Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Doctor Mireles Might Soon Leave Prison

Translated by Chuck B Almada for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article October 17, 2016
Written by Francisco Castellanos

#Liberen a Mireles #LiberenaMireles

Judge grants appeal on Doctor Mireles' case due to an omission in the revision of evidence.

Morelia, Michoacan- The defense of the ex leader of the Autodefensas, Jose Manuel Mireles Valderde, through attorney, Ignacio Mendoza Jimenez confirmed that an appeal (amparo) had been granted so that the federal justice could again revise the evidence in the case. According to documents, the defense accuses the Second Tribunal Unitario of the 11th circuit of negligence when analyzing the evidence presented during a motion to dismiss hearing.  

"The solicited constitutional protection should be granted to the complainant, to the effect that the responsible declare void the requested resolution and issue another in which there is an analysis of the evidence This order was issued by the First Unitarian Tribunal of the 11th circuit during the ruling for the indirect appeal hearing 32/2016-III, which consists of legal size sheets.

 “It is required to make a new analysis (of the case)

The ruling was revealed this morning by the lawyers of Doctor Mireles and by the local deputy of the Citizens Movement (Movimiento Ciudadano), Daniel Moncada, who has continued to closely follow the Autodefesas movement in Michoacan. Moncada affirmed that this ruling has exposed the ineptitude of the Second Unitarian Tribunal when they ignored certain evidence in the case.

It was also highlighted that It's the magistrate that has liberated many criminals. This same magistrate has given us a list by name and cartel of all the criminals that it has freed, but in the case of Mireles he said it wasn’t possible because this is a case that has a lot of tiny details. He recognized that it wasn’t a legal subject, this according to the Citizens Movement Deputy, Daniel Moncada. During a press conference he highlighted that after reviewing the evidence, Mireles might regain his freedom.  

Attorney Ignacio Mendoza explained that with such evidence, the one that stands out the most is a document signed on January of 2014 by the then federal commissioner, Alfredo Castillo where he pacts with Autodefensa groups in the area. There are also several other documents that shows that the government endorsed the registration of weapons to the comunitarios, including those weapons that were of exclusive use to the military.

 "Also exhibited are over 30 videos, forensic evidence, and statements from government officials and ex autodefensa leaders about the agreements made with the government.

During the conference, Mendoza explained that the appeal (amparo) that was granted today shows that once again that Mireles has had every single of his rights violated. “He’s a political prisoner, legally speaking, by a process that has failed to recognize the evidence. It’s very grave.”

Mireles was arrested on June 26, 2014 in la Mira, municipality of Lazaro Cardenas along with 80 more autodefensas during an operation carried out by the Federal Police and Mexican Armed Forces. There were no shots fired during the operation and according to some local medial outlets, there were up to 600 military and police officers that participated in the operation. Mireles was accused of possession of narcotics and carrying weapons made for the exclusive use to the military. Mireles was then sent to the maximum security prison, Cefereso 11 in Hermosillo, Sonora where is he currently held today.

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  1. I've seen at least six of these types of posts since he has been locked up. Doubt it.......

    1. I know right. Getting hopes up just to crush them down again. Breaking him down mentally and psychologically and health wise. What a shame

    2. I think I stopped believing them after the 4th such post

    3. Hombres de poca fé, ya nomás tienen que revisar los pinchis papeles por otros dos o tres años, "cuidadosamente", eso si...

  2. Hopefully when he gets out he goes and visits Chapo and tells him what it feels like to be a FREE man!

    1. Then he would be found dead

    2. Nieto is not letting him out

    3. The two men are complete opposites of each other and shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence. Mireles: Great man that fights for freedom Chapo: Killer, extortionists,

    4. 6:05 la chapa did not put or keeps Dr Mireles in prison, but I understand YOUR need to put them both in the same comment, la chapa has nothing to do with the carpet bombing in Syria 'ither'

  3. I wish we could send him mail. He is a hero and I hope he does get released soon. Are Mexican citizens not allowed to possess any firearms at all? The guns just end up in the hands of the wrong people in that case.

    1. Just like Chicago no fire arms in Mexico

    2. I Googled a few things about firearms in Mexico, and it looks like to be able to have something to defend oneself would be a rare occurrence. It's not easy to obtain anything.

    3. 4h20, weapons merchants will put their weapons in your hands on credit, they are already arming.quite.a.few.narcos and other ape species, the idea is to move product and make coin, and let the winner earn his keep, at the expense of the "proyecto de nazion", they don't care where they come from, weapons merchants will gladly supply both sides on any conflict, 1, 2, 3 muchos sides, no problemo

  4. We all hope so!!!!!!

  5. I heard a live interview with the attorney today on local TV. Nothing new here.

    1. I have no faith these motions mean anything than to torture Doc and his family. I hope I am wrong

    2. Comisión Interamericana de los Derecho Humanos and Comisión nazional de los derecho humanos can't get involved because the case is being "carefully scructinitzed" in the courts to protect the 'dotor's writes'; gobernador Auriolas de Conejo has even replaced his cabinet for some hopefully less corrupt mininsters on his campaign against corruption...

