Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Investigation into the Murder of " Beto Cervantes "

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat   Zeta  Sept 17,  2015

By :  Saul Ramirez Esparza

That the death of Alberto Cervantes, leader of the group Explosion Norteña, had been preceded by a "kidnapping "is something the Deputy Justice of Playas de Rosarito has ruled out.  In addition, according to  Attorney Patricia Ortega, by descriptions by witnesses and others, it is possible to draw a "certain direction", that the case is not isolated and the information connects it to other crimes in Tijuana. 

But there is relevant data that the prosecution does not have in its possession, for example, Ballistics Bank report specifying whether the Super 38 weapon has been used in other crimes.

In addition, although the information dictates that prior to the execution there was a struggle, when he was found, the body of "Beto" had about 28 injuries, including scrapes and tears in the skin, a bullet wound in the left region of the neck and a projectile in the chest.

"We can not expose a particular line of research, what I can say is that we have interviewed several witnesses, we can only comment that the man was not pushed out of a vehicle, but was walking in the street", stated the assistant attorney of the Rosarito area of ​​Baja California.

Thursday morning, September 1st, the singer and writer of narcocorridos left a home in the neighborhood of Constitution in Rosarito, on Michoacan Street, and as if they were waiting, immediately a gold Chevrolet Suburban pickup truck pulled along side of Cervantes. According to witnesses, the car traveled with one to two people, and  it was the driver who got out and hit the musician forcefully, they struggled and shots were heard, although only one cartridge was found at the scene. 

Raydel Lopez
The man or men responsible advanced some meters south on the street Michoacan and made a  "U" turn to get back to where the wounded body of Cervantes laid and  stopped for a moment then fled. Everything indicates that the deceased was walking toward his home in that municipality. 

Authorities and medical services found Cervantes lifeless, dressed in shorts and T-shirt midriff, without cell phone, but with his wallet and identifications; wounds and bruises on various parts of the body with blotches of blood that came from the head, specifically the neck. 

The report of the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO) determined that he bled to death and that  the jugular vein was lacerated.

His widow has provided no relevant information on the case, nor mentioned previous incidents or conflicts. She only explained that since 2007 - a year after he was shot in the neighborhood of Guaycura in Tijuana "for a mess of skirts" - until 2015 he was imprisoned and put under arrest on several occasions. 

 The Attorney General of the State (PGJE) obtained from the Joint Unit Regional Intelligence ( UMIR) information on three internments in prison: 2007 in the penitentiary in Tijuana for ties to organized crime, the date when Cervantes was arrested during a meal with Raydel López Uriarte “El Muletas” ("The Crutches"), who managed to escape -; in 2008, in a prison in Mexico City; and in October 2014, also for ties to organized crime in the CEFERESO of El Salto, Jalisco.

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  1. If you ever get shot stick your finger in the wound. And hold it in place 2 avoid bleeding out But if it's a main artery then you're screwed. - El Sol Perdido

    1. With a pumper, tie off with a tourniquet and pray.

    2. Kissing your ass goodbye is the only thing left when the jugular is shot

    3. If your thirsty drink water, if you can't open your mouth you're screwed.

    4. 11:14PM
      You can survive a severed jugular and even a shot to the brain. You should only prepare to meet Satan in hell if you have a direct shot to the heart.

  2. CAF is back stronger than ever

    1. "CAF is back stronger than ever"

      Ye,and someone is spikin your coffee with acid?
      Stronger than ever?Why do people say things like this?

    2. If ya gonna spike it, why spike 'decaf'?

  3. So muletas escaped he is out im just asking

    1. Maletas escaped from the police raid in 08 but got caught later. Not sure exactly when but he is still in jail now. There is a video where he is being taken to Mexico city prison on a military airplane and he is interviewed. It's actually a funny interwiew.

