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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Dr. Mireles Will Remain In Prison

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

In early 2013, Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde took up arms to repel Los Caballeros Templarios in Michoacán.  He helped the federal government by recovering territories that had been lost to organized crime, but he didn’t accept to bend to the will of the then Federal Commissioner Alfredo Castillo Cervantes.  It cost him prison in June 2014…and he will remain there.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde, founder and former leader of the autodefensas in Michoacán will not leave the federal prison in Hermosillo, Sonora, where he has been held since June 27, 2014.

Ignacio Mendoza Jiménez, his lawyer, said that measures will be taken to protect the former leader of the autodefensas in Michoacán regarding this operative.

Mireles Valverde was sent to prison after having publicly denounced the collusion between organized crime and the PRI government of Michoacán, then led by Fausto Vallejo Figueroa.  The main cause of his imprisonment is attributed to the refusal to join the Fuerza Rural (Rural Force), the police force that Alfredo Castillo Cervantes integrated

According to information by Zeta, a unitary court in Guadalajara, Jalisco, in aid of federal Michoacán judicial authorities, confirmed on June 2nd the refusal to order the dismissal of the criminal case that has kept Dr. José Manuel Mireles imprisoned.  The decision was rendered in the auxiliary logbook 221/2016 by Isidro Avelar Gutiérrez, Judge of the Seventh Circuit Court of the Auxiliary Unit Center of the Third District, in the state of Jalisco.

The ruling confirmed the decision handed down last January by the Fifth District Court in the state of Michoacán, based in Uruapan, Michoacán, through which unfounded the dismissal of the criminal case 137/2014 brought against Mireles.  

The judge ordered the return of the original criminal mention (158/2016) with the verdict referred to the Second Unitary Court of the Eleventh Circuit Court based in Morelia, the authority which acted on his aid.

Dr. José Manuel Mireles Valverde will remain imprisoned in the Federal Social Readaptation Center #11 in Hermosillo.

Mireles, founder of the autodefensas of Tepalcatepec, and other followers of the movement who were against insecurity and the presence of Los Caballeros Templarios, were detained on June 27, 2014 in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas in an operation where federal and military forces participated in, because he was allegedly in possession of weapons and drugs.

Source: Sin Embargo


  1. His lawyer is becoming VERY ANNOYING.
    Every two weeks he announces that the doctor will be free, or something, and then it comes out as not true.

    1. 2:27 maybe "his lawyer" needs unas putas patas en el fundillo, if he is promised things, and gets let down, is one thing, but when nothing is working, he could declare "no más" and step aside, no human rights organization, no shit.
      --That is the global cabal of globalization at work for you...

    2. 12:27 Mireles attorney actually recognizes that there may be something wrong with his lawyering, because no legal recourse seems to work, in any court, with any judge, no matter what approach, because this is pure political persecution and abuse of power.

    3. In the usa when they say charges dropped means a person gets to walk free, why is he in jail months after the dropped charges?

  2. Fuera EPN !
    Basta !
    Manos Arribe
    Let the Revolution roll , it's got to get even worse to get better .

  3. The doctors continued unlawful imprisonment only reinforces how corrupt the Mexican government is, and how much it fears the truth. Dr. Mireles is the hero of our generation. He represents what Mexico could be, but the wickedness of power and money are too great at the moment. Todo tiene su tiempo.

    1. The last thing the Mexican government want's is Dr. Mireles to be set free, I'm afraid they'd have him killed in prison long before they'll free him. We're getting to see just how corrupt the government truly is from the head down.

    2. If Dr Mireles gets murdered everybody will blame the epn government, so he is to be kept in prison "for his own good".

    3. The corruption in Mexico has been running rabid for the past 8 decades. It runs from the lowest ranking cop to the military to judges on up to the Presidency. The poor people are the ones who pay for it dearly. They try to escape the persecution and try to find a better way of life elsewhere. When they do find a way out, they are met with such hatred and opposition from the US. Contrary to Drumpf's allegations, the majority of these people just want an opportunity to have a better life for their families.

