Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The business of Caro since prison, are the best known secrets

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Sinembargo article

Subject Matter: Caro Quintero
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Linaloe R. Flores

The " narco of narco's", he was the originator of modern narco trafficking, imprisoned for only 28 of the 128 year sentence he received, directs again, as always, an organization that trafficks drugs on the routes to the United States, according to reports of the DEA. In Badiraguato, Sinaloa, his turf, the paused war has returned to the start. In Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, where he always held his power base with the ranches "El Bufalo, El Vaquero, and Pocitos, one can see his shadow.His psychological profile was made in the six years of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, however there are some that have seen him, conversed with him and they accepted to profile him.

Forever, there was and is a well spoken secret. But between February and April 1985, the narco trafficker left for the first time the pages of Mexican newspapers with the name of the principal star: Rafael Caro Quintero. The 32 year old from the mountains, long hair and very black moustache, employer of thousand of farmers who grew marijuana, born in La Noria, a lost hamlet in the misery of the mountains of Badiraguato, Sinaloa, had put the USA and Mexican governments backs against the wall.

Rafael Caro Quintero was detained in a house in Costa Rica in April of 1985 for a weighty charge of which he was guilty. Identified as the "Director" of the criminal organization denominated the "Guadalajara Cartel", he trafficked drugs to the United States and also had assassinated the DEA agent Enrique Camarena and his pilot Alfredo Zavala.

With time, it became known that this group was formed of other Sinaloan's that protagonized the zenith of Mexican narco trafficking; for example, Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, Miguel Salcido Beltran, "El Cochiloco" and Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera "El Chapo". But Caro was Caro.and he initiated a form of narcoism that followed codes of honor and pride.

When they detained him, he said to the authorities the same thing, that his father was a farm worker in Tierra Ajena, and that Caro and the Quintero's were poor, from his oldest recollection, but he never knew hunger because of his sense of self and pride, and he was always searching for work.

He married, that is certain. Of his education, the journalist Jesus Lemus Barajas, who was imprisoned in 2008 in Puente Grande, in the cell next to Caro Quintero, and he was exonerated of all crimes in 2011, he relates: " I read much in that time in prison. I was studying the primary works of INEA.I confess that he was in second grade until the age of 14. But I knew I could finish it in Puente Grande.

As for his search for land, it could also be true. Caro Quintero made in Chihuahua, the ranches "El Bufalo, El Vaquero and Pocitos", where thousands of workers grew marijuana over the years, meanwhile the lack of work gave birth to the principal problems of most Mexicans. The disgrace of the economic crisis of 1982 and the impulse change of path by the then President Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado made the market opening purchasing power, the unemployment levels went down, while the external debt went up to 80 billion dollars.

One particular legend of the "narco of narco's" was justly founded in that economic epoch of Mexico. , Caro borrowed workers, (the other version is that he kidnapped farm workers), and that he was a generous patron, intelligent, loved and respected. The other lead to a change in his liberty, he offered the President to pay the countries external debt if they would leave him to grow in tranquility in the fields for some years.

But the Government didn't want this. Whether they wanted it or not, in "El Bufalo", municipality of Allende, Chihuahua, they describe the days in which they started the end play. 450 elite soldiers came in and discovered 10,000 farm workers that, according to the official version, had been "lifted" with promises of earning good money for cutting of apples. The soldiers confiscated 80,000 tons of the herb at the same time and detained the farm workers.

Rafael Caro Quintero spent 28 years in prison, between the prisons at Almoloya de Juarez, today called Altiplano, and Puente Grande in Jalisco. In August of 2013, he was set free, under the protection of an Amparo. History has returned to the start like it was only in a state of suspense. In November of 2015, a Supreme Court of Justice reversed this judicial determination and ordered his detention; but as luck occurs, nobody has seen him or knows where he is.

Caro Quinero commenced his criminal career at the end of the 70's decade

Official reports and informants of the DEA spread this past 4th of June that Rafael Caro Quintero was disputing plazas with the Sinaloa Cartel, who have suffered hard blows to their structure since their bank roller and leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was re-apprehended.

