Translated from Zeta
Nov 16, 2016 by Luis Carlos Sainz

Main Capos of Mexican
Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) Demand Changes in Family and Conjugal
Visits and Access to their Lawyers....
Measures implemented to
restrict the number of visits prisoners can receive and regulate access to
their lawyers have caused discomfort among prisoners incarcerated at the
maximum security prison, Almoloya of Juarez, and some have filed formal
requests demanding that their rights be reinstated.
The "guaranteed
judgements" are being promoted by: Hector "El Guero" Palma,
Miguel "Z-40"Trevino Morales, Servando "El Tuta" Gomez
Martinez, Hector "El H" Beltran Leyva, Edgar Coronel Aispuro,
Gastelum Orso Ivan " El Cholo Ivan" and Mario Cardenas Guillen, among
Trevino Morales was one of the first to voice dissatisfaction with the
administrative changes at the Federal Center for Social Readaptation No 1
Altiplano drawn up by the Technical Committee of the prison establishment.
"Z-40" complains that written orders restricts his access to his
The former leader of
"Los Zetas" noted in his complaint that he was informed by prison
personnel that his conjugal visits would no longer be every fortnight and that
they were acting upon orders given. He also added to his complaint the refusal
of authorities to allow him access to his attorneys.
This motion was
seconded by Maria Cruz Santana on behalf of "El H" Beltran Leyva who
complains of suffering isolation, segregation and psychological torture. Norma
Maya did the same on behalf of the former leader of the Knight Templars,
"El Tuta" Servando Gomez Martinez for these same acts and timing
changes to his familial and conjugal visits.
A former leader of the
Sinaloa Cartel, Hector "El Guero" Palma Salazar, made claims of
"acts of torture and solitary confinement" and complains of not being
able to meet with his advocates. Meanwhile, Mario Cardenas Guillen of the Gulf
Cartel complains of canceled regular appointments with his lawyers and being
secreted in a punishment cell where he remains 24 hours a day.
Hitman "El Cholo
Ivan" Ivan Avila Gastelum and Edgar Coronel Aispuro , who is imprisoned
for coordinating the escape of his brother in law Joaquin "El Chapo"
Guzman from this same prison added to the demands of the others:
"restriction to the use of the dining area, discrimination, unequal
treatment, restriction of sporting events, segregation, psycological torture
and ill treatment."
The leader of the
Guerreros Unidos Cartel, Gilardo Lopez Astudillo "El Gil" , who was
arrested in connection with the disappearance of the 43 Normalista Student of
Ayotzinapa and hitman Esteban Ortiz Coronel added their complaints: prohibition
of attending activities and /or services/ therapies such as play, drawing,
literature, library access, and physical education. They also denounce the
cutting off of electricity, and the plundering of television sets and hearing
A lawsuit filed by
Rosario Guadalupe Almada on behalf of Jesus Alfredo Salazar Ramirez "El
Pelos", a former member of the Sinaloa Cartel operating in the state of
Sonora, states that "El Pelos" Ramirez is often forced to eat in
unsanitary conditions outside of the designated dining area.
Other prisoners also
submitted complaints to the judiciary regarding violations of their rights at
the Altiplano Prison committed by Officers of the Establishment and
Administrative Body of Prevention and Rehabilitation (OADPRES). Those officers
are:Marcelino Ticante Castro, Alejandro Yocupicio Castro, Jorge Banales Picazo,
and Andres Martinez Alcazar.
The judges who heard
the various complaints granted the plaintiffs a "stay" : ruling for
the immediate ceasing of the activities aforementioned; especially highlighting
that no motive exists for the suspension of communications or restrictions
regarding access to their families or attorneys.
The Federal Courts of
Mexico will review the greater number of complaints in the coming hours,
especially of the prisoners in Altiplano Prison who are in the Center for
Observation and Classification (COC) and the Special Treatment program.
This is prison, this is punishment... what did you expect?
ReplyDeleteSome of them in prison might be living better than many on the outside, in terms of food healthcare activities etc.?
