Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Old School Zetas kill high ranking CDN, a close partner to Lazca and Z40

by C.E. Martinez posted by Lucio R. Borderland Beat
screen shot from video
Images, multiple messages, and videos, depicting a man being interrogated in video footage in addition to a death photo was posted and distributed yesterday on social media.

The dead man is José Wenceslao Gasnares González, who was a high ranking official in the Tamaulipas State police in 2005, later a ministerial police commander in Nuevo Laredo, and several other cities of Tamaulipas. At the time of his murder, he was a high ranking member of Cartel del Noreste (CDN), a Zetas splinter group at war with Old School Zetas.

Gasnares closely worked with  premier Zeta leaders, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano aka El Lazca or Z3, and Miguel Trevino aka Z40.

In July 2012, multiple narco message banners (mantas) were hung in Tamaulipas, some of the mantas featured images of the three men with a message from “citizens of Nuevo Laredo”.  In the message they condemned the terror implemented by the three men upon citizens/innocents.

They also denounced people in government positions who helped the criminals, “such as the mayor of Nuevo Laredo, Benjamin Galvan, rumored to be in collusion with Los Zetas, left office in 2013.

But not before the decapitated bodies of 14 people, were left in a van in front of City Hall. Accompanying the bodies was a manta message signed by El Chapo Guzman. In another event, a car bomb was detonated in Galvan's parking spot.

The 14 bodies were a part of “Black Friday” an intense clash between Los Zetas, and El Chapo. On that day, 23 were killed in two events. Zetas hanged 9 and Chapo the 14.

To read about that bloody conflict, use this link, warning VERY GRAPHIC fotos.

In 2014, after he left office, Galvan and a business partner of Galvan,  were kidnapped and missing for weeks.  The government would not even confirm the kidnapping, until a month later when the bodies were found in car trunk abandoned in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

Of the men named in the manta from the citizens; Galvan, Lazca, and now Gasnares González were killed, and Miguel Trevino is incarcerated in Mexico.

The images and videos of the Gasnares González kidnapping and killing, were released by social media through a new account.

 “Quema Cocos” of forum wrote:


here is a rumor he was also known as "2000" someone in the chat room of Nuevo Laredo En Vivo posted "Se le cayo la frecuencia al 2000" since the morning of today people of Nuevo Laredo have been posting comments on chat about firefights between                                                     armed civilians and local government.”

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  1. Dam i remember when chapo se metio a tamaulipas and left bodies whit out heads , props to sinaloa tho they got the balls to try take over tamaulipas not like tamulizetas who are scared to step foot on sinaloa just spitting facts

    1. You sound stupid zetas have prescense in Sinaloa because of Beltran leyvas

    2. El cheapo went in Nuevo Laredo for a minute.the zetas were going into sinaloa and Fucking people up since the days of of the charges that oziel had was ordering a massacre of 17 people in snitchaloa.el cheapo don't even control his state.

    3. pretty sure it was cdg el coss people who did that for el chapo

    4. The zetas are in Sinaloa it's been proven time and time again.

    5. That was when cdg and Sinaloa were together against los zetas , I think X20 made it happen or el Coss

    6. Zetas have been in Sinaloa for years, why didn't you spit that fact?

    7. 9:53 There is no Sinaloas presence in tamaulipas or Veracruz but there is zetas in Sinaloa. Yes, because of Los beltranes but regardless of why or how, they are there fan boy lol

    8. Zetas aren't in sinaloa anymore ever since chapo Isidro was kicked out

    9. The funny thing is if Chapo had not tried to out "shock and awe" the Zetas by having a decapitation free for all he might be still roaming free to this day. Because he wanted to out Zeta the Zetas he was just as dangerous as Z40 and El Verdugo in the US and Mexican government's eyes. Everyone who has followed the drug war for any length of time knows that the gore and horror show ocurring between 2010-2012 in NL/Tamaulipas wasn't Chapo's style. Chapo will go to war with anyone but he would rather use his money to get the results he desires. Why he went down that road with the Zetas is beyond me. It did nothing but expedite his incarceration in my opinion.