The Attorney General of Chihuahua, Enrique Gonzalez Nicolas, advertised that Caro has his sights set on Ciudad Juarez and zona del Valle. The functionary, before reporters, expressed with a tone of alert " the possibility has been established of an invasion of Chihuahua from one of the most known narco traffickers in the country, Rafael Caro Quintero. We have information that he intends to come here to dispute plazas with the Sinaloa Cartel, for the criminal actions they carry out".

Like yesterday, the versions spread about him are various. Some indicated that, he supports the hosts of Isidro Meza Flores, "Chapito Isidro", who commands fragments of the Beltran Leyva Cartel, according to sources of the PJE in Sinaloa, or to Alfredo Beltran Guzman "Mochomito", nephew of "El Chapo" Guzman and son of Alfredo Beltran Leyva, also identified among the remnants of the Beltran Leyva, according to the PGE of Sinaloa.

Others that defend his old friend, Joaquin Guzman Loera with the same code of respect, unwaveringly established among the gentlemen of narco trafficking in the 80's. Some and other versions postulate that Caro Quintero has been reborn as a narco trafficker.

Who is this old timer?
Born in the mountains of Badiraguato. His father died when he was 13 years old and then, it changed his family of 12 siblings who went to different towns of Sinaloa and Jalisco. "He was always the star among them", said a friend of the family.

At aged 18, he became a chauffeur in charge of Culiacan. In this job, he met Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo and Juan Jose Esparragoza. Soon they would be a triangle, and expanded the marijuana plantations of La Cienega, Sonora, one of the biggest in the history of Mexican narco trafficking. In 1983, and to defend the plantations, he got to know and bribed the commanders of the Federal Judicial Police.

If Caro Quintero was one of the forgers of the misfortune of narco trafficking, according to an official, "What's he like"?.
If the citizens of a country can know the idea of how dangerous a man or woman is by the psychological profile, why isn't one known for Rafael Caro Quintero?"

After 31 years of his detention, in Costa Rica, and two of his liberation, the Mexicans cannot know what the government found in the mind of this narco trafficker. Psychological evaluations that were practiced were classified as "confidential information", until the year 2022, by the Secretary of Public Security when Genaro Garcia Luna was in charge.

Today, this dependency was key in the political combat of organized crime during the Governorship of Felipe Calderon (2006 - 20012), is part of the Secretary of Government, currently in the charge of Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.

It weighed on the padlocks of Government, who could profile Caro because they knew him? Oscar Loza Ochoa, President of the Commission for defence of Human Rights in Sinaloa, one of the foremost organizations that was not governmental, believable in the country, whose founder, Norma Corona, whose execution by drug traffickers sicarios in 1990 provoked a memory.

"I'm only going to ask for one thing,  you take me to Culiacan", he suggested to her in a polite voice when she visited him at Altiplano. I was 1994 and the "narco of narco's" had spent the last nine years in a cell. Midday in the valle de Mexico it was very cold. Caro had his cell disordered, very different of his neighbour, Felix Gallardo where order governed. She could see a horse head made with a pyrotechnical quality", said Loza Ochoa.

 "Why?", asked the converted professor, very committed  at this time to defend the human rights of families of Sinaloan drug traffickers.

"Its very easy",  there are none to be lost. My sons are at the age where they can decide what is right and what is wrong. I  need to be closer to them to ensure they don't follow my path."

Rafael Caro Quintero said this, he who originated modern narco trafficking. Today the friendliness was transformed. Caro Quintero has gastro-intestinal problems and he commented that on normal days in the prison, he did not receive adequate food for his problem, but on this day his plate looked succulent and dietary.

" Those here knew I was coming?"

"Yes, Loza and his accomplices have responded."

Then he stood up and threw the food into a trashcan, and courage filled his face.

"Not even dogs are treated this way," he remarked.

Caro Quintero was moved to Culiacan, the Sinaloa capital city. There had been no prisoner there of maximum security where they could guard such a dangerous prisoner. This change, six years after, he was transferred to Puente Grande, Jalisco. At the end of 2008, the journalist Lemus Barajas, old cell neighbour, could hear all of his conversations, likes and hobbies.