ReplyDeleteCry babies, it all started with chapo though. First crybaby...
ReplyDeleteThe first director of almoloya, the maximum security prison, was harassing Rafail Caro Quintero when he came to his prison.
Delete--Caro Quintero advised him that he was going to get even.
--a few years later, Juan Pablo de Tavira was murdered in the cafeteria of the Universidad Autonoma de Pachuca Hidalgo, and miguel angel osorio MAO CHÓN, a university porro saw his career skyrocket...
El Chapo was not around Almoloya back then.
it's called prison guys, get used to it.
ReplyDeletec'mon let's give these heroes the treatment they deserve.
ReplyDeleteYeah, give them more powdered soap
Delete"they spend more time picking it up"
expert prison technicians say.
But more crayons and paper for zeta chorrienta? No way jose,
she needs to learn not to eat them crayons.
Those poor little whiney bitches. They never had a heart against any of their enemies or innocent people who accidently got in their way. Fuck them all and send to SuperMax prison in Colorado.
ReplyDelete9:12 and the US government will be paying $300 000.00 per prisoner to the owners of Florence right? Even when the federal or state own the prisons, private contractors are the ones making a killing with the billing, cleanres, guards, foods, laundry, drug trafficking and sex favors, anything...
DeleteLarry Hoover even had the keys to all the cells and his own key making machine in his prison condo in Stateville in illinois. And illinois politicians helped themselves to some votes while he was in Stateville prison, coupled with drug traffickers and all the Gangster's Disciples, heheheee,
oops! I think it was a secret
What the heck is "maximum security" if they get to bang the ole lady on a regular basis and send messages about business out with the people visiting? No wonder these "capos" abhor the thought of extradition to the USA and real prisons.
ReplyDeleteThat is why no one wants to get extradited to the US
Delete9:47 They want to stay in prison because that is where love is, and they will not see the ol' bag peddling herself to their compadres pa los frijolitos.
Delete--Others wonder what is like from outside, like you...
Pos no que muy muy.
ReplyDeleteQue mi amigo el señor gobernador, y que mi amigo el señorr 'presidente'
Y que mi amigo el sol peyido,
y que la chingada...
Primero andaban ahi de calientes.
Torture and kill! Like their victims. Crybaby bi*ches.
ReplyDeleteAs much as these guys are not model citizens they shouldn't be treated like crap
ReplyDeleteSays who? They are lower then whale shit and should be executed.
Delete11:46 Whale shit is nutritious and healthy, it gets made into pills and caps, try some. Bat guano is very good too.
DeleteGive them the same mercy they gave to their victims.
ReplyDeleteBoo Ha ha!!! Crying as babies! Give me a break! What about the rights of innocent people these scumbags murdered? Oh, forgot this is Mexico!
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible we should not be hearing about this . These assholes are not restricted enough . Their feelings and words are escaping the prison . Is there some place more secure these sorry asshole can be put so that no one can hear them whine . Did they not know what they were getting into when they were committing their crimes ? Oh I forgot rights violations . And they assumed their rights would be respected letter for letter exactly like the paper it was written on...... ? Maybe they should have ask some of their buddies what prison is like before they decided to rob rape deal and steal oh and mass murder . Their tears should go into the recycling plant into the water supply so they can be fed back to them . I just love a pissy whiney drug kingpin .
ReplyDeleteIs this just a publicity stunt on behalf of the Mexican government via their Department of Corrections? Finally taking a hard line on prisoners in a high security Mexican prison.
ReplyDeleteIt does not make sense that high profile inmates would coordinate complaints.
If it is true then, Marcelino Ticante Castro, Alejandro Yocupicio Castro, Jorge Banales Picazo, and Andres Martinez Alcazar have better up their life insurance coverages...pronto...
Honestly I'm thinking the same thing. These guys have so much power and money still... I wouldn't think it would be very smart for a Corrections Officer to give these guys a hard time - Going into their cells and messing their stuff up or giving them a hard time.. because when they leave work and start driving home they can easily get murdered for a bit of cash.. unbelievable that these kingpins are letting people treat them badly when they have all the money in the world to kill anyone they want.