      Unfortunately, the level of corruption in Mexico is too far gone and it has infected every level of government, both state and federal. So, do I blame these people who come here looking to do jobs that many Americans will not do? No, I don't.

  4. No surprise. It's EPN's corrupt leadership...what crap.

    1. It's not just EPN. Mexico is corrupt at every level of the Mexican Judicial/Executive/Legislative system. EPN doesn't have the power to stop the corruption because it is too rampant and it has a long deep rooted history in Mexico. The only way this corruption is uprooted is if outside forces use their influence. Vladimir Putin comes to mind. He wrestles bears for fun so he could easily cure Mexico's issues.

  5. Cuanto tiempo le queda a Mireles para cumplir su "sentencia?"

    1. There is no "sentencia" he has not been to court, has not been judged, and hellshitzzz, he has only been accused on the press and tv, the government has said it is all the fault of Dr Mireles lawyer thalia that did not know what she was doing and filed for shit "instead of for an amparo" etc etc etc ...

    2. I think they meant charges.

    3. The charges against Dr Mireles have been debunked and discredited in court, but the judges do not understand what the charges are...after all the is hard trying to please epn and el Castillos de kagada, but the judges will keep trying, there are bigger appeals courts and governorships in it for them, like Leonel Godoy's finding of Kiki Camarena's body in a michoacan ranch after poolice and military murdered the innocent rancheros there...

  6. Unbelievable. If this isn't evidence of the corruption in Mexico, I don't know what is.

  7. EL TEMO /THE TEMOJuly 3, 2016 at 5:23 PM

    Isn't there outside help 4 this man? ....kuz he getN done SUCIO by the mexiKANT government N that's some straight bullshit

  8. Hijos de puta corruptos ratas complot!!!

  9. We all knew it, he's never getting out .

    1. Yup anyone following BB or dr mireles's story knew it was a foregone conclusion. Even if he got released for these so called offences the government would just invent a different charge to detain him.

    2. 5:09 That is one tunnel vision, one lawyer approach is another vision, waiting for his lawyer's weekly releases about false hopes and "mommy said he does not get out after all" announcements AND what we each understand and hope for is another millions of independent tunnel visions...
      --we do not have competent leadership, an approach that works, resource$$$ or powerful people compromised with us or even an organization to coordinate efforts, what next?

  10. Unless we see him walking out of the prison, did we really think he was going to be released? He still is full of vigor and life, too much for the authorities to consider for release because he remains a threat to the status quo. He's free when dead (of "natural causes")or when confined to a wheelchair. Mexico has no presumption of innocence, speedy trial, or bill of rights. So basically, he's screwed. Where is the ambassador to Mexico or human rights watch?

    1. According to Moses, the Panama Papers had a lot of indictable offenses, but there was promptly assumed innocence for all the involved, for the abductors of the 43 too, for the murderers of tlatlaya, for javier duarte de ochoa and cesar duarte, for bertie boy moreiro, for mario marin, and carlos salinas de gortari and zedillo's fundillo and fecal....
      Not for Dr Mireles, because he was not looking for public office

    2. They say twenty percent of worlds money is dirty. Supports a lot of financial institutions, lawyers, accountants, Realtors, stock brokers, even entire countries, the list goes on. No one is ever punished. This will never stop. It cannot.

  11. Good deeds never go unpunished, as a cynic would say... Dr. Mireles, already in poor health, has effectively been given a death sentence by a corrupt system belonging to authentic criminals posing as officials and public servants. Thank you for this article, Borderland Beat.

    1. Exactly!6:15.[and the voters won't forget although watch PRI will try election fraud or buying votes because they can't win it honestly.Just watch they are so predictable but in a negative way.Chivis was right they are playing mind games like a child with the Doc.Get his hopes up then shoot him down.That's called emotional abuse and how much did PRI pay the judge to say no or some backroom deal about a promotion?

    2. El PRI has formed a commission "to connect with the people again so they can share the priista vision with them"
      --No shit, thanks! I pass...

    3. EPN's approval rating is at an all time low of 29% and still has what 3 years to go.

    4. 7:12 believe half of that, Canna, that is the too optimist government point of view...

