Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Narco Map has Changed

Translated by Chuck B Alamada for Borderland Beat from a Diario de Yucatanarticle
Thursday 29 September, 2016
CJNG is becoming the most Powerful
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On May 1, 2015, CJNG changed the paradigm of the 40 year old battle between the Mexican state and organized crime; it used a rocket launcher to take down a Mexican Army helicopter. Prior to that, Carteles had demonstrated that their combat power was strong enough to resist, but not to overcome, that of the Federal Government, this according to an investigation conducted by “Animal Politico.”

The Mexican Armed Forces recognized that they had never before witnessed an attack of that magnitude, in which eight military members died. But taking down the helicopter in Guadalajara, Jalisco was not the only thing that this criminal group accomplished that day. CJNG also placed 39
roadblocks in 20 municipalities in three different states with the goal of stopping the federal forces. Additionally, it authored four gun battles against police and military, and most importantly, it prevented the capture of its founding leader, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, better known as El Mencho. It was just in 2011 that this group had been included as one of the nine drug cartels that operate in the country.
This wasn’t the first time that this criminal group reacted with high levels of violence and great strategy against the federal government. A month prior, this group executed an ambush against police; on April 7, 2015, members of the Police in Jalisco were returning from conducting community work in the coastal area when a vehicle blocked their path in the town of Soyatan. An armed group of men opened fire and killed 15 officers while injuring five others. The State’s Security Commissioner, Alejandro Solorio Arechiga said that the ambushed was in response to the arrest of Heriberto Acevedo Cardenas AKA El Gringo who was considered as one of the regional leaders of CJNG.

Local authorities have recognized that every time that there’s an arrest or killing of a high ranking CJNG member, the cartel will respond with violence. Additionally, never before has any criminal organization gained so much power that quickly in Mexico. It took the big and traditional cartels that dominated the business between 1980 and 1990 three presidencies (18 years) to gain their power. According to the PGR (State Attorney’s Office), since its inception in 2011, CJNG maintains the majority of its operations in the Mexican Pacific regions which include Colima, Jalisco, and Nayarit. The DEA and the department of the Treasury have identified their presence from the Gulf to the Pacific and from border to border, south and north of the country.  
Information provided by Mexican and American authorities report CJNG activities in 14 states, almost half of the Mexican territory. CJNG presence increased during the Peña Nieto presidency. This criminal organization was recognized as a drug cartel with the ability to traffic at the national and international level as early as 2011, this according to the PGR.  Five years later it is considered the criminal group with most presence in the country with operations in 14 different states even surpassing those of the Sinaloa Cartel (historically, Sinaloa Cartel had dominated the business).

Its first operations took place in Jalisco, Nayarit, and Colima where it emerged as a criminal organization. CJNG then extended its presence to Michoacan, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Guerrero, Morelos, San Luis Potosi, Mexico State, and even the Federal District (as of 2014). The latest information from Mexican and American authorities regarding CJNG operations is that of June 2016, they also have a presence in Aguacalientes, Baja California and have even reached the coasts of Oaxaca and Chiapas and of the southeast.  Currently, it is the only criminal organization with a presence in Gulf States, Pacific Ocean, and both south and northern borders.
Expansion Factor

The Department of the Treasury and DEA agree that one of the main factors behind the rapid expansion is due to them sharing operations with Los Cuinis who are experts in the trafficking of cocaine and meth, but most importantly in money laundering. The former member of the now defunct Milenio Cartel and now leader of Los Cuinis, Abigael Gonzalez Valencia who was arrested in Mexico in February of 2015 is also the brother-in-law of El Mencho. The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) included them both in their April 2015 list of Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.

Origin and Transformation

Ignacio “Nacho” Coronel leader of the Sinaloa Cartel in Jalisco died on July 29, 2010 as a result of an operation on behalf of the Mexican Military. In addition to controlling the Pacific Zone, during the last years of his life, Nacho Coronel created an armed group with the mission of preventing the entry of Los Zetas, the criminal organization with more presence in Mexico during the Felipe Calderon administration. Nacho Coronel’s armed group became known as Los Mata Zetas (The Zeta Killers). In the beginning, Mexican authorities identified this group only as a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel, but a year after Nacho’s death, its independence was recognized as the 9th criminal organization that operated in the country along the following cartels: Tijuana, Sinaloa, Golfo, Beltran Leyva, Zetas, La Familia, and Caballeros Templarios.

