Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sinaloa: Mexican Navy Nabs "El 300"

Guest Reporter "anonymous"   from JammedUp

A military operation involving the Mexican Marina ((Navy) has led to the capture of the top assassin for Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar, the son of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Mexico’s military have conducted operations aimed at targeting the children of El Chapo in the wake of September’s ambush attack in Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa which killed 5 soldiers, injuring another ten.

According to Mexican Navy officials, a specialized Marines unit captured 25-year-old Cristán Espinoza Rueda, 25, nicknamed “El 300,” who is described as the right hand of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman during a predawn operation in Culiacan  early Monday morning in Culiacan.

Military officials said the cartel operative was in possession of two weapons only allowed for the exclusive use of the military.

According to El Debate, Espinoza Rueda was also carrying identification under the false name Juan Pablo Solis-Mendez.

The Marina transferred custody of the suspect over to the Mexican Attorney General’s Office for processing.

The Navy has identified “El 300” as one of Ivan Archivaldo Guzman’s most trusted gunmen, whom the Secretariat of National Defense has targeted following the deadly ambush attack north of the capital.


  1. I bet that midget told his son to rat him out.

  2. Is this the 300 from the corridos? The one who's brother only has one leg?

    1. Gente nueva 300

    2. No that guy got killed years ago this guy took his name

    3. the 300 you talking about was killed in 2011 in a town near mazatlan with his brother and two others

  3. Affirmativo era de confianza mas no su mano derecha de ivan archivaldo para k le juegan al loco su gente de segurida orita la conforma 5 hombres 3 pistoleros ex marinos americanos .uno otro encargado de la comunicasion i contra inteligencia i su ultimo mano derecha jefe de segurida k por motivos les kedo a dever su apodo si son sinaloense sabran de k hablo . saludasos a las reynas de este blog Chivis i yaqui cambio i fuera

    1. Yup we all know el govierno likes to lie and lie they sometimes captured nobody's and claim they had a rank in a cartel lol

    2. Tienes razon. Ivan no va a entregar a sus meros guaruras a la Marina. Solo este chavo de 25 anios de edad es indespensable!

    3. Ex Marines as bodyguards my ass!!! Where were they when we those bitches got picked up in PV...where were those well trained talibanes when the head hoe aka la chapa was found hiding behind a bathroom door. Then he gets picked up again but this time que con la chola, otro top sicario bien entrenado a matar.

    4. Dam you comment on every YouTube video related to narcos 😂😂

    5. Nomas eres un malito guey.. no sabes nada.

  4. Menchos Personal security got caugth and cobarde is still out there causing harm to inocent people so please report only when you have captured the top leaders we mexicans are tired of this bullcrap thanks ok

    1. No mames, don´t want to read this, don´t open BB, simple as that.

  5. Los chapitos are done is abouth time before they get caught or kill
    Un lamb3huevos del CJNG

    1. It's true, very soon

    2. 8:20 ...and who that???

    3. "Los chapitos are done is abouth time before they get caught or kill
      Un lamb3huevos del CJNG"

      Un lamb3huevos del CDS

  6. The kids are working just like papa. Get in hot water give up a close associate to satisfy the government.

    1. I challenge you to name one criminal in the history of the world who was as successful as Chapo for as long as Chapo was without playing the game like that... In the end, they all snitch. Only ones who dont snitch (that succeed in breaking the law for 30+ years at least) are the ones who arent offered the deal

    2. Mayo sambada is the only narco who is never been jail el es el mero mero de Sinaloa

  7. Good job Mexican Navy!

    1. 9:07 thanks! you have earned a visit from the whole battallion, te lo lavas, it will get real busy...

  8. It's funny m1 killed 11 soilders in oso viejo.. And shit was hot and mayo did nothing to cool it down. Now 4 soilders are dead and the heat is all time high ...smh..this is the beginning of the end.. -- el camote

    1. But that was in a operative of marines and they killed M1 too, no so heat needed.

    2. 9:16 that was the idea, the army or the navy marinelas was not going to kill 50 of their own comrades and brothers at arms and elite colleagues just to heat up the 'plasa'.

    3. The beginning of the end of what? the beginning??

    4. El toro from cdg is killing alot of marines in tamaulipas and he still driving around in reynosa. The heat is on is bullshit. GOM just looking for excuses to take chapo kids.