    10. I guess his father and brother in law talked!!

    11. ^^ this guy knows what he's talking about..

    12. when did chapo isidro get kicked out of sinaloa?

    13. Never! Chapo Isidro sigue Mandando, he just left guasave for a while because shit got too hot in Sinaloa , zetas were better back when they were with cdg and Osiel after the war with cdg and los zetas chapo guzman made a truce with cdg to eliminate los zetas but I guess we're unsuccessful

    14. Chapo Guzman only owns half of Sinaloa mostly the south towards the north Chapo Isdrio is most wanted

    15. Zetas are guys trained by America and Israel to kill and put fear into mexicans and cotrol the entire region.

    16. Stratfor said the Chapo murders were actually committed by the El Taliban when he tried to take over Nuevo Laredo. The Chapo mantra was a trick.

  2. "try" is the operative word compa.
    try and try, yet always run back to Sinaloa carrying their asses.

    1. Actually you are 💯% correct.
      The Las Zetas are in Sinaloa.
      In Fact I can prove it.
      But rumor has it that the CIA and NSA put together a team with special operational skills who are all the very best at what they do to take down all of CDNs leadership.
      Word has it they are making deals with CDNs enemies including CJDG.
      I hear these are some very good special operation operatives and they are the ones who take down leaders of major Terriost organizations.
      Now that President Trump is going to classifie the Cartels as Terriost organizations that is a game changer.

  3. Your an idiot if you think actual people from Sinaloa did it. It was people from tamaulipas who did it in part for the Sinaloa's.

    1. Why do you have the need to preface your comment with "idiot"? When I moderate I usually just delete comments like yours, state your opinion, leave the immaturity on your side of the keyboard.

      That said, seems I recall chapo made an alliance with one of the CDG cells at this time, so yes they were def involved in this operation, but Sinaloa also sent men there as well, just as they do everywhere they operate.

      under chapo's direction. so it is his defeat.

      Now, look for mencho to make a play for nvo this year. some cdg pacts in ver and south tamaulipas, along with the most serious and prepared strike at Zs for majority control of Ver, from BDR to north border, sort of draws the picture for me. Of course I could be wrong. I always thought Zs and CJNG would have been smart to create an alliance. They came close once. But that was when Zs were not fragmented.

      I hear on social media that CJNG is now having infighting.

      Anyone know anything about the killings in Jalisco? there were 8 the other day. supposedly it was from infighting. But no one has any reporting on it, in depth, or conjecture with supporting evidence.



    2. Expansion, infighting, fragmentation, collapse. Life cycle of criminal enterprise. If it happens quickly and often enough, they eventually lose interest in organized crime.

    3. I was going to say 'that's right chivis, tell the idiot '.

      Very true "state your opinion" keep the unnecessary shit on the other side of keyboard. Good to see you back.

    4. 3:54.. And chivis. The shit talking is what makes this blog fun. All the drama and conflict between the readers. So you do your job and create the topic on what the readers will argue about and me as a reader I'll do the shit talking that makes this blog what it is. If don't want want controversy make a blog about something other than cartel violence. Maybe about how the PRI won again. Think everyone agrees it was fixed or do we have more idiots.

    5. Chivis this guy always states his opinions by insulting with idiot and other unnecessary words i think it is his lack of vocabulary and or education.

    6. please 4:41 give it a rest. This blog is not suppose to "be fun" go play video games or whatever you do for fun, this is real life. Thank God, You little buddy, do not dictate what my job is, but I do know there are kids lacking basic socialization, communication skills and common courtesy, it sure gives me a even greater appreciation for my children. Just saying.

      I actually have a theory of why people lack manners and communicate in a rude if not abusive manner. But I doubt that is any interest to you. lets just try the Rodney King method of fellowship.

      just state you point of view or knowledge, and leave the idiots on your side the keyboard. Pun not intended.

    7. @4:41
      "Shit talking is what makes this blog FUN"
      I would like to see one of your close family members kidnapped and raped and maybe just maybe you would think diferent,your comment is so lame and speak tons of your personality, you wanna have fun? Visit an amusement park and ride the rueda de la fortuna pendejo.