For journalist and writer Javier Valdez Cardenas, the conception of this cartel was the death of Coronel. “This void was filled by CJNG with its leaders, with its own routes, new partners, but still using the same structure it already had as Sinaloa Cartel, only that in this case, Sinaloa Cartel was stripped of its territory in Jalisco.” The journalist assures that as an independent force, CJNG has made a treaty with the Sinaloa Cartel to avoid that Jalisco becomes a battleground and added that even El Mencho travelled to Sinaloa to fortify this agreement.

On September 24, 2011, Los Mata Zetas scored one of the worst massacres during the Felipe Calderon administration when 49 bodies were dumped on the streets of Boca del Rio, Veracruz. This is how El Mencho and Abigael Gonzalez Valencia created CJNG, born from the strong arm of Nacho Coronel and from the remains of the Milenio Cartel (also from Los Valencia). It operated as a Sinaloa Cartel ally since the 1980s until the Vicente Fox presidency when its founder, Armando Valencia Cornelio AKA El Maradona was arrested in 2003 and the federal government declared this organization as defunct.
According to DEA, CJNG’s expansion started in 2011 after taking over Michoacán and Veracruz which previously belonged to Los Caballeros Templarios and Los Zetas, respectively.  Security expert, Alejandro Hope argues that at least on two occasions, the actions and/or omissions on behalf of Auto Defensas had favored the consolidation of this cartel. The first was between 2011 and 2013 when in Veracruz Los Mata Zetas confronted Los Zetas: “There was an official tolerance to strike against Los Zetas that had become an extremely violent group.”

“The fall of Los Caballeros Templarios as a result of the Federal Government is the second important incident. That cartel was its territorial rival in the zones of Michoacan and Jalisco and also in the meth market. The weakening in 2014 of Los Caballeros Templarios has empowered CJNG. Also, CJNG can seize on the opportunity of Chapo’s arrest to continue its expansion.” DEA has alerted that while Cartels, including Sinaloa, were busy fighting the government on the so called War on Drugs, the CJNG expanded throughout the country. > This past March, the U.S. Consulate General in Tijuana reported in its Northeast Crime and Security report that in its quest to dominate the main drug trafficking routes, CJNG is facing old cartels on the border. Tijuana has been historically dominated by the Arellano Felix Cartel, but also has the presence of other organizations. Tijuana has also been fought by Sinaloa Cartel and or Juarez due to it being an important route.

The Most Powerful?
According to OFAC director, John E. Smith, “CJNG has relied on violence and corruption to become one of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in Mexico.” Seven months later, the administrator said that the U.S. is making every effort to destroy the money laundry operations of this powerful criminal organization. UNAM professor and national security expert, Javier Olea has said that this cartel has become stronger after acquiring members from Los Caballeros Templarios and of La Familia Michoacana.  In less than five years, CJNG entered the U.S. black list of most important drug organizations. With the Sinaloa Carte’s Leader, El Chapo in prison since January 2016, CJNG leader, El Mencho is now a priority objective. 

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  1. I doubt it'll stay that way. Instead of playing things smart and keeping their activities on the downlow like the Sinaloa Cartel, they attracted the attention of the security forces. And this year they have been picking fights with the Sinaloa Cartel, something that hasn't exactly worked out well for every other organization that did it.

    It might not be easy, and they'll likely retain influence for years to come. But I firmly expect the CJNG to go the way of the Zetas.

