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Monday, September 5, 2016

Homicide numbers rising in Guanajuato

Posted by DD Republished from Mexico News Daily

 Homicide numbers rising in Guanajuato

tienda damaged by grenades
When Interior Secretary Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong acknowledged last week that violence has been on the rise he said the increase applied to certain regions, without specifying which.But the state of Guanajuato must surely be one of them.

The 95 assassinations in August was the highest of any month this year, according to the National Public Security System. Most of the murders have been linked to the activities of organized crime in the Bajío state.

Comparative figures to the end of July indicate intentional homicides were up 13% during the first seven months of 2016 compared to the same period last year, rising from 470 to 532.

In the last three months alone, Guanajuato has registered 354 of the 652 crimes on record in the first eight months of the year.

Vehicle thefts have also seen a big increase. Figures for the first six months of the year show a 40% hike in theft with violence of insured vehicles over the same period last year, rising from 342 to 480, says OCRA, an organization that tracks down stolen vehicles.

(The figures show that six other states recorded even higher increases in such thefts, with Campeche leading the way with a whopping 450%.)

Commander Murillo Gomez murdered
Some of Guanajuato’s homicide victims have included high-ranking officials belonging to the municipal police of the city of Celaya, including Commander Marco Antonio Murillo Gómez, who was executed August 8 while eating breakfast inside the city’s El Dorado market.

Three days later, police officer Césarea Saavedra Jiménez was killed after her vehicle was ambushed by sicarios, or hired assassins.

In July, another commander of the Celaya police force was shot to death.

For the state leader of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), the increase in homicides results from the lack of a security strategy.

“We’ve insisted that the state coordinate its efforts with the municipal and federal forces because homicides keep increasing but to date there’s no defined strategy,” said Baltar Zamudio.

Army Commander Pedro Felipe Gurrola Ramírez has announced that the Army and Federal Police will increase their presence in the municipalities of León, Irapuato and Celaya, where the largest number of homicides have been registered.

The state began the first day of September with the gruesome discovery of three corpses, two of which were found in a shallow grave by a farmer in the municipality of Apaseo El Alto and the third on a parcel of cultivated land in the municipality of Pénjamo.

In another outbreak of violence on Friday of last week in the city of Abasolo fragmentation grenades are believed to have been used in an attack on two small businesses, a corner store and a tortillería, in which two people were hurt. Six people were injured in the city  earlier last week when a man threw an explosive device into a beer store.


  1. Sounds like extorsion is alive and well in Guanajuato.

    1. There were el H Héctor beltran leyva and his partners el partido Verde ecologista, del niño verde, el senador federal asesino, el benja arellano also got cogido in guanajuato, now it looks like the poolice has taken over, that is why crime increases exoonentially.

    2. Just thought real narcos don't mess with civilians. As they say "puro negocio!"

  2. You got cdg,zetas,cjng, beltranes and ct all there. Wich one of this cartels is causing all this?

    1. It's mostly Cjng trying to take over

    2. I'd also like to know who is causing this

    3. 11:25 el pinchi PRI, QUIEN MAS, they want all the state governorshits back, and are killing their way to it.


    1. 13 killed in Pénjamo in last week. BB Forum had a post a couple weeks ago about pipe bombs found in vehicles around Pénjamo. "Car bomb disabled in Guanajuato; 2 arrested; target was in Michoacan"

  4. There's also a battle with a heavy death toll in la sierra, la linea de Guachochi vs la gente nueva de Batopilas, people are fleeing Yoquivo areas, you should post articles on this.

    1. Con la linea no se juega

    2. La linia es una perra barata.
      --Governor Corrales will put them where they belong, in the sewer, flushed down the toilet.

    3. Lmao. Do some research on señor corales. Some of his family lives inside a strong hold for la linea. Business long time.

    4. Javier Corral is running for president, he would not burn his powder, I mean cordite becoming a state ratero or a drug traffickING gangbanger, while some in his family have been arrested on the US, according to cesar duarte, who has also had his brother arrested on the US for drug trafficking and other things...

    5. Yeah , well we are all family in cuauhtemoc. Family. Chapo made us family. Arriba La gente de la Che. Arriba la sierra. Preparensen que aye va la nuestra.

    6. I read today, lineas , (linias) are "turf" in honduras, what are the chances? Cd Juareeez and the state of chihuahuas could not be more "original"?

  5. Guanajuato was always 1 of those safe places in Mexico to visit but then again so was Baja Sur.The federal gov better get their shit together and do something or the whole country is going to look like Somalia.

    1. It already does! I want to know if there is any safe place in Mexico I can go to for vacation? Maybe I should go to Cuba instead, eh! -Canadiano-

    2. Ahaha Guanajuato was bad before also

    3. Gringas used to go to guanajuato to get 4 or 5 short mini bartenders to spend the night with, the guys call the game entrele a la vaca, 5 pesos get you a piece of the pie...
      I know, they got my gringa once, must have been their grifa...

  6. The Mando Unico is taking down the local municipal police chiefs and anybody with a say on the matter, osorio chong has his eyes on the presidency and 2.5 years to sit there, that is about 1.5 years to start campaigning officially, this same problem is happening all over mexico, army and federal poolice creating problems and then coming to "help" by taking over police functions AND INCREASING CRIME against the people for all the money...

  7. The best time 2 hit up your enemies are between the hours of 3 and 5 in the morning. The majority of people are asleep during this time. And there are less civilians on the street as well. - El Sol Perdido

    1. 5 in the morning is to late for a weekeday

    2. Lmfao... at 3-5 am because they sleeping. Didn't know meth an coke heads slept during those hours hahaha. These fools are all doped up on something.

  8. I been wondering when somebody do a report on San Miguel de Allende. Things has been crazy, probably 40 peoples been killed since the Jaliscos come to take la plaza from the local guys wit La Familia. There even put a lista negra on Facebook with a buch of people who has all been killed. They kill people in broad daylight in very centro locations and there is no security en las colonias. Sunday nite the leave a bomb outside bars right in the most expensive part of Centro so it look like they may start to extorsionar in the busineses or they trying to fuck up the political carrer of mayors brother who wants to be gobernador. Police director make like 100thousand pesos a month and dont do nothing, they bring him from Aguas donde he run the jails. Like only 20 police officers for a municipio of 170000. Guanatos in big trouble, they say los rojos, zetas y LFM here too. Like any turist place they want put things under the rug but everbody very scared now about how things r going to go down

    1. La familia is weak now so are los caballeros templarios , los rojos are not strong either so i think cjng will take over the plaza eventually i hope they do not dirty things like kidnaping people for money or shit like that but their biussness which is drugs.

    2. O that's too bad.San Miguel Allende is a big expatriate place,like 12,000 foreigners living there.Known for colonial buildings and art.It's supposed to be quite unique although I have never been there.

  9. Los hombres de Guanajuato, nunca andan por las ramas cuando les hablan de plieto

  10. Is this Manico Unico the real deal or what?Someone on here said they are corrupt as hell.Aren't they a special police force?

    1. 4:33 "Special" as the KGB or the GESTAPO, the DINA, or the policia nacional de culombia...

    2. Who the hell is manico unico?

    3. Mando unico is a unified command, a policia nacional, una gendarmeria that depends and is part of the central federal government, to micromanage the exploitation of anything that has un peso en la bolsa, they drive you to wonder when they will come for you...

  11. Valle de Santiago where it at tho

  12. I survived a month in the valley with the locals. I'm white but them vatos had my back 100


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