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Friday, July 29, 2016

29 Autodefensas Might Be Released To Continue Their Criminal Proceedings Liberated

By: Sayra Casillas Mendoza | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Morelia, Michoacán— The Sixth District Judge located in Uruapan decided to modify the precautionary measure of pretrial detention for 29 Tumbiscatío autodefensas, so they may be able to continue their criminal proceedings while they are freed if they meet the five new precautionary measures imposed on them.

Such measures to be met are:

  • To not leave the state
  • To not meet with armed groups
  • Present themselves to the court to sign once a month
  • Posting bail: 120,000 pesos ($6,399 USD)
  • To not approach witnesses

In an interview with Cambio de Michoacán, the lawyer of this group of autodefensas, Ignacio Mendoza Jiménez, considered bail to be a very high amount of money, so he anticipates a possible appeal.

He added that he would ask the governor, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, to give these people the same amount of compensation (90,000 pesos ($4,799 USD) granted in February to former autodefensas to have the possibility to start a productive project.

“Let them support the bond…they are people that don’t have financial resources, who served the state and were arrested on May 9 when they still had permission from Castillo, even though he denies it, to be armed,” he said.

He emphasized that the decision of the judicial authority leaves a good precedent for the rest of the autodefensas, including José Manuel Mireles.

These 29 autodefensas were arrested on May 9, 2014, and are prosecuted for bearing arms for the exclusive use of the Mexican Army.


  1. Total BS. More mental torture.All the while the CNTE criminals get away with vehicle theft ,arson,and extortion,striking because they are unqualified to teach.Nothing is being done.

    1. 5:48 those blamed as CNTE criminals are agents of the secretario de education publica Augrelio Ñuñes, with help of mexican "private security" part timers who usually also moonlight a police and military and federal or state poolice...
      There are too many private security agencies in mexico, owned by crooks like genarco garcia luna and luis cardenas palomino, and just resigned ed secretario de Seguridad multimillionaire of veracruz state...and many more...
      --Real CNTE teachers are not criminals, just union members, and better than the people trying to fire them without pensions or benefits...
      --Pemex AND CFE ARE ALSO KICKING OUT THEIR EMPLOYEES to make room for the new owners, no pensions or benefits...puro quiote, all the mexican oil producing states are among the poorest mexican states, heavily in debt, veracruz, campeche, tamaulipas, chiapas, blame the politicians, but the oil pirates paid for that, to help the re-conquest of mexico...

  2. Pinche gobierno Mexicano corrupto. $6,399 for bail? Not even I can come up with that so easily & I work in the U.S.

    1. Augrioles Conejo must be trying to buy himself some new diamond and brilliant encrusted orejas de conejo...
      --Belinda must be trying to pick his pockets real good, o no hay y hoy no circula...

    2. much garb.... Around here.. See you. ! ! !

    3. Both ! ... but 6,399 equals to what?....Some one paying 30k in the us? Who's trying to get rich in that are, heroin not enough for those animals...maybe they need something obliterating...

    4. 8:27 so long, don't let the door hit you on your way out, you'll be out sooner faster Mr Greta Garbo...!!!

  3. Minimum wage $2.99 usd a day, farmers make even less, good luck with the ransom money...
    --Hey, at least "they" did not kill you 29 autodefensas on sight, with their amerrikkkan rifles...

  4. What a dirty double dealing S.O.B. that Castillo is for arresting them for weapons when he approved them.Doesn't he find it hard to live with himself.He should step down.He is obviously not qualified to do a good job.If he was operating in any other country his ass would be fired in a heartbeat.What B.S!

  5. Poor people! They have the choice of between being fucked by the the goverment and the criminals or joining the criminals to fuck with their own compadres.

  6. 7 grand a pop? Times 29? The city or state wanna get good revenue with these guys

  7. Desde Tierra Caliente

    Este es el estilo de castillo justicia en Michoacán. Ha desaparecido un manguero que puso una queja a Morelia de pagar a un coyote para la venta de sus frutos a Jumex.

    1. 11:05 traducción: "one mango producer that complained to morelia about an extorted has disappeared" that is the castillo style of justice in Michoacan...

  8. If the government fines 2900 people $69.00 dollars a piece for breathing the michuacan "aigre" through the mouth, they may get it easier to get paid and maybe make even more safer money, I can't count more than mil pesos at a time, so do the math for me, will ya'?

  9. It would be a even 30 but NO Mireles ain't going NO where.

  10. They let them out and it will be like shooting fish in a barrel .

  11. @ Mr/Ms MIGHT, MIGHT, MIGHT,....You MIGHT get your comments published if you would follow the rules. No comments in all caps.

    But then again, if all you post is your continued criticism of BB you will not see them published. That is not a "MIGHT", That is a certainty.

  12. Wonder how many mafias nat/int operate in that state. It could explain all the mess...

  13. "Por esta entrevista está preso el Doctor Mireles"/caballero x, youtube
    The short story is that Mireles blames Castillo and behind him the federal government and epn, his armies and poolice, and his deals with corrupt "juersaz ruralez" for the continued problems in micboacan


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