"He is a skilled man", who accepted  the reconstruction of Caro in his last years in prison. "He has no resentment. He pardons but doesn't forget. Caro Quintero pardons. He is magnanimous. His frame of mind was moving between listening and understanding why and then acting. Rafael had little academic knowledge, but he is intelligent with amazing powers of reasoning."

He knew what was going through the head of another prisoner simply by watching him, he was a born psychologist and showed a great ability to understand body language.

For Caro Quintero, one of his better known corridos, was produced by Los Invasores de Nuevo Leon, it describes him this way: "The wild animal is already caged, but you hear the roaring here in the morning, your wishes will be fulfilled". " Go flee the herd if you want to stay alive".

Three decades after Rafael Caro Quintero converted the epicentre of cultivation and transit of drugs in Mexico; Badiraguato, his turf, is cursed by a binomial: poverty and war. Badiraguato is one of 200 municipalities with the most dramatic misery in Mexico. In other words, in the cradle of the most famous narco's, in the genesis of violence in the country, half of the 30,000 inhabitants live in food crisis, in tin shacks, without shoes and with few possibilities to study. As when Rafael Caro Quintero was born and grew up there.

He is not absent. Although the scholar of the phenomenon of violence in Sinaloa, Jorge Luis Montiel, argues he never was. "He was the originator of the drug trafficking movement. He is the father, and even while in prison was still operating. Caro Quintero kept on operating, peacefully. Now already free, he has chosen a good way of hiding.

In August of 2013, shortly after being freed, the then Municipal President of Badiraguato, Sinaloa, Angel Robles, said in his digital diary: "They asked me if he had been here. Well I don't know, I told them.... and more we don't know if he is here of where he is".

But since Caro Quintero was freed this land is already not the same. Some 350 villagers left their homes for fear of gun battles. What is happening and has happened can be pieced together with testimony of refugees in Huixiopa, Badiraguato. " They are arming and regrouping in the area just above in the mountains. There are two existing groups, the Beltranes and the group of Guzman Loera", said a man from there.

Just go into the biography of any big Mexican narco and you will find Badiraguato. In its rugged terrain there are three branches of generations of names of men with enigmatic and intricate legends. In the 40's, born there was Pedro Aviles, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and Juan Jose Esparragoza Moreno; ten years later the same terrain gave birth to and raised Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, Rafael Caro Quintero and Ignacio Coronel Villareal. Later Joaquin Guzman Loera, saw his first light in the mountains, almost at the same time as his cousins, the five Beltran Leyva's.

Seen this way, it can be treated like a saga of a family in which the prodigious father has returned. The news outlet Rio Doce located the origin of this breakdown on the assassination of Ernesto Guzman Hidalgo during April of 2015, he was a half brother of Joaquin Guzman Loera and in the mountains they ran with the version that he had been ordered to kill Aurelio Guzman Loera, "El Guano", brother of the father of El Chapo.

This adjustment of accounts had occurred because Don Ernesto did not trust the structure of the Guzman Loera's. He was the father of Patricia Guzman Nunez, wife of Alfredo Beltran Leyva, "El Mochomo".

After the capture of Alfredo, detained on 21st of January of 2008 and the death of Arturo, who fell in the following year following an operation of the Marines in Cuernavaca, Morelos, the group of the Beltran Leyva stayed diminished.

Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, "Chapito Isidro" took control of the remnants. According to information from the DEA, this man could be the face to the troops of Joaquin Guzman Loera. DEA documents have indicated that he could be the historical successor to Guzman Loera in the transit of heroin and meth to the United States.

The morning of Saturday the 18th of June made things worse. A contingent of 150 armed men bust into La Tuna, Badiraguato, this remote point on earth, where Consuelo Loera, mother of El Chapo, has spent her life. They stormed her house. Someone took her to a helicopter and managed to get her out of there. Eight people died in the onslaught.

Who did it? In Huixiopa some say that I was "El Mochomito", others that it was "El Chapito", in both Rafael Caro Quintero is the shadow.

Love is an error

"Who gave me up?", asked Rafael when agents of the DEA and elements of the Costa Rica police stormed the finca where he was hiding. With him was Sara Cristina Cosio Vidaurri Martinez, one of the most popular women in the clubs and restaurants in Guadalajara, Jalisco in 1985.

