Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Goodbye "Otis"..... you will be missed!!

Borderland Beat

From Otis:

Otis: On another note, this will be my last article for Borderland Beat. I have at times enjoyed translating and writing articles for this site, and have enjoyed having some of the other reporters and forum members as colleagues. I wish everyone, readers and staff well for the future and hope that Borderland Beat goes from the strength to strength. My reasons for leaving are my own and are not up for discussion. To Chivis, you will always remain my friend, I hold you in the highest esteem, you are a true warrior for the truth and I think you certainly deserve an award for services to journalism. To those who have helped me with information and have collaborated with me such as narcomics, thank you immensely for your support.

From Chivis:

Readers,Losing a reporter like Otis is a huge loss, and one that will have a great impact/deficit, especially at this time.

Otis, was our reporter in England, who has devoted incalculable hours, researching, and translating articles for Borderland Beat, for the English speaking viewership.

I will say, that the smarmy, unnecessary, and unwarranted, pokes and slams sent in against Otis would affect his enthusiasm.It affects all of us. We never mind a correction or a comment challenging a fact presented, as long as it is corroborated by supporting information. Sending an opinion without a personal attack is welcome. But to personally attack someone, for the sake of being spiteful is wrong and should not find a home here at BB.

Otis leaned Spanish in Spain. Spain and Mexican Spanish present differently, Otis deserves big kudos for the outstanding job he has done in translations, even the long assed articles from Zeta.

We are all volunteers at BB.  No one has ever received a payment of any type, since Buggs created this blog in 2009.

It is difficult attaining people to devote time, without pay. Reporters do it out of a love for Mexico, usually with a deep connection to the country, either living within its borders, or closely connected to it. We get tired of the canned, woeful presentation of narco news published outside its borders, and volunteering at BB in an effective way, to suppresse our frustration and disappointment at the lack of honest news without full disclosure.  Here at BB, we can help present the truth, without compromise and without censorship.

Yes, sometime our syntax, or translations, maybe less than perfect, but; a) we are not pros, and b) we would rather spend our time researching, than making corrections. Although we have had a few professional writers volunteer over the years, we are, for the most part, of other professions. We come from various backgrounds, Engineer/architect, Attorneys, professors, students, law enforcement, and me, owner of an International Business for three decades, and operating our family 501C3 foundation for the last 13 years.

My foundation work is what took me to Mexico, setting up my offices in Coahuila 13 plus years ago.  I was pretty much clueless about the Mexican Drug War.   If I had narco knowledge, clearly I would not have set up shop smack in the middle of a hot zone.  After enduring a shootout between Zetas and the Mexican Marina, outside my offices, I was a quick study.

DD and I are neighbors in Mexico, relatively speaking, in the vast land of Mexico we are less than 2 hrs away from each other.  

Some of you may have noticed my diminished activity at BB. It was not by choice, it is due to real life intervening.  I have been very ill for a couple of months.  I prefer not to share my condition, but I will say I am now dependent on the kindness of others to get through life, and can no longer travel. It sucks BIG TIME.  BUT, I now am able to type good enough again, so I am hopeful I can and will get better. Time will tell.  It has been my good friend DD that has carried the ball. 

I will say, we desperately need contributors.  The blog cannot meet its demands without committed participation, and that cannot come from one or two people. 

If you can help out, PLEASE contact DD or myself. We ask for a minimum of 3 articles a week. We need 7 reporters at that rate.

Otis, my dear friend, keep in touch, may you be blessed with success and happiness always, and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for all your contributions.

Remember, the BB welcome mat is not going to be retrieved, and your name will remain on the BB reporter roll, so anytime you want to post something, we welcome you.

Gracias amigo mío ,  un fuerte abrazo a la distancia


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  1. Se le aprecia viejon i se le ve extranar un abrazo desde la mochila sinaloa donde no existen hombres de miedo ay tamos i ke dios lo bendiga compa

    1. @ 10:35 Comments like that is why he left Guey.