    5. Haha.You are probably right.OK 15 % approval rating.

  12. Hes only in prison because the mexican goverment doesnt want another Pancho Villa !!!

    1. Pancho villa?... I would compare pancho villa more to chapo and zapata more like mireles. Imo.

    2. More like Emiliano Zapata, Dr. Mireles even looks like him.

    3. Pancho Villa nowadays will be like a zeta. Going to a town raping and pillaging inoccent people just for fame .

    4. 10:38 Pancho Villa was governor of chihuahua for a while, and did a better job than used car dealer cesar duarte and many other satraps with harvard, yale, chicago, MIT, or Satanford universities in spite of the later propaganda against Villa to justify his demise, even now, it looks like the persecutors of "criminals" are even worse than them...

    5. Rhodes Scholars can't do a better job than Pancho villa either, that would be bill clinton.

    6. El Teniente del ejercito mexicano Manuel Alejandro Aponte Gomez was also a GAFE, from Chilpancingo Guerrero, he was killed after el chapo's arrest in 2014, for some reason, military training does not include intelligence to protect yourself against sicarios without "military training".
      colmillo mata generales.

  13. Please don't report nothing else about this unless he is finally released.

    1. 7:15 porque chingaos no, it is a way to remember, remembering is very important, the mexican government recommends #yaolvidenlo because they think we all are their pendejos...#noseolvida

  14. Off subject, but did you guys hear about the cocaine filled statue sent from Mexico to the US?

    1. Worse, I hear nobody got arrested...

  15. Just when you start to think that something good might actually happen...the Mexican judicial system fucks you over again.

  16. What a surprise... Sarcasm

  17. I think Mireles will have to hire Chapos lawyers if he wants a chance of freedom. This is what he gets though for trying to do some good. In the end however those he helped (if any), don't seem to be paying him back by helping him. So sad.

  18. This is their way of punishing him for even suggesting criminals were in cahoots with gov.It's sure making it look like Dr.Mireles was right.It's really making the Mex gov look guilty like it's true their dirty little open secret.Why should they care everybody knows it but Mireles pissed them off and he's gonna pay because they can!

    1. Thats exactly what the government is doing, making of Dr. Mireles an example just in case other leaders want to follow his approach to justice. What the government is also doing is followin text book(U.S.) psychological warfare tectics. They are going to break Dr. Mireles, if nobody does anything to stop this torture. I seen it and I can quote fm number text and page numbers but i wont.

    2. What about the Human Rights Commission of America in Washington,DC?Can someone advocate on Mireles behalf like Emma is doing for Chapo?

  19. Sad to say but he will die in prison. Say a prayer for the poor doc

  20. Curious how epn's lawyers always find no fault with his motherfacking ass, and there is not one lawyer in all of nexico that can get Dr Mireles out of these trumped up charges...
    But I have seen el bronco rodriguez on a parade in a military vehicle with epn, osorio chong, admiral Soberon and el payaso cienfogatas...
    He really stole the governorship of monterrey "state" and threatens to put former governor medina in prison and has confiscated properties...
    --as an independent "governor"...
    So I guess it is all a problem with us, we are muy chiquitos, muy pendejos and bien jodidos and we are being kept too busy with a monthly promise of Mireles release, like a bola de güeyes, by epn and co...

  21. sad what Nieto does to good people

  22. Sorry Doctor that's the way life is in Mexico. If u are honest u go to jail

    1. It doesn't compare to what you did to jhon f k. Stop acting like you're in a perfect world.

    2. 12:34 JFK was murdered by the US secret government wannabe's operating in the dark...
      --Dr Mireles is in prison because of mexican government officers operating in plain daylight with search lights shining on the crime scene, because the mexican "pooliticians" don't care, their Amerikkkan Ma$ter$ pay for dollars, by the billions, and weapons and military training for their poolice and gorilla armies...
      --what is one man to do about it? Dr Mireles put his ass on the line and it got bit, Dr Mireles say it was worth it...

