Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tijuana: Executed couple in Playas tied to trafficking

                                                      Executed couple tied to drug trafficking

It would not be accurate to say Tijuana, nor it's almost entirely apathetic overbearing neighbor of San Diego was shocked by the murders of a young couple in Playas De Tijuana, Coronado section last Monday, but it was noticed.  Noticed, for their age, their relationship, and facebook pictures showed a smiling, attractive couple in barely in their 20's.  They were both students of Universities in Tijuana.  

It's easier to self identify with these victims, then the often nameless, bound, tortured, garroted men in dirty urine stained jeans, dumped in Sanchez Tadoaba,  or Zona Norte tienderos bleeding out on the sidewalk, before the municipals can close off the scene. It makes for a more impactful tragedy when a picturesque couple is gunned down, while sitting in their vehicle.  

It's crucial not to blame the victims, or discount them, which is a technique that is depressingly effective in Mexico, and the US, to emotionally distance themselves from crime, and apply a kind of fatalistic disconnect between the dead, and their own existence.  'Of course they were killed, they were mixed up with narcos'.  That's the kind of sentiment expressed all too often.  

A sentiment that excuses shocking and demeaning atrocities, teenage girls assaulted, brutalized and dumped in the street, families executed in their homes, 19 year old boys executed in front of their families, a kind of brutal degradation that would seem impossible to justify. 

Vianey Ruiz Moreno and Ricardo Moreno Renteria were seated in a car, parked outside a home, last Monday night, in the mid evening.  Three .40 caliber bullets struck Ricardo Moreno in  the face, neck, and arm, he died on the scene.  One bullet entered the temple of Vianey Ruiz, she also died on the scene.  10 shell casings were recovered on the scene.  The killing was described as a 'direct, clever attack against the two.  There must be some problem here'

Problems like unpaid debts, and old grudges, lost shipments, and broken promises, unreturned phone calls, and drunken confrontations.  Power and madness, bloodlust and business.

Zeta Tijuana reports that interviews with members of the family contained allegations the father of Ricardo Moreno had introduced his son to drug trafficking, and he was involved in trafficking to the United States.  Reports also indicate the mother of Vianey was kidnapped several years back, and released after paying the random.  

Pictures tell us a lot, but they can be deceiving, images that create reactions, which may be more complex then our explanations.  His open collared Burberry polo in one picture, her Michael Kors bag in another, her features, which perhaps are surgically enhanced.  It's morbid speculation, to analyze the shirt or breast implants of the deceased.... I suppose, but murders and .40 caliber bullets leave this in their wake.  Pictures, snapshots, hushed allegations, and very tragic circumstances of death, that leave many questions.  

Their was another body found that night in Playas, tossed on the street.  Two more last night in Zona Norte, and nearly 500 this year.  They all have stories behind them, their is a series of events, conditions, choices, families that put these events in motions, their faces behind the dead, and faces behind the bullets.  You can buy dozens of roses for your girlfriend, and traffic drugs with the same hands, you can buy groceries the morning after laying in wait outside a home in Playas, in front of the dark sky, and walk away into the darkness, as blood runs down the Jetta's seats, and the stillness of death lingers in the air, in the streets, throughout a city.

Sources: AFN Tijuana, Zeta Tijuana 

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  1. Sigan presumiendo en el face. con el tiempo todo se paga.

    1. It is my very personal humble opinion that there should be a purge day in Mexico so things could be even...

    2. We have been having purge in mexico since the 20's more precisely since the federal government murdered Villa and Zapata and Mi General Felipe Angeles, que ese si era Hombre y General, no como los putitos y los putotes que tiene epn y que son machos calados desde el colegio militar, para probar que "todo por la patria"...

    3. Yo por eso digo que Los Nacos no deberian crearse un facebook porque sienten que con el face ya suben de prestigio. Si eres naco mejor no tener facebook.
      El Chanclaz.

  2. Beautiful woman with a big butt seems to be a common drug theme. This girl, girl from the Fuiste Mia video, Chino Anthrax girlfriend. All pretty much look the same.

  3. Hay ke pagar plaza ... Siempre. Hasta el diablo paga plaza pa pisar Tijuana ..

  4. Pues la verdad les fue bien. Unos cuantos plomazos Y una muerte rapida. La mayoria de narcos les toca una muerte descuartizados vivos o peor. La verdad Es que si andavan movidos Y les toco una muerte bien En Tijuana no juegan..