    2. Hey compa k le pasa loco ? Ottis es compadre mio viejon

    3. @ 12:20. Jajajaja neta x jente como comandante perro aveces la jente no toma muy enserio este blog. To chivis and Otis thanks for your time dedicated informing us it is greatly appreciated

  2. Otis you ain't going nowhere

    1. Otis es mas mexicano que los nopales, por la england way aqui en phoenix vive el guey😂✌🏿🤘🏿

    2. Jajajaja I was thinking the same a de ser un indio pero pa' distraer a los opps dicen que es de uk. Chale en ese caso yo soy Aleman cruzado con nopal:)

  3. Dang, take care Otis. Thx for everything you did for BB!!

  4. Sad news. I liked Otis' articles very much. I'll miss You.

  5. Dear Otis,

    I hope you come around and join in often because I know you care, but regardless of that, I wish you a fond farewell and may you find happiness and prosperity in your future endeavors.

    and BB.............Jefe scs-MX

  7. Ottis had the coolest name in the narco blog world

    Long live flywheel

  8. RIP otis. We will miss you.

    1. He's not dead wtf!! Just leaving

    2. 12:55 si se va se muere el Otis, ya lo andamos buscando, atentamente: El Chapo

  9. I'm fairly new to this whole new world but the info obtained has changed my outlook on this country as a whole I've been reading here 2-3 times daily for abt 8 months and I must thank you and all of your dedicated journaists for all your work .. first comment ever. . JbT

    1. 11:35 2 or 3 times a day? AAY GÜEY!
      Eso es un vicio muy adictivo, te van a salir pelos en la mano...

  10. Man this is horrible news. I will greatly miss all the effort and time you put in all your stories. Though I will say, I don't blame you considering some of the horrible things people say. Considering we wouldn't know most of what we know without BB people need to start being more appreciative of all the time and effort spent making this site what it is.OBFW you will be GREATLY missed, and Chivis thank you sooo much for all you do!!

  11. thank you for this blog and its reporters .

  12. Wow what a loss! Otis, thank you so much for all you have done! Though I must say, with some of these people who don't bother to help out on here themselves, but love to talk crap about what is written, I don't blame you. This site wouldn't be what it is without people like you! Many thanks to you also Chivis! You are such a strong woman, and BB wouldn't be what it is without you!

  13. Good luck on the other side of the pond Otis. - El Sol Perdido

  14. Chivis a journalist? Seriously?

    1. 11:55 yes mi güey, and a pretty one,
      CHIVAAA!!! I have saved your photo again, thanks, again...

  15. Hey compa, man I hate to see you leave. I thought it was messed up when assholes would complain, I am sorry I never said anything back. Please consider contributing once in a while.

    and how about abl part 3? did I miss it? I was looking forward to that last part.

    I wish you nothing but the best in your future. Come visit us in Tepalcatepec, I am serious. Could you please post contact information for you? email?

    1. True Mexicano being hospitable,good on you brother..
      I would love to chop it up with you dude,stay down man..

  16. btw, who is the female with the kid?

    1. @11:57. You mean you can't recognize Chivis. "The kid" is one of the thousands in Mexico that she has helped with her Foundation.

    2. I resent that mexican hospitals regionales, IMSS, ISSSSSTEE, and other criminal organizations can't do better for the sick and the poor in mexico because they steal every peso they can and private parties have to make up for it and now want to privatize health care all over mexico, when there is not much left to steal...

    3. I was going to add my view on IMSS and a horrific story of a foundation kid that seized for 5 days being sent to one IMSS after another...acuna, PN, saltillo and nothing done. I arranged a private hospital with a neuro surgeon I use in Mty. the 12 year old died in route. instead of funding his medical, I was left funding his funeral.

    4. The new governor of veracruz seems to have defrauded ISSTE, MIGUEL ANGEL YUNES LINARES, now will have two years as governor to see what else he can steal, enrique francisco galindo ceballos also defrauded isste before he quit san luis potosi SSPE, THE POLITICIANS ARE ALWAYS STEALING, IT SHOULD BE A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY...
      Sorry about the kids you have lost, I know how it hurts, I have lost about 50 friends and family to gun violence on the US and a few more recently in mexico...

  17. To Otis,
    From an always recovering addict that found this site a couple of years ago I tell you that you will missed. One of your articles (I can't recall which one) was my very first read on this site. Your moniker is what I remember and always looked forward to finding it at the top of an article because I knew it would be informative and entertaining. I wondered if it would come to this when the last article you did on the 'Boss of Bosses' a commenter ripped into you and you replied that you wouldn't write another one and that they should write one if they thought they could do it better. I could tell by your tone that you were not only hurt but serious. That is our loss because of a typical 'keyboard badass' who has never walked I. The shoes of anyone involved with drugs or the business, hell they probably never been in sight of those shoes. I referred to my situation in the first line because of the drug violence that I have been apart of and witnessed first hand at the end of the line and have always been somewhat intrigued by the how's and why's at the beginning of the line. And partly to try and confirm stories I have been told by traffickers and money launderers that I have met. That is how I ran across this site and your articles. Not taking anything away from other BB reporters but I connected with your articles for a number of reasons but I could tell that you were not from Mexico by your writing and that the commitment it took to supply the articles you did from now I find out 'across the pond' is remarkable and commendable. You will be missed. Good luck on your next chapter. And on a selfish note, if you have a copy of the last installment of 'Boss of Bosses' I for one would love to read it.

