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Friday, July 22, 2016

Mexican musician decapitated, wife and son killed

Posted by DD Republished from  Yahoo News

Oaxaca (Mexico) (AFP) - Gunmen burst into a musician's home in southern Mexico before dawn on Thursday, decapitated him and killed his wife and son, police said.

The armed group entered the family's home in Juchitan, Oaxaca state, at 2:30 am and killed Victor Sanchez, 40, the singer of the tropical band Sensacion Caribu, the police said in a statement.

His wife and 11-year-old son were gunned down.

It was the second slaughter of a family this week in Oaxaca, a state that has been relatively spared of the drug violence afflicting other regions of Mexico.

The state prosecutor's office issued a separate statement saying that shots had been fired at Sanchez's house a few months ago and that a note threatening him with death was left behind at the time.

Authorities are investigating whether the murders are linked to a dispute between rival criminal gangs.
In the previous massacre on Monday, eight shark fishermen from the same family were killed in Puerto Escondido, a beach resort famous among surfers.

Authorities said they were investigating whether the fishermen were involved in illegal activities at sea.  Officials did not specify what type of activities, but drugs are shipped along Mexico's Pacific coast.

Elsewhere in Mexico on Thursday, authorities found six bodies on a path in the eastern state of Veracruz.

The victims included a police officer who had been missing since Saturday, three other men and two women, authorities said.

Also in Veracruz, a 45-year-old journalist, Pedro Tamayo Rosas, was gunned down in front of his wife and two children late Wednesday.
Pedro Tamayo Rosas falleció en el Centro Médico Regional. Photo El Sol de Cordoba

 DD;  An editorial in the newspaper he worked for, El Pinero de la Cuenca, said Tamayo "documented the acts of violence and social protest in his hometown," as well as reporting extensively on crime. 

Vice News reported that Tamayo had received death threats for his reporting in an area controlled by the Zetas drug cartel, known as Tierra Blanca. He initially fled to Oaxaca, but returned when the Veracruz authorities promised to investigate his case and provide him with police protection. But that did not stop attacker from shooting him eight times.

n June 2014 Tamayo covered the finding and exhumation of 35 bodies in clandestine graves located in the Tres Valles municipality, reported AFP. The victims were allegedly killed by the Zetas cartel.

Tamayo is the 19th journalist killed since 2010 in Veracruz.(DD; other media sources citing the organization Article 19 say the number is 17 with others disappeared)

Veracruz turned particularly deadly after Governor Javier Duarte took office in 2010. The governor has been linked to a series of corruption scandals and been accused of having connections to organized crime.

The website DW  reported that the Mexican government on Thursday reported that the rate of homicides had risen by 15.4 percent in the first half of 2016, compared with the last six months of 2015.


  1. Mexican citizens have to arm themselves and over throw the government. Only solution pereiod

    1. its not only the mexixan gov that makes the rules down there

    2. That's what I've been saying...not sure what's the hold up!! Come on people of Mexico! STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR LAND!!!

    3. What happened to that iris(?) group

    4. ... Crazy Statement's From Crazy/Loco People ... Simplistic Minds Of Ignorant People Will "Not" Resolve This Issue ... The Kids Are Our Only Hope At This Time By Letting Them Have An Equal Opportunity For A Full Education ... Try Taking A Vacation To A Country That Has Had The Government Disrupted, Then Interview Some Locals And Ask Them If It Is Better Now ... I Bet Your Opinion's Would Change ... We Have It Easy In The United States, Trust Me ... Been Around The World And Have Seen Many Things Which Have Changed My Perspective On An Incredible Amount Of Subjects/Topics ...

    5. Defend your dignity, women, children, home and remove all senators, diputados, federal judges, governors.

      What did they do for you today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year?

      None have done their job why keep them in power?

    6. you nailed it. we have it easy in the united states of America. but simple minds dont understand.

    7. We have it easy in the the US ?
      Easier maybe,but thats because people take interest in their communities and do something.
      People make a country

    8. @12:46; it is refreshing to read enlightened comments. I just spent a week in Trinidad and like you have seen that most of the world is not the bubble most USA citizens enjoy and believes is the norm.

