Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 14, 2016

Nephew of Former Gulf Cartel leader Osiel Cardenas Guillen assassinated *Video with Graphic content*

Original article available at ZETA
Translated by El Wachito

Manuel Cardenas Medina, alias "El Manny", nephew of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, ex leader of Cartel del Golfo, was executed last saturday in front of his family at the gate of his residency in La Escondida, south of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

A video of one of the security cameras of the complex, shows the moment when a gray Jetta vehicle, pulls up next to the Black Mercedes Benz that "El Manny" was driving when he stopped at the security gate of his residency.

By the side of the co-pilot, a man points a handgun towards "El Manny" of 35 years old, and shots him in the neck. Once wounded he proceeded to drive 100 meters. It was 18:44, according to the digital watch of the video.

It was then that "El Manny" lost consciousness and he crashed his vehicle, causing minor injuries to his passengers: his wife and two sons, while the Jetta drove off into the national highway and dissipated. 

Local media points out that the man executed was son of Mario Cardenas Guillen, alias "El M-1", brother of Osiel, alias "El Loco", "El Patron", "Padrino", "Memo", "El Viejon", o "El Mata Amigos", who is currently incarcerated in the United States for drug trafficking charges.

Cardenas Guillen, ex-leader of Cartel del Golfo assassinated his business partner Salvador Gomez Herrera in 1998, with the purpose of taking control over the cartel.

In March of 2003, members of the Mexican army and the Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR), captured him in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. In march of 2005 the Mexican government agreed to his extradition into the United States. However, his extradition was not conducted immediately for several factors.

Finally he was sent to the United States in January of 2007, where he faced 19 charges in a Houston, Texas court. Then in July of 2009, he declared himself guilty of one charge of drug trafficking, one for money laundering and three for the extortion and attempted murder of three federal agents of United States.

 In exchange for declaring himself guilty, the ex leader of the Cartel del Golfo was absolve of other 12 charges of drug trafficking, and sentenced to 25 years and a 50 million dollar fine. 

Last April, an investigation conducted by the American newspaper "The Dallas morning news", pointed that the declaration agreement between Cardenas Guillen and the US government caused "a violent rupture" between El Cartel del Golfo and Los Zetas- who was the execution and paramilitary faction of the cartel-, and lead to the murder of thousands of persons in Mexico and along the Texas border. 

El Manny according to Breitbart Texas

During the rupture, Lorenzo Rosales Mendoza was executed in Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, last august. This individual was the ex secretary of the local town hall and a brother of Rosales Mendoza "El Tisico", founder of La Familia Michoacana and a Lieutenant at the service of Osiel Cardenas Guillen.

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  1. Live by the gun die by the gun.

    1. well said

      "Live by the gun die by the gun."

    2. How can you be so sure this man "lived by the gun"? I dont have the energy to devulge on that but basically just because the mothafuckas daddy was a jefe and his last name is Cardenas doesnt mean he followed in there footsteps. Mofo was 35 years old and Ive never heard of him... Furthermore, in Mexico most people who "live by the gun" actually "die by the sword".

  2. CAF cleaning house

    1. CAF ni controla su plaza que va controlar Monterrey tonto!

    2. 6:01 why would you make a statement like that,
      8:22 is right, don't you see that CAF was betrayed by CDS Federation and the government went after CAF cause CDS sang and sang and sang???
      CAF had to pact with CJNG to regain order and control, since CDS just kept giving up info to the government.

      Well, I think CDS will find that worse than being incarcerated for a long length of time is being killed for ever, which CJNG and CAF seem to be doing to CDS at the moment.

      Damn CDS y'all were the man back in the day, too bad you got greedy and spread out so fast that you also spread out thin, y'all could have been eternal, now you're just exposed as informants .. tsktsk

    3. This guy has lots to do with cdg im pritty sure the sicarios were from cdn

    4. how do comments like these even get through?

    5. GTFOH!!! CAF couldn't even enter Gulf plazas when they dominated the west coast so what makes you think they have the power now. This ain't the movie "Traffic".

    6. All cartels have interests in Monterrey, even if they don't push weight through there. The plaza is notorious for money laundering... I'm glad the Cdg scum bag is dead ... Let the sinaloenses take control of the business , who cares if they're snitches ... They may be snitches but no one can argue that they can make the business boom like no other clan .. Specially anyone from Tamaulipas... Tamaulipas traffickers are a fucking joke

    7. You don't even know how to use the phrase "clean house" properly. It would only apply to their own cartel not another one.