  5. In mexico if you get killed,it was for a reason...the boyfriend was in the drug game and that beautiful girl paid for it and not just with that ass he paid for,but with her life...smfh yall got yall target lo aniquilaron so why kill her ...dumb fucks...

    1. ...She was probably the reason why he got into moving drugs, plenty of mx whores like living the good life but don't like working for some "average salary"... They believe they worth more, is practically prostitution they go with whomever makes the most, they don't care how the pesos are made, they just want them.

    2. Hate, greed, Mexico it seems one one act on the aforementioned sentiments and likely get away with murdering people for those very same reasons.

    3. 252: Sometimes the "reason" is not paying off the right people, not wanting to be extorted, looking at someone the wrong way, or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time..... the list goes on and on.

    4. Ha.. There is always excuses for everyrhing. Come here.. Smfh

  6. Arellanos are cleaning house he was chapos people

    1. A couple gets killed for flashing on media and you're like AFC cleaning house? Get out of here with your bullshit, don't you have some comment of your own? Suenas como un Imita Changos....

    2. Chapo lost power and respect

    3. Arriba la cafetera compa ay que pagar plaza!!!!

    4. DeCAF are now homeless too, how are they gonna "clean house"?
      Pinchis paracaidistas, claiming to "clean house" by murdering 18, 12 year olds or young couples are puros culeros.

  7. @ least they took both of them, the way it should be.... She was no innocent, if she was with a drug pusher knowingly... She knew the consequences.

  8. Agas lo ke agas en este mundo siempre te van a criticar si eres bueno o malo y asta ya despues de muerte te critica la pinchi gente como los que an comentado,
    que andavan presumiendo o por kerer ser narcos les paso, cada kien vive su vida como kiera , nomas los cobardes matan ala mala.

    1. @357pm si como no. Pues si andas De mamila. Pues no le saquen a los plomazos si bien les va. Si lo querian matar que importa si Es de frente o por la espalda. Esta frio muerto liquidado. Hoy En dia eso de cobarde Es cosa De las peliculas...cuando te quieren matar con plomo o cuchillo da lo mismo...por la espalda De frente dormido despierto la idea Es matar y no dejarlo vivo...saludos De Tijuana.

  9. Welcome to Tijuana

  10. What an ass. God bless Mejico

  11. Who cares?

    They both deserved what they got if they were smuggling drugs in to the states.

    No sympathy what so ever from me!

    1. tell your compatriots to stop doing drugs and the trafficking will stop, remember no demand, no supply.

    2. How about USA stop being a junky Nation , No demand no production.

    3. No pagas piso, no chance que dures mucho en el negocio.

    4. 10:22 If it was that simple no one in this world would need drugs genius..

    5. Where is the proof that they were drug traffickers?
      --You boys seem to still be practicing comersela toda when it comes to propaganda oficial and the practice of saying all the dead "were narcos"...pinshis mamones...

  12. This culos from Tj feel proud that they kill a woman lol if ramon arellano su papa d sinaloa was alive he would have shown those pussys from tj como se trabaja al stylo sinaloa sin matar inocentes ninos o mujeres

    1. Affirmativo plebe mis respetos para el comadante mon sinaloense echo i derecho su trabajo siempre lo hiso bien echo
      .El Sangre Fria.

    2. Calmate wey ya Mejor Ponte de rodillas a los sinaloense jajajajajja

    3. Pobre pendejo.. Tu ke sabes de ese sycopata.. Mejor callate el ocico.. J d t p m

    4. 7:35 #ya chole con tu "estilo sinaloa" todos lod capos sinaloense han sido las perras y los fall guys de otros cabrones que tiran "la piedra" y esconden la mano, chilangos, libameses, policias, poloticos, artistas y televisos y se andan peliando como perras muertas de hambre 3n vez de moder a los chilangos que los traicionan los venden, los explotan y se limpiarse el yoyo con todos los sinaloenses en cd juareeez, en monterrey, en morelos, en guerrero, en zacatecas, jalisco durango sinaloa, somora, zacatecas, y las bajacalifas de tijuas, es mas, el rey zambada y su hijo fueron cogidos en hidalgo, tierra del jefe de los zetas miguel angel osorio chong...que no es ningun sinaloense...