    2. "Muevo mota" is what he said

    3. Muerte al traidor Chuletas!

  4. BB forum really sucks now that there are those stupid pop ups! WTF

    1. I have tried logging on twice, going into various posts and posting a reply, not once did I see a pop up.

    2. I've seen no pop ups ever!! Maybe close your porn page!

    3. Clicking on BB Forum is no problem but after clicking on any Topic a pop up keeps appearing for a resume website.
      This doesn't happen on BB main page or on any other websites only on BB Forum.

    4. Hahaha, good one 3:08 pm

    5. POP UP blocker kills all of them including porn LOL !

    6. You can disable the pop ups on the BB forum page. Its on the bottom right of the page.

    7. Thank you very much 12:34!
      I never saw that button.

    8. KEY here is stop visiting porn blogs, 'without buying', they give you viruses worse than real life porn ever came up with.
      Pero ahi andan de calientes

    9. Shit i watch tons of porn and no pop ups!!.. must be your obama phone dood!!

  5. He probably has a virus or something. I have never seen a pop up in this site

    1. I sometimes get a resume builder pop up

  6. Looks like ole Beto has had better days. I guess he shouldn't have involved himself with cartels. He might still be alive!

    No sympathy whatsoever.

  7. El flakito los va agarar por ti beto no te preocoupes tarde que temparno 10 10 sigue la tia

    1. Asi Es!

      Gerardo Ortiz va tragar pavimento si pisa La Tia Juana!

  8. CAF is getting killed and these tijuanenses think they own that plaza?.....CAF is done, the smart I new joined cjng and the others are getting killed. I swear most people just watch the photos and don't read these articles..

    1. What are you talking about smart? Many of those who jumped ship to CJNG are dead now. CDS too, their inner conflicts have caused the deaths of many of their own. CAF is small time now, but the heirs to the AF throne are not done yet. If these guys where truly smart, they would get together as businessmen, have a truce and some kind of business agreement that would benefit every side.

    2. The heirs to the af throne are no more powerful than ranas in tj. These people crew still has more pull with the backing of checos across.

  9. CAF is getting killed and these tijuanenses think they own that plaza?.....CAF is done, the smart I new joined cjng and the others are getting killed. I swear most people just watch the photos and don't read these articles..

  10. If you're one of the faceless your murder will not get investigated. Worse, it will be assumed and spread that you were a narco.

    1. True.. my brother in law was killed in Rosarito in front of his kids, it was concluded he was mistaken for a local dealer that drove a similiar dodge durango, but when it happened the newspaper made it seem like he was a narco and that he was a gangster because of his tattoos, his tattoos where only 3 and where only tribal shapes. It was just crazy how the media portrayed it just to make it sound interesting to read.

  11. Never solved, case closed!!

  12. I guess being a narco singer does not pay that great because the area looks bad. You do not get protection even in jail. He was left with an arm that look a spaghetti. Then you get murder like many others.

  13. Hi all....I've enjoyed BB for almost 6 yrs now. Never had a pop up yet. To all the posters.....Thank You

  14. yaqui

    Appreciate the translation and work dude,thanks man

    1. 6:36 I think Yaqui is a she, SHE IS A WELCOME YAKETY YAK.
      If she were a he or a he/she yakety yak he or he/she would be a welcome yakety yak...

  15. Can you imagine how many people El Muletas has killed or had people killed?He was the main man of the Uriarte clan,Guero Chompas his primo,sisters all involved

  16. It wasn't drug or narco related. It's pretty evident it was her Sancho who killed him. Why fight first if it was a hit? If Beto just got out of prison in 2015 then Sancho got tired of actually sharing the hag. It was personal and the wife seems to careless he is dead. Maybe wifey preferred the side piece more than the main dish.

  17. So very sad that the people of Mexico are killing each other. God have mercy

  18. RIP beto your group Los Tucanes de Tijuana will miss you so much

  19. Saw an Interview with Beto On U tube Pepes Office where he discussed his time In Prison. He looked ready to get back on stage& Work. With Nee Material out he was a talented musician. Burn Cerebro Oara Componer Corridos.

    1. 4:27 I hope he left his last corrido and more, i'll check on youtube, he must have millions of visitors now like other dead gones

    2. No loss.we still have Kommander!


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