Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Jalisco: 6 found alive with hands amputated in a "settling of accounts"

Guest Reporter "Javier"

Seven suspected robbers were left with their hands amputated, in Tlaquepaque, a town in the western Mexican state of Jalisco.

According to Eduardo Palacios, commander of the Tlaquepaque Police, victims were kidnapped the day prior. The victims were discovered Monday evening outside an event hall in Tlaquepaque, which is on the southern outskirts of Guadalajara. He says they range in age from 24 to 44 and include six men and one woman.

One of the attacked was found dead next to a cartulina ((cardboard message) with a handwritten message containing the message "This happened to us for  pick-pocketing," as well as other warnings.

The message was signed by “Grupo Elite Anti-Ratas.”

The other six, including a woman, were found without hands and injuries to the wrists that were most likely made with machetes.

Besides amputation wounds, which were covered with plastic, victims had the word "rat" painted on various parts of their bodies.

Two suspects are in custody for the crime.

On the next page are very graphic photo and videos, the second page has no further text .............

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  1. That's gnar gnar as hell!

    1. Right, its alot things you can't do without hands.

    2. True...something does not make sense If they were kidnapped from various areas in Jalisco. Appears to be a bad chess move representing more than one message cuz they are all fairly good looking, fairly and above fit and dressed.

    3. They have the hands.They can be reattached.They have free or almost free health care like here.Of course they would have to go to a specialized hospital for that but isn't there tons of plastic surgeons there?

    4. Reattached. I doubt it.

    5. holy cow, I have tried to be silent, but @1:12 you comments are so ignorant about how our system works it has begun to upset me. MY son waited years for a hearing aid and only given one instead of two. and you think the government imss is going to re-attach 12 hands? I doubt those hands are viable in the first place after being exposed to blood and tissue firs and bacteria, and the surgery is hours long to attempt such a thing.

      I will say your remarks are ignorant, careless and juvenile. stop it! you are suppose to be an administrator? hold back, you do not have to comment on each and every post. you do the same on forum. give it a rest.

    6. Estos gueyes no eran rateros, eran APRENDICES de rateros. Nos quieren copiar pero hasta para eso son pendejos.

      El Manitas de Seda.

    7. @ 8:13 am: Thank you! Couldn't have said it better! You've made my day!

    8. I apologize to any Mexican nationals I may have offended on the health care system there.I can only go by the the year I spent there.The public system there was scary but private I had a very good experience but maybe I am spoiled and pampered and take everything for granted as here I went through $120,000 worth of cancer treatments that didn't cost me a dime in our public system except for maybe $40 for outside prescriptions.I have no idea what happens in Mexico for that.I have known people here that have had fingers reattached from construction accidents but the finger was gathered up almost immediately and put in ice.

    9. Canadiana. Don't worry about it. With all the plastic surgeons in Mexico, they could have reattached the hands If money really was not a concern and proper agility and procedures were followed. Too late now. Preassuming they get rehabilitation may be far-fetched too

  2. How dared they claim to be anti ratas when cjng robs steals from the poor in every plaza they control mencho has committed atrocities killing new born babys and woman and the police will say nothing i cant understand how can people support this coward of men cal mencho

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 4:05 PM
      Most of the time, but every now again some bully thinks ok to take others things. Well tbh I hear that they get killed fairly quick for extortion. Like maybe a little commando of 6-12 guys will come extort people, but they suddenly disappear. But again some people used to extort others and say we are the big bad low zetas cartel gimme yo money, but in reality where just drug addicts buying shit from los Z and extorting others.

    3. @4:05. Exactly, you hit the nail in the head! Jalisco is by far safe since Mencho took over. 100% agree with you.

      I guess your agenda is soo very well paid and you will never change it.
      --when will you say el chapo's mom also kills babies in boiling water?