    1. Well i almost dont see no diffrence from when zetas started fighting sinaloa and after exept that the split up but thats it sinaloa never did no big damege to los zetas and sinala is at this moment is screwed people are bing killed left and right its out of control they need a guy like chapo or mencho that know how to control there own state and keep enemys out to me it seems mayo and chapo sons are not ready to take chapos post they need a new boss to put order on there state

    2. 2:02PM
      Well, I feel that Sinaloa Cartel is getting their asses kicked everywhere they go or holding onto existing territory 1.) They really haven't been able to push out the Zs up in the Northeast 2.) Chapo is hanging out to dry in Juárez 3.) His very own sons managed to get scooped up, I just can't believe these guys actually survived. 4.) And they appear to be losing Baja California to CJNG. 5.) Sinaloa appears to be fending off BLO. 6.) For the rest of the Guzman family (not in prison or dead) , are they really up to duking it out with CJNG? Are they skilled to run the Sinaloa Cartel?

      I think that playing it safe has its merits, but not when you have groups who like to kick it up a notch and a D.F. that sees the Sinaloa as a problem to deal with. If CJNG splinters then its probably going to get worse...

    3. 10:58
      Yeah, it seems like it's been a bad year for the Sinaloa Cartel. They're getting pushed on multiple fronts, and it doesn't look like things are going to get any easier for them.

      Of course, nobody's winning any of the conflicts without a lot of bloodshed. Even if the CJNG manages to push them out of their territories, I wonder what they're gonna look like when the fighting's over.

  2. cjng has the spotlight now wait and see how there all captured in these next up coming months and year or two

    1. Mabe never its actually sinaloa who has the spot light after killing the solders and trying to say it wasnt them when they heard that more solder were coming to distroy cds and blo

  3. ya vienen los jalisquindios alucinados

  4. Breitbart posted Scribd file of Kiko's indictment and detention order dated 9/28 with a hearing scheduled for today. More evidence piling up in Breitbart's favor...

    1. Still sounds like bs go me. Why hasn't CNN run the story or any other major US networks? If a top leader in any cartel was caught on US soul it would make the big time news even during an election.

  5. Chivis ya puedes encontrar los documentos del Kiko Treviño detenido en Houston, Texas el expediente esta en la pagina de Epoca Violenta.

    1. GOt it! and Thank you...I just posted the story

    2. De nada Chivis estamos para ayudarnos uno al otro saludos desde Ciudad Victoria!

    3. 4:51 big pinchi deal, now they say la kika never was the one.

  6. Whats the news of Sonora...los memos smash out the salazar or what? Who controls Sonora now?

    1. Too many boses in Sonora my opinion. Iiii wouldnt say 1 specific group controls.
      -CDS nutthuger

  7. Chapo is snitching big time to gain so cds can win the war but I doubt it. This cartel is stronger than ever, extra violent and protected by government which makes it a hard to penetrate. While cds is taking hits from beltranes and the government cjng is dominating and snatching their plazas. Chapo is the man who had cds under control now it's a mess with his sons unable to lead the cartel.

    1. Not sure you can count any cartel as a major player if they don't completely own a Mexican/American land border crossing plaza. Currently CJNG only have a share of the Tijuana plaza, and I don't see them taking any other crossing apart from that one.

      CDS will be tough to overcome in that Plaza and CAF will not give it up totally.CJNG are up and coming but that's about it, with some of the most important of Los Cuinis imprisoned, I don't see Mencho has the capital to buy out the political influence that Chapo had and that El Mayo retains.

    2. @ OTIS do you honestly think that CAF is still a force to be reckon with? I mean Tijuana has been thier backyard since the 80s.

    3. They are certainly not the force they were when in their heyday, but they still retain a presence, and I have not read anything from any news outlet that CDS or CJNG own that plaza. I believe all three cartels move product through the border there. But I believe that CDS and CJNG pay piso to move their loads through. Traditionally the CAF have paid off the local police and customs and I believe the money acrued by the family still is being paid.

      Perhaps you have some information that CDS or CJNG own that plaza? If not them whom?

  8. Why is it that they always say nacho coronel made mata zetas,nooo!!! Mata zetas and cjng is the same shit!they were cool with nacho but he didn't make them! Obviously nacho was stronger then the cuinis and mencho back in the day! Lobo from Nuevo milenio(don't exist anymore) was working with nacho sending dope to Europe and nacho owed him like 50 million DLLs and was upset! When day lobo met with Eduardo(arrested in Uruguay) and Cuini and lobo goes,lets kill Nacho and take over the plaza! Eduardo goes Fuck u,that guy is a "woof" he'll take us all out,u take care of Ur problems with nacho!