    1. 'un vato' was otis previous name, right?
      i remember "se busca, about genaro garcia luna/ the golden retirement of GGL.."
      --when you feel better come back, you know you have earned a place here, thanks...

    2. No "Un Vato" is an Un Vato de Juarez.....

      I believe Otis' first moniker was "Spike"

    3. 12.02
      Stay strong dude,you know it makes sense

    4. Sad to see you leaving otis can't blame you for your departure the negative comments piss me off n I don't even write the stories. 1220 busy recovering myself from opiate addiction wish you all the best in your recovery

    5. Yes I wrote in the forum as spike, and I did write one article for the mainboard under the name J Cheever Loophole, but Chivis you asked me to change my name back to Otis.

  18. Borderland Beat needs to do a much better job at screening out all the trolls and their comments. You're letting a small group of idiots bring the quality of the site down significantly.

    1. I completely disagree and find Borderland Beat both informative and entertaining and as any blog, people opine as they wish

  19. what ever happened to ACI?

  20. Hope you come back & visit us Otis..

    I consider Spaniards more European than latino though..


    1. Possibly the dumbest comment I have ever read. Latin, the language, was spoken by the Romans, in Europe.

    2. 12:36 European (geography), Latino (culture). Don't confuse them. I hope you can infer from that the existen of European latinos.

  21. Wanna help?

    Some people are quick with criticism, but never offer to help.


    1. Some mods here only post comments they like. The criticism is well deserved. Of course you won't post this comment.

    2. No one makes you get on this site. If you don't like it, contribute or don't read.

    3. @6;17 anyone who criticises something that is free and is given in good intention, has some serious psychological flaws and in my opinion should seek out some professional help.

  22. I just did a search for Boss of Bosses and couldn't find it. was it taken down?


      and part 2

      If you copy and paste these into your browser it will take you to those article I wrote.

  23. Oh, I did enjoy reading your articles and it inspired me to start learning Spanish! 😊 And to you Chivis: I hope you get better soon and can recover from your illness. Love and greetings from Finland. Mirjam

  24. Yes, thanks again for all your work OTIS , you WILL be missed !! for sure. Take a break and come back .
    Chivis ! : Right On about the rude comments , and hope nothing but best wishes for you and your recovery.
    Haters beware : all these folks do their work for no pay and love of Mexico , not cartel glorification or the need to be abused for typos .

  25. damn. that's a bad news. i really loved his articles. :(

  26. I wish I were in a position to contribute because I love BB. But I'm a Cuban-American living in Atlanta, the only proximity I have at all to the Narco-war in Mexico is the heroin flooding the streets of Atlanta, but even then I'm not very close to the action.

    I hope that BB will find good people living in the right places to report on what's going on.

    On a side note Chivis I hope your illness is not terminal, and I hope you recover and are doing better every day.

    With much love,
    -anonymous reader

  27. Thank you for your dedication

    You will be missed

  28. Otis, I'm a Mexican American in the armed forces for the u.s aspiring to join the DEA. This place has long been a hub for narco related news. I'm glad for the work you have done especially since you're British. I'm a quiet reader who rarely comments on these articles but I'm here EVERY DAY sometimes a couple times a day. Thanks for the great work you have done

    1. Edgar
      More power to you man,and be safe.I salute you

  29. Orales Otis thanks for everything bro

  30. Thanks Otis good luck in whatever is taking you away.

  31. Thanks and blessings, Otis.

  32. Thanks Otis....may you live long and prosper the remainder of your days.

  33. Y la havana??? She was so fine say to her for me chivisssssss if ever you happen to speak to her

  34. Thank you otis bbfanforlife

  35. I been reading bb since 2009 and have only posted about 5 comments in all those years. I literally refresh this page 3-5 times a day.

    I apologize for never jumping in and attacking the haters/trolls or for never providing kind words.