      A real mexicano from you know where.

    8. Nicely said chivis, even if all you said swooshed over the willis' head

    9. 1135. Yet you start shit talking. Jaja. Yes I know where. A hundred miles away from danger. Everyone is someone online. You make me laugh with your threats. Your nobody. The last thing you'd want to see is my family.

    10. Fun? Yeah you are an idiot. BB is about reporting information about the drug war. the comment section is to be used as a way to discuss a particular topic with more information, clarify information, state relevant opinions, or just to simply fact check. Fun? Go to fucking YouTube culo. This is a site covering a very serious matter.

    11. 11:35 Relax with that self righteous crap; likewise, your comment speaks tons about your character.

    12. That is how un-connected this person making insults is to Mexico calling this web-site fun. It is informative and covers things you never here about on main stream media. Thank you to all the contributors.

    13. He insulted one person calling him an idiot. Now all of a sudden he insulted mexico?

    14. 10:39 so what information did you clarify ? Nothing at all . thank you for your contribution on this very serious matter.

    15. @9:22
      Threats? please, all I'm saying try to put yourself in these people's shoes who's really going through some real shit, if you come to this site to just "have fun" with the articles and with people's comments then you got a small brain and I suggest you find a new hobby for fun.
      If you wanna holla at me next time try not to sound like a Donald Trump fan.
      "self righteous crap".
      And this goes out to everybody who comes to this site just for entertainment: GET THE FUCK OFF THIS SITE.
      I hope that says enough about "my character".
      From Chiraq.

    16. 10:02
      You lost all credibility, if you even had any to begin with, by bringing Trump into the equation. Oh, boy.

    17. Well chiraq.
      You have no reason to be here. I'm 100% sure nobody in your family was kidnapped and raped then cut into pieces. So what the fuck are you doing here? Like I said hundreds of miles away from danger. You wouldn't last in Iraq and you sure as fuck wouldn't last in Mexico. Me oh I'm from Chihuahua. Pick a city, pick a town. Pick a fucking elementary school. Then I'll show you some fun. Maybe I find this entertaining because of people like you that think they lived this life because they read it on a blog. You entertain me. With your fake and made up information.

    18. Chiraq, you use the word "holla" and then proceed to tell someone not to sound like a Trump supporter!!!

    19. 10:38 you need to politely tell everyone that WHOEVER disagrees with you is a idiot and its as simple as that..You are the sole narco expert and the info you have collected over the years is the 100% truth..i bet when your favorite weatherman says its going to be 85 and sunny and someone tells you its going to be 86 and sunny you start calling them all types of stupid because your OPINIONS are FACTS..Slow down with the insults of ppl who see things different than you..The knowledge others eat doesnt make you shit or make you fat.

    20. The secret to calling people names, some of the worst among them, is DO IT POLITELY, WITH WIT AND EDUCAISHUN..
      Then you can get away with the most outrageous shenanigans, I know un burro could do it, a geranium could do it...
      --Archie Bunker did it! I don't think his wife's name was EEDITH! And to make your life complete, "archi-bunker" was hisself so aptly named...
      --please "BB keyboard terroristas", stick your threats where the sun don't shine..."YOU KNOW WHU"

    21. 7:05am
      No BB thread is complete without your closing comments. Thanks, the thread is now closed.

    22. 10:33 NOOOOO! I wuzn't readyyy!
      Siempre me chingan

  4. Why is there soo much zeta infighting if they stuck together they still have the man power and territory to be the biggest cartel in Mexico free z40!!!

    1. Nobody liked the Zetad under Lazcanos rule except the very same Zetas. They where ruthless killers of innocents even. One of their primary goals when they first began was to make a parallel government to the Mexican government where they could rule by terror. This is why Chapo got invited by the U.S. DEA to the party to fight the Zetas and to try and stop them before Chapo invaded Chihuahua. Chapo got his ass handed to him them and decided to go after Juarez instead. Anyways its a long history where in the long run it is better in order to sirvive to think like the Sinaloans (to some degree), and leave innocents alone and concentrate selling drugs instead of threatening everyone.