Daughter of the Secretary for Public Education in Jalisco, Cesar Octavio Viadurri and niece of Guillermo Cosio Viadurri, ex governor of the State and ex president of the PRI in the capital, Sara declared " I have not been kidnapped.. I am in love with Caro Quintero".

In the chronicles " San narcos tiene la fama ", " narco saints have the fame", of Carlos Monsivais in the outlet Nexos, in 1992, one sees another scene. Sara says to an official: "I have been kidnapped", the agent asks: " who kidnapped you dear?", she in a low voice responds "Rafael Caro Quintero", the officials reaction is "Puta", or bitch/whore/prostitute in English.

The love part, in all cases, was an error in this history. Because Caro, at this time was being pursued. On the 7th of February 1985, armed men had kidnapped Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, who left the USA consulate in Guadalajara. Hours before he had seen Alfredo Zavala Avelar, a DEA pilot. He relates that an official indicated that Caro Quintero let vent to his fury on Camarena and killed him. His mutilated body appeared next to that of Zavala in a ranch in Michoacán.

These events stirred up a diplomatic crisis with the United States. Ronald Reagan urged the then President Miguel de la Madrid to detain the guilty parties, and that was Caro Quintero.

In the prisons of Altiplano and Puente Grande, Rafael Caro Quintero served only 28 of his 128 year sentence. At 64 years of age he is directing and organization trafficking narcotics to the United States. He wants to own the golden triangle, where the imaginary borders of Chihuahua, Durango and Sinaloa meet in the mountains, and Ciudad Juarez, the strategic border crossing, according to DEA reports.

Original article in Spanish at

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  1. RCQ obviosly was behind the caputure and recapture of Chapo >>>> "Now it is your turn to do time, puto!"

    1. Chapo is a lost cause not even huero palma likes him

    2. Chapo is a puppet now

    3. Chapo's 5" chaPito was his downfall. He should have stuck with the righteous women who continues to fight for him.

    4. 12:27 lucky you to have met 5" chapito, I hope you are still in heaven dreaming of more...

  2. this is hard to read

    1. Go somewhere quite where you won't be distracted .

    2. 5:11 if you can read spanish, there is a link to the source, all you have to do is push on the red letters where it says
      --but if you chose to be an arsehole and complain better, hey, be my guest...

  3. Great story but wheres the ABL part 3???

    1. botas blancas!!!

    2. Como chingan!..waite for it..smh

    3. I remember, in the late 80's and the 90's many cabrones muy machos used to borrow their girlfriends White Boots, now I know why...

  4. Nadie le llega al famoso Jose.. Lol
    Aka el azul

  5. Like the last photo. How many masked men does it take to watch an old man in prison. :LOL:

    1. Rodean a RCQ DIEZ GUARDIAS, desarmados, puro pinchi pedo y some 'triato'...
      --Los que mataron al primer Director y Fundador del penal del Altiplano, Juan Pablo de Tavira, de 4 tiros en la cabeza, esos si traian armas, y 'coincidentemente'lo mataron en la casa de miguel angel osorio chong en camino al poder, en la Universidad de Pachuca Hidalgo, donde osorio es aún el porro mayor...
      "En almoloya se topó con el diablo..." el
      El Universal

  6. RCQ payed his dues he said nothin he was always a friend to Mexico government. Now they know they can't trust chapo so he's done and now the pay RCQ back for what's bin promise to him.

    1. The mexican government does not care what RCQ says or not...
      The CIA, Felix Ismael Rodriguez, and felix ismael rodriguez' main bosses in the reagan/bush white houses they do care that RCQ did what he did and he did not mention them, in 28 years...
      Others that spoke, are dead or in prison, or are being persecuted, like Phil Jordan, Héctor Berrellez, Cele Castillo, and their informers, THE DEA under a "CIA AGENTE DIRECTION" even contemplated extraditing Berrellez to mexico, that is how powerful drug trafficking is in mexico, even US marine lt col Oliver North refuses to talk, other than saying "I had orders from above", repeatedly, to save his "fearless ass"...

