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Monday, July 11, 2016

Bravo Alberto Barragan alias 'El Gavilán', alleged leader of the Knights Templar in Guerrero arrested

Posted by DD translated from article in Milenio

Thanks TDR for the tip.

 By Javier Trujillo

Agents of the Research Division of the Federal Police arrested or Edilberto Bravo Alberto Barragan alias 'El Gavilán', alleged leader of the Knights Templar Square in Guerrero, and three of his accomplices in Zihuatanejo.

Bravo Barragan is considered by federal authorities as the alleged leader of the plaza in the municipalities of Petatlan, La Union and Zihuatanejo, as well as leader of the Knights Templar, who maintained an alliance with the New Generation Jalisco Cartel.

The Federal Police said that four detainees were in possession of three large caliber weapons,  and cartridges of different calibers, as well as three vehicles which were all confiscated by the police.

 Authorities said Bravo Barragan is responsible for several illegal crimes such as kidnapping, extortion,cobros de piso, and homicides and is  accused of unleashing the wave of violence in the region, particularly in the area so-called binomial beach Zihuatanejo- Ixtapa.  

El Gavilan is regarded as one of the 50 priority targets defined in rethinking the strategy of the federal government in the state.

 Together with Barragan Bravo, they were arrested three other men, who allegedly acted as guards and gunmen, including Nabor Jaimes Hernandez, alleged financial contributor to the criminal group.

Hernandez is considered responsible for coordinating the landing of cocaine off the coast of Guerrero state arriving from Colombia.

Reports indicate that the detention of the 4 alleged criminals was the result of several weeks work prior to the arrest by the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police.

Sunday afternoon the four detainees were transferred from Zihuatanejo to Mexico City to be made available to authorities of the Deputy Attorney Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO).

 On May 8, 2016, agents of the Research Division of the Federal Police arrested the gunmen chief of the criminal group identified as Jesus Gilberto González Lobato 'The Guacho' and four other members of  a criminal cell of El Bavilans'

 Among them were Genaro Gonzalez Stone, 'El Diablo'; Margarito Bautista Benitez 'The Chilindrino'; Valerio Eliseo Vázquez, 'The Piccolo', and Carlos Daniel Dimayuga Galeana, 'The Jap'.

They also confiscate from them heavy weapons, drugs and vehicles reported as stolen. 

At that time the five members of the criminal group  of  El Gavilan were arrested by federal agents in the town of San Jeronimito, municipality of Petatlan. 

SDP Noticias reported that the Governor, Héctor Astudillo Flores, confirmed the detention of Gavilan and that he is  one of the alleged leaders of the 'Knights Templar' criminal group operating in the region of Costa Grande and Michoacan.     The Governor said that this arrest is a blow to organized crime in Guerrero however he is not the only leader nor the only group operating in that area. 
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  1. 1 organization down 9 more to go bravo...... y la tutu?

    1. 2:19 La puta tuta sigue dando las nachas en el bote, altiplano

    2. Este guey tiene pecho de gavilan pero pezunas de gaviota.
      Comandante Chompiras.

  2. Cd. Juarez bout to get ugly AGAIN.. there was a narcomanta sayin the cleansing will begin.., or should i say it has begun. It was signed by el señor Caro Quintero .. i wonder what the fk is goin or wtf is gunna happen. Whos is the war against .. n now wit chapo at a prison there it seems kinda fishy. any word on that my beloved bb reporters?? its being calm in juarez for quite sum time now..

    1. Word is that Caro Quintero along with the Beltran Leyvas want to fight Chapo for control of Chihuahua and Juarez. They will fight alongside La Linea however not against them. A message was left allegedly signed by Quintero threatening a top cop in the city of Juarez or the state of Chihuahua that if he is not gone within one week he is done and that a cleansing of the city is to begin.
      Caro till today has not been known to leave messages however so the authenticity of it remains suspicious.
      Caro vs Chapo in Chihuahua was validated by top Cop Brass in Juarez though.
      Guess we will have to wait and see!

    2. New chihuahua governor javier corral, PAN/PRD alliance, will not see the end of it, while he plans to stick if to cesar duarte por ratero y Narco traficante, lavado de dinero, enriquecimiento inexplicable, y endeudar el estado como si fuera un moreira más, cesar duarte tiene planes de asesinato a todo el estado con su linia hasta que corral acabe llorando por su mamito y regrese el PRI A GOBERNAR CHIGUAUGUÁS...

    3. @8:37 pinche governadores de Sinaloa , Durango y hasta Sonora son todos de CDS y nomas entra un cambio en Chihuas de gobernador y como lloran los putillos de CDS porke estos wueyes no andan de lame huevos como ellos a favor se CDS! No que CDS muy chingon que no necesita de un gobierno para ayudarle?