    5. Most of the time they are not supporting him cause they like the guy, it's fear why they do what he wants.

  3. I dont belived this two of my brothers got pick up by cartel jalisco just because they needed to send a message and they couldn't get to the rivals so they pick up my brothers who where inocent and hardworking man they never got into cartels so i call this note bull crap

  4. These guys don't play, it had to be cjng.

    1. Of course CJNG they are ruthless

    2. Yes yes there the best baddest of all cjng.

  5. Cuando hiban a robar, decian..."Manos a la obra!" No se imaginaban la razon que tenian.

    -El Arrepentido de la Sierra

    1. Que bueno que regresaste Arrepentido. - El Sol Perdido

    2. Aqui andamos compa, componiendo otro corrido.

      -El Arrepentido de la Sierra

  6. Of course they aren't really thieves. Reports say it was due to debts related to narcomenudeo.

    1. They acually were the have been arrested befor for having drugs or theft dont comment yo dumb shit

  7. Leave them alive so the example is set lots of them don't care if they die but if you leave them with no hands how will the wipe their ass?or ever take shit again


    1. Well, you gotta hand it to them, sometimes it's best to keep these people at arms length. Membership - they won't just hand it out, maybe some people lend a hand every now and then, like a handyman? THat's if they can cut it.

    2. lol....good one...~@~

    3. Lol good one ?
      Who allows this shit to be posted ?
      Laughing at people with their hands cut off ?
      Fuckin clowns i swear

    4. 9:32-No I think he's laughing at the comment:still want to be a sicario?

  9. That last guy with the white and blue looks like the singer from los perdidos de sinaloa??

  10. Damn they went middle East style

  11. I've always had the impression that it's woman who write these banners for the criminals, i say no mercy for these narco bitchess

    1. 1206: agree. You see on social media how proud they are of their pretty looks, but ugly on the inside is ugly on the outside, too.

  12. @11:05 I agree with you. People are quick to allow thugs to be judge and executioner. and even if.... Hands chopped for pick pocketing? really?

    Often innocents are used to send a message. we know nothing, and the killers who did this need to be locked up, or how about this, punishment fitting the crime? They killed and amputated hands, not one hand but both. what punishment should be handed down on them?

    2 guys are in custody

    1. Of course 2 guys are in custody, the news is circulating around the world. Question is did blood hounds or poodles sniff out and accuse the alleged to allow any type of sentencing

  13. U.S should stop sending million s of dollars to the Mexican Government because they can't control there country they odd to line up most of the Mexican government including EPN and chop there hands off for stealing million s and take there eyes out sence thousands of people disappear and the Mexican government does not do a damn thing or act like they didn't see nothing.

  14. How fuckin dare they do this,look at the woman,makes you so fuckin angry,dont believe a single word cartel mantas tell you..
    Anti-Rats,we are all anti-Cartel,how can they do this to women?Im telling you no one is worse for brutality and sickening violence than CARTEL JALISCO.There are videos out there made by CARTEL JALISCO you wouldnt believe.CJNG need to be annihilated more than any other cartel

    1. They all kill women and children, all cartels are the same but this one is extra violent. It's so violent that all the other cartels fear them, they can go to any plaza and they will think twice of going to war with them. it's about scaring their cells from robbing the cartel.

    2. and you know this how? (12:15) even the police are not saying the woman has a record. where did you read that she does?

    3. 12:15 got fed atole con el dedo, por atrás when you become brainwashed, tá cabron.
      But there are always pendejos volunteering...

    4. It's not OK to cut any person's hands off woman OR man!

  15. And the two arrested, were just randomly cherry picked from the streets, when the actual responsibles are free in the streets continuing there crimes.....sad to see what this country has become

  16. They give a big shot of morphine to El Kevin, and these assholes are just standing around watching these people in anguish. What a fucked up society.

    1. True,anyone wonder about that el kevin shit?
      Mexico,what a yard "dont get involved,mind your own business"

    2. They think if They are them helping they will end up with no hands too.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Heres why Mexico is fucked,Mexicans laughing at fellow Mexicans

  19. Guzman's. This was not CJNG - not a chance. A billion dolar enterprise doesnt heat up their back yard. They already own Tlaquepaque clean millions in the furniture stores, cantinas, tourism, etc. This had to be DF gob or los Guzman's to heat up the coming death of la Menchita. CJNG and local politicos have too much Monet at stake to do amateur thing like that. Thoughts and prayers to victims -/^^\

  20. Holy that video is disturbing, Having no hands is sure a life changer, I hope they were involved in some kind of crime because no innocent person on this planet deserves that.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Fuck off idiot,wouldnt be laughing if it was your relative standing there

    2. Hands down this is straight crazy.... :-)

  22. At least they are alive

  23. on 0.26 min vidio the man is more woried on eting someting not his hands asking if they can give him some food

  24. and what about al the million of kids that get his hand chopped by nigerians and such?

