The war for Sanchez Tadoaba y Zona Norte
A blurry fog of war surrounds the fighting in Tijuana, bodies are dropped, and left with smoldering gunshots wounds, blood seeping from black trash bags with discarded limbs, arrests are made, stories are written, and changes happen, but not quickly. A sort of greek chorus of flow charts and exposes the operatives who work and run the city....
A new report by Zeta Tijuana alleges the emergence of a new Sinaloa cell leader, only known as 'Archangel', who is aligned with Raul Miranda Ortiz, 'Alexy', who has been a Sinaloa-Achilles leader for the last few years, responsible for kidnappings and executions in the dozens. Alexy's people wage their war against the people of CTNG.
CTNG: The people of Arturo Giovanna Herrera, aka 'El Gross', who is linked with elements of a CJNG, a former retail of Achilles, he runs along with Juan Jose Vargas 'El Piolin'/ El JP, a cell of former tienderos, now running their own cell, primarily in Sanchez Tadoaba.
On another front in Zona Norte, the people of 'Archangel' are lining up against former CAF operators, including relatives of Luis Manuel Toscano, former Zona Norte operator, killed last year. The CAF and Sinaloa side seems to be filled with the lower ranks of a criminal organization, often men with only a few years in the business, and low level drug arrests.
*'El Pablito', said to be the right hand of Carlos Gonzlez Carino, 'El Karate', arrested in Febuary of his year en route to Mexicali, with crystal and weapons.
*Luis Roberto Toscando, brother of 'El Mono', who was gunned down, but survived in January 2016.

*Francisco Javier Acosta Ayala, 'El Naco', was arrested in September 2015 with three kilos of marijuana
*Pablo Huerta Nuno 'El Flacito' arrested for bribing a police offier with $20 in 2012
On the side of Archangel, whom behind a sinister nickname, nothing is known, though likely lays an average looking man with the normal narco retailer fashion sense.
*Jaime Ricardo Sanchez Martinez, former partner of another cell leader, 'El Chino', who has been involved in the Zona Norte conflict for the last 2 years or so. He is wanted for the murder of 'El Hacho', Arturo Kayolyan, the Tijuana sports coordinator. Pedro Stanley Herrera was arrested for the killing, linked to CJNG.
*Jose Baena Oribe: The glamorous crime of extorting cab drivers in Los Pinos, and was arrested with 15 doses of marijuana in Zona Norte.
On the team of 'Alexy', who is the de facto plaza boss, left by the brothers Azarte, in their absence.
*Jose Luis Martinez Hernandez, 'El Secre', who is responsible for killings and kidnappings, name splashed all over banners for a year or so, is a 24 year old, who was arrested for raping a 13 year old girl, when he was 21. He claimed she was his girlfriend, similar to former Sinaloa Rosarito plaza boss, a 30 year old crystal addict named 'El Boxer', back in 2010.
In Eastern Tijuana/Tecate area other branches of Sinaloa, CAF, and 'CJNG' are opposing each other, in what seems an every shifting war, spinning off an increasingly contaminated bloodline of low level criminals, moving up the ranks only through a lack of anyone else, retail narco guys, driven by bloodlust and crystal meth.
Sinaloa: Another switch sider, who formerly served the CAF, as his criminal record predates the formal arrival of Los Sinaloenses to the city, Saul Cruz Roldan, who was arrested in 2006 in Tecate, with 39,000 pesos, 575 U.S Dollars, some crystal and a shotgun.
Eziquel Arrieta Jaquez 'El Pelon', arrested last year with 2,000 doses of crystal, 48,000 pesos, and $25 in US dollars, he was released after 22 days.
Also, Victor Hugo Mejia Lopez 'The Greek', is another Sinaloa faction in this area, who has been arrested in 2013 with guns and drugs, but released.
The people of 'CJNG/CTNG' are all former retailers in Sanchez Tadoaba, which is their stronghold, and only defined territory, who either served under lieutenants under Teodoro Garcia Simental, 'El Teo', or those who came after him.
*Erick Samuel Gonzalez Deraz 'The Canestan', arrested with 26 grams of crystal.
*Raymundo Hdialgo Mendoza, caught with some marijuana and a scale in 2012, and 70 balloons of glass in May 2014.
*Emmanuel Alejandro Estrada Medina 'El Prieto', arrested last year with 116 doses of crystal.
An insight into the violence is that you have many competing crews, with less and less direction from above, crews made up of violent killers and retail drug dealers, used to the street level combat they have survived in order to become low rent bosses and cell leaders. There is a lack of sophistication. There is no lack of grudges and greed, ammunition and weapons from the United States.