    4. 4:41 right now, the government is consolidating, all the cartels need to align themselves right, with the governor closest to epn, the government is the boss narco now.

  3. WOW! EPN will make up a speech on national TV like the one after the last chapo capture to make the mexicans happy again, when he says "lo tenemos"...

  4. Chapo continues to snitch, Sitchola

  5. Pa nombrecitos. El Chilindrino... gua gua gua
    Picocolo... apoco Piccolo Pete... ay guey
    The Jap. deberas? Chino chino japones come caca en el bote y no me des! ja ja ja ja ja

  6. Cjng and templas were at war ?? But in guerrero are best buddies......

    1. Hahaha thats a good one

    2. Lots of other templarios flipped why npt him? Do you know something processo doesnt. If ypu read the pro esso article his group wasnt even named caballeros templarios. Link below

    3. Any narco can be your best friend, until they see where you got your money or your stash, or both, they are usually already working with the polesias to nail your ass good...

    4. nope cjng made a vid where they behead one of his members in guerrero

    5. La chapa and z40 was best friendzzz in el altiplano, pinchi bola de chaqueteros, se llevaron a la chapa a juaareeez! porque no los podian despegar con la manguera de agua fria, y eso que era una de bomberos!

    6. Las peleas de perros son para que los señores de arriba se pelien menos, as long as they don't run out of perros the "los señores" will remain friendz fo' life

  7. So the cartoonish Knights Templar are still active, while Servando and his little Tuta Jr. boy are in prison. Haven't heard much about the KT lately.

  8. Who controls the port of Lazaro Cardenas now? That seemed to be the Templar's biggest cash cow.

  9. El Gavilan will be missed greatly!

  10. Hey DD...with all due respect. Thanks for the story about this, but is there any news about Mireles and the others??????????


  12. its funny how hard los zetas got hit in 2012 with a LOT of arrests of their bosses and sicarios and now we hardly hear much from them. I think they are gaining power and building walls around their territories, they seem to be getting smarter and learning to pick their battles now adays.

  13. when do we get an update about what happened to the 120 narco targets during FC mandate?

    What really happens to people getting arrested in Mexico?

    1. 10:34 no pasa nada, todo sigue igual, nada cambia, maybe all we get is a nosy pregunton once in a while...genny...

  14. templars? still alive wow

  15. Ct are mostly done. Some joined LA familia or cjng. It's most likely LA familia that el gavilan works for and not ct

  16. Hows la tuta doing in prison is he teaching Inside?

  17. i stopped readin when it said the templarios had an alliance with cjng.... they add bullshit to their stories

    1. I'd believe it, I was in Michoacan about a year ago and this lame asked me if I wanted to be a part of cjng, like it was a school yard click or something. He later showed me his big ugly tattoo of a cross and tells me, "fui de los templarios." Like it was something to be proud of... michoacan has great people, but the narcos out there that run the show feel like the world owes them something. Pinches lacras, they get a little bit of money and don't know how to act.

  18. 7:33 cuando andan valiendo madre, todos se hacen aliados,
    then its over with the "truce" as soon as they get their wind back.

  19. If you can't beat them, Join them.

  20. I said it before, none of these clowns have an excuse for possesing high calibre weapons and should be dealt with accordingly on the side of the road, no trail no public show no shitty corridos, Mexico needs the death penalty, and should start at the top

  21. I would recommend you research the image that you have currently of who you claim Bravo Alberto is. You have the wrong image BB.

    1. @6:58. The photo I posted is from Proceso. I looked at maybe a 100 photos on Google photos and narrowed it down to 2. The one I used from Proceso and one from Take a look at it and tell me if you think that is him and how you know. I appreciate it.

    2. In the link you sent you can see he is wearing a white tank top in the top image and he looks nothing like the guy in the black shirt that's being led by the police. Two different guys homie.

    3. @11:16. I can see they are 2 different people. My question is how do you know whether he is the one in the white shirt as per "cambio de michoacan", or the one in the black shirt as per proceso?

    4. Because on one website they only have a side profile picture like the one you posted here, whereas in the correct article they took an additional frontal picture of him in custody. You think they would take a picture and post a picture of just one of the random bodyguards? No my friend, the reason why the guy in the white tank top has do many pictures taken of him is because he is your man. Now please correct the image. Thank you sir.

    5. Sea como dea dd it's all gravy homey, era un pinche "aprendiz de malandrin nomas"

    6. In the photo he looks frigging bug eyed.Too much meth that night.


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