  7. RCQ can not even think about making moves like these lol..he doesnt have the man power to go at El Chapo..honestly i dont think he even has a beef with el chapo..i think that was a rumor made up by the media.. RCQ is wealthy and old..he doesnt want conflict..he just wants to live out the remainder of his life in peace..i remember when he got out of jail in 2013 and sent word to el mencho that he wanted peace and he would lay low and el mencho straight up said fuck RCQ! and any turf RCQ has or had el mencho would take over or try to take over before chapo i really doubt RCQ is running an operation as big or as powerful as the media has made it out to be..if he has a legit operation going on then its low key and tight knit..and i highly doubt they use violence or are trying to take over any turf from any major cartel..they dont have the man power and RCQ doesnt want the violence or heat to wage war on other major cartels..those are just the facts

  8. With RCQ back in power the wars stop he's going to take out some crews that back chapo out and the rest got to line them selves they will have no choice! Now he's going to have government back the power he's old school wars don't make money you see chapo whanted everything for him self and the future for his kids but this was his down fall going to TJ, JUAREZ, TAMAULIPAS, to try to take over was just plane stupid he thought he could but never did RCQ it's sad to say but will see if he can do better!!!!

    1. I DON'T LIKE CHAPO OR DRUGS. but I wish to give a difft take on your view. Don't make such sweeping judgments.
      Chapo going after those Plazas is a business decision. Just like ANY businessman wants to as much as possible control his market.

      RCQ must be rusty after all these years. I can relate with his getting back to the game but he's going to finally pay the price for his murders o all innocents.

      Stay away from crime pals. It never pays.

    2. If anything he is hungrier than before and feels he had to catch up, which makes him more dangerous

  9. We're still waiting for TJ 4 hopefully soon lol

  10. Didn't have time to read the whole thing but will go ahead and comment . This send a clear message to the maxican youth . It don't matter if you have a iq of 80 and learning disabilities . 2nd grade til you drop out at 14 . As long as you aren't burdened with a conscience , you can make it big . Under the right circumstances , if you can instill enough fear you can run a contraband business and make it big . That's the hopes of all these young dumb fuckers killing one another in the steets .Some rise up to some extent and command their own pack of rats until they get taken over by another rat . The usa will get him that's why he is hiding like the rat he is . I think he needs to kiss Donald Trumps feet . LOL

    1. "Mexico's youth" can't find a job, the ones available pay like 2.90 US dollars A DAY!!!
      --OF COURSE, THE US government LOOOVE mexico for all the banana republicsmexico now imitates...

    2. After stealing and raiding the education budget, there is not much left for "educaishun" even poor little "president man" did not finish his "educaishun" because la gordillo, I mean la chaky and carlos hank gonzalez, we're already stealing it, to make their banks happy with their deposits...
      --Miguel angel osorio chong is another "ANALFABESTIA", like eon, did not get his degree until they bought it in a flea market, their "Alma Matters" have no records of their having been registered, ever, flea markets keep no records...

  11. Looks like Antonio Margarito

  12. All those narquillos and el mencho no son nada comparado con caro quintero , le asen los mandados al narcos de narcos i puro sinaloa no hay mas se los dice el numero 1

  13. Fake because chapo dont controll ciudada juarez , caro quintero is fighting whit his paisanos de carrillo clan , chapo and caro are compadres de alto grado

  14. History repeats itself..
    I think that RCQ is not strong enough to take Culiacan from Mayo.Therefore he wants Juarez to build up money for more manpower.Then he will take Other plazas.The problem now is that there are too many cartels and infighting amongst themselves.They are forced to do extortion,kidnapping,ect. The general public gets involved. Just bring the death penalty to all narcos,I guarantee the crime rate would drop.

  15. En badiraguato los que manda son los guzman viejio cagado su reinado ya paso se lo llevo los años

    1. Thats a lie, ya para de escuchar corridos vato chorriento !!! Look at what happened in la tuna , mejor ponte a trabajar vato illucionado

  16. So who's his crew in Chihuahua? Are you saying Carrillo handed over the keys? I know NCDJ and BLO have a good relationship. For what it counts in the underworld. Do you think RCQ just adopted BLO,NCDJ, and some of the Z fraction? They are all suppose allies in that vast area, all need a leader. All have connections to RCQ. All can respect this OG.