    2. I know that zetas were some evil fuckers but u have to admit under z40 and lazcano they were the biggest cartel in Mexico and there tactics far outgrew Sinaloa and cdg when lazcana and z40 went away they have lost there stability

    3. When the other judas got what he wanted, he turned against his allies, his name is enrique peña nieto, elite zeta with el bertie boy moreira, Tomas yarrington, fidel herrera, enrique francisco galindo ceballos, mario marin, and notorious B|G miguel angel osorio chong among many others, when epn won, it was time to get rid of his boys

    4. The setas split because the z40 and his gang did not pay, they just keep shorting everybody, even the steaks were no such, puras putas broken promises, el Taliban was the first to see clear through them, in splitting from them and many followed him...

    5. El Taliban was the traitor he got mad because him and his brother were down sized

    6. El Taliban knew Z40 was full of shit and leading the Zs up a dead end street.

    7. If el Taliban would have never gotten arrested he would have kicked z40 ass with the help of cdg

    8. 10:24 THAT IS WHY el taliban got arrested, judas z40 sent his SAN LUIS POTOSI police after el taliban...nice trick...

    9. El Taliban turned himself in because z40 people were closing in on him ... that's why he didn't fight extradition

  5. what was his alias? about time they get a high ranking guy and not some low level look out. wheres the video?

    1. Not sure but you can see at the end of the post that on social media referred to him as "2000".

      I could not get a code to embed, the videos are gone now and the images from the FB page created for this. But I think a couple of the narco blogs have them. there are two, one is just a short few seconds, the other was a bit longer but still short, nothing of big interest.

      and no, they did not record and post the execution.

    2. No decapitation or blood, no visible torture, just the white rag, these must be serious guys, the new governor must be cleaning house, Matamoros presidente lety must have done something good, El PAN won and there will be a new PAN governor, a "cabeza de vaca", I hope this one is not the compadre of el Castillo de cagada involved in baby farah death cover ups in estado de mexico...

    3. HI chiva, quien te quere?

    4. oh ok. thank you chivis for your response. love your guys blog!

    5. 10:10 Beee!

  6. I remember a note about zetas kidnapping a bus full of people and then had some sort of gladiatorgame with those innocents fighting one to one. Just for the fun of those zetas watching.

    1. and boiled babies?
      Never happened

    2. Don`t know about boiling babies but not much suprises me anymore. I found a link about gladiatorgames here (also called "The second San Fernando massacre"):
      And actually posted here on BB:

    3. The setas were doing some evil dirty deeds all over tamaulipas, I don't think el chapo was grinding his victims remains after making them into pozole or "carniasadas" in tamaulipas, or veracruz, san luis, coahuila, nuevo león, zacatecas...or inside prisons...
      --The setas were trained with some kaibiles and share the vices learned in their brotherhood, if someone would eat babies, the setas are my candidates...

    4. Nope they all were pay to go to the middle east and kill all the islamic state warriors the so called usa global coalition.

    5. GOOGLE Assassins and death squads...
      Specially those government sponsored, love to practice their hell on earth on asphalt jungles too, their victims are often forced to the jungles in the forest all the way to venezuela, and then they get called chavistas, bolivarianos, Che guevaristas, senderos luminosos, mapuches, montoneros, tupamaros, zapatistas, etc, etc, etc...and my own terrorist group los chupamaros, but we restrict ourselvers to the bars around us anywhere send a round when you're around...

  7. Comandante Gasnares was running parts of NL back in 2005 for Los Zetas/CDG; there are articles from then still available online that place him in charge of ordering executions for the cartel in the city.

  8. Here is the post from 2013 about cds and cdg.

  9. Sounds fishy. Muegra killing muegre. Seems to me like a big fish trying to fly under the radar like El Azul. Head still looks attached to body.

  10. Cjng is having infighting things are heated

  11. Well guess he's joined his best buddy Lazca then they can try extorting the devil and keep making those $$ that they can't use anymore.