  6. If I got 10 cents for every time I heard that I'd be rich

  7. Praying for his freedom and health, hope he gets out soon to enjoy his life

  8. Not gonna happen, Lets face it the corrupt government loves to tease the good doctor .As stated above many posts of the good doctor being released and well here we are once again reading a BS headline..

  9. Not gonna happen, Lets face it the corrupt government loves to tease the good doctor .As stated above many posts of the good doctor being released and well here we are once again reading a BS headline..

  10. Sure...maybe in a body bag.... they just recorrupted Michoacán... they don't want him out stirring up a fight against them
    (I know mustache is no saint...but he's a good man)

  11. I don't mean to nitpick but I was reading the arrest date which said 2016.I was trying to figure out how long he's been locked up.Was it 2014 I think which has been over 2 years?

    1. Yes ...June 27, 2014. Just a typo I will correct it. BTW Doc sent me a foto the night before from his meeting, he sent it to me, the editor of grillonautus, his atty at the time, and his sister vicky. I think I will add to this post. and on the 27th he sent me the foto above, the last foto.

      I liked the foto very much and asked who took the photo this was his answer:

      Las fotos las tomo Silvestre
      Hermano de una muchacha que fue se secuestrada y asesinada despues de pagar el rescate. El tiene 17 años. Su hermana tenia 21

      he says it was taken by "Silvestre" a boy of 17 years whose sister, age 21, was kidnapped and the family paid the ransom but the bastards killed her anyway.

    2. bastards my word not his, but I am sure he would approve

    3. Don't worry none chivis, mexicans usually confuse bastards with busters, it is chosen even if they know the difference because 'bastards' sounds meaner.

  12. Mireles will flee to the US or somewhere else if he ever gets out. Michoacan is 100 times worse than when Nazario and his goons ran the show.

    1. That's right, you got el pitufo and el Americano with a bunch of sicarios (fake autodefenzas) (cjng)running around strapped to the teeth, with a help from the government who brought order Colombia style with the rurales. He's better of somewhere else.

    2. Dr. Mireles has demonstrated courage! I doubt he'll "flee".

    3. Cartel land a must see movie bout dr.mireles

    4. Is it true that "el mamericano" is hiding because of the four guys executed recently in la Ruana for being church mouses? I think hipolito mora said that.

  13. Yeah right, n we will here this next year too...if n when they do I bet Mireles is so traumatized that you won't hear a word from him no more, he'll probably comeback to the states n live the rest of his life.

  14. You can write to Doc even a postcard would be great:

    José Manuel Mireles Valverde
    Carretera Hermosillo- Bahia de Kino Km 33-800,
    desviación a la derecha Km 4
    CP 83349, Hermosillo , Son. MEXICO

    1. Thank you so much. I know a letter won't change much, but it might help just a small amount.

    2. Hello chivis.thx for the adress.we will keep his name in the news

    3. Thankz baby, I am gonna send him Jeremy 33:3 since you didn't post it here at BB :)

      You know who am I.

    4. 11:12... I am wearing my look of confusion, if I saw it I probably would have send it through, I am not the only moderator.... sorry

    5. @2:26
      It's all good Chivis and it's Jeremiah not jeremy:)

  15. We tried last year to send his sister some money for him at the address given by BB, but it was never claimed. Thanks for the address. Is it possible to get funds to him?

    1. Wow really? I had no clue there were problems. I do not know of a way but I will ask his cousin, she may know.

    2. Probably intercepted by the Mexican Government.

  16. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me a third or 4th or 5th time or whatever it ain't gonna happen!

  17. Yeah, yeah. See it to believe it.
    Borderland Beat should question people involved with the case, i.e., judge(s), attorney(s), etc., before posting such announcements.
    Good luck, Dr.

    1. I appreciate what you say, but it is important to report everything and keep his name in the news.....

  18. the postal system in Mexico does not work. You want to be sure your message or parcel arrives use the private couriers

    1. good point....mailing from U.S. send UPS or Fedex etc

    2. Send DHL better

    3. DHL is not secure; They deliver packages already opened.

      It has happened to me. Imagine you?

    4. @8:11 Genero, it is not unusual for Mexican customs to open packages when the cross the border into Mexico, (just as US Customs do). Even Christmas packages. Just doing their job.

  19. DR MIRELES...
    We have people like Duarte,Yarrington,Moreira(who helped birth the Zetas)etc,who raped and plundered their states,who actually hurt infrastructure for 1000s of everyday Mexicans. Schools,roads,hospitals,education,what could they have done with the billions they have subverted ?
    And we have DR MIRELES locked up for years in poor health and for what(dismantling Templarios Cartel)? 2016 and countries can still get away with shit like this.
    A glaring indictment of Mexico and her venal politicians..
    FREE DR MIRELES let the man go...

  20. If DR MIRELES is freed could anyone blame him for leaving Mexico?
    To 1000s of people he did a righteous thing,he was a catalyst and force for change which the fuckin government saw and eventually shit itself and imprisoned him,sucking the life from him like a vampire,ohh wait it was a vampire,Castillo,that ugly motherfucker.
    Time for relaxation and reward for DR MIRELES if the dogs ever let him free

  21. Now this man is a real hero. How come he doesn't have 100 corridos?

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    was good. I do not know who you are but definitely you are going to a famous blogger if
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