    I am an a retired sergeant, Mexican American mortgage loan officer who at one point wanted to join government to combat narcos.

    I wish you well and thanks for the inspiration through all your articles.

    Phoenix, AZ

    1. 8:22 I wonder what made you stop wanting to be on law enforcement, after what the DEA did to Héctor berrellez, Cele castillo, Phil jordan, Mike Levine and guillermo gonzalez calderoni among other fall guys that only did the best they could for their country...

  36. Firstly I want to say to Otis and all at BB thank you for keeping the plight of the people of Mexico on your front pages. As Otis takes his leave after a long and sterling battle keeping us informed I wish you all the very best in the future.
    I would also like to ask BB and all its readers how we here in the UK can try and get our government to, at the very least, appeal to the USA to change the way they are allowing the vast majority of law abiding and decent people of Mexico to be destroyed by their totally stupid gun and drug laws. Here in the UK we hear little or nothing in the main stream media of the carnage and savagery that is destroying the lives of so many in your beautiful nation. To be honest I don't care what cartel is winning this or that battle. Many years ago I spent happy times in Mexico and to this day I have great affection for it and its people. To be blunt the rest of the world has no idea what is happening and now Donald Trump is fanning the fire of racism and hate and he has never once said that was it not for immigrants from Mexico and the rest of the world the USA would collapse. Calderon was seduced into declaring war on the cartels and now over a hundred thousand deaths later the situation is far worse. I am just one person that loves your country and people so if anyone can give me some ideas how I can help I will do all I can. I might add I am fully aware drugs will always be peddled but surely even the cartels must know this nightmare has got to be stopped. I even hope the Cartels would talk directly with us as we understand they will continue to do what they do but they have the power to stop the blood letting. Please excuse my rambling but I would love to see Mexico again, stable and above all safe for all. Jermey AKA redicderldavis.

    1. Please do more research regarding the causes of the narco war. Trump has nothing to do with it. The neocons like bush and the clinton cartel passed NAFTA and brought this on.
      Every nation has a right to sovereignty and the lies of mainstream media are why BB is necessary. Don't feed the liars of MM by blaming a man who has never been in politics/ corruption.

  37. Thank you, Otis, and best wishes in your path ahead.

  38. Great stuff from all you here at the site that do all the reporting. I'd def be interested in helping out. Please respond and we can come to an agreement privately.

    1. 11:15 send your work, but no propagagnda priista, ok?
      I know that where the money is, but no room here for that...

    2. 11.15
      Good man/woman..The best way to show your interest is to help out ?

    3. This is 11:15 (man)... In my opinion the articles are always great! But we all get into the comments and controversies more than anything. I'd suggest our Mexican folks that are actually living in the day to day grind step up and tell us about it.

  39. Gracias Otis, this website is my addiction. It is my Novela, as to many others as well. I hope you recover and pray for your health.

  40. Thank you for your work Otis. Sorry to hear some of the unpleasant comments have deterred you. I don't have any skills to volunteer, but hope others step forward.

  41. To 1:54, the Cuban-American in Atlanta. You don't have to live in Mexico or near the U.S.-MEXICO border to be near the narco war to write articles for BB. Otis is a great example of this because he contributed from England! He was a helluva lot further away than you are in Atlanta. Besides, Atlanta is one of the core cities used by the cartels to distribute narcotics throughout the South and East coast. Those of us that contribute, obtain stories by researching Mexican newspapers and news sites. We translate the articles into English and post them. As Chicks said, the pay sucks because you don't get paid. However, we do it because US news sites do a miserable job of reporting on this important topic and due to our enjoyment of this site. If you can put aside the insults, and negative rants by ignorant, uneducated, self absorbed, immature, dumbasses, please contribute because the majority of readers will appreciate your efforts.

    1. Well said brother,most here do care and are interested in Mexico and her well being and you dont have to be a Mexicano to care,as is evidenced here at BB

  42. Good luck in life Otis, and thank you for all that you've done for BLB I've really enjoyed your writings as I've enjoyed all the writers for BLB. Best wishes

  43. Here is to your better health , please get well soon , and thank you for your fantastic contributions, bless.


  45. Thank you OTIS!!! We'll miss you!!

  46. Good luck Otis in whatever you chives is one hot mama!!!

    1. Yep chivis is a smoking hot fox for sure, as I have told her many times lol. Like a good wine she gets better with age, though not too much age, phew just about stepped off the thin ice there.