    1. How do you know this? I thought I was crazy I lost to you dam.

    2. so lobo took him out or BLO?

    3. 8:08 nacho owned jalisco, until the 'nueva generacion' decided they was not 'gente nueva' anymore, out with the old...

    4. Armando Valencia owned Guadalajara even thou nacho was their! Luis from the wueros snitched on him,thats how they got nacho! Los wueros had cash,way more then the Cuinis! They were kinda worried about Luis(wueros) he was a threat to them,until he got caught at the df airport! Luis was a partner of nacho and things went bad like always,especially if money is involved! Lobo snitched on los cuinis after he got caught and they were cool with each other! Cuini and Armando Valencia would go talk to nacho and nacho would blind fold them and take them to 3-4 security houses before nacho showed up and Armando Valencia was the boss of Jalisco,ask anybody in Guadalajara,michoacan!

    5. Ooooo when they killed Nacho he had 13 million DLLs not 6! The government took the rest,before that Nacho had not left his house like in 5-6 months,nothing! He knew something was up!

  9. This is how Governments get overthrown, or Civil wars start..Someone willing to take on the establishment with brazen attacks..If we start seeing a Political Wing of this cartel pop up, or a Political Party with "sympathy" for this cartel, or some of the things they do, things could get very interesting.. dww

    1. Hopefully for the better as far as Mexico's government goes they are far gone to far to even bring back with a bullet to the head. I doubt it sounds to fishy for me somethings up with all this. Hopefully they made the right choice.

    2. Cjng will be gone with epn in about 2 and 3/4 years, they have been outed.

  10. They dont control no border plazas

    1. They own la sanchez and a couple more

  11. Cds has the federal government thats why i think they will win at the end.

  12. What readers are missing on this is cnjg is operating in these states which we all know they don't own Michoacán or Guerrero let alone any stop CDS from laundering their money in Guadalajara lom

    1. They dont fully own michoacan but they have control of most of it they also have lots of guerrero and cds can even control there own land as well as cjng can

  13. Who makes these maps? cjng does not control Michoacán. They have been getting dropped like flies here lately. They are here, but ONLY near the border between Michoacán & jalisco. They only came in because the government & the autodefensas paved the way for them. If it wasn't for that, they wouldn't be here.

    1. Cjng has most of mich there only a couple mall cells that dont belong to cjng

  14. I would render that el MZ wants people to think CJNG is the most powerful, so they can get taken out quicker. Hard to imagine, all the crime families in CDS that have been doing this far longer then MENCHO, CUINIS AND VALENCIAS put together don't have the resources, man power or MONEY to compete with CJNG. It's not just the Zambadas and Guzmanes in CDS. The crime families in Sinaloa, Sonora, Chihuahua and Durango put together form once strong force. While CJNG is an up and coming CARTEL I see them biting off more than chew.

    1. Michoacanos have been in the game for many years, just as long as cds. Just not on a large scale because they were not as greedy as the new generation like El mas loco, el mencho los cuinis or el chango. Now they want power like the zetas, golfos and cds. Michoacan is full of drugs and they know they can make a big cartel instead of selling it to cdg or cds like back in the day and make more money. Not to be underestimated. Not saying they were in the game with the first generation of sinaloas that started in the drug game but the second (no need to jump on me) they would grow it and sell it to people that would come from up north . My dad told me they would have fields full of weed and some amapola and they would sell it to people that were looking for it. After they killed kiki camarena things got harder because he was killed in michoacan and there was soldiers up and down the sierras beating people up and burning their drugs so people stopped for awhile

    2. Cjng has done more damage to rival cartels than what cds has done to its rivals cjng distroyed los temlarios and and taken lots if veracruze away from los zetas and is taking lots to baja california from sinaloa mean while cds did not do no damege to zetas and couldnt take over cd juarez and the only way they slwed down blo was by snitching

    3. I love mencho

      Puro michoacan


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