Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 14, 2016

Letter purportedly from El Chapo's sons, disavows military ambush

Posted by "Mica" Material from El Sol de  México

Click on to enlarge
The children of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman "reiterated that they did not participate in the ambushed military in Sinaloa, they have never fought nor want to fight with the government, because" it would be digging our own grave. "

This was expressed in a letter with their signatures and dated October 2, which was sent to several Mexican journalists, including Carlos Loret de Mola and Ciro Gomez Leyva.

In the letter, Archivaldo Ivan and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar reject "categorically having participated in,  or ordering the attack with the apparent purpose of rescuing a person who we neither know nor unites us though blood.”

The letter goes on to say they would not risk our “integrity” and tranquility for a third person.  They reprimand the military authorities and wonder why, they provide  erroneous information to the media, producing direct accusations against them.

Pointed out in the letter is that the government has access to spy equipment “valued at millions of dollars”, and "if used they would have full  reassurance of  “our innocence in these particular facts.”

The sons of El Chapo also want it known, that they do not have social networking accounts;

"We do not use and have never made use of social networks. Twitter accounts on our behalf are completely false. "

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  1. Doesn't matter, everyone wants them out of the business so if they will not step aside, jail is the best they can hope for.

  2. This letter means NOTHING!
    Throughout history it has been known that criminals of all sorts from gang members to mafiosos have been known to frame and or even sell out their very own mothers in order to avoid facing consequences themselves!
    What makes Chapos kids any different other than propaganda corridos and nuthuggers defending them to the teeth?

    1. Nothing? Was the letter written by them personally or some one else did it for them? What is the purpuse of it, of all of it, is anyone playing games with anybody?

    2. I'm telling you that nothing is going to happen to them. The only thing thats going to happen is that these boys will prosper.

    3. 10:32 Did anyone say that some of us care about this type of stories? Which sometimes are full of lies? The thing here is about the meaning of the supposed written letter, is not about them. Sometimes some ppl come here to waste time or get "informed". Not necessarily because they care about narco novelas.

    4. 10:25 a report on some newapapers where saying a latter was written and or delivered on their behalf.
      10:32 Yes I, know nothing will happen to them. All this Mexican Marine crap is just for show!

    5. The army's politics is "ya te agarré, ya te chingastes"
      They won't leave them alone until they get their last penny from that billion dollars la chapa is supposed to have, they may need some torturing like all these LatinAmerican communist drug traffickers good for nothing.

  3. Fue la gente del guano el kevin es pistolero i fiel companero del viejon , i el guano trai lista a su gente para morir donde sea ke le tope el govierno con el les manda a decir i ya lo saben , no culpe a terceros los hijos de don joaquin no tienen nada que ver

    1. “Mr. Guzman suggested to me the possible option of reaching an agreement with the United States government to consent to the extradition if provisions were met,” Rodriguez said, adding, “our job is to ensure he spends the least amount of time in prison as possible.”... el don joaquin is going to roll over and turn in everyone. Jotitos.

    2. Sergio Vega-Robles, a member of the infamous Sinaloa Drug Cartel, is now considered a critical witness in the trial of 42-year-old Coby Phillips. Phillips, who is one of the founders of an Irish-American gang, who has been charged with the slaying an Aryan Brotherhood drug dealer.

    3. Its one of the ways it makes sense if it was Guanos people who did it spare of the moment without asking or telling anyone?Bare in mind they had supposedly just battled some BLO sicarios where El Kevin was fighting and was injured,it says a bit about their loyalty and El Kevin was worth fighting for to them?Wonder how long they had to set up?

    4. As a criminal #1 reason to not be an informant,
      #1. Eventually they will turn the tables on you.

      They get sloppy and comfortable informing on others and don't realize that they have placed a noose around their own necks,

      The government Might let you operate but it is so that they can figure out your network
      Hope the federation is learning a lesson ...