    5. 7:00 that's true zetas and golfos in tamaulipas are killing soldiers left and right but they don't send in the GAFES there though. Tamaulipas is where sicarios have killed the most soldiers. They want the guzmanes plain and simple.

    6. Exactly the government in Mexico is full is shit.

    7. 7:38 mas respeto para las damas.

  9. Chapo losing sinaloa to el Mencho

    1. Mencho does whatever he wants and chapo can't stop him

    2. How does this blasphemous comment get posted? Mods!?

    3. Thats right mencho tsking over

      Cjng #1

    4. cuando van a entender que no es ni mencho ni nadie ni zambada es guzman y beltran. no seas pendejo, el dia que pise sinaloa se le van todos y para ponerte los apeidos mas conocidos son un vergal.nadie de ningun otro lado va a controlar sinaloa, asi siempre a sido y lo sera. primero analiza luego comentas.

    5. Cienpedos was to arrive in sinaloas with "300 marinas empecherados" to save the military honour, but his muchachos are "army specialistas", siempre no?

  10. He'll snitch just like all the CDS, so if I am Ivan Archivaldo, I would start looking for a new hide out. Let me here all the CDS groupies

  11. How can Bad Guys know where Bad Guys are, (they knew where to find Chapos son n kidnap him)? And they have to put together a Special Force to track down Bad Guys? Don't make sense??

    1. Makes fuck lot sense!!! If YOU knew where the Chapo puppies were AND wanted to cash in on that knowledge: who would you go to? The goverment or the competition???

    2. somebody in chapos sons group turned the sons in....they didnt just know where they were. it could have been a waiter or waitress that told on them....

  12. Is this el 300 of Gente Nueva or someone else?

    1. its just what the story said he was...el 300 is a top assassin for archivaldo

    2. Being the top assassin at 25 years old is pretty sad but at the same time how long has the Chapitos been in power. Unless this fool has been putting in work since he was 15 I'm sure he ain't worth a shit. I bet an Amercian Boy Scout is better trained than this dufus.

    3. lol thats what i was thinking. is he just some gangster with a gun or is he really a trained soldier?

  13. Ahora empieza lo mero bueno plebes. Pónganse agusados compás. Este 300 se va a poner a cantar, va ber in cochinero en Culichi.
    El 85

    1. Why do you put el 85 when there is only one 85 and he was el menchos second man till he got caught

    2. 85 es mi clave privada compa. Y puro Sinaloa #701.

    3. el mencho era el segundo despues del 85, y hay varios que usan esa clave, todos los carteles tienen su gente con claves que otros de otros grupos usan tambien, cuantos R1 R5 M1 hay? un putamadral.

    4. I thought the clave privada were all CAF it was El Mayels group, not Chapo

  14. So it begins. In response to the Marine presence after the military ambush, Chapos sons will turn in over all their gunmen to these militarybin order to be left alone themselves. This is how Chapo turned in his own gunman the BLO leader in order for his son to be released from prison and all charges dropped.
    Like father like kids. That's what everybody that kisses ass to the Guzmans are going to end up. If not dead. They will be betrayed so that only the Guzmans and maybe some Zambadas continue to have the power in the CDS mafia.

    1. Dumbasses for even joining.Don't they realize they could be a pawn in the game and Guzman's won't save their ass.

  15. Hehe sigue el ivan. se los van a cojer.

  16. Is he el 300 de la Gente nueva from el corridor de bukanas?????

  17. Cds snitched this guy out for thing can cool down el cartel de las traciones

  18. This isn't Ivan's right hand man no mamen lmao

  19. Let me guess and not one shot fired when caught lol cds are all hype no action.. beltranes are smashing them in sinaloa

    1. 103. Just like a woman breaking both her legs in a car accident, what does she gain by firing a shot when healing and strategy are in the forefront?