    1. Shame that prick z40 wasn't with them

    2. 10:27 Oh he will be there someday....TRUST ME. Miguel Z40 has a VIP spot down there in HELL

    3. El Diablo va a pagarle piso y plaza a los setas mañosos, con su tenedor bien caliente por el yoyo y unas mordidas de la santa muerte en el cabús

  12. Who cares? Let them kill each other.. They know the risks that come with the profession they chose...

    1. 12:43 what the ruskies have to do with shit here?

  13. What happened to el R1. He was the boss of Los Zetas directly after Osiel cardenas and out ranked Z1

    1. Was betrayed by los metros and hated but los zetas, now los zetas killing zetas and metros fighting moros people, que pendejos

    2. 10:28 es que:
      "pá los toros del jaral, los caballos de allá mesmo"
      Which compares to something like "hair from the same dog", for ar inglish spiking friendzzz

  14. Most say the Zetas didn't split til Z40 took over but this manta clearly states Lazca ,Z40, n 2000 "poco a poco seran externinadoZ". To me it suggest the split was already in motion n Z3 was likely just a casualty of it 6 months after this manta

    1. El taliban was already up in arms, miguel angel osorio chong the real Z1 recalled el lazca back to his hidalgo state, where el lazca is hiding now in his ranchos.
      --El z40 lasted 6 mendigos meses sin su papi el lazca, porque es puro culero y ya no tuvo quien le agarrara y le amarrara a sus victimas.

  15. This is unreal. All of you discuss this like it is an online game or something. The whole situation is sad. I use to visit Mexico and loved the laid back atmosphere, the culture, the people, their products... Now look at it. It's not even safe to visit there. The innocent people, the children, those that live there have no home or country to love or be proud of, no safe place to call home. All because of greed. The US government is as guilty as the cartels.
    Answer this for me: How come when thousands of innocent people are tortured and killed in other countries, the US sends money and military to stop it, but when it happens and continues to happen in Mexico, the US government turns its head and looks the other way? In reality, if the US and other countries wanted to end the tragedies in Mexico, it would end.

    1. Que te calles!!!

    2. Cry us a river.Your stating inane questions as if it can be solved with a word or action.The oft trotted out bleating about the US,grow a brain and stop apportioning blame to everywhere else except the place where it fundamentally lies.How could the US stop what is happening in Mexico?Sanctions,oh no that would hurt everyday people.Invade,no,oo cant do that,stop the drugs flowing,no,oo,Mexico manufactures it now,err,i know,you tell us?

    3. 9:23 PM
      My heart is crying for your loss.No country to love or be proud of and its all the fault of the US.I too have no country to love or be proud of,but,i dont seem to care.I care for my family,but without a country to love my life is not worth living.Oh the shame and heartbreak,I feel your words,i really do.

    4. 9:23 PM
      What a load of bollocks you wrote

    5. 9:23 PM
      Nothing to do with the story then?
      Very helpful.

  16. So can someone tell me with as little assumption as possible, who (as far as cartels go) is the most powerful at present?

  17. To the reader wanting to talk to me. I don't speak to anyone I don't know. I broke the rule only once, (recently), but it was an atty of a narco awaiting sentencing in U.S. and I wanted to get information. If you have a specific question you can email me, I will try to respond and answer your question.

    1. However if you have information YOU want to share let me know, I can always get someone you will feel comfortable speaking with.

  18. Thanks chivis. I appreciate it

  19. Do any of you fools even know the names Pancho Carreon worked with Cabeza,Chucho,Oaxaca,Mono,sicarios,Werko,Chiquitin,Tlapa, Rojo,Chino estaca killer kidnapper was caught and let go next day,Carreon and some of these all worked under Varo Puga

    1. y k paso con el dandy?

    2. Sí,El Dandy trabajó con ellos y se convirtió en un jefe, un mal tipo de bienes,he was caught not long ago.
      He worked with Ricky Santillan,El Balatas,real bad guys this cell in charge,kidnapped,killed,raped,so many people Mante,Gomez Farias,Xicotencatl,Limon they were protected by Cantu

  20. How did they get this guy?

    1. They tracked him or one of his afiliates gave him up

  21. You ( Mexican drug cartels) fucked mess up all the time, that was not guys must crack down now (motherfucker)


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