRD is no solution, PAN is no solution, PRI IS THE PROBLEM,
      --MORENA IS NOT THE SOLUTION, BUT IS A BETTER START, they want no alliances with corrupt chuchos, perros, gatos or abejorros del panal...

  5. This is the small city where the 2 mass killings occurred 4 or 5 years ago by Zetas? Last time I drove north on 180 through San Fernando, an Army outpost/checkpoint had been built and they searched my truck thoroughly and asked a lot of questions. That was about 2-3 years ago. There were quite a lot of soldiers there at the time.

    1. But drugs still get thru

    2. in palomas chihuahua, they even checked my messages and my entire phone

  6. Having three 50 cal with 33 full ammo magazines shooting from a moving truck was not smart, unless they were mounted. Suicide mission

    1. Why is that? I'm non-military.

    2. There was only one .50 cal Barrett, the rest were just rifles

    3. Try to fight a bunch of murdering mexican military with your bare ass naked shaved fundillo, and you may have a better chance of making it alive...
      --Tlatlaya confirmed for the "melitares" they have a license to kill.
      --the navy and the army of mexico have signed agreement of cooperation with mexican businessmen and "employers" like coparmex, cce, and others to cooperate in some way, shape or form they chose to fight crime and criminals, I bet this is one of the ambiguous dirty war tactics, no time to check id, just shoot up the mofackas, and make sure no one escapes alive, giniral Cienpedos and "Admiral" soberanomojon must be sooo happy, reminds me of "general jorge rafael videla and admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera who abducted people and sold their children after turning the mechanics school of the argentinian "armada" into a torture kill/dissappear center...

    4. because it has a high return, plus the moving car!!!

    5. "Drugs still get trafficked" but now it is all the military's, and whenever wherever the polesia federal shows their ugly fat faces, there is corruption straight from that rat nest of pickpockets, el DF, full of chilango corruption and mestizo atracomulcas...

  7. Open fire and then surrender doesn't work in Mexico!

    1. Bro, these narcos were ambushed by the federales not the other way around. If the narcos did the ambushing they would have had the upper hand with the fire power they possessed. It's obvious the narcos were at a disadvantage because five are dead and the feds had zero fatalities. Two of the gun men died in the bed of the pickup but there arent any bullet impacts in the bed of the pickup. And I doubt there were any other vehicles involved or additional narcos. My guess is they were all inside the vehicle when they were ambushed then the firearms were planted on them. Best believe when you are dealing with a story about the Mexican feds 99% of it is bullshit.

    2. I agree, I'm no expert but those are close range impacts ... And I don't see any splatter matter in the bed of the truck

    3. 9:45 YOU PASS, EXCELLENT!!!
      --You gotta good BS detector, keep posting, please, please, plis...

  8. Sloppy dress right dress in second picture. - El Sol Perdido

    1. Yeah, "soledá", mexican narcos need to buy better tuxedos for the parties, 007 just was in mexico, but these crooks will never 'lorn'...
      --why don't you go to mexico and show them how it is done? Sol?

    2. 8:53 "Dress right dress" is a military term. If you don't know what it means then you're just clueless 2 what I meant by it. I'll give you a hint though: It was not in reference 2 the criminals. - El Sol Perdido

    3. 4:32 since we are all not military experts in gobbledygook, you could come down from your grifa cloud and explain?
      But hurry up before I google one more worthless military term

    4. 8:53 I've finally come 2 the conclusion that you're nothing more than a CIVILIAN. You don't work 4 LEO in any capacity. Nor are you a government employee. I like how you so readily identify yourself by constantly using "Soledad" though. Nice 4 a mocker. But what I've learned from you is that I can pick up as much from your words as the self learning algorithms that come here. Thanks 4 exposing yourself courtesy of your own words my civilian hater. No más me das risa buttercup. - El Sol Perdido

    5. 10:49
      You see what 9:45pm posted

      I'm not an expert but there isn't any splatter matter or nothing, plus as I mention in a yet to be posted comment
      Why are the weapons so close to the body dead or not you don't leave that close no matter what
      Again I'm not a expert

    6. Soledá I have never pretended to be melitary or government, matter of fack I confused once or twice my military, snoopy, is the red baron, not woody his tweet bird.
      Dress left dress right is slang, as much as the one gun salute, and enhanced interrogations, you know? We civilians have to work enough overtime trying to understand each other, and to be swamped by the slang of "exclusive sisterhoods" makes it worse, I would not bother checking the equipment of the live or the dead, that is too rainbows, but I love when the ladies do it...
      --come back to civilian life, sol, confess your crimes to yourself at least, in front of a mirror, accept that being a soldier does not make you right or saintly, reconcile with yourself, leave it behind with your river of tears...