    8. 7:02 Los mejores pistoleros son de Tamaulipas compa you've never had a cartel from the west coast from CAF to CDS BLO Or CJNG have ever had a plaza in Tamaulipas even the good old Guadalajara cartel had a plaza there

    9. Sinaloa wont be able to take monterrey they cant controls there own state if anything they are killing and capturing all these big heads froms cds like el 300 also killed bravo from los zetas for cjng can take over itz been a while since a big head from cjng has been caputed and they have cells allover mexico such as nuevo laredo and zacatecas

    10. CAF, better clean house at the taco stands they own because the only reason the CAF is still part of the conversation is because they sold out and partnered up with the punk ass CJNG. Soy El Comandante Pitó Loco y puro Michoacan

    11. 10:01 the world is our house, we better clean house soon...

    12. El bravo is not dead

  3. No big loss just one more dead cockroach.

  4. Was this guy really a drug dealer himself? Or was he just targeted to take revenge on the family? Or was it both?
    Either way these guys seem to drive around without a care in the world without having bodyguards and or looking over their shoulders! What a sad affair that such carnage has to happen to a human life nonetheless!

    1. I doubt he bought the Mercedes withave legit money. These families are criminals.

    2. Just cus some one is related to a drug trafficking family doesn't mean all the members Wld be involved.May be someone bought him the ride. Nice that they spared the family.

    3. Looks like he was just managing some investments, like carritos sanguicheros.

  5. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  6. Mencho taking over


  7. Why and who would kill this guy? CDN? Don't get it. The Cardenas are done! Tony tormenta, Osiel, Mario, el Jr

    1. He dont have such a nice car for no reason im pritty sure it was cdn who kiled him

    2. Anybody. Over the years they make so many enemies, they are all waiting for a chance at revenge. Sometimes it takes 20 years but people will get revenge. The motives are endless.

    3. Cardenas family still control Matamoros

    4. El mata amigos killed "somebody", now he pays, z#1 also paid real soon for obeying osiel.
      --Are these Cardenas family with former kings of meth, the Cardenas/Contreras of Michoacan? The mexican government proclaimed them kings of meth years ago, just long enough to steal the business for their friends...

    5. 10:19 most likely, michoacanos rule the meth biz. Michoaxanos have been helping the golf cartel against the zetas from the beginning so there is some collaboration between them till today.

    6. @7:57 u live there in Matamoros? Or how do you know they still control Matamoros? I'm from there but know that Cortez is the boss right now!
      @10:31 his dad does have a lot of money, just cuz he had that car doesn't mean he was in business. But I also think it was cdn, cuz CDG is with el comandante bravo

    7. Cardenas family only ties to michoacan were when carlos Rosales worked with the cdg what was to come lfm was the carlos Rosales organization. I never heard about cardenas being kings of meth

    8. 8:00 they still had ties with ct after familia split. They would send sicarios from michoacan to help with zetas and in exchange get their drugs crossed. They both benefit.

    9. 8:23 not only your rivals and enemies murder you, sometimes your partners want to keep all the marbles too, so, if you don't know, why accuse?

  8. Damm just one shot...sad they did it in front of his kids..thats a no no...but like the broken récords round here say...this will be the end of el chapo...

    1. 8:56 What are you even talking about? "this will be the end of chapo." This article is about CDG not CDS... SMH fool read the story before you comment next time.

    2. 3:45 ..i think he is being sarcastic, there is a lot of coments here about stuff that has nothing to do with chapo. Yet there is the haters stating " this is the end of el chapo or cds"..

    3. 3:45 PM
      Err i think you should be the one reading,he was bein funny?Still dont get it do you?

    4. No no? Lmafao are you fucking shiting me? Where the fuck have you been, buddy? Goddamn kids are lucky they didnt get kidnapped and decapitated on livestream.

  9. They aren't done. This guy family still control Matamoros and other areas around it .

  10. not all violent deaths in mexico are related to cartel vs cartel . some are due to haters, debts either you or owed to you, amantes,buisness partners, the neighbor you argue over loud music, the ex schoolmate you bullied.

  11. New report coming out that the Mexican Marines just executed the leader of Old School Zetas today!

  12. This is terrible. We cannot keep killing our own people. So very sad

    1. 10:13 Zetas are not people, but the marinas are on a campaign for the presidency, sent by secretario de gobernacion miguel angel "osario" chong, he wants to earn the presidency the old way, by getting on top of piles of carcasses of the good, the bad and the ugly, la chapa never needed so much killing to be above epn in the opinion of the mexicans, not the zetas either, 'OSARIO CHON' DON'T FACKING CARE...

  13. Which Gulf cell still represents the Cardenas Guillen family? Is it the Ciclones?

    1. 11:46 The Cullens of texas may have some answers.