DeleteHow the tables have turned
ReplyDeleteThis ain't burger King can't have everything your way, you are there to serve a sentence murders and pedophiles in America are restricted from conjugal visits and if there are riots everyone looses there visits there was a prison here in California that went a whole year with lost visits and being able to visit an inmate one a week count your blessings. I'm pretty sure families who lost loved ones to these men also wish they could visit there loved ones in the after life.
ReplyDelete1:57 most murdered and disappeared were kidnapped by military and police officers sent by the ever growing greed of the state's governors whose lust for money led them to dealing in drugs and death and disappearances, directed by el PRI as soon as fox was declared winner of the 2000 campaign.
Delete8:09am, article talks about inmates not the government they had a choice everyday to do good but they chose to do bad they don't like the rules hey ese to bad for them should of ran and hid like felons here in America. I'm not in Mexico but I do read articles and watch raw videos English and Spanish. Yeah I agree with you Mexico corrupt in its government shit went down with Calderón and EPN is gaining profit both from the cartel and the USA. Yeah it could be that even the men in the military we are helping train with the millions we send to Mexicos military it could be that even them are doing corrupt work for some hand out. But as for these guys they get what they signed up for sino mira they could have chose to do better and they would of been resting at a motel bed and not a concrete one, metal one, whatever. Murders shouldn't get the privilege of sex in prison, as for visiting they can write pinpel letters.
DeleteThe nerve on this subhuman trash absolute evil murdering thug known as z40. What about your victims Z40? what about them? You killed people with hammers, beheaded people, ripped hearts about etc. Mexico needs to bring back the death penalty for people like Z40, the man is an absolute sub human beast who does not deserve any rights. The evil that this man has committed is immense. He needs to be extradited immediately and put in solitary confinement for the rest of his pathetic life.
ReplyDeleteDamn you really don't like Miguel do you huh? It's true he is a worthless life that only exists to cause pain in others but he also has a family that cares about him. Maybe you should think about them because his mother is an innocent person that doesn't want their son tortured or killed. Z40 probably deserves it but not everyone hates him, there are people that love him.
Deletethese guys are alive and complaining when they should've have been dealt with smh
ReplyDelete2:03 extrajudiciary executions are reserved for students, journalistas, the kidnapped, and the lowest of the lowest drug traffickers the car washers, the grameros and innocent car or bus passengers.
DeleteNice boys who kept paying their quotas and piso for their plazas will not be touched, their coloring paper and crayonsay get expropriated once in a whiles
If they are so powerful why not have there cartel break them out?
ReplyDeleteBecause none of these punks has enough power and money to do it even 40 he does have enough power to escape!!! The one who did escape did it twice shows where the real shot callers are!!!
DeleteThey don't escape because they are comfortable in their don't belive everything you read ...they just put stuff like this out to the public so they can feel that some type of justice is being done when in reality they have and get what they want ... most of these guy will only get 10 to 15 years so why risk getting killed during an escape when you can get out alive and have a shitload of money
DeleteThat sounds about right. 1/3 of these guys will be out in 10-15 with their chairs waiting right where they left them. Some are smart enough (Chapo), some are connected enough (z-40) to see that day. Then again there are those crazy enough that they'll never see the light of day (Osiel). Personally they should all get what they've given. That's just my two cents though. El Nemesis-
@9:14 AM La Tuta will also never see the light of day. Some of these narcos played the game smart and got the right connections so that one day they will be let out by a judge reversing their sentence to time served. Others were a little too much like cowboys against the government and they will rot in a jail until they die.
Deleteaww, poor babies
ReplyDeleteThese are scumbags who have NO rights. They are mass murderers who should be justifiably executed for their crimes.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch a little babies!! Big tough guys behind a cartel full of armed men. When they have to finally do some jail time they whine like little puppies. Let em rot in jail alone for the rest of their miserable lives!!
ReplyDeleteSissy killers can't stand the heat.
