Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Soccer player Alan Pulido kidnapped in Tamaulipas

Lucio R. Borderland Beat

Photo from Pulido's Twitter page
Mexican press is reporting that soccer player Alan Pulido, was kidnapped in Tamaulipas.  This was confirmed by his brother Armando, “yes it is true, he disappeared since early this morning.”

A state official said that Pulido was kidnapped near his hometown of Ciudad Victoria on Sunday after leaving a party.

Other sources report, Pulido and his girlfriend attended a party in Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, where he left around midnight, with his girlfriend who was not harmed.

Pulido’s vehicle was stopped and boxed in by several trucks.Armed men exited one or more of the trucks and forced Pulido into one before fleeing.

A short time later, frantic relatives of the player dialed the emergency 066 line reporting he had been kidnapped. By 2 a.m. residents reported seeing helicopters circling the area. The area where Pulido was abducted, is a known area controlled by Los Zetas where numerous narco-fosas (clandestine graves) have been discovered and Zetas safe houses.

Pulido played several seasons with the club Tigres of Monterrey.  Pulido left Tigres in 2014 to play in Europe with the Olympiakos of Greece, however, he has been in a dispute with the Mexican club about whether his contract there continues to be valid. Coach Juan Carlos Osorio recently said Pulido has the talent  to be on the squad, but was omitted due to the legal dispute. As of 2:30p.m. there has been no word from his captors or Alan.

This message of support appeared on the Club Tigres Twitter Page

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  1. Lol. People get kidnapped everyday in Mexico. Sad it takes a famous one getting kidnapped for people to notice.

    1. Whatever it takes as long as they notice. Especially the international soccer community

    2. Sometimes the kidnapped people are drug dealers themselves and or owe a debt to someone. When it is suspected that this is the case no law enforcement agency is going to give much of a damn unfortunately in Mexico to try and find the victim.
      A famous soccer player that earns good money is going to catch the attention of the world. Wish this was not the case and kidnappings did occur but...

    3. Its Always Been Like That Though!

      Another Notable Soccer Kidnaping Was That Of Ruben Omar Romano, Back Then Coach Of Cruz Azul. Huge Deal, But Once Foumd That Was It, Kidnappings Continued Happening.

      Also The Case Of The Marti Families Son, Huge Family In The Soccer World, But That One Had A Tragic Ending, Ransom Paid But The Kid Was Murdered Anyways

    4. Famous? Maybe in your house because until today I didn't even knew he existed.

    5. This guy got kidnapped, what's so fucken funny?

    6. It happened in Baja a couple of years ago to 1 of the top racers on Motor Cross.I think he was Mexican and it made the other international contenders wonder whether they were going back to race again in the Baja series.I believe the kidnappers got jobs helping out in the pitts for the races.I never heard the outcome though.Anybody here know or heard what happened with that kidnapping?

    7. The marti case was proved many times by many people that it was la Comandanta loren, achichincles de genaro garcia luna y luis cardenas palomino federal police and SSP nacional, with her team of federal police kidnappers, AND NOTHING HAPPENED.
      --The father of niño marti does not "believe" genarco and co. Did the dirty deed, because he does not want to die too, the mexican government rests its case, the US shelters genarco garcia luna and felipe calderon...and their well laundered millions of dollars...

    8. So it went right to the top?Dirty and rotten!These people at the top should be setting the moral example.Are these not educated people or just criminals that buy their position with money.

    9. 6:46 the mexican government satraps get paid with impunity by the US, that is the problem for the mexicans WHY?

  2. there's a big difference

    1. Difference is???? He's dead now.

  3. Publicity stunt cause he was not asked to be on the copa America team

    1. Really? Who dropped you when you were little?

  4. Really dumb to live in Cd Victoria and be out late at night. He practically asked for it. When I read he was living there I knew this was bound to happen. Sorry this happened but I saw this coming.

  5. I have really poor relatives in Cd Victoria and one of them got kidnapped years ago. Never saw him again. Pulido has always been an obvious target in that city infested with zetas.

  6. Fueron los del club tigres!!!

    1. 2:21 Si, me voy a salir xq tu lo dices Pobre idiota

    2. 6:51 you are supposed to ask: how high?
      Not to yap like a puppy... salte wey means jump güey

  7. The first picture makes me blush.

    Hope he turns up ok though.

    1. Nice 2 see you've changed your pic Ja ck. 4 some reason I always think of Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs everytime I see your face. - El Sol Perdido

  8. Kidnapping is real in mexico you don't have to be a rich looking American to be kidnapped. Rich Mexicans are kidnapped too. Hopefully this time he is not killed before ransom is paid.

  9. Who runs that area? As far as Cartels?

    1. Los Zetas run that area but CDG is disputing it

    2. Half CDG Half Zetas

    3. Admiral John poindexter "the buck stops here iran/contragate rogue agent sells weapons around there, I guess the presidential pardon still workzzz for illegal weapons dealrez,

  10. They made a big deal, now he's dead

    1. Pretty sure he's decapitated by now

  11. Wow. 12:1o . What a stupid thing to say. Because yes up till today nobody knew that mexico is in crisis with murders and kidnappings

    1. Actually a lot of people don't know.Many here look at Mexico as nice weather and good tequila.This story was on a Canadian news site today[so it has gone international] and you should read the comments.It was in the sports section[cbc news].Stuff like-Who cares it's not here.Soccer sucks it's not real football.This is from a different country why are you guys publishing this here?This doesn't concern us.Etc. etc.

    2. Dear Canna, futbol soccer, aka soccer foot ball is all about feet and a ball...
      --rugby and american football are all about chunky guys holding each other, with both arms longer than needed and sometimes just about bitting each other on the ass, all about throw, catch and and carry...
      --there are more millions of soccer fans than any other sport, i am not one of them, I am a fan of yours...

  12. CDG runs ciudad victoria

    1. No lo creo,
      Andan los Zetas con sus pendejadas por to-do el estado

    2. Zetas and CDN do. Cdg don't run shit in there.

  13. Theres An Article Over At VPT Showing Proof That Ileana (Pulidos Girlfriend) Is The Ex Of A CDG Member.

    Maybe Thats Where The Hit Came From

    1. No pues ta kabron

    2. Most likely, directed the location and time. This kid would have been kidnapped for ransom a long time ago if they were only interested in $$$$$$$$

  14. 12 used to be when you arrived at a party or club in ciudad victoria or most any disco in mexico. Now? Things have changed i may visit C.V. in a week or so but...why tempt fate? Definitely a stronghold that needs this be taken care if but how?

  15. Arre amnos rikis a limparr de zetetas!!

  16. The sad thing is many will speculate what cartel or organized crime group is responsible. Most likely it is a pathetic group of idiots trying to make some fast money. A group that has no link to any organized crime group at all. These groups have been popping up all over the place as well. That is why I always said it is difficult to tell who is innocent there and who isn't. Too many double lives of all sorts there. Let's hope this is a group of low lives that isn't interested in killing. If he is a so called, somewhat famous with monetary value then he should be traveling with better precautions. People with money are targets. This is nothing new in Mexico.

    1. Even people with no money are targets.Criminals think it's better than nothing.What do they have to lose?And poor people will find the money somehow so their relative won't be killed.Even mortgage the paid off house or take out a loan.

    2. Carry with you a stink bomb at least...

    3. I wuz robbed many years ago in guadalajara mexico, state of jalisco, the polesias stole my big box of flour chicharrones i wuzz selling at the futbol "estadioum".
      Mofackas wuzz hungry polesias...

  17. The Family Has Been Contacted For A Ransom


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