    5. asta donde se yo el kevin ese ni en su casa lo conocen, supuestamente fueron los chimales. nada de que los cjng, solo de apoyo andan pero no pa entrar a culiacan, culiacan no es solo zambadas o guzmanes o beltranes.

    6. 9:17 in any business you ally yourself with the best allies you can find, the CIA consorted with quite a few drug traffickers when they had "all that power", now that they are suffering the consequences up the ass, and can't say nothin'.

  4. It could be los hijos del chapo they have the man and power but in all they have honor so it was not them ,
    In the other hand beltran leyva have no power in culican its impossible , i will say kevin had a group of man at his disposal who where loyal to him and decide to rescue him whit out telling the top dogs
    Reportero de a peso

    1. Im kind of dumb in my head. Did you say BL have no power in Culican? You are correct! Also z have no power outside laredo & cjng have never left jalisco.
      Chapos is all over the place just like the nazi in world war 2. Perfect timing for a blitzkrieg whatever the correct word is. Shouldnt have let the family that trains your soldiers down. :( fucked up so many strong alliances you had it coming. Make some peace treatys dont b hard headed like Pablo in 'narcos'
      -CDS nutthuger

    2. Honor ? Chapitos lol good one

  5. The Chapitos put their denial of the ambush in writing so it has to be true. That's hilarious to me. The two Princes of the Pink Ladies Cartel are showing that they do wear panties instead boxers. If you are suppose to be a hardcore narco then be one. Don't go running to the government and start begging for your life. You have made your bed so now it's time for you to be a man and sleep in it. This is definitely another sign of weakness by the Chapitos. I don't know what is funnier this letter or the kick to the ribs...Nah the kick takes 1st place.

    1. Maybe los chaputos play soccer, cause it looked like the guy barely kicked him and then all you see is an exaggerated chapito on the ground ... idk seems like he was trying to get the referee to call the foul

    2. tal parece que no dan el ancho para jefes. esperemosqne que termina todo esto. tal vez los vean mal pero como te sentirias si te acusaran de violar a una sobrina tuya.? siendo tu inocente. querras que se diga la verdad. no creo que esa ejecuciones las haigan mandado ellos pero uno nunca sabe.

    3. This chapitos are starting to look like the tuta from michoacan where he will denied any attacks to federal police and will say he will go down figthing in letters

    4. The army is using too many false positives, and killing their own brothers at arms is no problem for them as long as they reach other "goals", el pri has done it all for about 100 years, it is more visible now that they are doing it all "colombia style" by the book of alvaro uribe velez

    5. 11:15 la tuta never begged the government like these cowards

    6. 2:16 where do they begged all they saying it was not them la tuta wrote letters where he say he will go down figthing and will not go to jail coward is in jail now

    7. You are right 9:13 Ivan gets a red card for flopping.

    8. 3:11 yup, but just like tuta they will end up in jail. They are scared for a reason. They are after them as we speak

    9. The chapitos did not sign their letter "anonymous"...and maybe they did not even "right" it, but la chapa sure got a PAN governor elected on his state, and in chiguauguau, and on other states, after all fecal and fox were with him for a while, 12 years...
      Atentamente: anonymous.

  6. So what happened here i thought chapos where tuff cds dont have an army there sicarios are trash who are not properly trained they are getting a wopping in sinaloa,juarez,jalisco,tijuana and basiclly anywhere they get in a firefight face to face they been lucky its only blo attacking them in sinaloa because if it would of been cjng,la linia or zetas when they where considerd as a whole cds would of just been out or as small cells operating for a diffrent and bigger cartel. And by cells i mean antrax,los acme,los lic and so on.

    1. Ya cómete un esnickers

    2. Well to be fair sinaloa went to tamaulipas and fought. Also they went to juarez and fought i dont see any cartel other than the same sinaloa trying to take over sinaloa you cant say chapitos are cowards just because this note pop out of no where and we dont know if it even real

    3. no seas pendejo esto es beltranes -guzman donde vez al resto del cds.? donde ves ala gente del mayo es pedo iterno entre guano y dique tito lo dudo que vaya al frente. no seas pendejo antrax no hay ya.