  25. It's the guzmanes heating up cjng plaza, they want attention on other places other than sinaloa. That's how those cowards operate. Too scared to send in their sicarios because cjng is killing them off. They want the government to send in the soldiers to go after mencho.

    1. I agree ,my uncles wife 2nd couisin brother in laws neighbor said the same thing

    2. no hay guerra de gusman ni CJNG. no seas wey. el mencho no es lo que todos creen. el mencho trabaja sucio extorcionando y pididendo cuotas. no estoy seguro si hoy en dia lo hace pero me da risa cuando ponene mantas que vienen acabar la extorcion si ellos mismos lo hacen. conoci gente de jalisco y michoacan que me contaron atrocidades que hacia el mencho.. es otro marrano en la misma mierda que los zetas. y todo eso no dura. echenle porra mientras les dure. esto no va para largo. se los aseguro.

  26. Did anyone see that video of a faceless guy with amputated hands getting beheaded? Anybody have info on that? It was on Facebook it was captioned "barneys video" or something like that. I was hoping BB has more info on that.

    1. Yea man that was real gruesome and both the hands amputated just like these guys. It got deleted im sure.

    2. I saw it bro, it was harsh, they used a sickle.
      The guys didn't seem like sicarios though, more like MS gang members or something.

    3. Yes dude,they were telling him he picked the wrong side ?
      Dude its so bad i didnt even want to mention it on BB.It wouldnt surprise me if it was Jalisco,dont know for sure as i didnt want to listen what they were saying it was that bad,he only looked young by his size.
      Mexico man,what has happened

    4. I Think that happened in a Guatemalan prison, just reading posts from commenters on it nobody could agree from what region the Spanish sounded like.

  27. Readers:
    as of today there has been no evidence of these people being involved in criminality. There are parts of mexico, such as in the state of Mexico where vigilante justice is found, rapist hanged, a hand of thieves removed that sort of thing. But away from remote areas it is not often found. I did a story about metepec in Mexico state where a guy was hanged for "rape" turns out he was innocent but had broken the heart of the man who began the rumor.

    often it is not as it seems, and in many cases innocents are used to send a message. It could be that these people were pickpockets or maybe someone was sending a message, in either case it can not be tolerated in a civil society. Mexico will never become a free and civil society as long as there is no rule of law.


  28. And por favor,,no more pathetic attempts at humor.
    All i see is a woman deranged with shock at having to endure this sickening cruelty..These are fellow Mexicans,this is something to be ashamed of..

    1. 9:47, agree. They are human beings and the humor really isn't even funny in the least. I don't think there is a stupid joke in the world that could be worth laughing at these individuals for. Like I said, it's apparently all fun and games until it's their family, then maybe it's not so funny after all.

    2. This sucks....right when I had a new joke handy.

      -El Arrepentido de la Sierra

    3. -El Arrepentido
      Go right ahead man,dont be shy,show us how hard core you are..

    4. 1.10
      Dude,some ballbags cant resist,oh,heres one right here > El Arrepentido 

    5. Apparently, you geniuses missed the "handy" part of my post. That WAS the joke.

      -El Arrepentido

  29. It's always nice to see something like this and have it remind you that if you live in America, you are living one of the most privileged and peaceful lives anywhere in the world.

    I have access to all the food I want, all the beverages I could ever want, internet, a roof over my head, a nice bed, a nice car so I can go anywhere I'd like, it's nice and safe for the most part pretty much anywhere I go, I have a job that pays me more in a year than most people around the world see in a lifetime.... basically I've got the life of a king. And I only make $80,000 a year in Atlanta GA, so I'm not Donald Trump rich. But I still live so much more comfortable than 90% of the world, that I rarely complain about anything because I have come to realize my life is so blessed.

  30. St Micheal the archangel defend us in battle be our defends against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly court, thrust into hell satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen


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