  20. Leave Ivan alone. This has nothing to do with him. They should go after BLO and CJNG

    1. Cjng has exposed them they also took el kevin when they kidnapped them in puerto vallarta these brothers are snakes cant trust the guzman family they betray. The proof that they knew him is all in the pictures that cjng took of them theres no going back now chapos. The guzman family are a bunch of snakes

  21. El 300 does that mean he has over 300 gunmen ?

    When Chino Antrax got caught like a week later el 20 Pena got caught the el 19 it was like a domino effect then finaly el Chapo

    Its a good strategy to capture the gunmen de confiansa they will give up the leaders

    1. Yea, like they couldn't change they're strategy every time anyone with "power" gets caught. Stupid.

    2. nope, not gonna happen

    3. Government pulled cds support

  22. Ya lo habia dicho el viejon que iva aver muchas envidias y traidores cuando asumiera el mando archivaldo...

  23. Ivan estamos contigo mas fuertes que nunca usted siempre con su porte y inteligencia que le heredo el senor

    1. Cual porte pendejo, recien bajados de la sierra. El dinero no compra la clase. Naco naces, naco te mueres. Y ni todo el dinero del mundo cambja eso

  24. Just like their father, anything to keep the mafia going.
    No one is bigger than the mafia.

  25. Question : largest shoot out between two cartel groups?

    1. tubutama?florencia de benito juarez in Zacatecas?nayarit? the big one i think between cartel vs military was tony tormenta death ... alot of stories from that event

    2. Multi vehicle convoys carrying 25+ men are know to patrol certain areas of the country. Its not a movie everyone is responsible for picking up their dead bodies if they want/dare. Usually we only hear about the bodies n burned vehicles

    3. Tubutama 2010
      Nayarit 2011

    4. 8:16
      Your right.

      And a few in US too lol

    5. Don't forget about that huge gun battle in Choix, Sinaloa that lasted 4 days between CDS and the BLO in 2012.

    6. San Jose de lourdes, fresnillo, zacatecas,
      laz zorrazz pedorrazz lost their azrzezzz, "the plasa" had been sold and they got evicted by the marines, some permanently, from the world.

  26. I just like reading some of these comments made by keyboard Cartel members acting like they know it all LMAO!-El Machete

  27. He's only 25yr of age, in other words a dumb-ass; not smart enough yet to not get caught. Enjoy the complimentary tour of US Federal jail asshole.

    1. Can someone please explain why Mexican citizens constantly get extradited to the U.S. a separate country? Mexico does not need to send its citizens to the U.S. whatever foolish reason they have needs to stop.

    2. 1012. The "foolish" reason may be of the violence flooding, hence spreading over the borders. Recall the Woodstock days when people were able to buy and sell to anyone without so much violence involved? Drugs were considered more recreational then harmful. Whether research contributed to the harmful effects of drugs or not, the point of the matter is the exaggerated profits and powers took MORE control over the recreational aspects, providing the more means to block any loop holes. By writing exaggerated profits and powers, this means that some may place customer service last on their list, which is no way to conduct any business. Other reasons may be contributed to the MORAL reasoning of the people who not only were participants in the Woodstock days yet are in high profile positions today with drugs no longer a part of their life.

    3. @ 10:12. There are waiting lists in jails for transfers to Federal prisons in the United States. A lot of the Federal prisons closed in the United Stated. As if the United States wants to reopened and build new Federal prisons beneficial for other country citizens. Who pays for it? Uh, idk

    4. 10:40 forget about who pays, (the american taxpayer of course)
      The ones that get paid is the interesting part, the federal government closed prisons to build new ones that their private Corrections Corporation of Amerikkka and other secret societies will take over and "manage", with a bigger budget and less requirements, that how lobbying proves they got reaults, taking 401k retirement accounts in as shareholders keeps them safe and thriving, it is all an american con.

  28. What's the news from Bariguato? They still fighting up there?

  29. Whoever got captured you know he's getting tortured by the Mexican marine's to give info

  30. His name is El 300 because he weighs 300 pounds.

    1. Wrong, they call him 300 'cause he is 300 veces rependejo:)

      El Avispon

    2. Y ati te dicen el avispon por que picas con la cola

  31. who is el 300? did ivan give him up for less pressure from the government?

  32. as i read this, im just thinking about how pablo went down in that show narcos

  33. SEE all you blithering nincompoops, it was not the Chapatos who ordered the hit on the military. According to
    it was El Guano but even that is unverified. Not get the military the hell out of Sinaloa. They ought to be checking out who is cutting peoples hands off in Jalisco.

    1. 3:01 pos otros militares güey, quien mas, al rato los militares en sinaloa van a andar haciendo lo mismo como en guerrero y michoacan


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