  17. This guy was nothing even among his peers he was in third place. Fonseca and Gallardo were above this guy and his cartel failed

    1. No gallardo and fonseca were not above him they worked together. Gallardo fell to El Chapo who was the upcoming king, that's why they stripped everything from gallardo and he's never been able to get out. Rafa is only out because of Don Chapo. For those who think Chapo is done with, no it's an arrangement and he made the sacrifice. Rafa is a very powerful player as they all were but power changes hands all the time.

    2. El Leon El Rey de las Fieras!! That says it all pal!!!

  18. Replies
    1. Don't call it a comeback, Don Caro has been here for years!!

  19. Just for the record did they catch rafa Caro en Costa Rica, Sinaloa or the country of Costa rica

    1. The country of Costa Rica! He was hiding out pretty much partying

    2. En san jose costa rica lo tomaron prisionero,,,,

    3. Costa rica Sinaloa.

    4. The country Costa Rica...look up "Drug Wars: The Camarena Story"

    5. The world of the arts and the political circles in mexico, was blessed that CHAVELA VARGAS (THE MEXICAN BORN IN COSTA RICA) emigrated to mexico city, and hanged with the presidentes and the artistas, and the intelectuals, and with their wives, like FRIDA KHALO, who fell in love with chavela, but chavela had the worst part and got dumped, but chavela still had other friends like Maria Felix and Ava Gardner, and almodovar, and juan sabinas, very good for a vieja borracha y empistolada from Costa Rica con arrebatos carnales...

  20. I told you so.


  21. Country Costa Rica.

  22. RCQ never left he always was the Mexican government undercover big man.....

  23. Anybody know who is "el pelo chino" in the new corridos that are coming out by Regulo Caro and Julian Mercado.I know it's someone related to RCQ,but not sure who?

    1. Expert in 'pelo chino', SCOUTS' BLACK MEMBA' Clarence Thomas may know sompim' about it...he recognizes it even in a coca~cola...

  24. Dont believe a word of what the US or Mex gov says,Quintero doin this,doin that,hes going to war,hes moving tons,he'll be hiding somewhere reading this and saying those lyin bastards

  25. At the end, what does it matter who runs what? There's always smaller cells growing, cultivating, transporting and selling the product. These big names don't mean nothing to the smaller orginations doing what they do. Probably doing them a favor by taking the heat.

    1. 7:49 it matters "who runs shit", or people will start questioning the real culprits, THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT OFFICERS, ALL THE WAY UP TO EPN where the guilt resides, better to have a few guy parties there, all demonized made guilty and ready for the take...

  26. Ya se la vian sentenciado pero el Guano no quiso creer...una bonita manana un commando bien armado vino por lo llegan a encontrar compasion no tubiare de el...ay que aguntar la vara pariente y arriba la sierra de Sinaloa...

  27. @4:06 i believe it was Costa Rica country son...♧♧

  28. He is laying low because he knows the U.S. could send in a team to kidnap him, just like they did the doctor when the killed the dea agent . Stay away from man . That's where they want you , as close as possible to water.

  29. Here's a Secret u guys need to know.. Guess who's RCQ Secret partner?? Un Pelon y Orejon.. Yep u got it.. C. S de Gortari. That's y Little Puppet (EPN) set him Free.. 1+1=2 ppl do the math.. N as long as PRI governs RCQ won't get caught.. So say goodbye to ur little Friend (El Chapo) that is.. Only hope for Chapo Guzman is to fight extradition till 2018 n hope PAN or other party wins to try to buy his freedom.. Politics ncorruption.. The Mexican't way of life..

    1. Good theory. The only thing that is a given is that things did change since EPN won. It looked like it was going to stay the same way until the next election. Since the PRI took such a big hit these last elections, right now they are most likely just pulling all the strings back sooner than they had planned. Things will get bad the next 2 years.

  30. More disinformation from the gvt!
    Believe me they know who's who and who's with who!
    More reason to arrest RCQ and send him to America!

    1. 3:28 si no lo chingaron cuando estuvo preso, menos lo van a chingar Ora que anda suelto, rcq es su mero padre de más de cuatro hijos del máiz, ilegitimos y todo...

  31. Nacho Coronel es de Canelas Durango, el no es de Badiraguato


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