    4. Cds went to tamaulipas but got whooped and went running back to sinaloa

    5. @2:19 haha same thing happened in veracruz they went to fight zetas and ran back when zetas started kiling them

    6. Los lavacarros van a acabar con CDS armado con sus greazzy garraz remojadas. I mean the car washers are going to finish the CDS with their oily greasy ragz, a puro pinchi tuallazo!

    7. 9:10 javier duarte de ochoa helped bring cjng to veracruz when he was Z1#2fidel herrera beltran's #2 in veracruz, now that duarte has "resigned for health reasons, to clean his name", you may get to see a new cartel, or an old one, depend$$$...

    8. javier duarte de ochoa has requested license to leave the state governorship, with 41 days to go...he'll get it and go home to clean his name, more than 170 000 millions of pesos need to be accounted for, but "la marrana parada" spent 100 more million pesos in an interview with carlos loret de moolah in televisa to accuse incoming governor of having millions OD dollars in properties in mexico and in new yor' in his own name! On top of being a widely known pederasta, named also by Lidya Cacho...poor Veracruz, poor mexico.
      --The US fully supports the mexican politicians, nomatterwhat.

  7. Replies
    1. And then again,your behind the keyboard thinking your tough.

    2. X2 Have to agree with 8:02

    3. Exterminate with Extreme PrejudiceOctober 15, 2016 at 1:28 AM

      Wow! Always heard the lil Chapo's were sissies and now if this letter is true and the request from their lawyer on the ambush...jajaja el Chapo is done. The power base he built was just eroded with his greedy worthless sons. Guzman now has more incentive to snitch for the USA but his family are as good as dead. There won't be another kidnapping rather his kids can't hide so every cartel gunman are hunting them down. They are as good as dead and whoever kills them will put them on display no doubt in pieces.

    4. A true sign they are scared to die. It's too late kids, you play with fire you get burned. You can't hide 'cuz everyone from the good and bad are going to be hunting you down now!!!

    5. Those idiot kids were always flashy and showing off. They are definitely not fighters and in lack of a better word I agree they are real cowards.

    6. typical guzman wimps

    7. The whole family are chickenshits.

    8. Yep, they proved they are snakes -- spineless lol lol. What it must feel like to be hunted and these pukes like to party and get high lol lol

    9. The next time you hear about these jackasses is when they find a few black trash bags with chopped up pieces of their bodies!!!!!!

    10. El Mayo is laughing, el Chapo's sons turned out to be the real weak link of the cartel.

    11. The Wall starts in 2017October 16, 2016 at 7:09 AM

      Pampered Granma's boys. They will never live to see a real firefight, el Chapo's kin are a bunch of scared bunny rabbits, a bunch of nobodies, a bunch of zeroes.

  8. El 300 captured in Culiacán

    1. Can you provide a URL website Link?

  9. jesus christ those two brats are not only weak but beyond pathetic.

  10. You see how propaganda is used as in this case,we are being manipulated almost all the time,Syria,Libya,Iraq,this is another way to use it.Who authors the fake Twitter,Instagram's?
    What does this say about the Sinaloa plaza and who controls it?
    Convoys of sicarios roll in under their nose and shoot up military,and we are led to believe by many that this scenario is not possible because the Guzmans completely run it?Would this be possible in Nuevo Laredo,Reynosa,Matamoros,Mier,etc,doubt it?

      And his "New Confessions of an Economic Hitman" may help somebody see what and why shit happens and has been happening all over the world, it is not like the chapitos or their daddy or any of the old gangsters invented drug trafficking or wholesale murdering and intrigues and false positives...

  11. LOL Little scared baby bitches. These are not leaders but diapered babies. A true sign of weakness, they will be kidnapped again but this time executed.