    7. 8:33AM
      You are a buster, if you can't see that soldiers are the lowest class in social class doing the dirtiest work FOR the Country they are from so your civilian ass can complain and talk recklessly about armed forces and it's infantry you are a shit bag.
      You don't know what building a bond with some one is and having them die is your hands will be like, you won't ever have to worry about that just worry about how many hours you put in at work and only that. You busted.

    8. All the wars you have fought for your government for your check do not amount to one minute fighting for your/our country, honey, more to the point, some call them wars for profit the US military can not win by any means, because even the victory was sold before the first shot got fired...

  9. Senseless sicarios. Lack of training, poor judgement, certain death.

    1. Senseless sicarios planted there for the "job" by the army/navy.

  10. is that a .50 cal in the back of that truck? sure is.
    just threw it in there like trash....

  11. Who is really to blame for all the drugs, gangs, and murder? Its the Government of Mexico for not uplifting the poor families to give them hope and opportunity for their children. A redistribution of wealth can be accomplished giving the poor families a guaranteed annual income. This can be done in two ways which won't be easy. A surtax must be placed on the wealthy citizens and corporations based upon a graduated scale. The property taxes are too low and asset values need to be ascertained above an average to increase property taxes. This can be used for improving community infrastructure creating jobs for the citizens in villages, towns, and cities. Mexico needs to uplift the poor to a higher level giving them hope, opportunity, and a higher living standard. Mexicans are a proud people who deserve better in life with hope for tomorrow.

    1. 12:33 taxing will not bring in enough moneys to the mexican government the US chose and paid for, for mexico, on top of that, the rich make laws by which they end up paying no taxes, in exchange for a kickback here and there, the drug money always ends up in European or amerikkkan banks, so do not expect to legalize and "tax the drug trade", you could tax pederastia, but you'd have to lift the masks there...
      I'd propose a bastille day, go by the prisons and let the prisoners chose the politicians or the rich they want killed dead, or sent in to keep 'em company, after a while let the prisoners tear down their prison...
      --soldiers could do the same with their officers, kill'em all and elect their own from the ranks...

  12. It would be great to read a story that actually told the truth. How about this? The Mexican Marines came across a convoy of cartel gunmen and ordered them to stop. One stopped and two trucks fled. Three occupants of the truck that stopped were then disarmed and shot and killed and the other two ran off when they realized they were going to be executed. They were caught in a field and killed. Now is that so hard?

    1. My point exactly. Even if these troops were Navy Seals and they were "ambushed" by these sicarios there would have been some sort of casualty on their part.

    2. @AnonymousMay 27, 2016 at 3:25 PM
      It's possible.

  13. Im really good at call of duty i could probably take out guys on any side i needed to in real life scenarios. Its all about knowing the map or the area in real life.

    1. I don't think your xbox controller will be much use in a firefight

  14. Died like men they sinaloa no le entran al topon mejor ponen dedo. Los que si les gusta chingazos son los michoacan tamaulipas guerrero chihuahua veracruz no se deja tampoco.pero todo mexico es bonito.No todo se trata de huevos rancheros y violencia.
    -The Russian Mobster.

    1. Mexico es bonito, Peeero que te agarre la polesia, los soldados, las marinas, los secuestradores de genarco garcia luna o los de miguel angel osorio chong, o los de luis cardenas palomino es no good my dear russian mobster, your leader Putin may not like to know what his name means in spanish, it is little for PUTÓN...

    2. 8:02 tienes toda la razon mi friend

    3. These guys were complete DA's attack Miltary

  15. Dear Joe Morgan, help is needed, send them the manual...
    --When the army, marinas or 'polesia' tell you: "here's that troque, there's these weapons, you have 30 seconds, go!"
    That is too late for guerilla or melitary trainin', that used to be called in mexico "La Ley Fuga", people got killed while escaping...
    --nowadays they get killed while "attacking poor polesias federales, soldiers or marinas trying to prove there are narcos and sicarios with weapons on mexican streets and country roads to justify their salaries and earn bonuses for their kills to the ginirales in charge of the melitary zone...
    --They used to pay one dollar per scalp in the times of Buffalo bill, these times you get a promotion and double the maruchan...

  16. 10:48 You are wrong as there are only two ways for a country to raise capital for the benefit of their country and its citizens. One is to increase the debt with a bond issue on the world markets, and the other is through taxation.

  17. Nationalization brings in enough money for everything but the rich...
    It also brings in boycotts, cold water, terrorism, state coups by "military juntas", accusations of communism, socialism corruption and ineffective programs due to incompetent too big government, but at least there will be no 1%ers living large off the 99%ers.
    --1%ers are hereby sentenced to the people's tribunals...


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