So, as we apply names to faces, and create charts, and organize the violence, the killings themselves continue in all their near anonymous bloodshed, of corpses and banners, bullet holes and dismemberments. There is clarity from above, but in the alleys and tienditas there is much less, a hazy bleary world of orders and cash for blood. Tijuana will surpass 500 killings by the end of this month, and will probably end up around 700 by the time New Year's Eve parties have begun.
Sources: All credit to ZETA Tijuana, this is a near reprint of their article, and their research.
CAF is in control, where you at chapo?
ReplyDeleteHe's in his cell getting bald, and being a snitch
DeleteCan someone please stop posting the comments CAF sympathyzers. Those days are over in TJ. CDS has so many crews working on getting dope across, this bs retail war is merely a distraction to keep the PEP busy and not look for tunnels.
Delete8:42 unless you live in TJ, then you know whats really going on. Otherwise just shut up please.
DeleteCan u elavorate on whats going on
DeleteEl Baliado, aka el Ironsides mexicano, coronel julian leyzaola is running for "gobernador" de tijuas, and taming the tijuanos before the elections is very important, he has the jaguars and the tigers creating more jaguars and tigers to get there, cd juaareeez did not want his motherfacking ass around no mo'...
DeleteNo word who is on board in Julian leyzaola's team this time.
6:20 if he gets elected he's going to clean Tijuana like he did last time when he was Sheriff or chief of police. He arrested a bunch of people but was working for cds.. so cds might get control back if he wins.
Delete7:53 torturing peoe to exact confessions is not cleaning up, some of his victims came back from the cold to power again, and they say no second comings are as good as the first one, esta vez si le van a mochar las nalgas a leyzaola, as a former military, mexican, leyzaola never won a war unless he murdered and tortured innocent unarmed mexicans...
DeleteNo come live here yourself and find out
DeleteI don't know why people think ifv that if they love I'm Tijuana that they automatically know everything that's going on. Lol unless your in the game you don't know shit so stop acting like you know when proceso and other hands on journalist say the opposite of the people "who know it all in Tijuana " stfu
DeleteLol Proceso and journalist only tell you what they want you to believe and hear don't be fooled.
DeleteThats just a small war nothing compare when Arellano felix family vs the guzman family at that time tijuna was crazy i es que son muy bravos los sinaloense
ReplyDeletei como decia ramon arellano "puro sinaloa compa "
Puro Baboso drogadicto peliando por tijuana , En el 96 Los Jefes De La Mafia Nos Mandaron A Israel A Recibir Entrenamiento Paramilitar A Cada Pistolero ahora a cualquiere le dan una pistola i un pericaso i lo mandan a peliar la plaza
ReplyDelete-El Sangre Fria-
Who is this Flaco character kept getting put on a high pedestal by all the local Tijuana corridos ? Chucky is another big name. Playas is still CAF turf as far as what my source tells me.
ReplyDeleteal flaco lo enredarron con estos camaradas, ya ke es el al ke le asignaron la zonaja para cobrarla. y como desde entonces estuvo relacionado con los toscano (monos) hay lo tienes. el chucky es mas veterano al igual kel artista, parriente y los demas.. la majoria son jrs, hijos y sobrinos de los narco juniors originales. hay mitad y mitad. los viejos son mas desapercibidos. los nuevos son mas expuestos.
DeleteYour source is what you hear in corridos...pathetic!!
Delete@11:26am te los mencióno porque son los que mas se oyen orita. oh no!?y no amigo mi source la tengo de vista y mano.
DeleteLa Tia Juana sigue haciendo Arellano!
ReplyDeletePuro Baja CAFlifornia!
Kien sabe cuanto van a durar esos vatos con tantos contras a la vuelta de los tacos, eso de andar de lavaperros en la delincuencia por unos miserables pesos como que no vale la pena. Preferible ser el del keso y no el raton, pero prrah eso se tiene estar en el lugar indicado bola pendejos!
ReplyDeleteCan we make sure that Benjamin Arellano Felix is reading this? Better yet can someone post this so Enedina Arellano Felix can see that the real AFO needs to step up
ReplyDeleteDude she's too busy selling old cell phones at el tiangis 😂😂
Delete4:27 Con mi novia no te metas, ella no es de la Vida de narcos y está muy aparte.
DeleteEl capo USA cell phones viejos, how much?
DeleteTambién necessita unos calzones, no se ha cambiado desde que lo agarraron en el sex motel by the hour with his boyfriend.