    1. I mean they did the kill and then apologize but the Mr mencho lady did the kidnapping and let them free thats a sign of weakness boy

    2. First time i visit bordelandbeat im from michoacan and its crazy how people wasted their time hating on los chapos saying this and that lol i can care less if they do that or not only a loser criticism another man cause they aint got no life
      I was wondering if i can become a reported in bb im a professional reporter in michoacan

    3. Weak Guzman's! They could not operate a 7/11 Slurpee machine without spilling it ROTFLMAO

    4. 8:37 and 4:15 El chapo has been gone since 2014, and he was gone before and after that, hiding, without communication, and his family did not go extinct, there must be a reason why.
      --Spit on the wounds, that may help you heal...

  12. El 300 es nomas Otro chalan pura gente deal chaparrito!!!

  13. They had to clear their names. The mexican journalists and government are smearing their names. They didn't do this. They are being falsely accused.

  14. Now I truly understand why Mencho let these two go. These two females whined
    and cried his ears off. It's kinda like when your girl keeps begging for the credit card so she can go shopping. Eventually you give in because you get tired of it and want peace and quiet. Apparently Mencho is a patient man cause I would have capped them crying ass clowns.

    1. A good backhand solves that problem

    2. How about when one of the kids that got kicked in his ribs! Lol!!! Their begging the government not to chase them,if that doesn't make u look weak I don't know what does! Mencho will make u piss in ur pants,u should hear him yelling!

    3. But mencho let them go ? I feel like El m1 is scarier than mencho m1 was killing his own people and had graves where he used his retro to Barry them and squish them it's true El ondeado was a sick fuck and lost it he want full on psycho and started hunting down mayos and chapos in there own turf and tortured the shit out of them till they talked mencho is a pussy el m1 was a real narco serial killer.

    4. He killed 11 military before he got killed m1 was psycho you have no idea

  15. Man if I had the man power that chapos sons have I would stick the middle finger to the marines and set up road blocks with heavily armed men and every 5 miles the marines pass setup ambushes pure machine guns and RPGs for them choppers too drain them down little by little and wen they enter the jungle IED's and trip mines every square mile then u will see the marines gona say it ain't worth it there problem solved

    1. Yea, cause half of what you said worked out just fine for Pablo Escobar right?? lol what a clown!!

    2. If I was chapos kids I would take my money and retire in South America.

  16. Did these kids learn the value of the dollar? If not, the only kind of leaders they will be is through advisers with their decisions and choices varying. If they are impulsive with their mouths and decisions, and interfere with other country businesses by assuming they are doing a favor, they will fall, and take out followers from other cartels with them.

    1. 10:00 and "what other country and his business would be that"?

  17. Instead of writing a letter mejor hubiense escrito un corrido

  18. Now they are trying to convince us they don't go on social media showing off cars, cash and guns. Lol these guys are not made for leading a cartel

  19. According to this story from Reuters, El Chapo will be extradited to the US in early 2017.

  20. Alfredito beltran al cien para que vean como rosa la cadena pregunten en la sierra quien ayudo ala gente el mochomo o el chapo y veran la verdad

  21. Orale chavalones, al 100 con los chapos. Fierro por la 300 o 300 por el Fierro. Lmao!! Pinche Bola de fanfarrones, asi o mas putos los querian. Ellos no van a Manchar por un tercero. Damn, asi o mas claro. Gacho pa'los de abajo en el gran cartel de las traiciones.....Desde Michoacan un saludo y con estas Palabras me despido " nos la pelan putos, la neta nos la pelan".

  22. Mencho taking over


  23. Desde Tierra Caliente

    Se me ha explicado esta información por la esposa de mi hijo. Le digo que las amenazas para enviar El Chapo de EUA es hacer que la presión sobre él para hablar más. Como una esponja exprimida este hombre va a contar todo. Ellos lo tienen. Tienen su hijo. El Chapo está en la gran prensa de tornillo y el tornillo está girando.

  24. surprised this lawyer hasnt been taken out yet

  25. 10:58 "chapo, no hables y no pasa nada..."
    --Plead guilty for 20 years minus time served since 1995, And time off for good behavior, la chapa can't cite any witnesses,


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