  23. Nice justice in mexico the bad guys days go out of prison or never be arrested and the good citizen if arrested.. remain in jail with silly tactics well.. that injustice will cost the next presidencial election at the pri... is when Dr mireles will be free . Is a circus. Dangerous plata o plomo.justice in mexico...

    1. The many mini partidos that go and vote by the block complicate things, the PRI knows divide y vencerás means divide and conquer and Morena remains the sole lonely hope, BUT they won in veracruz, and got robbed again, and nothing happened again, veracruz is voting again and it will go pan or pri as they decide in los pinos.
      --Epn needs to get kicked out before the next election...

  24. He should have played his part in the "Street Theater".

    Garnering the incremental progress that was offered, securing those victories that they had already won, instead he lost it all.

    1. --Dr Mireles did not deal because he saw it was all lost when theexican government corrupted the proceeds with their mere presence and with their ugly deeds...
      --You do not get raped only half way, jack...
      By the way, the dotor was in no condition to make any deals when he was in the hospital in mexico city and others were anointed by el Castillo de kagada and la marrana puerca galindo ceballos, an Elite Zeta from the start with osorio chong and epn...
      "La Mafia Huasteca" de los zetones ayudando al pri y epn, like the three musketeers, "all for one..." and that's it...

  25. Does anyone know if there is a way to send him a letter or card? I know, probably not. :-(

    1. I know what you mean. I asked several months ago if there was any way to contribute money to him. I'd support him, if I knew the money would really get to him. He is a great man.

  26. So where are the protests? None.Apathy is what is wrong.Just let the "teacher thugs " disrupt society.Food, water etc not delivered.People can't make a living, yet even then no one does anything .Pathetic.Just bend over and take it.

    1. Protests?There were protests on his 2nd anniversary imprisonment in Mexico City,other areas of Mexico and USA.Food water not delivered.Cops killed 8 protesters.

    2. If this was my country we'd have 10 thousand people marching him out of the prison.

    3. 8:06 the teachers brought no weapons, no helicopters, no tear gas, did not attack the first aid stations, did not shoot teachers in cold blood, and they were not the ones making trouble, that is a classic tactic of the mexican "governing oligarchy" most visible since the MEXICO 68 massacre in Tlaltelolco for the Olympic games...
      --Don't assign "blame" like a stupid baboso, #fué el gobierno.

  27. The judge knew better, Plata O Plomo

  28. Desde Tierra Caliente

    Se debe entender que el Dr. Mireles es un preso político, no es que él es un criminal. Él es el que plantea la mayor amenaza para los poderes en Morelia. También son de interés los lazos políticos y personales entre los políticos de Morelia y los políticos de Chilpancingo.

    1. The gutless mexican "government" does not have the manliness it takes to say "preso politico", they need to accuse Dr Mireles of drug trafficking and posession of weapons...

  29. Eso le pasa por pendejo cuando pudo ser el nuevo presidente un nuevo mexico

    1. 9:40 Dr Mireles was not running for political office, federal, state or municipal, that was a mistake, but having him in prison is a bigger mistake for epn and his party of the 4 thieves, make it 40 000 thieves...

  30. If you break the law you will be sent to jail ... no one is above the law.

    1. If you are Mexican, in Mexico, you are totally pathetic.

    2. 9:42 apparently some people are more "above the law" than others, though.

  31. Que le siga de populista

    1. 11:02 some of us were born to be "populistas", it is better for us than to be unos pinchis gusanos arrastrados kissing the government ass for the "rewards" of 💩 💩 💩 💩 popó...

    2. 11:02 you must be some millonario, "pinchi comentarista".

  32. Im 29 and black its fuked up how they are treatin this man

    1. What does that have to do with this.....

  33. Can someone just take it to the UN Human Rights Council Chives or Bugs back me up here they have recordings and pictures

  34. Dr mireles fucked up. By not fighting the mexican government when he had the chance....he was the spark that the nation needed...zapata got betrayed and killed the same way back on the days when he try to develop dialogue with federal government....I highly doubt they would release him at least not alive ...chapo guzman is a drug trafficker a killer and a rapist and they can't even get him to face justice in USA...corruption.