    5. Y eso es la pura neta @8:11am - los politicos usan a mi Sinaloa como una cobija y cuando ya hace calor los queman

  13. Smfh @ in mexico if you get killed its for a reason...just like everywhere else in that case.Its just that some reasons they kill in mexico are dumb as fuck,just like everywhere else

  14. Her social status was very good given the fact that she comes from a wealthy family, so I don't necessarily think she was involved. Maybe he was and just like him she had to pay the price for that. So young and so beautiful

    1. If that's the case and she comes from a good wealthy family [not 1 involved in drug trafficking] then the case will be investigated.If she's from a drug trafficking family it will be investigated privately and justice will be served.

  15. All the negative comments remember they had mothers and siblings and people that love us no matter what we do. I was taught if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything. No I don't know them but may they RIP. All these deaths are a product of a demand on the US side of the line.

    1. no there is demand now in Mexico and lately all the 3rd world countries of the world.They are just playing catch up to the 1st world.It was always the moneyed countries targeted now the poor ones too unfortunately.

    2. 9:48- couldn't agree more with your comment! A lot of negativity and hate in comments

    3. 2:52 nooo, we are going to applaud the pendejadas,
      --how about you expound the positives?
      --At least some false positives?

    4. The reason there is more and more drug addicts on the LatinAmericas, is because the owners of the business pay in species now, eat it or sell it politics to enhance the revenue typical of the greedy micromanagers that know where to get the last penny from, and that addicts need no motherfacking money, drug addicts will work for drugs and that is all they will get, and pistolas, maybe...

  16. Carfentanil, 10,000 times stronger than morphine, being sold illegal in the U.S..

    1. 10:04 AAAY GÜEY, donde, donde? Aqui traigo mis dos dolares para un pase, or is it a "hit"?

    2. Most likely a hit with a pass to the other side.. Smfh LoL

  17. I wonder it the corruption, murders, assaults, rapes, kidnappings and general degradation of civilized society are the real problems or simply the symptoms of some deeper underlying problem?

  18. You guys sound pathetic. Since when do we demand death for drug pushers? Prison, yes. But Death??

    i would understand if he was a sicario, kidnapper, or murdererer.

    1. 555: Exactly. I don't like drug pushers either, but the penalty should not be death.

    2. 5:55: The real problem is that police give themselves a pretext not to investigate by calling these murders a drug-related "ajuste de cuentas". That's why the conviction rate for murder in Mexico is something like 2%. Who knows how many of these murder victims were innocent? Until these murders are investigated by competent law enforcement agencies --which do not exist in Mexico-- there's absolutely no basis to say that "they deserved it".

    3. When their clients die, pushers should pay with all they got, money, freedom their hide and their ass...
      Same goes for biiig pharma, liability laws should include them, their worst sin strangely is not paying lobbyists to make adequate care for the drug addicts a priority and a deductible for tax ourposes...

  19. I live in Playas, the place behind the Commercial Mexicana where they were shot is a known drug dealing area. That is not proof they were dealers but that is a place to avoid.

  20. It's ALL just sick and gross.
    Heartbreaking watching Mexico go down the drain.
    At least in the olden days , a generation ago , everyone wasn't ON DRUGS too.
    I feel so sorry for the innocent traditional families trying so hard to raise their families in this environment.
    Glorifying this culture sickens me.

    If you have not read it /or even if you have , reread :

    MIdnight in Mexico by Alfredo Corchado

    1. 9:46 The reviews leave the author descorchado...I pass...

  21. Y'all mother fuckers are talking all this shit, cause a pretty woman with a nice body go killed.
    That's not justice. Y'all didn't know these people. Let them rest in peace.

    1. 1:26 the worst part is that woman could be you...that is unacceptable from any angle...

  22. He picture where the guy is wearing black hat, looks like beto sierra...the famous music money launderer

  23. 10 shots 2 dead both hit in the head in a car. Someone got very lucky or it was a very good shooter.

  24. Taken during their Spring-time of their lives. Waste.

  25. She shouldn't have involved herself with a bad boy.


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