  47. Not sure how I stumbled on this blog a few years ago but I was immediately hooked. I'm from Michoacan but have been living in Ca my whole life. I've had family and friends in the business and lost many of them. It is good to know that at least some people out of the immediate affected areas know what is happening in Mexico. I was in Jalisco (Costa Aleger) area and the place is crawling with Mexican soldiers. You can't help ask your self how the hell cant theses guys take control of the country? Makes no sense. Thank you BB and thanks you Otis. It is nice to know that non-Mexicans care about what is happening in our beautiful country. 10 people die in France in a terrorist attack and we will hear about it for weeks on the news. Thousands of people have been disappearing form Mexico for years and no body knows about them. I personally knew two young kids that disappeared never to be found and no one ever mentioned their names. Camelia Grimaldo and (Pelon) Beto Valencia RIP.

    1. 12:11 We definitely care. I didn't even know the depth of what was going on until a year or so ago, though. The faces posted of the people that just vanish haunt me. Someday, I'll be in a position to help.

    2. 12.11
      Dude,people here at BB do care,and most gringos and non-Mexicanos are here reading about Mexico because they are interested and want to learn more(with the help of the contributors on BB).God knows Mexico could be so much more with the beauty of the country and its interesting and inventive colorful gente and its beautiful(jus sayin)women.People want to interact and get to know real Mexicans with no bullshit politics on a human level.Yes dude people do care,you can see it here at BB...

  48. Otis B Flywheel, Thank you for all your great journalism. Being a writer is not easy, and often times just plain thankless. I hope you will now write for yourself, and from time to time share your work with us. Un Gracias millones. Tio Flaco

  49. Goodbye will be missed!!!

  50. Otis,

    You will be missed. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. I've counted on you and the other journalists at BB to give me the facts, plainly and truthfully. I have respect for your integrity and bravery.

    Thank you,



  52. Thanks very much to all for the love and messages. Far from being a website, BB is an international community that spans the world, with readers from all parts of the globe. Like any community, the functionality of it is a result of the benevelance of its members. Time available is very much a factor in me not being able to do it any more, rather than a few idiots that come in to flame any article I write.

    Yes I will be visiting Mexico in the not too distant future, as I have a particular affinity for the people of Michoacan who share many of the traits of English people. I would like to go to Tepalcatepec and meet the great Dr himself, but they may be put on the back burner until he is released from Prison in sonora. I will also definitely be going to visit my friend and sister Chivis, I've enjoyed all my interactions with her, and as Im sure she will testify at times we have been like a married couple, arguing furiously with each other one day, and forgetting it the next.

    I would urge anyone who feels part of the BB community to offer her and DD what help you can, especially those dual speaking members who speak some spanish, to translate an article doesnt take more than 10 minutes, for the smaller ones of the type that proceso put out or milenio. Anyone could translate one, send it into chivis anonymously and let her or DD add the pictures and publish it. What eat into my time was the much requested articles I wrote myself that could take months of research to establish truth from rumour.

    I may well return at some point in the future when my work, and other commitments lessen. I will at some point finish ABL part 3 but I cannot say when that will be. So please, please, please , give up a little of your spare time for the BB community and help the site admin. I know Lucio R who I count as an esteemed coleague is also very busy at this point and cannot put as much input into the site as he would like.

    As BB is free and many of you have enjoyed reading the articles for many years, show your support where and when you can, it will be anonymously, and you will be in no danger if you do contribute.

    Once again thanks to all for the kind words and messages and I do care passionately about the plight of the Mexican people, as should have been obvious to anyone who has enjoyed reading my articles.

    To my detractors, I would say I wish you well regardless of what and why you think ill of me. To those who criticise my translations, why dont you offer a better one?

    Otis signing off for the present,, love to all

    1. @Otis
      I would love to see you marry Chivis. Thank you for your efforts. I have been reader for many years since old version of your site.

      BB staff do this on pro bono basis be grateful, and gentle in your critiques readers.

    2. Love you Otis. But I am too old for you :) and we would have to Off my husband....

    3. I think you'll find you are roughly the same age as me, but you are much too feisty to be my wife, much safer to have you as a friend, and I would be happy to man a AD barricade on the Mich coast with you beside me with a G3.



    5. Otis it is a great honor for you to feel that way about Michoacanos. I am actually from Tepeque where the great Dr. Is from he actually did a surgery on one of my aunts. He missed, an it would be awesome if you visited my town upon his release. Hope it is soon.