    2. Whoever traffics in this family does so thru matamoros so they Wld be in the matamoros faction. They have been since the 80s.

  14. If u drive a Mercedes u will cause unwanted attention especially in nuevo leon

  15. FEDM fuersas especiales de mencho

  16. Probably internal power shifting, CJNG, is a recycled cartel changing its name everytime they get taken out, also they dont control any border plaza meaning they have to go thru CDN, tijuana, Zetas, Gulf, Juarez, Sinaloa, beltran to get their product accross.
    Cartels that control the border with the U.S., hold the most weight.

    1. Have you been sleeping these few months lol cjng owns a big part of Tijuana so they don't need to go through no other cartel

  17. Very simple: these guys control a lot of assets which other guys would like to take over.

    In a criminal system everybody is subject to crime!

    1. 6:42 nobody wants to control my asset, that should be a crime.
      El Sol Perdido

  18. I'm impressed that this guy could get it done in one shot with a pistol. Standard M.O. is to spray these guys with machine gun fire.

    1. If you watch the video closely the gun appeared to recoil three times. So hitting him with 1 out 3 bullets at close range is piss poor marksmanship. Which really doesn't matter Since he got the job done and his family wasn't harmed physically. Even though 95% of the narcos are scum of the earth some sicarios still take great care in not harming innocents.

  19. Only had the reign for 5 years. Not worth 25 year exchange and loss of family.

  20. Very cold. At least they could've waited until he had his last meal before they executed him!

  21. I think this Dude forgot to get a Mamito type of guy in order to watch his ass.

  22. Damn that was a professional hit, but dumidnt he see the car tailing him? Obviously the car was following him and this dude still proceeds to his house.

    In the middle of a war and still doesn't use caution.

    1. Cartels could use some type of situational awareness lessons🤔

    2. Lol now this is funny and true

  23. They attract attention to themselves when they commit such brazen violence. Why can't they focus on making money instead of on killing one another?

    1. Because they have protection but it must be wearing thin with authorities as they have abused it.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. 6:01 he's right he got people talking

  26. No matter how powerful and mean you think you are. How many body guards you have. At some place or some time you will be sleeping, eating or using the restroom your time will come if you fuck people over. People do not forgive nor forget.

  27. What kind of Benz is that?

    1. I think its a cls 550

    2. "What kind of Benz is that?"
      "A dead guys"
      Tooo much dude

  28. Arturo's beltran plaza, si no preguntele a ramon ayala,carlos y jose luis y julian los tigres si no chequen el corrido
    Arturo el de culiacan gente de huevos y no novelitas de gobierno como el chapo

    1. Ayi en culiacan se la pasan cds, Juarez y beltranes. Nadie tiene control total de esa ciudad

  29. who did it? CJNG or CDN

  30. I have worked in the security field all over Latin America . I use my true name because I have no fear as I am a dual American and Mexican citizen . Everyone can speculate about the motives , the actors , those responsible , and the aftermath of this and other killings but it is pure speculation . What is apparent is that the criminal organizatins operate where the tindividual , even the upper top echelon , are replaceable .
    The CDG did not go under after Osiel Cardenas was arrested , nor after the subsequent arrest or death of leaders like Tony Tormenta , Costilla Sanchez , Mario Pelon , and others . I challenge any of the readers to take a trip down to Mexico and see first hand the situation that is the reality of living in a country where there is little respect or a lack of enforcement of the Rule of Law .

    1. Dude,many here now reading cannot have any comprehension of living with the kind of impunity and lack of respect for law and order that is prevalent in Mexico..Thank god.
      In most countries of course there are problems of one kind or another but it is sad that less than 1% can have such influence on the rest,but the ruling politicos of Mexico also have a huge part to play in this.CDG are not what they may have been,but dead,no,entrenched to deep in the fabric,,be safe dude

    2. Quite the contrary, Mr. Lara. CDG most definitely went under with the fall of Cardenas. Now, of course, 50 different groups popped up using the CDG moniker but, make no mistake CDG as it was under Cardenas and to an even greater extent, Abrego, is gone forever. The respectable narcos are gone. El Mayo will tell you, personally. El Mayo is a smartass, bad mothafucka. Real disciplined triple OG, I been on the DEAs radar for 30+ years and am still chilling in the Sierra Madre type mofo. I bet Chapo wishes he would have headed some of Mayos advice at this point. And of course that is with all do respect to El Reyes de Reyes Mr. Guzman.

  31. This is the only news of CDG in a long time...
    Im guessing CDG is dead?
    Too many damn traitors in that cartel, to be honest

    1. It's still active if it was dead other cartels would of had there spot

  32. que se maten entre ellos es excelente!!!!!!


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