    9. The Mexican government makes ot nearly impossible for an ordinary citizen to prchase a gun.

    10. It's almost, almost time to bring out the educated DICTATORS.. Start with mx. HO ! HO ! LOL ...

    11. Nothing will change until the United States decriminalizes cannabis, and stops providing the corrupt Mexican government with weapons and money. The U.S. has been a piss poor neighbor, NAFTA hasn't helped provide any jobs for Mexicans, and corruption in the U.S. is getting worse.

    12. 11:12 And what kind of neighbor has Mexico been to anybody ? Please explain the attributes of Mexico as a neighbor . I'm not asking you to fault them or anybody , just explain the positives .

    13. All over the world ! ! !

    14. All the people making comments hers about the Mexican people rebelling make me laugh, it's easy to read all these stories of injustice and bark out load "if that was me I would get those crooked go to officials out of power" you people have no idea and you talk out of ignorance, so how will they get the firepower? How will they spread the message? When everything is stack against them. Would you make yourself and your family a target to speak out against the injustice and corruption? Did you not see what happens in Michigan when the people tried to defend THEMSELVES? This is not a movie and things don't have a story book ending so before you start saying I don't know why the Mexican people haven't done this or that stop and think what that would mean for the people involved and stop trivializing this, like you would do something if you were in there shoes. You are not in that position so don't speak about like if you know the first thing about this trying to sound like Johnny Dangerous get the fucked out of here.

    15. @2:39; Neither Mexico or America have been perfect neighbors. However to answer your question I believe the act of greatest potential consequence to Mexico was during WWII when Hitler promised to return USA lands to Mexico if Mexico allied with Germany yet Mexico allied with USA and contributed their pilots and other military resources. Mexico's contribution was small compared to America's resources but the act was very risky. The safe decision for Mexico would be neutrality like Switzerland, and the greedy commitment would have been to accept Hitler's offer. More recently many people all over Mexico from poor to rich contributed to 911 charities (many of which unfortunately enriched American "non-profit" executives and not the victims intended to help).

    16. They have tried this already hence why
      Dr. Jose Mireles is in prison (which is so unethical) Free Dr. Mireles

    17. 11:54 ok neighbor , you did it . My dad was on Luzon at the same time the 201st Aztec Eagles were providing air support . Just when you think you know a lot some smart ass Mexican tells you something you didn't know . Wonder if my dad knew . He was a 6'3" dog face first scout . I picture him breaking Nippons in half like john wayne in the Vietnam movie green beret .

  2. Oaxaca used to be a nice place years back but thanks to the scumbags that have taken over oxaca i fled whit my family to culican sinaloa where there is narcos but they dont mess whit innocent people , god bless oaxaca

  3. You start thinking it can't get any worse, then all these stories lately totally blow away that thought...

  4. I agree with the Mexican Police's assessment: They must have been involved with the cartels in some shape or form. These drug cartels are all about business. They don't have time to go around killing random innocent civilians for no reason whatsoever. They kill people who they feel are helping their enemies in some shape or form.

    Really sad to read about these sorts of killings, especially when a young kid dies as well.

  5. Damn between ISIS and these fools the devil is on the loose but not for long!

  6. ...and no mention of the 8 men and 1 woman (a jogger) murdered in Puerto Escondido.. the other day?

    1. Give it time homie or home girl, too many deaths going on BB can't keep up..they'll report it later in the weekend or next week.

    2. 11:21 When you stop bitching about yesterday's body count, start working on WHY IS ALL THIS SHIT HAPPENING.
      --EPN has more than 60 000 murders in three years of his governance, and 30 000 disappeared, 8 or 9 more is not what is going to make a difference

    3. Then according to you 'you' what is the answer.. "Mr perfect" ? ?

  7. People dont murder like that for nothing,he wasnt innocent but the kid & wife were. Think twice before doing something.

  8. Good Gawd Almighty.......
    Just sick and sickening

    La gente got to fight back /stand up somehow someway anyway all ways.

  9. Caro quintero did an interview with proceso will be release on sunday thank me later bb

    1. Really? ... It'll be interesting to see what it says.

    2. ... El Proceso Link For Sunday ...

  10. GOD here are thy sons

  11. If the cartels were to become addicted to Pokémon...they would come out in public and be arrested. Would this help?

  12. The mexican government IS ADDICTED TO CARTELS...


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