  35. ... Play Or Work With Fire, You Will Get Burned, Even As Firefighter ... If He Even Thought Of Fighting The Government, "He Would Be Dead Already" ... This Is The Government Giving Him A Spanking ... He Will Take It Like A Man And Leave Prison 1 Way Or Another ... El Chapo Is Playing The Chess Game Very Strategically , Don't Hate The Player, Hate The a Game Or Learn It ... The Dr. Mireles Story Is Sad, But Unfortunately He Does Not Have Much Support Coming From His Fellow Mexican Citizens And A Revolution Would Make Mexico A Sh!thole Like Most Of The Middle East Is Now ... Worse, Not Better ... The Wealthy Parties/People Would Only Gain More $$$ And Leave The Country ...

    1. It would get worse before it got better a Revolution but things as they are are already getting worse probably never to get better without intervention of some kind be it a Revolution or an honest leader or something.....

  36. My only question is why the people of Mexico don't rise up in a nationwide protest and demand his release. A country of SHEEP will always have a government of WOLFS.

  37. Kill them all narcos autodefensas and if possible corrupted government officials sick and tired of it unfortunately it will get worse until Armagedon finishes it

  38. So the two weeks release...bullshit.
    I also notice how the faces of known criminals are given a Lone Ranger mask.
    And Dr. Mireles, well, no such thing.
    I guess he is the most dangerous criminal in Mexico.
    Yes, Dr. Mireles had the chance, on the day he was arrested, to shoot it out with the Feds.
    He could have killed Castillo on that day.
    What is it about these people that still think that "following the rule of law" will get them somewhere?
    I think Dr. Mireles would like to have the day of his arrest back and do things differently.

    1. 4:33 I am sure many mexicans realize now how many pooliticians they could have shot dead instead of paying them tried ute by the millions of dollars only to be betrayed by the later...
      --There is still time to hunt a few polesias and politicos and militares like rats, the don't have pecheras en el hocico...

  39. 3:50, when they attempt to protest, they are rounded up and murdered. It's easy for us to tell them to rise up and protest, but we see what happens when even the government is in on it.

    1. Epn, osorio chong, galindo ceballos, cienpedos, el Soberon, anaya, and the pgr even ordered the lights out to fack up the teachers...while oaxaca municipal police rebels and says they will not obey orders from the federal government...

    2. The "mexican law enforcement poople" must have US supplied night vision googles to go there in the dark...

  40. Mx gov afraid he'll inspire/lead a revolution to depost the corrupt government of Mexico!! Only way for the currupt politiciens to keep enriching their pockets, fancy cars, mensions and expensive clothes is to keep him locked up!!

  41. @The reader who keeps posting the same thing and complaining about his posts not getting published.

    you have to play by the rules. Although we sometimes let it slide if there are just a few words in all caps and if the message contributes something to the discussion, comments in all caps are not allowed especially if they are extra long comments of 200 words more or less.

    Intentionally trying to aggravate the moderators is not the best way to get your posts published. When you just continually hit the "submit" button and post the same comment 6 or 8 times in a row it aggravates the moderators who have to go through 150 to 200 (sometimes more) a day.

    Third, your opinion of the "truth" that you shout about is based on a few seconds of a documentary rather than 3 years and dozens of stories on BB, as well as personal communications and discussions between BB's star reporter Chivis and Dr. M., has been discussed on BB and unless you have something new to add, we are not going to repeat it.

    1. 5:14 I get my comments posted about 100 times a day,
      so there reader, must be some quality there...
      I promise I pay nobody anything, not even one 🍩

  42. Dr Mireles is a political prisoner. His incarceration should be investigated by UN

  43. Cuando era chico quería ser Superman
    Ahora quiero ser un criminal del PAN
    O del PRI o del PRD

  44. Donald Trump cares about the US border and about the good people of Mexico. He hates the cartels. International pressure to free Dr. Mireles should be done as was done for Nelson Mandela. Mireles should them run for President of Mexico. The US under a Trump presidency would then help Mireles destroy the cartels.


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