6:55 el Chapo guzman USA cheap phones viejos...para conquistar a las Chicas no hay como darles un Telefon, hasta la Kate del Castillo rindio el honor por su telefón, con todo y castillo
DeleteThe color charts are very helpful in understanding the article. (One picture worth 100 words). Thanks.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteLess illegals coming to America!
5:15 amerikkka needs more room for the legally blind Biiig Mouths, naaah, not happenin'...
DeleteArriba los Aretes
ReplyDeleteLos putitos, with there tales tucked under there legs.
DeleteLos aretes tan en el infierno y en el bote, period.
DeleteSo basically cjng/ctng are the old school who were riding along el teo and now they are against caf and cds. Cjng is in Tijuana and looks like caf are leting then be because they don't want none of cjng. They must have done some damage to the car structure for car to have a truce. I remember reading a story here about when cjng left a manta to caf telling them cjng was staying in tijuas weather that like it or not and either they can continue fighting or just let them share the plaza. I think they are sharing the plaza against what's left of cds in tijuas
ReplyDeleteWhat about el wabi sabi he is like above all this lower level narcos
ReplyDeleteToo many guns and lots of meth = mayhem / war /sorrow
ReplyDeleteThanks J and BB
Cjng is the stronger one in this case, caf is not as strong as it was in the late 90's and sinaloa are fighting themselves..
ReplyDeleteCjng is in not stronger get that threw your head puro caf
DeleteAlexy is the plaza boss so CDS is calling most the shots in most of the good places
DeleteCds are fighting themselves plus they can't win any plazas. Cds has never won a plaza and now that guapo is picked up they are fighting each other so they have zero chance of even thinking of going agains blood thirsty cjng.
DeleteWhat cartel controls the alley by Club Hong Kong where the guys always yell out, "Cuantos" for the globos of meth that they sell with immunity?
ReplyDeleteThats all Arete zone
DeleteEl cielo no es verde ni Perla!!! Aki TIJUANA sigue siendo de COLORES!!!!
ReplyDeleteSinaloa crew look like amateurs not in the ultimate imagination these clumsy duds to run the show, the place is completely on caf control, greetings from puerto la cruz desde Venezuela.
ReplyDeleteel cartel de tijuana controla y domina el terreno tijuanese al igual el baja californiano. gente inmadura creen porque hay presencia foránea del sur rentando y pagando plaza el dueno de casa no esta? el cartel de tijuana (titulado arellano por respeto, dominado y trabajado por nativos tijuaneses y mexico americanos) esta y siempre estara presente en esta ciudad. por mayoría la gente solamente se apuran por meters goles a los gabachos. eso de guerras se los dejan a los demas. en Tijuana se trabaja. y para los que no pagan plaza hay equipos que se encargan de cobrar selas. sean de sinaloa, jalisco, michoacan, veracruz sonora. etc. no pagas 04 te dan y 12-17 te an de encontrar :-)
ReplyDeletepara el 11:26 de arriba. no hay peor ciego que ke no kiera ver amigo. en este cartel hay de gente ah gente. muchos prefieren no hacer ruido y tener fama. acuérdate muchos hay salieron y derechito a trabajar. otros apenas comienzan.
Caf as un pequeno cartelito, no son nada comparados con mega-carteles que tienes presencia en todo Mexico. CAF no tiene otra opsion que dejar a cjng que opere en como si Julio Cesar Chavez se quisiera meter en el ring con Mike Tyson. No ulusines compa jaja
Deletelol. julio cesar chavez? vs mike tyson? eso si esta interesante. al contrario mi amigo. que es un mega cartel? en tu punto de vista? acuerdate el cartel de Tijuana esta concentrado en Tijuana y a sus alrededores y no estrechados como los demas alejados de su territorio natal. ahora te ago comparar un boxiador ke esta mal cuidado de salud contra uno que esta 100 % activo y al pendiente de su bien estar mi don king. ps a los rena cuajos ni los del caf les ponen atención. no te enredes hay un lacra que otro ke todavía la debe. pero por el mayoreo son los de jalisco (los de la Sánchez) los ke les andan tumbando sus tienditas. y esa narcomanta de hace poco, los de jalisco retando a los arellanos fueron tus mismo chilakes los ke hicieron eso para causar confusión y mal entender los acuerdos ya fincados. saludos de parte de los que sabes mi querido don king.
DeleteTijuana "Chavez" vs. cjng "tyson" mas claro no puede estar....
DeleteLooks like cjng chose the best crew, oldschoolers fro when el teo was causing havoc. CAF and cds are old news especially cds in Tijuana.
ReplyDeleteCartel de Tijuana and cartel de jalisco allies to take down cartel de sinaloa