    6. Otis...I often think I am too fiesty to be the wife of anyone, and I think my husband would often agree :)

      at 6:31 thank you for the kind words.

  53. I was hoping the "chapo snitched" guy or girl would turn up to say goodbye hehe.

    1. He did but I deleted it! I wasn't in the mood for jokes, it was when I first put the post up...

  54. Otis, thanks for all the hard work. You've done far more than we can thank you for.
    Q'le vaya bien.

  55. There you have it haters, the hard working OTIS is done. Good job guys.

    Thank you for taking time out of your life OTIS, your work will be missed. GOD Bless and GOD Speed. El Nemesis-

  56. To: MK your message. Good to hear from you, I sure wondered what the hell happened. Please email me, I can't find you email address.

    love to have you contribute, thanks so much....

  57. Sorry to read that Otis is leaving. I always loved reading his articles and those written by Chivis. Thank you both for your hard work and dedication. Saludos de Holanda y Alemania

  58. C,mon man the best way to show how much you appreciate Chivis and BB is to help her out,especially Spanish speakers,if you want something to do give her a shout and she'll give you the heads up on what to do here at BB..
    If i could i most definitely would,plus,you'll get to know this interesting lady at a more personal level..


    1. Oprah has her photos on every cover of her magazine, why can't chivis?
      Some of us are no good other than on the comments, but it is good for the pretenders to the throne who are more qualified, let's have a contest...

  60. hello Chivis how can we go about donating to your charity plmk. thanks.

  61. Chivis,Ive been reading BB since you called yourself Buela or Buelita and always found the articles and comments very interesting. You probably will not post this and I am not trying to offend you but something tells me that you and Otis are the same person and you are finally ready to say good bye to him for a little while until his next story. If so, nice move, either way Otis will be missed and I hope to see his name here soon.

    1. This is so funny, and me and Otis really got a laugh out of it. I know you are sincere because you are so nice about it.
      I am not sure why I would have a need for an alter ego, but Otis is a real person independent from myself.

      I don't know a way to prove it to you, and I am ok if you want to continue thinking we are one of the same.

      A could write to Ioan Grillo who met with Otis on his London stop book tour a few months back. In fact Otis may have a photo.

      Otis...did you take photo with Grillo?

    2. No I didn't take a photo of me with him, but I did take several photos of him and a guy at the book lecture, who works for a Security assessment company privately contracted to work in Guadalajara, but he did sign my book for me, and I sent you a picture of that Tia back then. Ioan would certainly agree that I am not your alter ego Chivis. We may have similar writing styles as I learnt pretty much everything about writing articles from you when I started writing here 18 months ago. Someone also said here that myself and valor are the same person, probably because we are both passionate about the AD and Dr Mireles.
      I'm not sure how it can be proven without me releasing my identity, and that's not something I want to do at this time. But there have been quite a few complaints over time about my "English" English lol, we invented the language! If you look at my articles you will see me saying "amongst" instead of among, and whilst instead of while, its quite easy to see if you look that I don't speak "American English".

    3. 'Spike' I will miss your articles on La Baja Sur.Hope you will still log on though.

  62. at 1:39AM

    Thank you and other readers offering help. Our foundation is a family foundation and my husband, provide 100% of all funds. That was something we planned years for and are able to do. That said, I have met many good people of other foundations that are needing and worthy of donations.

    It is difficult choosing a cause to donate to, especially because there are so many that hide behind a cause to fatten their own bank accounts.

    I will go on record that Texas definitely is a state with the greatest number of charitable people. There was even a book written about it. Consequently, I have met and become close to quite a few. I can recommend a great charity, "Paper Houses Across the Border" almost 100% of each dollar goes to helping needy people of Mexico. and of those of you who have time, or the desire you can experience a hands on project or field trip, getting up close and personal with the people being helped. Like the people of the "paper houses". It is life changing for kids to experience a trip like that.

    It was the people of Texas who welcomed me and embraced my cause, that paved the way for my success. Texas, on a whole has the nicest, most willing to help, people in the world. I love Texas, and Texas, (but sure hate the weather)...

    1. Ok. thank you so much Chivis I will look into the "Paper Houses Across the Border" Foundation. I appreciate it thanks. and to all that come here to criticize Otis and company, Ill just say this don't Hate .... GO Donate))

  63. Thanks Otis for all the time and effort you volunteered and dedicated to BB. I hope your travels lead you to success and self-fulfillment. Safe travels.


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