ReplyDeleteAre these guys on lockdown 23 and 1 or do they get to eat at a mess hall. That would be so funny, z-40 and z-42 would get it first. Amazing entertainment!
ReplyDeletePobrecitos. Extrañan sus juguetitos y Gatitas.
ReplyDeletePut a bullet in them and keep the cells for ordinary crimals and the lower cartel members
ReplyDeleteJejejeje big bad cartel killers. They rape their own mothers and want repentance. Jejejeje
ReplyDeleteGrown men who are serial and mass murderers wondering when the next Bugs Bunny movie is coming out. Rot in hell and die as soon as possible you cockroaches.
ReplyDeleteHow come on the corridos they boast of how powerful they are and they supposedly have like 100 thousand pistoleros at their will, and they been push around from 10 dollars an hour wardens where's the big money earned?
ReplyDelete5:20 10 dollars an hour wardens do not exist in mexico, on the US they do, they work in private corporations corrections of america, but they are trying to contract with chinese companies, they are cheaper, also for chunks of state owned prisons and police work, no union rigbts.
Delete--In mexico prison guards make 5 or 6 dollars a day, plus tips from the prisoners, BUT they must kick up a share of the tips.
A peso sure can't buy what it used to buy!
ReplyDelete$0.05 usd, five cents of a dollar is about the value of one peso, there are people making 60.00 pesos a day.
Delete--thanks to treaties like NAFTA, with "ouer amigosh" del norte MEXICO KEEPS SLIPPING FROM gente de tercera clase, to 4th or 5th class.
DeleteNi tu sabes lo que andas diciendo semejante marigüano de la clase baja,pinche plebeyo. De donde sacas que hay 5th y 6th class and shit? lmmao. Ta buena esa Indika compa.
Dalai Lama.
Maximum security my ass. Banging their gf's, smoking dope and using cell phones. Fuck them POS's, send them to ADX where they will suffer until they are carried out in a cheap pine box courtesy of the USA.
ReplyDeleteSo Sorry the collective photo of these specimens to not post properly.
ReplyDeleteViva Mexican officials.
ReplyDeleteGive them only 1 piece of literature option... Bible.
ReplyDeleteDesde Tierra Caliente
ReplyDelete¿No es una pregunta de sí o no se responden estas quejas y si se le otorga un amparo por qué autoridad identificó una preocupación genuina?
Dead penalty is really needed in México...or at least send all these p.o.s to colorado...they still have the priviledge of conjugal visits...Mexico is really something. ..
ReplyDeleteOne can hope this should help speed up the extradition process a bit.
ReplyDeleteburb them all alive
ReplyDeleteThen scatteb their ashes
DeleteAny truth to the story of el mini lic killed in culoacan???
ReplyDeleteHe has an active twitter he's always posting BS on there:
So I don't think he's dead he's been updating it recently. I do hope he gets killed soon though I really hate these bragging narcos posting all their money women and drugs on social media. It's all fun and games until you get dropped and I'm counting the days till Mini Lic gets killed. Looking forward to it.
These bitches are lucky they are alive for all the atrocities they have committed and if it were up to me they would not get shit except a piece of bread and a bowl of water daily (if that).
ReplyDeleteThese Satanic spawns are always yip yapping and complaining about everything. What about the victims they chainsawed alive or boiled in acid? I say line them all up in the prison yard and use an anti-aircraft gun and rip them apart.
ReplyDeleteSo everyone here is proud of the fact the United States imprisons more people than any other country? That's something to boast/brag about?
ReplyDeleteString them all up and use them as pinatas!!
ReplyDeleteDanado Lopez Nunez supposedly killed by armed men aboard three vehicles in Durango, his female companion was taken out the bullet ridden car and executed also
ReplyDeleteIts going from a maximum security prison into mexicos first super max prison. They should be happy that their not in Florence
ReplyDeletewell like it or not guys, they have rights. no matter what they did. they do. and theres nothing wrong with trying to get them back. thats the system dont blame it on them.. GENTE DE GUZMAN
ReplyDeleteaye that i agree too
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work! Torture these scum they way they've tortured others for years!